Tuesday, 30 Dec 08, at 22.10pm at home
Hello diary,
Actually I planned to write diary tomorrow in the office on 31st Dec 2008 but something happened today in the office so I have to write my last diary of the year today. You know what happened in the office today? Suddenly there was an announcement that there will be new seating arrangement for my team starting tomorrow! *What does the new seating arrangement have something to do with writing diary on the last day of the year??* You know that I have a strategic seat in my office where nobody can see what I'm doing behind my desk, right? Now I have to give it up! My new seat will be so open, without partition, and at the second row from the front! So, you know what I mean, right? You know, you know, it's not so polite to write diary (even just a little diary) during working hours. Talking about 'the second row from the front', suddenly I remembered my school days when my seat had been moved by my teacher to the front seat because I played 'cross-circle' too much till I forgot that I had to listen to the lecture, till I felt that the lecture was disturbing my concentration playing that cross-circle thing. Do you know what cross-circle game is? Hmm.. how to describe? It's a kampung version of sudoku.
I guess today will be my last day writing diary in the year of 2008. This is the first time I'm still able to write diary on the last day of the year. This is also the first time I'm still working on the last day of the year. Now I know how it feels.. it feels like New Year Eve is just another day but I'm still so excited to welcome the new year because year 2009 will be the year of my new phase of life! *What new phase of life?*
Tomorrow I'll be having dinner with my hubby and some other Indonesian friends at a buffet Korean restaurant in Causeway bay. I like Korean food soooo much, especially the BBQ one. I'm glad that I was still standing strong at the last Xmas buffet so my hubby still can ask me to have another buffet this time. Yeehaa! Diary, please remind me not to wear something too tight tomorrow morning. I also wanna see the Hongkong version of counting down event tomorrow at Times Square. Lucky that I managed to learn numbers in Cantonese because I don't want to be the only one screaming 'Happy New Year!!' when actually they have not finished the counting. I also don't want to be the only person who is still counting down with my electronic dictionary when other people have already been busy with screaming 'Happy New Year!', shaking hand, and hugging each other.
Ahh, I forgot to tell you my massage experience in Shenzhen! Ok, I tell you now in short because the title actually doesn't match this massage story *Who cares about the title??* You don't care, but I care! Anyway, my Shenzhen trip was good. I experienced a different life, I was served like a king/queen. Even there was somebody who gave me body scrub and apply the milk and honey to my whole body. Then, I went straigt to the steam (sauna) room to get the skin moisturized. After that, we were served with fruits and drinks. At night before sleep, I had 1.5 hours of full body massage till I fell asleep. OMG! I never had this kind of body treatment before for almost 28 years of my life. So, now I can feel that my body is lighter, whiter, cleaner, and... *slimmer?* I'm now ready to welcome 2009!
Have to sleep now.. see you next year, diary!
...and Happy New Year! ^_^
Merry Christmas!
Friday, 26 Dec 08, 5.18pm at home
Merry Christmas, my little Diary!!

Finally Christmas has come and passed. Yesterday I had Xmas dinner with my hubby's uncle's big family at Harbour City. It's very nice place to spend Xmas with the harbour view and the santa and all the food there. Unfortunately I ate too much last night, I ate lots of baby octopus, I don't know how many head of octopus I had eaten, till I had a hangover of seafood! I felt like I was going to black out, my whole body was so cold, my eyes couldn't see clearly, my voice was 'bindeng'. What made me strong was a whisper from my hubby, not a romantic whisper, not a love whisper, not an encouragement whisper, but a whisper of "Don't fall down, don't embarrass me, I promise I will never ask you out for a buffet dinner again if you fall down this time". So, I was still standing till the party was over. Ha Ha Ha!
Anyway, for the last few days, my hubby loves to drink ronde. He bought the ronde from supermarket and he made his own ramuan of the soup with water, ginger, and the sugar. I can't believe that he has this hidden talent as an 'abang ronde'. He made the ronde for me on Xmas eve, on Xmas day, and on boxing day. Three days in a row we ate ronde! Here is my Xmas White Ronde in 2008! ^_^

Diary, I'm going to Shenzhen now to have a massage. I'll tell you my story in Shenzhen once I'm back. Please pray for me that I will get the pigeon hole (the room for sleeping) and warm blanket tonight.
See you diary..
p.s I don't get Xmas tree in the exchange gift last time, but I got cups set, socks, and a flower! 3-in-1 package, isn't it sweet? :)
Merry Christmas, my little Diary!!

Finally Christmas has come and passed. Yesterday I had Xmas dinner with my hubby's uncle's big family at Harbour City. It's very nice place to spend Xmas with the harbour view and the santa and all the food there. Unfortunately I ate too much last night, I ate lots of baby octopus, I don't know how many head of octopus I had eaten, till I had a hangover of seafood! I felt like I was going to black out, my whole body was so cold, my eyes couldn't see clearly, my voice was 'bindeng'. What made me strong was a whisper from my hubby, not a romantic whisper, not a love whisper, not an encouragement whisper, but a whisper of "Don't fall down, don't embarrass me, I promise I will never ask you out for a buffet dinner again if you fall down this time". So, I was still standing till the party was over. Ha Ha Ha!
Anyway, for the last few days, my hubby loves to drink ronde. He bought the ronde from supermarket and he made his own ramuan of the soup with water, ginger, and the sugar. I can't believe that he has this hidden talent as an 'abang ronde'. He made the ronde for me on Xmas eve, on Xmas day, and on boxing day. Three days in a row we ate ronde! Here is my Xmas White Ronde in 2008! ^_^

Diary, I'm going to Shenzhen now to have a massage. I'll tell you my story in Shenzhen once I'm back. Please pray for me that I will get the pigeon hole (the room for sleeping) and warm blanket tonight.
See you diary..
p.s I don't get Xmas tree in the exchange gift last time, but I got cups set, socks, and a flower! 3-in-1 package, isn't it sweet? :)
X'mas Exchange Gift Today!
Tuesday, 23 Dec 08, 9.38am in office
Morning morning diary!
Today is the last day, tomorrow I'll have a X'mas holiday till Sunday! Yipeee... but Monday I still have to go back to work, grrr..! This will be my first time to be still working during X'mas and New Year. Usually I always took leave before X'mas and returned after New Year. That's good, new experience in life, right?
Today there's a X'mas party in my office for my team. There will be a X'mas gift exchange too! I've prepared my gift. Yesterday I spent hours to get the gift. You know what I wish for X'mas. I hope that I'll get a X'mas tree, I already change my nickname in my msn "I wish I'll get a X'mas tree". My colleagues all are using msn, hopefully there's someone who's touched to give me a X'mas tree. In my previous post when I mentioned about X'mas tree, none's touched, none commented, hiks.. I really wish I'll get a X'mas tree! I'll choose the biggest and the longest box later..
I'll tell you what I get.. Please pray for me, diary.. ^_^
Morning morning diary!
Today is the last day, tomorrow I'll have a X'mas holiday till Sunday! Yipeee... but Monday I still have to go back to work, grrr..! This will be my first time to be still working during X'mas and New Year. Usually I always took leave before X'mas and returned after New Year. That's good, new experience in life, right?
Today there's a X'mas party in my office for my team. There will be a X'mas gift exchange too! I've prepared my gift. Yesterday I spent hours to get the gift. You know what I wish for X'mas. I hope that I'll get a X'mas tree, I already change my nickname in my msn "I wish I'll get a X'mas tree". My colleagues all are using msn, hopefully there's someone who's touched to give me a X'mas tree. In my previous post when I mentioned about X'mas tree, none's touched, none commented, hiks.. I really wish I'll get a X'mas tree! I'll choose the biggest and the longest box later..
I'll tell you what I get.. Please pray for me, diary.. ^_^
My New Mini Stove
Thursday, 18 Nov 08, 2.03pm in office
Hi again diary,
Today’s work is not as busy as last week so I have time to do my own things. You know, works all come at the same time and go at the same time too, like a group of birds that transmigrates to another place when winter comes.
Anyway, today I just want to share with you that I have finally invented a good formula how to be a good wife who takes care of husband during a busy time. Last time I didn’t realize that this method would work so well. You know what? I just bought a mini stove! A mini stove that can be put on the dining table!
We managed to do BBQ using this mini stove last weekend and it really saved my time a lot since I didn’t have to prepare for the ingredients and didn’t have to stay alone-so-lonely in the kitchen to cook. My hubby was also happy as he didn’t need to listen to my ‘weekend ritual’. And the greatest thing is, he was so happy grilling the meat till he didn’t realize that he was the one cooking for me, not the other way around! He was so happy because he had a new experience of life and he had a romantic dinner too! I was so happy too! You know, I was so much happier than him! Again, as pepatah says “sekali teplok, dua kodok ketangkep”. This is not cheating, ok! It’s called maximization and capitalization. I will try cooking soup-so-called-shabu2 using that mini stove this weekend.
Yesterday when I was washing the dishes in the kitchen after dinner, my hubby came in while bringing a glass of white wine on his hand. We chatted about this and that and finally came into an encouragement topic.
Ron: “You should never give up, keep trying till you get what you want”
Me: “Like you?” [still washing dishes]
Ron: “Yes, like me. I never gave up chasing you and finally I got you, rite?” [putting his hand on my shoulder]
Me: “Well, there’s reason why I accepted you”
Ron: “I tell you honestly. Actually I also have reason why I married you” [with serious face]
Me: “Hueh??? What’s your motive??” [stopped washing dishes]
Oh diary! I wanted to scare him only. Nothing else. I regretted that I started this type of conversation. He might be wanting to tell me what’s really in his heart for years now.
Ron: “You don’t need to know. What you need to know is I married you”
Me: “I need to know!! Tell me! Tell me!!” [Now I know how that dragon lady felt]
Ron: “The reason is….” [stepped out from the kitchen, leaving me alone in the kitchen]
Me: “What????” [I was so nervous waiting for his answer]
Ron: “The reason is…. because I love you!” [laughing so BIG!!]
Me: “I don’t believe you! Tell me, Tell me, Tell me!” [….following him out of the kitchen]
*Hey, what did you expect to hear from him??* I am writing it here because I want to remember this moment forever.
Hi again diary,
Today’s work is not as busy as last week so I have time to do my own things. You know, works all come at the same time and go at the same time too, like a group of birds that transmigrates to another place when winter comes.
Anyway, today I just want to share with you that I have finally invented a good formula how to be a good wife who takes care of husband during a busy time. Last time I didn’t realize that this method would work so well. You know what? I just bought a mini stove! A mini stove that can be put on the dining table!
Yesterday when I was washing the dishes in the kitchen after dinner, my hubby came in while bringing a glass of white wine on his hand. We chatted about this and that and finally came into an encouragement topic.
Ron: “You should never give up, keep trying till you get what you want”
Me: “Like you?” [still washing dishes]
Ron: “Yes, like me. I never gave up chasing you and finally I got you, rite?” [putting his hand on my shoulder]
Me: “Well, there’s reason why I accepted you”
Ron: “I tell you honestly. Actually I also have reason why I married you” [with serious face]
Me: “Hueh??? What’s your motive??” [stopped washing dishes]
Oh diary! I wanted to scare him only. Nothing else. I regretted that I started this type of conversation. He might be wanting to tell me what’s really in his heart for years now.
Ron: “You don’t need to know. What you need to know is I married you”
Me: “I need to know!! Tell me! Tell me!!” [Now I know how that dragon lady felt]
Ron: “The reason is….” [stepped out from the kitchen, leaving me alone in the kitchen]
Me: “What????” [I was so nervous waiting for his answer]
Ron: “The reason is…. because I love you!” [laughing so BIG!!]
Me: “I don’t believe you! Tell me, Tell me, Tell me!” [….following him out of the kitchen]
*Hey, what did you expect to hear from him??* I am writing it here because I want to remember this moment forever.
X'mas Tree
Thursday, 18 Dec 08, 9.42am in office
Morning my diary..
Today I woke up a lil bit fresher than yesterday because I turned to bed earlier, around 11pm last night. But still, I'm not a morning person at all, I complain a lot every morning. My hubby treats it like 'morning ritual' so he can just ignores me. Yeah, we know each other better and better every day.
As I said, X'mas decorations are everywhere, including my apartment! This is the picture of my apartment's lobby. There is a big X'mas tree!

What I always dream for X'mas is having a X'mas tree at my home so that I can decorate my X'mas tree the way I want it to be. What I always wish to Santa is to give me a X'mas tree. What I always tell my friend when there's X'mas gift exchange is I want a X'mas tree, small one will do. Still, I don't have a X'mas tree at my home until now. I love X'mas tree so much. But I love orange tree with red packets (hongpao) hanging on the tree more than X'mas tree. Be realistic lah, if I have orange tree (with the hongpao of course), I can use the money to buy X'mas tree! As pepatah says: "sekali tapuk dua lalat kegeplak" or "sekali dayung dua pulau terlampaui" or "sekali makan dua piring sekalian".
Anyway, I'm happy that I have a X'mas tree in my apartment, although it's in the lobby. It's ok, better than nothing at all, right? ^_^
p.s please feel free to send me X'mas tree if your heart is moved to give me a X'mas tree. Please feel free.. please don't hesitate.. please listen to your heart's voice carefully.. please.. pleaseee..!
Morning my diary..
Today I woke up a lil bit fresher than yesterday because I turned to bed earlier, around 11pm last night. But still, I'm not a morning person at all, I complain a lot every morning. My hubby treats it like 'morning ritual' so he can just ignores me. Yeah, we know each other better and better every day.
As I said, X'mas decorations are everywhere, including my apartment! This is the picture of my apartment's lobby. There is a big X'mas tree!
What I always dream for X'mas is having a X'mas tree at my home so that I can decorate my X'mas tree the way I want it to be. What I always wish to Santa is to give me a X'mas tree. What I always tell my friend when there's X'mas gift exchange is I want a X'mas tree, small one will do. Still, I don't have a X'mas tree at my home until now. I love X'mas tree so much. But I love orange tree with red packets (hongpao) hanging on the tree more than X'mas tree. Be realistic lah, if I have orange tree (with the hongpao of course), I can use the money to buy X'mas tree! As pepatah says: "sekali tapuk dua lalat kegeplak" or "sekali dayung dua pulau terlampaui" or "sekali makan dua piring sekalian".
Anyway, I'm happy that I have a X'mas tree in my apartment, although it's in the lobby. It's ok, better than nothing at all, right? ^_^
p.s please feel free to send me X'mas tree if your heart is moved to give me a X'mas tree. Please feel free.. please don't hesitate.. please listen to your heart's voice carefully.. please.. pleaseee..!
New Roster
Saturday, 13 Dec 08, 22.04pm at home
Happy Saturday, diary..
Below is my new roster:
- Friday nite: clean home
- Saturday morning: wash clothes
- Saturday afternoon: do my own business (it's really my own business, ok? not the menikyur, pedikyur, kukyur2 girl's business)
- Saturday evening: dine-out and groceries shopping day
- Saturday night: 'selonjor' time!
- Sunday morning: go to church (please take note, there's no more badminton)
- Sunday afternoon: cooking!!
- Sunday evening: iron clothes
- Sunday night: 'selonjor' time!
Now is Saturday evening and you must now what I was up to just now. Yes, I was just back from my dinner. Every Saturday I always have sushi dinner at the restaurant near my home lately. *Why always sushi?* Yes! Exactly! That's exactly what I wanna ask 'why always sushi?'. It's because my hubby likes sushi so much, no, no, he likes wasabi so much. He can't eat chilli, but he eats wasabi as if there is no tomorrow. So, for the last 3 weeks he always nagged me to eat sushi every Saturday. Well, we seldom ate sushi when we were in Japan, now we eat sushi once a week. That's human. We miss what we don't have, we ignore what we have.
Just recently I realised that there's a big difference between dating life and marriage life when it comes to Saturday-night-dinner.
- Dating life: the couple are busy with talking, holding hands sambil cekakak cekikik senyum dikulum, drinking the hot tea malu2, and also busy cleaning teeth with toothpick (always scared if there's a small piece of red chilli hanging happily on the tooth). The topic of conversation is about 'you and me' and 'me and you' and 'us'.
- Marriage life: the couple are busy enjoying the food or waiting for the food to come or complaining to the waiter if the food hasn't come yet. The hot tea and the toothpick will only be touched when they finish eating. The main topic of conversation is about the food and the waiters and the restaurant.
My hubby is now busy studying for the finance HK regulatory exam. He has been preparing for the exam since last month and the test will be next week. He has to pass the exam in order to be able to work in HK. Yeah, I know, I can't disturb him now, I am also scared to be so near to him because I don't want to accidentally clumsily knock his head.
Diary, now it's already late at night. You can refer to my roster what I do on Saturday night, right? Yes, it's time for me to 'selonjor'!
Nitezzz, diary..
p.s 'selonjor' is laying down on the bed or sofa with both legs straight. *Haiya, you describe it using difficult words. 'Selonjor' means rest lah!* Oh yess! Rest, yes, rest!
Happy Saturday, diary..
Below is my new roster:
- Friday nite: clean home
- Saturday morning: wash clothes
- Saturday afternoon: do my own business (it's really my own business, ok? not the menikyur, pedikyur, kukyur2 girl's business)
- Saturday evening: dine-out and groceries shopping day
- Saturday night: 'selonjor' time!
- Sunday morning: go to church (please take note, there's no more badminton)
- Sunday afternoon: cooking!!
- Sunday evening: iron clothes
- Sunday night: 'selonjor' time!
Now is Saturday evening and you must now what I was up to just now. Yes, I was just back from my dinner. Every Saturday I always have sushi dinner at the restaurant near my home lately. *Why always sushi?* Yes! Exactly! That's exactly what I wanna ask 'why always sushi?'. It's because my hubby likes sushi so much, no, no, he likes wasabi so much. He can't eat chilli, but he eats wasabi as if there is no tomorrow. So, for the last 3 weeks he always nagged me to eat sushi every Saturday. Well, we seldom ate sushi when we were in Japan, now we eat sushi once a week. That's human. We miss what we don't have, we ignore what we have.
Just recently I realised that there's a big difference between dating life and marriage life when it comes to Saturday-night-dinner.
- Dating life: the couple are busy with talking, holding hands sambil cekakak cekikik senyum dikulum, drinking the hot tea malu2, and also busy cleaning teeth with toothpick (always scared if there's a small piece of red chilli hanging happily on the tooth). The topic of conversation is about 'you and me' and 'me and you' and 'us'.
- Marriage life: the couple are busy enjoying the food or waiting for the food to come or complaining to the waiter if the food hasn't come yet. The hot tea and the toothpick will only be touched when they finish eating. The main topic of conversation is about the food and the waiters and the restaurant.
My hubby is now busy studying for the finance HK regulatory exam. He has been preparing for the exam since last month and the test will be next week. He has to pass the exam in order to be able to work in HK. Yeah, I know, I can't disturb him now, I am also scared to be so near to him because I don't want to accidentally clumsily knock his head.
Diary, now it's already late at night. You can refer to my roster what I do on Saturday night, right? Yes, it's time for me to 'selonjor'!
Nitezzz, diary..
p.s 'selonjor' is laying down on the bed or sofa with both legs straight. *Haiya, you describe it using difficult words. 'Selonjor' means rest lah!* Oh yess! Rest, yes, rest!
Christmas 2008 is Coming!
Tuesday, 9 Dec 08, 12.58pm in office
Hi my little diary!!
It's been long time since my last diary.. I miss you! *I miss you too!* The last few weeks were busy days for me, both at home and in office. At home, I was so busy preparing meals, cleaning home, taking care of hubby, and doing my own business. Remember? I'm still doing my own business now and it's even getting busier than before. I'll soon reveal it once it's ready, just hang on. In office, I was busy with... blogging?? Ehem, you know better than me. I was in the process of adjusting to my current lifestyle. I had been thinking hard to discover how to automatize my two roles; be a good housewife and be a good working woman too, with my limited 24-hours-in-a-day of time. And now I have reached into a conclusion, I have invented a very important formula, which is, I can't do well in both areas at the same time.. Sorry if I disappoint you, I still can't give the formula that you expected me to come out with.
Now is lunch time. Situasi kantor masih seperti biasanya, mister j masih juga makan dengan style uniknya, cewek2 yg lain masih juga duduk bergerombol ngerumpiin hal2 yg aku nggak ngerti dengan bahasa dewa mereka, beberapa cowok kepo juga masih suka mengintip2 layar monitor orang kalo pas jam makan siang termasuk ngintip layar monitorku sekarang! Hey, aku butuh privacy! Udah lama banget aku nggak nulis blog, baru sekali ini aja nulis di kantor (di bulan ini maksudnya) udah diintip2 gitu, gak seru ah. Tadi juga ada temen cewekku ngajak aku jalan2 ke mall abis makan, aku menjawabnya dengan jawaban ngambang sambil haha-hihi, biarin aja kalo mungkin dia ngira aku sejenis alien blo'on yg kuper. Aku butuh waktu pribadiku sendiri dong! My diary is missing me, aren't you diary? Selama beberapa minggu ini aku udah entertain dia tiap kali lunch time dengan makan bersama, jalan2 bersama, ngobrol bersama, sampe gak terasa skg udah bulan December nih! Gak terasa udah ampir new year, udah ampir taon 2009. Gak terasa umurku udah ampir nambah 1 th lagi, eh salah, gak terasa umurku udah ampir berkurang 1 th lagi! Gak terasa badanku mulai melar lagi akibat musim dingin.. gak terasa rambutku makin menipis lagi akibat... emm.. melarnya badanku mengakibatkan melarnya batok kepalaku juga kah?
Hey diary.. I learnt some new Cantonese words! At least now I can count numbers, I can say "I" and "you", I can say "good morning", "thank u", and "sorry", and the impressive thing is; I can listen to what they say (but I don't understand)! Isn't it so good improvement?
Anyway, Christmas is coming! Christmas decorations are already all over the city! HK is so nice at night, every time I cross the tunnel from Kowloon-HK at night, I can see colorful buildings every where! Every morning, I also can see colorful things every where! Hmm, it's jemuran.. Still, HK is so colorful during the Xmas season!! I will go nowhere in Xmas, I'll just stay in HK quietly, peacefully, faithfully, without complaint, enjoying the colorful pemandangan every night and day.. till new year comes, till they remove all the Xmas colorful decorations.. I'll still be here in HK, enjoying the only colorful decorations in the morning with smiles.. I'll still be here.. [taking a deep breath] yes, I'll still be here.. Full stop. Arghhh... GRrrrrRRRrr...!! *Did I hear you said "without complaint" just now?* I didn't complain, I was just GRrrrrRRrr-ing!
Ok, time to get back to work now..
See you, diary..
Hi my little diary!!
It's been long time since my last diary.. I miss you! *I miss you too!* The last few weeks were busy days for me, both at home and in office. At home, I was so busy preparing meals, cleaning home, taking care of hubby, and doing my own business. Remember? I'm still doing my own business now and it's even getting busier than before. I'll soon reveal it once it's ready, just hang on. In office, I was busy with... blogging?? Ehem, you know better than me. I was in the process of adjusting to my current lifestyle. I had been thinking hard to discover how to automatize my two roles; be a good housewife and be a good working woman too, with my limited 24-hours-in-a-day of time. And now I have reached into a conclusion, I have invented a very important formula, which is, I can't do well in both areas at the same time.. Sorry if I disappoint you, I still can't give the formula that you expected me to come out with.
Now is lunch time. Situasi kantor masih seperti biasanya, mister j masih juga makan dengan style uniknya, cewek2 yg lain masih juga duduk bergerombol ngerumpiin hal2 yg aku nggak ngerti dengan bahasa dewa mereka, beberapa cowok kepo juga masih suka mengintip2 layar monitor orang kalo pas jam makan siang termasuk ngintip layar monitorku sekarang! Hey, aku butuh privacy! Udah lama banget aku nggak nulis blog, baru sekali ini aja nulis di kantor (di bulan ini maksudnya) udah diintip2 gitu, gak seru ah. Tadi juga ada temen cewekku ngajak aku jalan2 ke mall abis makan, aku menjawabnya dengan jawaban ngambang sambil haha-hihi, biarin aja kalo mungkin dia ngira aku sejenis alien blo'on yg kuper. Aku butuh waktu pribadiku sendiri dong! My diary is missing me, aren't you diary? Selama beberapa minggu ini aku udah entertain dia tiap kali lunch time dengan makan bersama, jalan2 bersama, ngobrol bersama, sampe gak terasa skg udah bulan December nih! Gak terasa udah ampir new year, udah ampir taon 2009. Gak terasa umurku udah ampir nambah 1 th lagi, eh salah, gak terasa umurku udah ampir berkurang 1 th lagi! Gak terasa badanku mulai melar lagi akibat musim dingin.. gak terasa rambutku makin menipis lagi akibat... emm.. melarnya badanku mengakibatkan melarnya batok kepalaku juga kah?
Hey diary.. I learnt some new Cantonese words! At least now I can count numbers, I can say "I" and "you", I can say "good morning", "thank u", and "sorry", and the impressive thing is; I can listen to what they say (but I don't understand)! Isn't it so good improvement?
Anyway, Christmas is coming! Christmas decorations are already all over the city! HK is so nice at night, every time I cross the tunnel from Kowloon-HK at night, I can see colorful buildings every where! Every morning, I also can see colorful things every where! Hmm, it's jemuran.. Still, HK is so colorful during the Xmas season!! I will go nowhere in Xmas, I'll just stay in HK quietly, peacefully, faithfully, without complaint, enjoying the colorful pemandangan every night and day.. till new year comes, till they remove all the Xmas colorful decorations.. I'll still be here in HK, enjoying the only colorful decorations in the morning with smiles.. I'll still be here.. [taking a deep breath] yes, I'll still be here.. Full stop. Arghhh... GRrrrrRRRrr...!! *Did I hear you said "without complaint" just now?* I didn't complain, I was just GRrrrrRRrr-ing!
Ok, time to get back to work now..
See you, diary..
In The Residence of Dragon
Friday, 21 Nov 08, 12.00pm in office
Hi again, diary..
I was just back from washroom. I met that auntie again, not the auntie who sells siu mai, oww please! I met the auntie who cleans the washroom. Few days ago when I washed my glass and my hands, that auntie was mopping the floor beside me. Accidentally I dropped some water on the floor when I was reaching tissues. And I was so shocked when that auntie suddenly.....
Auntie: “!@#$%^&*()$%^&*!” [pointing at the floor with one hand, holding the mop’s stick on her other hand]
Me: “.....” [Looking at her, looking at the floor, looking at her again, I didn't understand what she was talking about]
Auntie: “#$%&*((^^$#$^&]!!” [getting angrier, she was pointing me by using her mop’s stick]
Me: “.....” [Looking at the floor, smiling at her, nodding my head signaling that I understand, at that time I understood that she was angry because I made the floor wet]
Auntie: “@#%*()*^$%#@!!!!” [I could see her face slowly changed to red and some fire started coming out from her. She thought that I was trying to make a joke of her, I was really not!]
Me: “Diu? Diu… pat? Diu em chui? em chiu?” [with soft voice, trying to remember how to say 'I am sorry' in Cantonese. I know “Dui bu chi” in mandarin means I’m sorry. But in Cantonese, I guess ‘Dui’ in Cantonese should be ‘Diu’, I know ‘Bu’ in Cantonese is ‘Pat’ or “Em”, ‘Chi’ is what? ‘Chiu’? ‘Chui’??]
Auntie: “!@#$%^&*())_!@#$%^&*()!!!!!!!!! [she completely had turned to a female dragon with fire coming out from her nose, buzzzzz...]
Me: “.....” [left the washroom].
Just now, I entered the washroom again by carrying my glass. I was about to wash my glass when that female dragon suddenly entered the washroom in the shape of human. As soon as she saw me, she spoke to me with her dragonly language again, something like "ji shi" or something like that. She still looked upset. I put my glass outside then I went into one of the toilet cubicles in rush, waited inside there till she left. I was scared of her. She didn’t give me chance to repent for my sin, hiks..
Hi again, diary..
I was just back from washroom. I met that auntie again, not the auntie who sells siu mai, oww please! I met the auntie who cleans the washroom. Few days ago when I washed my glass and my hands, that auntie was mopping the floor beside me. Accidentally I dropped some water on the floor when I was reaching tissues. And I was so shocked when that auntie suddenly.....
Auntie: “!@#$%^&*()$%^&*!” [pointing at the floor with one hand, holding the mop’s stick on her other hand]
Me: “.....” [Looking at her, looking at the floor, looking at her again, I didn't understand what she was talking about]
Auntie: “#$%&*((^^$#$^&]!!” [getting angrier, she was pointing me by using her mop’s stick]
Me: “.....” [Looking at the floor, smiling at her, nodding my head signaling that I understand, at that time I understood that she was angry because I made the floor wet]
Auntie: “@#%*()*^$%#@!!!!” [I could see her face slowly changed to red and some fire started coming out from her. She thought that I was trying to make a joke of her, I was really not!]
Me: “Diu? Diu… pat? Diu em chui? em chiu?” [with soft voice, trying to remember how to say 'I am sorry' in Cantonese. I know “Dui bu chi” in mandarin means I’m sorry. But in Cantonese, I guess ‘Dui’ in Cantonese should be ‘Diu’, I know ‘Bu’ in Cantonese is ‘Pat’ or “Em”, ‘Chi’ is what? ‘Chiu’? ‘Chui’??]
Auntie: “!@#$%^&*())_!@#$%^&*()!!!!!!!!! [she completely had turned to a female dragon with fire coming out from her nose, buzzzzz...]
Me: “.....” [left the washroom].
Just now, I entered the washroom again by carrying my glass. I was about to wash my glass when that female dragon suddenly entered the washroom in the shape of human. As soon as she saw me, she spoke to me with her dragonly language again, something like "ji shi" or something like that. She still looked upset. I put my glass outside then I went into one of the toilet cubicles in rush, waited inside there till she left. I was scared of her. She didn’t give me chance to repent for my sin, hiks..
New Meal Style
Friday, 21 Nov 08, 9.22am in office
Good Morning diary,
Usually for breakfast, I bring some bread or cake from home and I have it in office. I like having breakfast and drinking hot coffee slowly in the morning while checking my email or browsing the Internet (or blogging?). I’m having my coffee now and I just had my breakfast, a real heavy breakfast! You know what? Starting yesterday, my breakfast style has been slightly changed. I don’t bring breakfast from home anymore because I want to taste what the real HK breakfast is like. So, I bought breakfast at a shop near my office. Yesterday, I bought Siu Mai and Jeong Fan which made them cost HK$10. The portion was just nice for my morning stomach. Today, the Siu Mai was finished, only left the Jeong Fan. I don’t understand Cantonese but I could at least understand when the auntie said “Siu Mai wan le, wan le”. I was so disappointed because I just had a ‘fun breakfast’ yesterday but there is no more fun breakfast today hiks.. The auntie asked me “Jeong fan, 5 khuai jien? 10 khuai jien?”. So I said, “10 khuai!!” with super confident. I thought $10 portion is my morning stomach portion but it turned out to be sooo much because the price of Jeong Fan is much cheaper than the Siu Mai. Fyi, Jeong fan is the long-white-transparent-skin kind of dimsum but with empty filling, and there are some (at least 4) sauces and sesame seeds on top of it. So, it’s very ‘eneg’ if you have it too much. Next time I’ll buy $5 of jeong fan if there is no more siu mai. It’s a good lesson to learn, don’t be ‘nggeragas’!
For dinner, this is usually what I do. For simple meal (e.g fried egg, fried instant chicken drumstick, instant noodle), I can cook just after I reach home from work because my husband is still able (read: he has no choice other than) to wait. But for medium-level-of-complicated meal, I usually prepare the necessary ingredients a night before and cook it again on the N-night. My husband is also willing (read: standing in front of my kitchen door with yelling-stomach but he has no choice other than) to wait. For high-level-of-complicated-meal, I usually cook on weekend, put it in the fridge, and reheat it over and over again, and we can have it for the first 2 or 3 days after weekend depending on the “food quality”. My husband is so nice because he will happily eat the same meal for 2-3 days (read: quietly eat with no comment, but his meal portion is getting smaller and smaller from day 1 to day 3). Yea, I agree with you, I also pity him; I’m a very understanding wife, am I not? That’s why I give him these 3 options for his dinner menu “Which level of meal complicatedness do you want me to cook for you?” Again, he’s so sweet by answering my question “Up to you, for me it’s all the same” with no-expression face. Is there any hidden meaning from his answer?
Of course I’m more understanding than that. I also offer him option 4; for instant and fast meal, I ask him to have dinner near his office or take-away some food and eat it at home. But he’s tired of having the oily-pork-Chinese food all the time. So, it’s not my fault, is it?
Good Morning diary,
Usually for breakfast, I bring some bread or cake from home and I have it in office. I like having breakfast and drinking hot coffee slowly in the morning while checking my email or browsing the Internet (or blogging?). I’m having my coffee now and I just had my breakfast, a real heavy breakfast! You know what? Starting yesterday, my breakfast style has been slightly changed. I don’t bring breakfast from home anymore because I want to taste what the real HK breakfast is like. So, I bought breakfast at a shop near my office. Yesterday, I bought Siu Mai and Jeong Fan which made them cost HK$10. The portion was just nice for my morning stomach. Today, the Siu Mai was finished, only left the Jeong Fan. I don’t understand Cantonese but I could at least understand when the auntie said “Siu Mai wan le, wan le”. I was so disappointed because I just had a ‘fun breakfast’ yesterday but there is no more fun breakfast today hiks.. The auntie asked me “Jeong fan, 5 khuai jien? 10 khuai jien?”. So I said, “10 khuai!!” with super confident. I thought $10 portion is my morning stomach portion but it turned out to be sooo much because the price of Jeong Fan is much cheaper than the Siu Mai. Fyi, Jeong fan is the long-white-transparent-skin kind of dimsum but with empty filling, and there are some (at least 4) sauces and sesame seeds on top of it. So, it’s very ‘eneg’ if you have it too much. Next time I’ll buy $5 of jeong fan if there is no more siu mai. It’s a good lesson to learn, don’t be ‘nggeragas’!
For dinner, this is usually what I do. For simple meal (e.g fried egg, fried instant chicken drumstick, instant noodle), I can cook just after I reach home from work because my husband is still able (read: he has no choice other than) to wait. But for medium-level-of-complicated meal, I usually prepare the necessary ingredients a night before and cook it again on the N-night. My husband is also willing (read: standing in front of my kitchen door with yelling-stomach but he has no choice other than) to wait. For high-level-of-complicated-meal, I usually cook on weekend, put it in the fridge, and reheat it over and over again, and we can have it for the first 2 or 3 days after weekend depending on the “food quality”. My husband is so nice because he will happily eat the same meal for 2-3 days (read: quietly eat with no comment, but his meal portion is getting smaller and smaller from day 1 to day 3). Yea, I agree with you, I also pity him; I’m a very understanding wife, am I not? That’s why I give him these 3 options for his dinner menu “Which level of meal complicatedness do you want me to cook for you?” Again, he’s so sweet by answering my question “Up to you, for me it’s all the same” with no-expression face. Is there any hidden meaning from his answer?
Of course I’m more understanding than that. I also offer him option 4; for instant and fast meal, I ask him to have dinner near his office or take-away some food and eat it at home. But he’s tired of having the oily-pork-Chinese food all the time. So, it’s not my fault, is it?
Pictures of HK Apartment
Me [x] Bus
Friday, 14 Nov 08, 5.37pm in office
Hello gello bello, my diary..
This is my picture with my colleagues when there was a bday celebration yesterday. Sekarang pertanyaanya adalah, yg manakah mister J?

Today I had lunch outside. When I came back, aku ngliat si dia lagi berdiri sandaran papan penyekat dengan 2 tangan di atas penyekat dan dagunya diletakkan di atas kedua tangannya, sambil senyum2 pula! Dia terus berdiri di situ, menguping pembicaraan 3 cewe di balik papan penyekat sampai 3 cewe itu bubar ke meja mereka masing2. Now I got the answer of the matter I was wondering last time. That is his ‘lunch-discussion’ style!
Enough about his life, now let’s talk about mine. Now I always take the direct bus from my home to office. The reasons are because I’m lazy to transfer to MTR and because I want to save money. The bus takes about 1 hour. What I’m talking about is not about how long it takes to take me to office. Now I’m more concerned about my stomach. My stomach is so uncomfortable recently after riding on the bus. The uncomfortable feeling has not disappeared in the morning and I still have to ride on the bus again. I sat on the lower deck of the bus, I saw people coming in and going out all the time, it made me dizzy. I sat on the upper deck, it gave me feeling like flying. I sat on the front row, I felt like riding a roller coaster because I had to wear my seat belt and it was quite a tense experience since the bus has no “moncong”. I sat on the last row, it was the worst! I think I have turned to be a crab that can only walk to the side, not to the front. I will try to sit “miring” on the bus in the future.
Tonight I will have a BBQ with my colleagues at a ‘Far Far Away’ place. The place is around 1 hour from my office. Yea yea you’re right, my home is 1 hour from office, that means ‘Far Far Away’ place is near my home?? A big NO!! That place is on the opposite direction from my home!! Ok, it’s ok, I’ll just need to be ‘munek-munek’ for another 1 hour. I think this is the only way to get me slimmer. Thanks God for Your creative method!
Have a great weekend, diary! ^_^
Hello gello bello, my diary..
This is my picture with my colleagues when there was a bday celebration yesterday. Sekarang pertanyaanya adalah, yg manakah mister J?
Today I had lunch outside. When I came back, aku ngliat si dia lagi berdiri sandaran papan penyekat dengan 2 tangan di atas penyekat dan dagunya diletakkan di atas kedua tangannya, sambil senyum2 pula! Dia terus berdiri di situ, menguping pembicaraan 3 cewe di balik papan penyekat sampai 3 cewe itu bubar ke meja mereka masing2. Now I got the answer of the matter I was wondering last time. That is his ‘lunch-discussion’ style!
Enough about his life, now let’s talk about mine. Now I always take the direct bus from my home to office. The reasons are because I’m lazy to transfer to MTR and because I want to save money. The bus takes about 1 hour. What I’m talking about is not about how long it takes to take me to office. Now I’m more concerned about my stomach. My stomach is so uncomfortable recently after riding on the bus. The uncomfortable feeling has not disappeared in the morning and I still have to ride on the bus again. I sat on the lower deck of the bus, I saw people coming in and going out all the time, it made me dizzy. I sat on the upper deck, it gave me feeling like flying. I sat on the front row, I felt like riding a roller coaster because I had to wear my seat belt and it was quite a tense experience since the bus has no “moncong”. I sat on the last row, it was the worst! I think I have turned to be a crab that can only walk to the side, not to the front. I will try to sit “miring” on the bus in the future.
Tonight I will have a BBQ with my colleagues at a ‘Far Far Away’ place. The place is around 1 hour from my office. Yea yea you’re right, my home is 1 hour from office, that means ‘Far Far Away’ place is near my home?? A big NO!! That place is on the opposite direction from my home!! Ok, it’s ok, I’ll just need to be ‘munek-munek’ for another 1 hour. I think this is the only way to get me slimmer. Thanks God for Your creative method!
Have a great weekend, diary! ^_^
Si Jay
Wednesday, 12 Nov 08, 1.04pm in office
Hi diary,
Sekarang baru istirahat jam makan siang. Aku baru aja menyelesaikan makan siangku. Dua hari kemarin aku keluar makan bersama temen2 sekantorku tapi hari ini mereka pada memesan makanan dari luar kemudian makan bersama-sama di kantor. Jadi, aku pun memesan makan siangku.
Ada 1 hal yang membuatku terkekeh-kekeh siang ini. Kemarin siang, setelah aku kembali ke kantor lagi dari makan siang dengan temanku, aku bertanya basa-basi kepada 1 teman kantorku, sebut saja Mr. J. Dia orang yg sangat kalem dan pendiam.
Me: "Udah makan siang?"
Mr. J: "Udah"
Me: "Makan apa?"
Mr. J: "Oh, aku bawa makanan dari rumah hari ini karena ada hal yang aku perlu diskusikan dengan teman2 yang laen, jadi kami makan bersama-sama di kantor"
Me: "Oh, ok"
Tidak ada hal yang aneh, kan? Iya, memang itu suatu percakapan biasa. Aku juga tidak mencurigainya sama sekali kemarin sampai siang ini. Hari ini Mr. J juga membawa kotak makan siangnya lagi. Pada saat kami makan bersama-sama, Mr. J membuka kotak makan siangnya yang imut dan kemudian dia duduk di mejanya sendiri. Mejanya terpisahkan oleh sebuah penyekat setinggi kurang lebih 1.5m dari tempat kami makan bersama-sama. Penyekat itu membuat Mr. J (dalam keadaan duduk) tidak bisa melihat ke dalam ruang di mana kami makan.
Satu hal yang membuatku terimpress dengan kegigihan Mr. J untuk turut join dalam conversation kami dengan tenang adalah dia rela untuk mendongakkan kepalanya dan mengangkat kotak makanannya (yang imut) ke dekat dagunya (untuk bisa tetap makan) untuk mengintip apa yang terjadi di ruang makan dengan sesekali 1 tangan berpegang pada penyekat untuk mempermudah acara pengintipannya. Pada saat percakapan kami sedang seru2nya, dia juga tak mau ketinggalan segera berdiri (tak lupa tetap membawa kotak makanannya ke dekat dagunya) untuk tetap menyimak percakapan kami dengan sesekali ikut tersenyum. Sekarang acara makan siang bersama sudah selesai, beberapa orang sudah kembali ke meja mereka masing2 tapi masih ada beberapa orang yang tetap ngobrol di sana. Mau tau apa yg dilakukan Mr. J sekarang? Dia berdiri, dengan satu tangan bersandar pada penyekat, satu tangan memainkan mouse computernya, pandangannya terus beralih-alih dari layar computer ke ruang makan. Dia tetap tidak ingin ketinggalan gosip. Dia benar2 dapat menghayati profesinya sekarang sebagai seorang yang bekerja di bidang marketing.
Sekarang aku bertanya-tanya dalam hati, apakah itu yg terjadi dengan Mr. J kemarin siang? Itukah yang dia maksud dengan "Oh, aku bawa makanan dari rumah hari ini karena ada hal yang aku perlu diskusikan dengan teman2 yang laen, jadi kami makan bersama-sama di kantor"??
Kalau Mulan Jameela adalah makhluk Tuhan paling sexy, Mr. J sungguh makhluk Tuhan paling imut.
Hi diary,
Sekarang baru istirahat jam makan siang. Aku baru aja menyelesaikan makan siangku. Dua hari kemarin aku keluar makan bersama temen2 sekantorku tapi hari ini mereka pada memesan makanan dari luar kemudian makan bersama-sama di kantor. Jadi, aku pun memesan makan siangku.
Ada 1 hal yang membuatku terkekeh-kekeh siang ini. Kemarin siang, setelah aku kembali ke kantor lagi dari makan siang dengan temanku, aku bertanya basa-basi kepada 1 teman kantorku, sebut saja Mr. J. Dia orang yg sangat kalem dan pendiam.
Me: "Udah makan siang?"
Mr. J: "Udah"
Me: "Makan apa?"
Mr. J: "Oh, aku bawa makanan dari rumah hari ini karena ada hal yang aku perlu diskusikan dengan teman2 yang laen, jadi kami makan bersama-sama di kantor"
Me: "Oh, ok"
Tidak ada hal yang aneh, kan? Iya, memang itu suatu percakapan biasa. Aku juga tidak mencurigainya sama sekali kemarin sampai siang ini. Hari ini Mr. J juga membawa kotak makan siangnya lagi. Pada saat kami makan bersama-sama, Mr. J membuka kotak makan siangnya yang imut dan kemudian dia duduk di mejanya sendiri. Mejanya terpisahkan oleh sebuah penyekat setinggi kurang lebih 1.5m dari tempat kami makan bersama-sama. Penyekat itu membuat Mr. J (dalam keadaan duduk) tidak bisa melihat ke dalam ruang di mana kami makan.
Satu hal yang membuatku terimpress dengan kegigihan Mr. J untuk turut join dalam conversation kami dengan tenang adalah dia rela untuk mendongakkan kepalanya dan mengangkat kotak makanannya (yang imut) ke dekat dagunya (untuk bisa tetap makan) untuk mengintip apa yang terjadi di ruang makan dengan sesekali 1 tangan berpegang pada penyekat untuk mempermudah acara pengintipannya. Pada saat percakapan kami sedang seru2nya, dia juga tak mau ketinggalan segera berdiri (tak lupa tetap membawa kotak makanannya ke dekat dagunya) untuk tetap menyimak percakapan kami dengan sesekali ikut tersenyum. Sekarang acara makan siang bersama sudah selesai, beberapa orang sudah kembali ke meja mereka masing2 tapi masih ada beberapa orang yang tetap ngobrol di sana. Mau tau apa yg dilakukan Mr. J sekarang? Dia berdiri, dengan satu tangan bersandar pada penyekat, satu tangan memainkan mouse computernya, pandangannya terus beralih-alih dari layar computer ke ruang makan. Dia tetap tidak ingin ketinggalan gosip. Dia benar2 dapat menghayati profesinya sekarang sebagai seorang yang bekerja di bidang marketing.
Sekarang aku bertanya-tanya dalam hati, apakah itu yg terjadi dengan Mr. J kemarin siang? Itukah yang dia maksud dengan "Oh, aku bawa makanan dari rumah hari ini karena ada hal yang aku perlu diskusikan dengan teman2 yang laen, jadi kami makan bersama-sama di kantor"??
Kalau Mulan Jameela adalah makhluk Tuhan paling sexy, Mr. J sungguh makhluk Tuhan paling imut.
Mulai Kerja!!
Tuesday, 11 Nov 08, 10.40am in office
Hi Diary,
Hari ini aku terpaksa menulis diary dengan bahasa Indonesia karena ini menyangkut orang2 yang disangkut dan yang tersangkut. Sejak kemarin aku mulai masuk kerja. Teman2 di sini baik2, lokasi tempat dudukku lumayan strategis, nomer 2 dari belakang, dan ada penyekatnya di samping dan di belakangku jadi orang laen tidak bisa melihat kalo aku lagi chatting atau blogging, kerjaanku juga kayaknya bakal exciting. Ah, moga2 aku bisa betah kerja lamaan di sini.
Kemarin aku datang tanpa bawa gelas dan sendok. Ada water dispenser, kulkas, dan microwave di dapur kantor tapi tanpa gelas aku tidak bisa minum. Seandainya itu di rumah, I don't mind minum pake tangan seperti kalo lagi kumur2 sikat gigi. Tapi ini di kantor, aku harus sedikit menjaga image, apalagi di hari pertama kerjaku. Di kantor ini, aku satu2nya orang Indonesia, dan satu2nya orang asing, jadi aku tidak boleh memberi kesan bahwa orang Indonesia suka makan dan minum langsung pake tangan!
Hari ini hari keduaku, aku sudah membawa gelas sendiri dari rumah, plus sendok plastik. Aku tidak boleh mengaduk gelasku dengan "sendok naturalku" yaitu jari telunjukku. I told you, aku tidak ingin memberi kesan bahwa orang Indonesia suka kemproh2an pake tangan! Pagi ini, aku bawa gelasku warna hijau terang ke dapur kantor, aku membuat kopi. Aku masukkan 1 sendok kopi, 1/4 sendok krim, dan mana gulanya?? Aku tidak bisa menemukan gula dimana-mana! Pada saat yg sama, teman sekerjaku masuk ke dapur dan menyapaku. Dia juga membawa gelas putihnya yang bertuliskan "Coffee", mengisinya dengan air putih kemudian mengajakku ngobrol. Aku tidak bisa memperlihatkan gelasku yang tanpa gula. Aku pura2 hendak mengisi gelasku dengan air panas dari water dispenser dengan harapan dia segera beranjak pergi. Namun, dia masih dengan asyiknya mengajakku ketawa-ketiwi tidak mau pergi. Jadi, aku benar2 mengisi gelasku dengan air! Setelah gelasku penuh, aku baru sadar bahwa air yang kutuangkan itu air dingin! Bubuk kopi dan bubuk krimku mengapung tak karuan di dalam gelas hijau terangku. Aku berusaha keras untuk menyembunyikan apungan bubuk2 tersebut dengan sendok plastikku sambil tetap melayani obrolan temanku. Dan, pada saat yang bersamaan, pertanyaan yang paling kutakutkan terdengar dari mulut temanku "What are you making? Is that coffee?". Yea yea, aku harus mengakuinya bahwa itu kopi, aku tidak bisa mengelak bahwa itu adalah lemon tea atau jus jeruk dengan apungan bubuk2 itu. And I said "Yes!", pada saat bersamaan aku minum kopiku untuk menghilangkan apungan bubuk2 tadi, juga dengan harapan supaya gayaku ngobrol tampak lebih luwes. Kopiku rasanya benar2 "spectacular!" tapi aku harus tetap tersenyum di depannya. Dan kami beriringan berjalan menuju ke meja kami masing-masing dengan ayunan kaki yang kubuat selincah-lincahnya.
Hi Diary,
Hari ini aku terpaksa menulis diary dengan bahasa Indonesia karena ini menyangkut orang2 yang disangkut dan yang tersangkut. Sejak kemarin aku mulai masuk kerja. Teman2 di sini baik2, lokasi tempat dudukku lumayan strategis, nomer 2 dari belakang, dan ada penyekatnya di samping dan di belakangku jadi orang laen tidak bisa melihat kalo aku lagi chatting atau blogging, kerjaanku juga kayaknya bakal exciting. Ah, moga2 aku bisa betah kerja lamaan di sini.
Kemarin aku datang tanpa bawa gelas dan sendok. Ada water dispenser, kulkas, dan microwave di dapur kantor tapi tanpa gelas aku tidak bisa minum. Seandainya itu di rumah, I don't mind minum pake tangan seperti kalo lagi kumur2 sikat gigi. Tapi ini di kantor, aku harus sedikit menjaga image, apalagi di hari pertama kerjaku. Di kantor ini, aku satu2nya orang Indonesia, dan satu2nya orang asing, jadi aku tidak boleh memberi kesan bahwa orang Indonesia suka makan dan minum langsung pake tangan!
Hari ini hari keduaku, aku sudah membawa gelas sendiri dari rumah, plus sendok plastik. Aku tidak boleh mengaduk gelasku dengan "sendok naturalku" yaitu jari telunjukku. I told you, aku tidak ingin memberi kesan bahwa orang Indonesia suka kemproh2an pake tangan! Pagi ini, aku bawa gelasku warna hijau terang ke dapur kantor, aku membuat kopi. Aku masukkan 1 sendok kopi, 1/4 sendok krim, dan mana gulanya?? Aku tidak bisa menemukan gula dimana-mana! Pada saat yg sama, teman sekerjaku masuk ke dapur dan menyapaku. Dia juga membawa gelas putihnya yang bertuliskan "Coffee", mengisinya dengan air putih kemudian mengajakku ngobrol. Aku tidak bisa memperlihatkan gelasku yang tanpa gula. Aku pura2 hendak mengisi gelasku dengan air panas dari water dispenser dengan harapan dia segera beranjak pergi. Namun, dia masih dengan asyiknya mengajakku ketawa-ketiwi tidak mau pergi. Jadi, aku benar2 mengisi gelasku dengan air! Setelah gelasku penuh, aku baru sadar bahwa air yang kutuangkan itu air dingin! Bubuk kopi dan bubuk krimku mengapung tak karuan di dalam gelas hijau terangku. Aku berusaha keras untuk menyembunyikan apungan bubuk2 tersebut dengan sendok plastikku sambil tetap melayani obrolan temanku. Dan, pada saat yang bersamaan, pertanyaan yang paling kutakutkan terdengar dari mulut temanku "What are you making? Is that coffee?". Yea yea, aku harus mengakuinya bahwa itu kopi, aku tidak bisa mengelak bahwa itu adalah lemon tea atau jus jeruk dengan apungan bubuk2 itu. And I said "Yes!", pada saat bersamaan aku minum kopiku untuk menghilangkan apungan bubuk2 tadi, juga dengan harapan supaya gayaku ngobrol tampak lebih luwes. Kopiku rasanya benar2 "spectacular!" tapi aku harus tetap tersenyum di depannya. Dan kami beriringan berjalan menuju ke meja kami masing-masing dengan ayunan kaki yang kubuat selincah-lincahnya.
First Night (INA)
Sunday, 9 Nov 08, 10.35am at home
Good Sunday, diary!
From what I remember, this is the first time I write diary on Sunday this year. I seldom write diary on Sunday because usually my hubby was the one who used the computer and the Internet. My shift of using Intenet was only Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm. That was my working hours, there was no service on Saturday and Sunday. The rest of the time was my husband's. But now, I can use Internet anytime for as long as I want! You know why? Because I've moved to my new apartment last nite! *So what??* Oh, I mean, my new apartment has a wireless network coverage so two laptops can have access to the Internet at the same time. I've become addicted to the Internet now.
Diary, I've shifted to my new apartment now! Yoohoo! Last nite was our first night in this new apartment. We slept so soundly last nite since we finally could sleep on our own precious bed and pillows. The last couple of days were really tiring days for me. Although the mover company helped to settle the things, I still had to unpack my personal items and put them nicely on the wardrobe. The only things I haven't done are ironing all the clothes, washing all the dishes, and buying some groceries.
My parents had gone back home now. And tomorrow I will start my first day of working in HK. There is an exciting as well as a nervous feeling. My home now is so much more comfortable than my Japan's home with all the Internet broadband and cable TV facilities but now I have to give up my occupation as a housewife. *What do you want?? You had been crying so hard to get a job, now you've found a job and you regret it??* NO!! I mean.. I mean.. ahh, you know what I mean, rite?
I can feel my lifestyle is starting to change. I don't know if I still have time to experience cooking for dinner. I don't know how to get food for breakfast. I don't know if Friday is still my groceries shopping day. I don't know if Wednesday is still my home cleaning day.
p.s INA = In New Apartment
Good Sunday, diary!
From what I remember, this is the first time I write diary on Sunday this year. I seldom write diary on Sunday because usually my hubby was the one who used the computer and the Internet. My shift of using Intenet was only Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm. That was my working hours, there was no service on Saturday and Sunday. The rest of the time was my husband's. But now, I can use Internet anytime for as long as I want! You know why? Because I've moved to my new apartment last nite! *So what??* Oh, I mean, my new apartment has a wireless network coverage so two laptops can have access to the Internet at the same time. I've become addicted to the Internet now.
Diary, I've shifted to my new apartment now! Yoohoo! Last nite was our first night in this new apartment. We slept so soundly last nite since we finally could sleep on our own precious bed and pillows. The last couple of days were really tiring days for me. Although the mover company helped to settle the things, I still had to unpack my personal items and put them nicely on the wardrobe. The only things I haven't done are ironing all the clothes, washing all the dishes, and buying some groceries.
My parents had gone back home now. And tomorrow I will start my first day of working in HK. There is an exciting as well as a nervous feeling. My home now is so much more comfortable than my Japan's home with all the Internet broadband and cable TV facilities but now I have to give up my occupation as a housewife. *What do you want?? You had been crying so hard to get a job, now you've found a job and you regret it??* NO!! I mean.. I mean.. ahh, you know what I mean, rite?
I can feel my lifestyle is starting to change. I don't know if I still have time to experience cooking for dinner. I don't know how to get food for breakfast. I don't know if Friday is still my groceries shopping day. I don't know if Wednesday is still my home cleaning day.
p.s INA = In New Apartment
What's a real family?
Tuesday, 28 Oct 08, 8.24am in MacDonnell Room
Morning morning, little diary..
The day after tomorrow, my parents will be here for one week. Yoohoo! I'm really looking forward to that day although I act cool like-nothing-happen on the outside. I don't know why, I still feel like a little child who needs comforts from parents. I really miss the warmness of the family when all the family members gather at home. People say that once we get married, we create a new family, a new small family of two. Yes, I have been married for one year and 3 months, but until now I still can't think that I have my own small family.
Whenever I think about 'family', the group I'm referring to is my family members in Solo, not us. When my pastor prayed for us before we left Japan "May God protect your family...", the first moment I caught was he was praying for our families in Solo, not us. Ok, now I noticed, I don't call my own small family with the term 'family', but I call it 'us'. Yes, it's just us. I know my life is great, it's really great; I have experiences to live in other countries, I have freedom to go to wherever I want and to do whatever I wish, I have enough money to buy whatever I need. But, human is never satisfied, human keeps searching for something that's missing. Yes, I'm missing something. I need that 'warmness', because I feel 'cold'. I need some 'dampness' because I feel 'dry'. I'm longing to have my own family, a real family, not just us.
I think this is the reason why I insisted to my hubby that I wanted to rent a bigger apartment, with proper dining table especially. I feel that a home should have a proper dining table. A home will look warmer with a dining table in it, it's a proof that people are eating there and they are living! A home is not a place for people to sleep in only. In my new apartment, there is already a dining table with 4 chairs. Since my apartment is quite small, my hubby wanted to take out 2 chairs. He thought that 2 chairs would be enough for us since only us staying in. I said NO!, I want to keep all the 4 chairs! 4 chairs make the home looks more like a home as if 4 people stay in that home. I know it's stupid and so funny, I also never thought that I would fall in love with dining table so much, but it shows that I really need that 'home warmness', desperately..
Hiks, what am I mumbling about now? I really wanted to start my diary with some good news and followed by my fun story on last weekend. But why it's ended up like this?? It's really not in my scenario! Who started this topic?? When did it start?? It really has spoiled my mood of the day already! Haiz.. Sorry diary, I'll tell you my last weekend story next time.
Morning morning, little diary..
The day after tomorrow, my parents will be here for one week. Yoohoo! I'm really looking forward to that day although I act cool like-nothing-happen on the outside. I don't know why, I still feel like a little child who needs comforts from parents. I really miss the warmness of the family when all the family members gather at home. People say that once we get married, we create a new family, a new small family of two. Yes, I have been married for one year and 3 months, but until now I still can't think that I have my own small family.
Whenever I think about 'family', the group I'm referring to is my family members in Solo, not us. When my pastor prayed for us before we left Japan "May God protect your family...", the first moment I caught was he was praying for our families in Solo, not us. Ok, now I noticed, I don't call my own small family with the term 'family', but I call it 'us'. Yes, it's just us. I know my life is great, it's really great; I have experiences to live in other countries, I have freedom to go to wherever I want and to do whatever I wish, I have enough money to buy whatever I need. But, human is never satisfied, human keeps searching for something that's missing. Yes, I'm missing something. I need that 'warmness', because I feel 'cold'. I need some 'dampness' because I feel 'dry'. I'm longing to have my own family, a real family, not just us.
I think this is the reason why I insisted to my hubby that I wanted to rent a bigger apartment, with proper dining table especially. I feel that a home should have a proper dining table. A home will look warmer with a dining table in it, it's a proof that people are eating there and they are living! A home is not a place for people to sleep in only. In my new apartment, there is already a dining table with 4 chairs. Since my apartment is quite small, my hubby wanted to take out 2 chairs. He thought that 2 chairs would be enough for us since only us staying in. I said NO!, I want to keep all the 4 chairs! 4 chairs make the home looks more like a home as if 4 people stay in that home. I know it's stupid and so funny, I also never thought that I would fall in love with dining table so much, but it shows that I really need that 'home warmness', desperately..
Hiks, what am I mumbling about now? I really wanted to start my diary with some good news and followed by my fun story on last weekend. But why it's ended up like this?? It's really not in my scenario! Who started this topic?? When did it start?? It really has spoiled my mood of the day already! Haiz.. Sorry diary, I'll tell you my last weekend story next time.
A Sweet Sign
Thursday, 23 Oct 08, 7.20pm in MacDonnell Room
Good evening my diary..
I just realised that I seldom write diary in the evening. These past few days I've been busy.. busy with.. busy with watching.. busy with watching Korean drama. The title is Women of the Sun. This drama is very touching, now you know me, rite? I won't be touched with a lovey-dovey drama anymore, I am only touched with drama that tells about love between sisters or mother to her child. Finally I finished the drama, just 30 minutes ago. Since my mood was not good after watching the drama, since my eyes were still in tears, I tried to stir my mood to do something more fun, and the only possible fun-thing that I could do was cooking! Yea, I know, I am such a boring person.
Tomorrow will be a busy day for me because I need to go to some places. There are reasons why I want to finish everything in one day, and not split them up in several days:
1. To save transport cost
2. To save make-up cost
3. To save contact lens cost since I'm wearing the daily disposable one.
Here is my tomorrow's schedule:
1. Go to immigration to collect my HK ID card.
2. Go to China embassy to collect our China visa.
3. Go to the bank to settle something.
4. Go to IKEA to buy some furniture
5. Go to my new office to sign an employment contract. Eh, have I told you that I got a job?
Yes, I just got a job last week and I will start working on Nov 10th after my parents go back to Indonesia again. I never predicted that I would find a job so soon, I know that God must be the one who worked behind the scene. One night before the interview, I was asking for a sign if this job was for me. On that night, we also had not decided on which apartment we were going to take but we were already eyeing for one apartment. So I was asking Him "If this job is for me, if that apartment is for me, let there be a direct bus from the apartment to the office. One bus will do". I was asking this kind of sign because the apartment is in Hong Kong island, the west side, the most west side of HK island where there is no MTR (subway). Whereas, the office is in Kowloon island, the east side, quite far away from HK island. So, I thought it's very unlikely that there was a direct bus which would depart from just in front of my apartment and stop just in front of my office. But, in fact, there is! There is only one direct bus. Amazing isn't it? So, on that night, I knew it; that apartment was for me and that job was also for me! And I really got that job and that apartment!! :D By the way, I will not take that direct bus to go to office because it will take forever to reach the office during the peak hour. I will just take bus and transfer to nearest MTR, it's faster this way. It's a sweet sign, anyway.
Thanks God, my life is moving on well.. and will still move on according to Your great plan!
See you again, diary..
...and have a nice sleep ^_^
Good evening my diary..
I just realised that I seldom write diary in the evening. These past few days I've been busy.. busy with.. busy with watching.. busy with watching Korean drama. The title is Women of the Sun. This drama is very touching, now you know me, rite? I won't be touched with a lovey-dovey drama anymore, I am only touched with drama that tells about love between sisters or mother to her child. Finally I finished the drama, just 30 minutes ago. Since my mood was not good after watching the drama, since my eyes were still in tears, I tried to stir my mood to do something more fun, and the only possible fun-thing that I could do was cooking! Yea, I know, I am such a boring person.
Tomorrow will be a busy day for me because I need to go to some places. There are reasons why I want to finish everything in one day, and not split them up in several days:
1. To save transport cost
2. To save make-up cost
3. To save contact lens cost since I'm wearing the daily disposable one.
Here is my tomorrow's schedule:
1. Go to immigration to collect my HK ID card.
2. Go to China embassy to collect our China visa.
3. Go to the bank to settle something.
4. Go to IKEA to buy some furniture
5. Go to my new office to sign an employment contract. Eh, have I told you that I got a job?
Yes, I just got a job last week and I will start working on Nov 10th after my parents go back to Indonesia again. I never predicted that I would find a job so soon, I know that God must be the one who worked behind the scene. One night before the interview, I was asking for a sign if this job was for me. On that night, we also had not decided on which apartment we were going to take but we were already eyeing for one apartment. So I was asking Him "If this job is for me, if that apartment is for me, let there be a direct bus from the apartment to the office. One bus will do". I was asking this kind of sign because the apartment is in Hong Kong island, the west side, the most west side of HK island where there is no MTR (subway). Whereas, the office is in Kowloon island, the east side, quite far away from HK island. So, I thought it's very unlikely that there was a direct bus which would depart from just in front of my apartment and stop just in front of my office. But, in fact, there is! There is only one direct bus. Amazing isn't it? So, on that night, I knew it; that apartment was for me and that job was also for me! And I really got that job and that apartment!! :D By the way, I will not take that direct bus to go to office because it will take forever to reach the office during the peak hour. I will just take bus and transfer to nearest MTR, it's faster this way. It's a sweet sign, anyway.
Thanks God, my life is moving on well.. and will still move on according to Your great plan!
See you again, diary..
...and have a nice sleep ^_^
How are you doing, diary?
You know what? My whole body is aching now. I can't walk properly, I have to use double energy to get up from bed or sofa, I can't flush the toilet using my right hand. It is all because I played badminton yesterday. It's been a long time since the last time I played badminton. Ron also complained when he woke this morning that his body all aches but he still has to go to office to work. And me, I can just stay at home, and be lazy for as long as I want. I thank God that I'm a housewife in the case like this. How wonderful life is when we don't need to go thru a blue-mondai-Monday, agree? This is the picture when we were about to go out for badminton. We were wearing same shirts, cute isn't it? We were still happily posing with no idea how painful our bodies would be after that.. We will be playing badminton every Sunday morning from now on. Remember diary, that's our activity on Sunday morning, ok?
We can dress up like athletes, we can walk like athletes, we can hold the rackets like athletes. The only slight difference is; athletes won't take picture in front of the mirror and rice cooker. *Can you guys play badminton like athletes too?* SShhhh!! Don't raise that subject!
Kei Pho Na Khan
Friday, 17 Oct 08, 8.46am in MacDonnell room
Morning lil diary,
Last night in my loneliness, I missed my niece and my nephew. I just suddenly miss them now. So, early in this morning, I opened their pictures and I wanted to upload them here.
These below pictures are me with my nephew, Owen Lee. This moment was the first time I met him, the first time I carried him. These pictures were taken on the first day I arrived in Solo, at my home in Solo. Isn't he so 'ipel-ipel'? His skin is so fair, he really resembles his dad.

Below pictures are my niece, Celine Lee. These photos were also taken on the first day I came at my home. You see, she was wearing pink Yukata! Yes, I bought her a yukata from Japan. Actually I also bought a yukata for Owen too, I regret that I had no chance to see Owen in Yukata. Celine was so happy and so genit in her Yukata. She's so pretty and genit, just exactly like her mom!

I miss them so much, oh my kei pho na khan (read: keponakan)!
Morning lil diary,
Last night in my loneliness, I missed my niece and my nephew. I just suddenly miss them now. So, early in this morning, I opened their pictures and I wanted to upload them here.
These below pictures are me with my nephew, Owen Lee. This moment was the first time I met him, the first time I carried him. These pictures were taken on the first day I arrived in Solo, at my home in Solo. Isn't he so 'ipel-ipel'? His skin is so fair, he really resembles his dad.

Below pictures are my niece, Celine Lee. These photos were also taken on the first day I came at my home. You see, she was wearing pink Yukata! Yes, I bought her a yukata from Japan. Actually I also bought a yukata for Owen too, I regret that I had no chance to see Owen in Yukata. Celine was so happy and so genit in her Yukata. She's so pretty and genit, just exactly like her mom!

I miss them so much, oh my kei pho na khan (read: keponakan)!
Journal of This Week
Wednesday, 15 Oct 08, 8.23am in MacDonnell Room
Hello my diary,
I went to immigration on last Friday to apply for my identity card. I also have my mobile number now, yeeehaaa!! You know what, the mobile subscription here is very cheap! It is only around US$5 for a month and you can get 850 minutes call for free! 850 minutes!! Well, perhaps for some people 850 mins is not enough for one month, but for me who has no friend to call to in HK, 850 mins is really too much. I hope I can find cheaper plan with lower minutes but that is already the cheapest plan in this town. The amazing thing is, they have a special SMS package to Indonesia only! Wow, I have priviledge to be an Indonesian, finally..
Last Saturday, we continued our apartment hunting again. Honestly, apartment viewing activity is interesting. I really enjoyed it at first, but if we view too many apartments, then all the apartments look the same.
On Sunday, we went to church and got to know some friends. And yesterday we finally found an apartment that we both like, yoohoo!! We already signed the contract last night and we'll start moving in early November.
I have another news for you; my parents are coming end of this month!! Isn't it great? Then we are going to go to China mainland for a short trip. This will be my first trip to China, I never visited China in my life. China, here I'm coming...
My status now? I'm now starting to apply for jobs. Again, job hunting! I feel like dejavu. I have been repeating this process again and again, and still I can't find my 'jati diri' (identity). Or perhaps my 'jati diri' is to be a housewife?? That's why this time I won't expect too much to avoid a deep disappointment if I can't get a job here. If I have to be a housewife, so what? It's an honorable occupation, isn't it? But if possible, please give me a job, God. Pleaseeeeeee... *maksa-mode on*
Hello my diary,
I went to immigration on last Friday to apply for my identity card. I also have my mobile number now, yeeehaaa!! You know what, the mobile subscription here is very cheap! It is only around US$5 for a month and you can get 850 minutes call for free! 850 minutes!! Well, perhaps for some people 850 mins is not enough for one month, but for me who has no friend to call to in HK, 850 mins is really too much. I hope I can find cheaper plan with lower minutes but that is already the cheapest plan in this town. The amazing thing is, they have a special SMS package to Indonesia only! Wow, I have priviledge to be an Indonesian, finally..
Last Saturday, we continued our apartment hunting again. Honestly, apartment viewing activity is interesting. I really enjoyed it at first, but if we view too many apartments, then all the apartments look the same.
On Sunday, we went to church and got to know some friends. And yesterday we finally found an apartment that we both like, yoohoo!! We already signed the contract last night and we'll start moving in early November.
I have another news for you; my parents are coming end of this month!! Isn't it great? Then we are going to go to China mainland for a short trip. This will be my first trip to China, I never visited China in my life. China, here I'm coming...
My status now? I'm now starting to apply for jobs. Again, job hunting! I feel like dejavu. I have been repeating this process again and again, and still I can't find my 'jati diri' (identity). Or perhaps my 'jati diri' is to be a housewife?? That's why this time I won't expect too much to avoid a deep disappointment if I can't get a job here. If I have to be a housewife, so what? It's an honorable occupation, isn't it? But if possible, please give me a job, God. Pleaseeeeeee... *maksa-mode on*
The Escalator
Thursday, 9 Oct 08, 8.35am at MacDonnell Room
Good morning, my little diary..
This morning is such a bright morning! HK was always cloudy since I came, and today finally I can see HK more clearly under a strong sunshine. As you know, my current apartment has no windows, I mean it has windows, but I can't open them, so I can't dry my clothes outside. I have no choice, I just hang my clothes on the window since I really need to dry them. I think now I can understand why orang HK suka menjemur baju di jendela2 sehingga membuat pemandangan kota jadi terlihat seperti ehem.. seperti.. seperti itu. It's because they have no other choice! Rumah mereka bener2 kecil banget sampai balcony pun mereka gak punya!
Sabtu kemarin aku pergi liat2 apartment yang nggak ada balconynya, trus aku nanya sama si property agentnya "Gimana kita jemur bajunya?". Dia jawab "Well, there are 3 alternatives. Pertama, di situ ada jemuran baju (dia tunjukin jemuran baju tua di luar jendela, kalo mau njemurin harus melongokkan kepala ke luar dan ada resiko baju jatuh sampai ke lantai dasar untuk orang2 clumsy like me). Alternative kedua, beli mesin cuci yang udah ada dryernya. Alternative ketiga, beli jemuran baju yang berdiri, korbankan 1 ruangan untuk taruh itu jemuran, dan jemurlah pakaian di situ." Hiks. You know what, I tell you honestly now, concern pertama aku takut hidup di HK itu karena aku takut jemuran baju mereka!! You may laugh now. You may think I'm so unreasonable. Tapi bener2 jemuran baju mereka tuh mengerikannnn... rumah jadi terkesan berantakan, tua, kotor, dan horror! Kalo jalan-jalan di luar pun mesti sempet2in melongok ke atas, untuk jaga2 kalo adadurian runtuh baju jatuh. But I guess now I've been changed after my first week living here. I do the same now. Well, bathok (rumah) kura2 pun bertumbuh menyesuaikan tempatnya, begitu pula dengan cara pandang manusia, ya nggak?
Yesterday I went to post office to post some letters to Singapore. I took the hotel free shuttle bus. Hihihi.. I like free stuff. Near the post office, there is a supermarket too! I'm really happy to find a supermarket near my apartment which I can take free shuttle bus to. Isn't it so perfect? Well, actually the transport fee here isn't so expensive but free is still better than paying, rite?
After 1 week living in HK, I observe one difference between JP, HK, and Indo culture on how the people take the escalator.
In JP: they all stand on the left side, the right side is for those who want to walk up the escalator for quicker way.
In HK: they all stand on the right side, the left side is for those who want to walk up the escalator for quicker way.
In Indo: they all stand side by side, both left and right side. For those who want to walk up? Take a normal stair lah..
Talking about escalator, I remember one stupid thing happened to me when I was in Jakarta airport last week. It happened on the way from domestic airport to international airport, we had to take an escalator down. We saw one escalator and we just jumped onto it. But, the escalator was not moving! So my hubby who walked in front took the initiative to just walk down the escalator. I followed him. He had successfully finished his steps and was waiting for me who was still busy stepping down the escalator with my 9cm-high-heel-shoes. I had to make sure that my heels would not stuck in the small holes on each step of the the escalator because it happened many times before. So, I took my time walking down slowly by carrying my laptop bag on my hand and one plastic bag on my other hand.
But, unexpectedly, the escalator was suddenly on! I could feel it was moving! I still had 4 more steps to go. At first, I was happy that I didn't need to finish my steps, then suddenly I realized that it was moving up!! I was walking down and the escalator was moving up! Since it was just 4 steps to go, I put all my efforts to walk down faster but the escalator was running faster so I had to run faster too. I was so panic! I could hear voices from bapak2 porter airport yang duduk di samping escalator. They were cheerleading me "Ayo mbak, jalan lebih cepat lagi, lebih cepat lagi!" And another voice "Ati-ati mbak, nanti jatuh, sepatunya tinggi banget". And the other voice "Cepet dikit mbak, udah ampir sampai tuh." And some other voices like "Hiyaaa! Hiyaaa!" and "Ayo! Ayo!" and some bapak even stood up in front of me and tepuk tangan untuk menyemangatiku while I was still running down.
I really wanted to see their faces and melemparkan pandangan mata sinisku ke mereka but I had to keep running, I had no time to even look at them. I was so embarrassed and I screamed at my husband who was standing downstair "Say, tolongin akuuuu!!" My hubby was just looking at me, dengan sesekali geleng2 kepala. I felt like a hamster who's running on the round wheel. And the bapak2 porter airport are like us who enjoy pemandangan hamster yang sedang lari2 dari luar kotak kaca dengan senyum2. Finally I finished my steps dengan diikuti sorakan si bapak2 "Hiyaa! Selamat mbak. Selamat mbak." I had no other choice than saying "Makasih" sambil senyum getir banget. I felt stupid. I felt clumsy. But it was totally not my fault, rite? Now I was wondering if one of the bapak2 itu dengan sengaja ngidupin escalatornya? Atau karena censor system escalatornya yang lagging? But why it happened just soon after my hubby finished his final step? Why only me became the victim?? Why my hubby is always able to maintain his charming image? And me always maintain my clumsy image?? It's not fair!
Good morning, my little diary..
This morning is such a bright morning! HK was always cloudy since I came, and today finally I can see HK more clearly under a strong sunshine. As you know, my current apartment has no windows, I mean it has windows, but I can't open them, so I can't dry my clothes outside. I have no choice, I just hang my clothes on the window since I really need to dry them. I think now I can understand why orang HK suka menjemur baju di jendela2 sehingga membuat pemandangan kota jadi terlihat seperti ehem.. seperti.. seperti itu. It's because they have no other choice! Rumah mereka bener2 kecil banget sampai balcony pun mereka gak punya!
Sabtu kemarin aku pergi liat2 apartment yang nggak ada balconynya, trus aku nanya sama si property agentnya "Gimana kita jemur bajunya?". Dia jawab "Well, there are 3 alternatives. Pertama, di situ ada jemuran baju (dia tunjukin jemuran baju tua di luar jendela, kalo mau njemurin harus melongokkan kepala ke luar dan ada resiko baju jatuh sampai ke lantai dasar untuk orang2 clumsy like me). Alternative kedua, beli mesin cuci yang udah ada dryernya. Alternative ketiga, beli jemuran baju yang berdiri, korbankan 1 ruangan untuk taruh itu jemuran, dan jemurlah pakaian di situ." Hiks. You know what, I tell you honestly now, concern pertama aku takut hidup di HK itu karena aku takut jemuran baju mereka!! You may laugh now. You may think I'm so unreasonable. Tapi bener2 jemuran baju mereka tuh mengerikannnn... rumah jadi terkesan berantakan, tua, kotor, dan horror! Kalo jalan-jalan di luar pun mesti sempet2in melongok ke atas, untuk jaga2 kalo ada
Yesterday I went to post office to post some letters to Singapore. I took the hotel free shuttle bus. Hihihi.. I like free stuff. Near the post office, there is a supermarket too! I'm really happy to find a supermarket near my apartment which I can take free shuttle bus to. Isn't it so perfect? Well, actually the transport fee here isn't so expensive but free is still better than paying, rite?
After 1 week living in HK, I observe one difference between JP, HK, and Indo culture on how the people take the escalator.
In JP: they all stand on the left side, the right side is for those who want to walk up the escalator for quicker way.
In HK: they all stand on the right side, the left side is for those who want to walk up the escalator for quicker way.
In Indo: they all stand side by side, both left and right side. For those who want to walk up? Take a normal stair lah..
Talking about escalator, I remember one stupid thing happened to me when I was in Jakarta airport last week. It happened on the way from domestic airport to international airport, we had to take an escalator down. We saw one escalator and we just jumped onto it. But, the escalator was not moving! So my hubby who walked in front took the initiative to just walk down the escalator. I followed him. He had successfully finished his steps and was waiting for me who was still busy stepping down the escalator with my 9cm-high-heel-shoes. I had to make sure that my heels would not stuck in the small holes on each step of the the escalator because it happened many times before. So, I took my time walking down slowly by carrying my laptop bag on my hand and one plastic bag on my other hand.
But, unexpectedly, the escalator was suddenly on! I could feel it was moving! I still had 4 more steps to go. At first, I was happy that I didn't need to finish my steps, then suddenly I realized that it was moving up!! I was walking down and the escalator was moving up! Since it was just 4 steps to go, I put all my efforts to walk down faster but the escalator was running faster so I had to run faster too. I was so panic! I could hear voices from bapak2 porter airport yang duduk di samping escalator. They were cheerleading me "Ayo mbak, jalan lebih cepat lagi, lebih cepat lagi!" And another voice "Ati-ati mbak, nanti jatuh, sepatunya tinggi banget". And the other voice "Cepet dikit mbak, udah ampir sampai tuh." And some other voices like "Hiyaaa! Hiyaaa!" and "Ayo! Ayo!" and some bapak even stood up in front of me and tepuk tangan untuk menyemangatiku while I was still running down.

Macau Trip
Monday, 6 Oct 08, 10.32am at MacDonnell Room
Hi again diary,
Ron started his first day of working in HK today. This is the first time we stay apart from each other since we arrived in HK. We didn't have mobile number few days ago so we're really afraid to stay apart and to be lost in this new island like Tao Ming Tse and San Chai and accidentally lost our memory and bye bye forever. So, we even took turn to go to public toilet while the other of us waited outside the toilet. It happened once when we both went to public toilet together; when I went out to look for Ron, he wasn't around! I walked here and there to look for him, searched each of the shops near the toilet, still I couldn't find him. I was so scared, but I waited for him in front of the toilet for few minutes with angry face. And he came by bringing a restaurant's brochure from upstairs. And me wasn't angry anymore since he took me to eat.
Yesterday I managed to go to Macau to activate our visa, the Asia Las Vegas! We took ferry from HK to Macau. It was a quite heavy raining and typhoon yesterday so our boat was not sailing smoothly. We definetely chose a wrong day to sail. Ron spent almost the whole 1 hour trip by puking in the toilet. He should ask for half price ferry ticket refund since he was not using his seat. Me? I spent almost the whole 1 hour trip by sleeping soundly and tightly on my comfortable seat.
Arriving in Macau, we missed our city tour bus. Then, we took a public bus. That was our first time going to Macau, we really didn't know anything! Before we got onto the bus, I already confirmed the destination with the bus driver then we confidently took that bus. 30 minutes passed by, we were still not sure which stop we had to get down till finally the bus reached its final terminal then we knew that we had to get down from the bus. Celingak here, celinguk there, then we took another bus to go to our destination, Senado square. This time, we were sitting on the front row. I also asked the bus driver to let us know when it's time to get down. We managed to go to Senado Square! I'm really proud of myself although it took me 2 bus rounds to reach there.
It was a raining day.. we managed to eat their famous Portugesse egg tart and took some pictures there. Then, we took free shuttle bus to one of the hotel casino, called The Venetian Macao Resort Hotel. I was in Macau so I had to see one of their casinos, rite?

In front of the the St Paul's Ruins, In the Venetian Macao Resort Hotel.

This hotel is very luxurious, with its European Majestic look, and its Venice-city-replica. When I was in Macau, I felt like I was in Batman movie with all the big gorgeous shinning buildings around me. Many times I told Ron "Bener-bener kayak di film Batman ya". Perhaps you don't understand what I'm talking about, how can Macau be a Batman movie, rite? I understand that, because Ron also didn't understand what I was talking about although he was there!
When I was back to HK again in the evening, I felt like I was returning home from my journey to a new place. Suddenly I became familiar with HK although HK itself is also still very new to me. Whatever it is, it's a good feeling to feel that HK is like my home now, or it's because I've no other choice now? Anyway, we have our visa now so I can subscribe a mobile phone's plan now.
Diary, I need to go out to buy rice cooker and iron now. I prefer to cook and eat at home now. It's not that I've become like 'ibu2' who likes to cook so much! It's because it's very troublesome to find food near my apartment, it's also not healthy to eat outside all the time, rite? Ok ok, I admit that I've becomed an old auntie who likes to shop at supermarket who wears apron all the time, who likes to cook and prepare dinner for husband at home, satisfied now??
See you diary..
Hi again diary,
Ron started his first day of working in HK today. This is the first time we stay apart from each other since we arrived in HK. We didn't have mobile number few days ago so we're really afraid to stay apart and to be lost in this new island like Tao Ming Tse and San Chai and accidentally lost our memory and bye bye forever. So, we even took turn to go to public toilet while the other of us waited outside the toilet. It happened once when we both went to public toilet together; when I went out to look for Ron, he wasn't around! I walked here and there to look for him, searched each of the shops near the toilet, still I couldn't find him. I was so scared, but I waited for him in front of the toilet for few minutes with angry face. And he came by bringing a restaurant's brochure from upstairs. And me wasn't angry anymore since he took me to eat.
Yesterday I managed to go to Macau to activate our visa, the Asia Las Vegas! We took ferry from HK to Macau. It was a quite heavy raining and typhoon yesterday so our boat was not sailing smoothly. We definetely chose a wrong day to sail. Ron spent almost the whole 1 hour trip by puking in the toilet. He should ask for half price ferry ticket refund since he was not using his seat. Me? I spent almost the whole 1 hour trip by sleeping soundly and tightly on my comfortable seat.
Arriving in Macau, we missed our city tour bus. Then, we took a public bus. That was our first time going to Macau, we really didn't know anything! Before we got onto the bus, I already confirmed the destination with the bus driver then we confidently took that bus. 30 minutes passed by, we were still not sure which stop we had to get down till finally the bus reached its final terminal then we knew that we had to get down from the bus. Celingak here, celinguk there, then we took another bus to go to our destination, Senado square. This time, we were sitting on the front row. I also asked the bus driver to let us know when it's time to get down. We managed to go to Senado Square! I'm really proud of myself although it took me 2 bus rounds to reach there.
It was a raining day.. we managed to eat their famous Portugesse egg tart and took some pictures there. Then, we took free shuttle bus to one of the hotel casino, called The Venetian Macao Resort Hotel. I was in Macau so I had to see one of their casinos, rite?
In front of the the St Paul's Ruins, In the Venetian Macao Resort Hotel.

This hotel is very luxurious, with its European Majestic look, and its Venice-city-replica. When I was in Macau, I felt like I was in Batman movie with all the big gorgeous shinning buildings around me. Many times I told Ron "Bener-bener kayak di film Batman ya". Perhaps you don't understand what I'm talking about, how can Macau be a Batman movie, rite? I understand that, because Ron also didn't understand what I was talking about although he was there!
When I was back to HK again in the evening, I felt like I was returning home from my journey to a new place. Suddenly I became familiar with HK although HK itself is also still very new to me. Whatever it is, it's a good feeling to feel that HK is like my home now, or it's because I've no other choice now? Anyway, we have our visa now so I can subscribe a mobile phone's plan now.
Diary, I need to go out to buy rice cooker and iron now. I prefer to cook and eat at home now. It's not that I've become like 'ibu2' who likes to cook so much! It's because it's very troublesome to find food near my apartment, it's also not healthy to eat outside all the time, rite? Ok ok, I admit that I've becomed an old auntie who likes to shop at supermarket who wears apron all the time, who likes to cook and prepare dinner for husband at home, satisfied now??
See you diary..
MacDonnell Apartment
Monday, 6 Oct 08, 10.02am at MacDonnell Room
Hellow diary,
These are the pictures of my current apartment. I'll be staying here for the next one month before I move to my real apartment.

Currently, I'm busy with the settling down issues, like searching for new apartment, finding nearest supermarket and places to eat, trying to figure out the bus route, buying this and that. Last Saturday I went to see around 8 apartments with our property agent. Some look good, but we still have to see more to decide.
Living in HK is not bad. It's not as scary as I thought. Well, at least I can communicate with them now with my oral language, not by my body language, so it's easier for me now. The living cost here is also much much cheaper if compared to Tokyo's living cost. The people here work very fast, that's what I like most about Chinese people. I'll seriously consider to live here for longer term. I don't like moving around, really..
Hellow diary,
These are the pictures of my current apartment. I'll be staying here for the next one month before I move to my real apartment.

Currently, I'm busy with the settling down issues, like searching for new apartment, finding nearest supermarket and places to eat, trying to figure out the bus route, buying this and that. Last Saturday I went to see around 8 apartments with our property agent. Some look good, but we still have to see more to decide.
Living in HK is not bad. It's not as scary as I thought. Well, at least I can communicate with them now with my oral language, not by my body language, so it's easier for me now. The living cost here is also much much cheaper if compared to Tokyo's living cost. The people here work very fast, that's what I like most about Chinese people. I'll seriously consider to live here for longer term. I don't like moving around, really..
First Day in Hongkong
Hi Diary,
Finally I've arrived Hongkong last night. This is the first picture that we took in HK on the express train from airport to Hongkong city area. I'm now in my serviced apartment, browsing the Internet, trying to find out the bus route or MTR (train) route or whatever transportation for me to get out of this hotel. It's not an easy job, you know! I don't know the area here, I don't have a map, I don't know their nyap-yit-ngo-language. My hubby got his working visa issued few days ago, I also got my dependent visa issued too. So, today we'll need to go to Macau to get our visa activated. You know, we have to get out of this country and get in again. Haiz.. Let me continue my browsing again, diary.. I need to find out how to get to the Ferry Terminal to go to Macau today. Hopefully we won't get lost at nowhere later. By the way, I don't even know where Macau is. Is it part of China? Or Mongolia? Or Jengis Khan? Hiks.. I'm scared. I go where the wind blows. Anyway, you can actually see our scared-confused-faces from the above picture, rite?
In Hotel...
Friday, 19 Sep 08, 10.43am in hotel room
Morning diary..
Last night I couldn't sleep well again. Maybe because I'm not used sleeping in other place. I never imagined the hotel would be that great! I was kind of embarrassed last night. You know, I didn't take shower for the whole one day, I didn't put any make-up on my face, not even powder, so my face was kind of oily and the dark spots on my cheeks were so clear! I didn't comb my hair, not even once yesterday. I was wearing blue T-shirt, 3/4 jeans, and gray (the original color was white) shoes with one hole near my smallest toe. I was hugging a big paper bag of the leftover food from my apartment with my both hands. Can you imagine that? I was with Ron too but he was wearing his business outfit; long sleeves shirt and black pants and black shoes. I didn't realize that my appearance was that bad till I entered the lift and saw my own shadow on the mirror inside the lift. The lift was so elegant, so shining, so bright, but it got uglier suddenly because there was me in the lift! I looked so dirty, so ugly, so old, so ahjumma, so kampung! Two gentlemen took us to our room. I was even too ugly to be even standing beside the bell boys.. *_*#
Once I entered the room, I was so amazed! The bathroom is as big as my apartment's bedroom. I put the pictures here because this is the first time I stay in this kind of great hotel in my life! I didn't expect it because the hotel is arranged by the company. Perhaps this is also one of the reasons why I couldn't sleep well last night. I think I'm really being too kampungan now.

Before turning to bed, as usual, I took my contactlens off then suddenly I remembered something very very important. I forgot where I put my glasses! My thick grandma-like glasses!! With one contactlens still on, I was searching my bag, my luggages, everywhere but I couldn't find it. This morning, I just found out that my two SIM cards (Indonesia's and Singapore's SIM cards) were in my passport cover after searching them for like half day yesterday. So, I hoped that I could find my glasses in my food paper bag or in my soap/tooth paste bag but it was not in any of those. I have to go back to my apartment today to check. Hopefully it's still there. Or, is my glasses on the way to HK now? Oh please.. I thought I was smarter now that everything went smoothly this time. Hiks..
Morning diary..
Last night I couldn't sleep well again. Maybe because I'm not used sleeping in other place. I never imagined the hotel would be that great! I was kind of embarrassed last night. You know, I didn't take shower for the whole one day, I didn't put any make-up on my face, not even powder, so my face was kind of oily and the dark spots on my cheeks were so clear! I didn't comb my hair, not even once yesterday. I was wearing blue T-shirt, 3/4 jeans, and gray (the original color was white) shoes with one hole near my smallest toe. I was hugging a big paper bag of the leftover food from my apartment with my both hands. Can you imagine that? I was with Ron too but he was wearing his business outfit; long sleeves shirt and black pants and black shoes. I didn't realize that my appearance was that bad till I entered the lift and saw my own shadow on the mirror inside the lift. The lift was so elegant, so shining, so bright, but it got uglier suddenly because there was me in the lift! I looked so dirty, so ugly, so old, so ahjumma, so kampung! Two gentlemen took us to our room. I was even too ugly to be even standing beside the bell boys.. *_*#
Once I entered the room, I was so amazed! The bathroom is as big as my apartment's bedroom. I put the pictures here because this is the first time I stay in this kind of great hotel in my life! I didn't expect it because the hotel is arranged by the company. Perhaps this is also one of the reasons why I couldn't sleep well last night. I think I'm really being too kampungan now.
Before turning to bed, as usual, I took my contactlens off then suddenly I remembered something very very important. I forgot where I put my glasses! My thick grandma-like glasses!! With one contactlens still on, I was searching my bag, my luggages, everywhere but I couldn't find it. This morning, I just found out that my two SIM cards (Indonesia's and Singapore's SIM cards) were in my passport cover after searching them for like half day yesterday. So, I hoped that I could find my glasses in my food paper bag or in my soap/tooth paste bag but it was not in any of those. I have to go back to my apartment today to check. Hopefully it's still there. Or, is my glasses on the way to HK now? Oh please.. I thought I was smarter now that everything went smoothly this time. Hiks..
Remembrance of Shinkawa Apartment
Thursday, 18 Sep 08, 5.41pm at home
Hiii again diary!
That was not my last diary in Japan, I'm writing diary again now. I just finished my packing, cleaned my whole apartment, settled some changing address matters, bought tickets for my sofa disposal because nobody wants to take my sofa even for free, and here I'm now, writing diary again, in my empty apartment, with no table, and no chair. I only need internet connection and computer to write diary. Now I'm sitting on the floor, leaning on my spoiled sofa (yang giginya tinggal satu sekarang, aku tunggu giginya yang tinggal satu kok nggak copot2 juga), I put my laptop on a box in front of me.
Honestly, I have not taken shower since yesterday night. I planned to take shower after everything's been packed but I forgot one theory; once everything's been packed, that means my soap and towel have also already been packed. So I decided to take shower later in the hotel. What am I doing now? I'm waiting for the buyers of my washing machine, microwave, rice cooker, and curtains to come at 7pm.

Now I'm enjoying the last moment in this apartment. Apartment which has been a mute witness of my happy and sad days in the last 14 months. Apartment which has been our first home since we got married. Many stories happened in this apartment. Now I'm looking at my empty apartment, I remembered the first moment when I came into this apartment. It was as empty as now, it was as clean as now, it was as quiet as now. Only one big difference, my feeling! One year ago, I was so excited when I first came into this apartment, I was so excited to unpack my things, to arrange my photos here and there, and most importantly, I was so ready to experience my first year of my marriage life. Now, one year has passed, I had to pack all of my things again. There is always sad and happy feeling when we leave one place to go to another place, rite? I'm sad now that I'm leaving this place, this apartment especially. I don't know if I'll be able to go to Japan anymore for the rest of my life. Will I get excited after my arrival in my next apartment?
Anyway, bye bye my Shinkawa Apartment..
Hiii again diary!
That was not my last diary in Japan, I'm writing diary again now. I just finished my packing, cleaned my whole apartment, settled some changing address matters, bought tickets for my sofa disposal because nobody wants to take my sofa even for free, and here I'm now, writing diary again, in my empty apartment, with no table, and no chair. I only need internet connection and computer to write diary. Now I'm sitting on the floor, leaning on my spoiled sofa (yang giginya tinggal satu sekarang, aku tunggu giginya yang tinggal satu kok nggak copot2 juga), I put my laptop on a box in front of me.
Honestly, I have not taken shower since yesterday night. I planned to take shower after everything's been packed but I forgot one theory; once everything's been packed, that means my soap and towel have also already been packed. So I decided to take shower later in the hotel. What am I doing now? I'm waiting for the buyers of my washing machine, microwave, rice cooker, and curtains to come at 7pm.

Now I'm enjoying the last moment in this apartment. Apartment which has been a mute witness of my happy and sad days in the last 14 months. Apartment which has been our first home since we got married. Many stories happened in this apartment. Now I'm looking at my empty apartment, I remembered the first moment when I came into this apartment. It was as empty as now, it was as clean as now, it was as quiet as now. Only one big difference, my feeling! One year ago, I was so excited when I first came into this apartment, I was so excited to unpack my things, to arrange my photos here and there, and most importantly, I was so ready to experience my first year of my marriage life. Now, one year has passed, I had to pack all of my things again. There is always sad and happy feeling when we leave one place to go to another place, rite? I'm sad now that I'm leaving this place, this apartment especially. I don't know if I'll be able to go to Japan anymore for the rest of my life. Will I get excited after my arrival in my next apartment?
Anyway, bye bye my Shinkawa Apartment..
Moving Day
Thursday, 18 Sep 08, 9.48am at home
Hello again diary,
This morning is drizzling. The weather outside is quite cold, it's about 22C. My day yesterday was very tiring, I took some medicine and had a good sleep finally last nite. This morning I woke up with a fresh body and fresh mind. Good! Because today is my moving day so I have to keep my body fit.
Now, behind me, there are two men who are helping me packing. I've done my part yesterday, ok! So now is their turn to pack. I'm looking at them, they are very amazing! They work so fast, clean, neat, professional lah! My cheap items suddenly look precious if I look at how careful they wrap each of the item and put it nicely inside the box. I took picture of my home, the last picture before moving out, well, of course when those two men were out. Now, I'm sitting on my computer table, typing this diary again, utak-utiking the picture secretly without their notice. Since they are walking around behind me, I have to minimize and maximize my computer screen, of course I'm shy if they know that I praise them this much. ^_^
Tonight I'll stay in a provided hotel till Monday. My schedule is so packed till Monday so this might be my last writing when I'm still in Japan. On Monday, I will fly to HK first for transit, then Singapore for 2 night, then Jakarta for transit, then Jogjakarta, then Solo (by car of course). Phew, it will be such a long trip for us. There are reasons why we fly around like lalat, it's not that we like to fly that much.
Soon I'll have to give up my table, so bye diary..
See you again when I see you again..
Hello again diary,
This morning is drizzling. The weather outside is quite cold, it's about 22C. My day yesterday was very tiring, I took some medicine and had a good sleep finally last nite. This morning I woke up with a fresh body and fresh mind. Good! Because today is my moving day so I have to keep my body fit.

Tonight I'll stay in a provided hotel till Monday. My schedule is so packed till Monday so this might be my last writing when I'm still in Japan. On Monday, I will fly to HK first for transit, then Singapore for 2 night, then Jakarta for transit, then Jogjakarta, then Solo (by car of course). Phew, it will be such a long trip for us. There are reasons why we fly around like lalat, it's not that we like to fly that much.
Soon I'll have to give up my table, so bye diary..
See you again when I see you again..
Packing Day
Wednesday 17 Sep 08, 12.17pm at home
Hi diary,
This week I'm busy with packing and settling all the relocation matters. I can't sleep well last night and the days before and I think I will not have a good sleep for the next few days too. My mind keeps thinking, my brain can't stop thinking! I don't know what's my real problem. Is it because deep inside my heart I'm actually sad that I'm leaving Japan although I've been praying to be out of Japan all the times? Is it because of lots of things that need to be done regarding my moving to HK? Is it because of my fears of some uncertainties and all of the new things that I'll have to experience in HK? I guess, all of those are what I've been thinking about recently.
If you can peek what's inside my head now, it's a total mess! It's as messy as my house now. Yes, today is my packing day. The clothes, the books, the boxes, everything are all over the place. Just now I was 'pet-petan' (lil bit of black out), so I had to sit down for moments, drink water, and.. end up writing this diary! That's what usually happens when I don't have enough sleep at night. I have low blood pressure. People say that I need to eat more meat and drink more sugar, that's the things I like to be a low-blood-pressure-patient. So, I enjoy being 'pet-petan', a lil bit of black out is not a problem at all as long as I can eat more fattening food without feeling so sinful.
Anyway, today I'm packing my personal stuffs. Tomorrow, the mover will come to help me packing my other stuffs and doing dismantlement of my furniture, and get them all delivered to HK. Tomorrow is also the day when my buyers will come to pick up my appliances. Starting tomorrow, I'll have to stay in a hotel till Monday so I'll have to pack my belongings that I wanna carry in my suitcases since I'm going back to Singapore and Indonesia first for 10 days. Everything has to be finished by tomorrow and see what I'm doing now. I'm writing this stupid diary with my weak hands and my 'pet-petan' eyes.
Tonight will be my last night sleeping in this apartment. There is a sad feeling leaving this mini-mouse-apartment. I washed the bed sheet and the quilt cover this morning, a day before my official moving. There's nothing superstitious, ok! I washed it today so that I can put them in the box to be delivered by sea tomorrow, so I don't have to carry them in my luggage. *So, how will you sleep tonite?* Just sleep without bed sheet la, is it a big problem? I will get the curtains down too since I'm selling it to someone. I have no problem sleeping in a bedroom with no bed sheet, no blanket, and no curtains. What I need to do are just wear my contact lens off and turn the light off and I can't see anything.
I think I need to eat now.. yes, food is the source of my energy. I'm not really hungry now but I need to eat now and sleep. No, no, don't sleep, I still have so many things to do, aja aja! Fighting, Abbie!
Hi diary,
This week I'm busy with packing and settling all the relocation matters. I can't sleep well last night and the days before and I think I will not have a good sleep for the next few days too. My mind keeps thinking, my brain can't stop thinking! I don't know what's my real problem. Is it because deep inside my heart I'm actually sad that I'm leaving Japan although I've been praying to be out of Japan all the times? Is it because of lots of things that need to be done regarding my moving to HK? Is it because of my fears of some uncertainties and all of the new things that I'll have to experience in HK? I guess, all of those are what I've been thinking about recently.
If you can peek what's inside my head now, it's a total mess! It's as messy as my house now. Yes, today is my packing day. The clothes, the books, the boxes, everything are all over the place. Just now I was 'pet-petan' (lil bit of black out), so I had to sit down for moments, drink water, and.. end up writing this diary! That's what usually happens when I don't have enough sleep at night. I have low blood pressure. People say that I need to eat more meat and drink more sugar, that's the things I like to be a low-blood-pressure-patient. So, I enjoy being 'pet-petan', a lil bit of black out is not a problem at all as long as I can eat more fattening food without feeling so sinful.
Anyway, today I'm packing my personal stuffs. Tomorrow, the mover will come to help me packing my other stuffs and doing dismantlement of my furniture, and get them all delivered to HK. Tomorrow is also the day when my buyers will come to pick up my appliances. Starting tomorrow, I'll have to stay in a hotel till Monday so I'll have to pack my belongings that I wanna carry in my suitcases since I'm going back to Singapore and Indonesia first for 10 days. Everything has to be finished by tomorrow and see what I'm doing now. I'm writing this stupid diary with my weak hands and my 'pet-petan' eyes.
Tonight will be my last night sleeping in this apartment. There is a sad feeling leaving this mini-mouse-apartment. I washed the bed sheet and the quilt cover this morning, a day before my official moving. There's nothing superstitious, ok! I washed it today so that I can put them in the box to be delivered by sea tomorrow, so I don't have to carry them in my luggage. *So, how will you sleep tonite?* Just sleep without bed sheet la, is it a big problem? I will get the curtains down too since I'm selling it to someone. I have no problem sleeping in a bedroom with no bed sheet, no blanket, and no curtains. What I need to do are just wear my contact lens off and turn the light off and I can't see anything.
I think I need to eat now.. yes, food is the source of my energy. I'm not really hungry now but I need to eat now and sleep. No, no, don't sleep, I still have so many things to do, aja aja! Fighting, Abbie!
Time to Move On
Saturday, 13 Sep 08, 3.06pm at home
Dear diary,
Recently I've been busy with many things, yes, I'm still busy learning my new laptop and I'm still busy doing my own business, and many more things like; I'm busy taking pictures of my furniture and my home appliances, and photoshopping the pictures, and uploading them on the Internet, then waiting for the emails to come, and replying the emails one by one, and making appointments for them to come to my home to see and pick my furniture up. Yes, I'm selling my furniture and all the electronic appliances!
We'll be going. We'll be leaving Japan on 22 Sep. We'll be moving to Hong Kong for good! My husband got a job there. I really hope, I really pray that this will be the best decision for us. It had been uncertain for many months, finally it's been confirmed. It's not that we like to move around, ok? Honestly, I really want to go back home, diary! I really miss home. I really miss my family. I really miss my home country. I really want to settle down, build a family, and have a happy simple life! But, I guess, now is not the time for me yet. I'm not sure what God's planning in my life. What I'm very sure is, our moving to Hong Kong is in HIS plan. This is the very first time I really heard God spoke to me, not audibly, but in my heart! Even until now, my heart is still heavy to go to Hong Kong, but I wanna try trusting in HIM!
Diary, please help me praying that everything will be alright. I'm really scared now. Again, new country, new environment, new language, new friends, and new home! I'll have a new life all over again. I guess, this time won't be as bad as last year when I came to Japan; last year I even had a new husband! This time, at least there's one thing that is not new so I don't need to adapt to so many new things at the same time. Phew, that relieves me.
p.s Will I still be able to see the color autumn leaves in Japan before I leave?
Dear diary,
Recently I've been busy with many things, yes, I'm still busy learning my new laptop and I'm still busy doing my own business, and many more things like; I'm busy taking pictures of my furniture and my home appliances, and photoshopping the pictures, and uploading them on the Internet, then waiting for the emails to come, and replying the emails one by one, and making appointments for them to come to my home to see and pick my furniture up. Yes, I'm selling my furniture and all the electronic appliances!
We'll be going. We'll be leaving Japan on 22 Sep. We'll be moving to Hong Kong for good! My husband got a job there. I really hope, I really pray that this will be the best decision for us. It had been uncertain for many months, finally it's been confirmed. It's not that we like to move around, ok? Honestly, I really want to go back home, diary! I really miss home. I really miss my family. I really miss my home country. I really want to settle down, build a family, and have a happy simple life! But, I guess, now is not the time for me yet. I'm not sure what God's planning in my life. What I'm very sure is, our moving to Hong Kong is in HIS plan. This is the very first time I really heard God spoke to me, not audibly, but in my heart! Even until now, my heart is still heavy to go to Hong Kong, but I wanna try trusting in HIM!
Diary, please help me praying that everything will be alright. I'm really scared now. Again, new country, new environment, new language, new friends, and new home! I'll have a new life all over again. I guess, this time won't be as bad as last year when I came to Japan; last year I even had a new husband! This time, at least there's one thing that is not new so I don't need to adapt to so many new things at the same time. Phew, that relieves me.
p.s Will I still be able to see the color autumn leaves in Japan before I leave?
New Laptop!!
Monday, 8 Sep 08, 3.28pm at home
Hi little diary!
You know what? Surprise surprise! I bought new laptop! Last weekend I went to Akihabara with my hubby, the same electronic shop that I usually go, yes, the shop with the 'Pak Dengkek' song! I love that shop because the options are a lot, the price is low, there is pointo kado (point card) for every purchase of product, and because of their song! I feel like going back to my past, going back to my kampoeng, every time I hear that song. But, last Saturday was kind of weird, I didn't hear that song anymore, is it because they already changed the song? Or is it because I too concentrated on choosing laptop so I couldn't hear anything around me?
Anyway, after careful consideration of the product specs, and the designs, and the price, I chose this laptop! The N type of Sony Vaio! I like this model because it looks like Mac, but somebody said it doesn't look like Mac at all! It's ok, maybe my eyes have already been blinded by love. Fyi, I used to see my car in Australia as BMW, I told everyone that my car resembled so much like BMW, I bragged around saying that my car's eyes are exactly like BMW's eyes. You know what my car was? Well, ehemm.. *cekikik cekikik* it's Mitsubishi Lancer. :P
This is my first laptop that I bought with my own money, you know! The reason why I bought this laptop is to support my own business. The other reason is to use internet and watch movie all I want without any disturbance as I don't need to use my hubby's laptop anymore. I want to remember the first moment when I opened my laptop so I took pictures of the opening process. Please be considerate if I'm too overreacting. I'm too happy now ^_^

I purposely bought this Sony laptop here in Japan because people say that it's cheap to buy Japan local products in Japan. And, it's really cheap! The price is only 50% or less if compared to those available in countries outside Japan. But, now, I have a little problem here. Not a little, it's BIG problem for me! The operating system is in Japanese, the manual is in Japanese, the keyboard is the Japanese keyboard, everything is in Japanese! Now I'm trying my best to understand my laptop. We need to understand each other well to be falling in love, rite? For the Japanese keyboard, I guess what I need is just time to get used to it. For the manual book, I think I can roughly guess what it is since many computer terms are adopted from English, like kibodo (keyboard), maidokyumento (my document), konteropaneru (control panel), herupu supoto (help support), baku apu (back-up), deta rikafuri (data recovery), etc etc. For the OS, I'm now trying to get help from my friend to install the English OS, let's see if it's going to be successful. Otherwise, I'll diligently take my Japanese course again. Is there any Japanese course that will only teach me how to use konpyuta (computer)?

You know what? Surprise surprise! I bought new laptop! Last weekend I went to Akihabara with my hubby, the same electronic shop that I usually go, yes, the shop with the 'Pak Dengkek' song! I love that shop because the options are a lot, the price is low, there is pointo kado (point card) for every purchase of product, and because of their song! I feel like going back to my past, going back to my kampoeng, every time I hear that song. But, last Saturday was kind of weird, I didn't hear that song anymore, is it because they already changed the song? Or is it because I too concentrated on choosing laptop so I couldn't hear anything around me?
Anyway, after careful consideration of the product specs, and the designs, and the price, I chose this laptop! The N type of Sony Vaio! I like this model because it looks like Mac, but somebody said it doesn't look like Mac at all! It's ok, maybe my eyes have already been blinded by love. Fyi, I used to see my car in Australia as BMW, I told everyone that my car resembled so much like BMW, I bragged around saying that my car's eyes are exactly like BMW's eyes. You know what my car was? Well, ehemm.. *cekikik cekikik* it's Mitsubishi Lancer. :P
This is my first laptop that I bought with my own money, you know! The reason why I bought this laptop is to support my own business. The other reason is to use internet and watch movie all I want without any disturbance as I don't need to use my hubby's laptop anymore. I want to remember the first moment when I opened my laptop so I took pictures of the opening process. Please be considerate if I'm too overreacting. I'm too happy now ^_^

I purposely bought this Sony laptop here in Japan because people say that it's cheap to buy Japan local products in Japan. And, it's really cheap! The price is only 50% or less if compared to those available in countries outside Japan. But, now, I have a little problem here. Not a little, it's BIG problem for me! The operating system is in Japanese, the manual is in Japanese, the keyboard is the Japanese keyboard, everything is in Japanese! Now I'm trying my best to understand my laptop. We need to understand each other well to be falling in love, rite? For the Japanese keyboard, I guess what I need is just time to get used to it. For the manual book, I think I can roughly guess what it is since many computer terms are adopted from English, like kibodo (keyboard), maidokyumento (my document), konteropaneru (control panel), herupu supoto (help support), baku apu (back-up), deta rikafuri (data recovery), etc etc. For the OS, I'm now trying to get help from my friend to install the English OS, let's see if it's going to be successful. Otherwise, I'll diligently take my Japanese course again. Is there any Japanese course that will only teach me how to use konpyuta (computer)?
Trip Okutama & Nippara
Saturday, 6 Sep 08, 2.45pm at home
Dear my diary,
Last Tuesday, me and my hubby went to Okutama lake again and Nippara with our good friends. Yes, the last time we went to Okutama is almost one year ago. This has nothing to do with any annual ritual or what.

My friends in this photo are our good friends in church, here in Tokyo. They are leaving Japan this week for Indonesia, for good, to get married and to build a family there. They are very cute and funny couple. I'll really miss you! Although it's sad to part with you, but I'm happy for you. Congrats for both of you, and selamat menempuh hidup baru yah, beranak pinaklah dan penuhilah bumi ini..
Actually there are many photos that I want to put here and there are fun stories that I want to share here during our trip to Okutama and Nippara, but now I'm not in the mood of telling you anything and doing anything. You may just see my pictures during this trip here. You see, more and more friends are leaving me. I don't want to be left behind. Hiks.. hiks.. *sentrupp*
Dear my diary,
Last Tuesday, me and my hubby went to Okutama lake again and Nippara with our good friends. Yes, the last time we went to Okutama is almost one year ago. This has nothing to do with any annual ritual or what.
My friends in this photo are our good friends in church, here in Tokyo. They are leaving Japan this week for Indonesia, for good, to get married and to build a family there. They are very cute and funny couple. I'll really miss you! Although it's sad to part with you, but I'm happy for you. Congrats for both of you, and selamat menempuh hidup baru yah, beranak pinaklah dan penuhilah bumi ini..
Actually there are many photos that I want to put here and there are fun stories that I want to share here during our trip to Okutama and Nippara, but now I'm not in the mood of telling you anything and doing anything. You may just see my pictures during this trip here. You see, more and more friends are leaving me. I don't want to be left behind. Hiks.. hiks.. *sentrupp*
Another Friends Had Left
Gunma Egg
Wednesday, 3 Sep 08, 9.47am at home
Hi my little diary,

Can you see these two pictures? It's egg! Yes, it's chicken egg! You see picture on the left, the egg on my hand is sooo big compared to the normal egg on the table, isn't it? I got this egg from my pastor's wife. She said that it's chicken egg from Gunma (a city near Tokyo). Eggs from Gunma are very big because each egg has two yolks and it's natural! I couldn't believe it, so I brought home one egg from her and opened it myself. You see, it really has two yolks in it! I'm wondering if the mothers of chicken in Gunma have twin genetics? Will the egg with two yolks can become two little chickens? Or will it become one little chicken with two heads? Or just one fat little chicken? Or can the egg become little chicken? Or it's just an egg with two yolks?
Hi my little diary,
Can you see these two pictures? It's egg! Yes, it's chicken egg! You see picture on the left, the egg on my hand is sooo big compared to the normal egg on the table, isn't it? I got this egg from my pastor's wife. She said that it's chicken egg from Gunma (a city near Tokyo). Eggs from Gunma are very big because each egg has two yolks and it's natural! I couldn't believe it, so I brought home one egg from her and opened it myself. You see, it really has two yolks in it! I'm wondering if the mothers of chicken in Gunma have twin genetics? Will the egg with two yolks can become two little chickens? Or will it become one little chicken with two heads? Or just one fat little chicken? Or can the egg become little chicken? Or it's just an egg with two yolks?
Own Business, Finally!!
Friday, 29 Aug 08, 10.42am at home
Hi diary..
Now is Friday again. It's so cloudy today. It's been cloudy and raining for the last few days. I hardly chose a bright day with strong sunshine to wash and dry my clothes! Finally yesterday I managed to dry my clothes.
Recently I've been busy with something. I'm so excited now! I'm working on my own now! It's been my dream to have own business and do something that I enjoy. You knew it, rite? But, I'm in overseas now, I kept thinking of what I could do from distance. And we found it! The important point here is: "do something that I enjoy like doing my hobby and make money". I wrote this down in Bulbo few weeks ago, remember? And now, my dream has finally come true! I have been working together with my two dearest sisters since 1.5 months ago, doing all the preparations, and now it's almost launched! I'm scared as well as excited to see the result. Will people like our products? Those are really our products, home-made products, hand-made products, products that we make from really scratch, products that we make from nothing! Honestly, I really proud of our teamwork, we have our own strengths and weaknesses and we complement each other. I proud of my sisters, and I proud of myself too! I can't believe it, from 'berandai-andai' becomes reality, from interest becomes job.
I wanna pray that we can do this business continuously.
I wanna pray that God will bless our product launch, in September.
I wanna pray that God will bless this business abundantly.
Diary, I'm so excited till I couldn't sleep last nite. :P
Hi diary..
Now is Friday again. It's so cloudy today. It's been cloudy and raining for the last few days. I hardly chose a bright day with strong sunshine to wash and dry my clothes! Finally yesterday I managed to dry my clothes.
Recently I've been busy with something. I'm so excited now! I'm working on my own now! It's been my dream to have own business and do something that I enjoy. You knew it, rite? But, I'm in overseas now, I kept thinking of what I could do from distance. And we found it! The important point here is: "do something that I enjoy like doing my hobby and make money". I wrote this down in Bulbo few weeks ago, remember? And now, my dream has finally come true! I have been working together with my two dearest sisters since 1.5 months ago, doing all the preparations, and now it's almost launched! I'm scared as well as excited to see the result. Will people like our products? Those are really our products, home-made products, hand-made products, products that we make from really scratch, products that we make from nothing! Honestly, I really proud of our teamwork, we have our own strengths and weaknesses and we complement each other. I proud of my sisters, and I proud of myself too! I can't believe it, from 'berandai-andai' becomes reality, from interest becomes job.
I wanna pray that we can do this business continuously.
I wanna pray that God will bless our product launch, in September.
I wanna pray that God will bless this business abundantly.
Diary, I'm so excited till I couldn't sleep last nite. :P
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