You know what? Surprise surprise! I bought new laptop! Last weekend I went to Akihabara with my hubby, the same electronic shop that I usually go, yes, the shop with the 'Pak Dengkek' song! I love that shop because the options are a lot, the price is low, there is pointo kado (point card) for every purchase of product, and because of their song! I feel like going back to my past, going back to my kampoeng, every time I hear that song. But, last Saturday was kind of weird, I didn't hear that song anymore, is it because they already changed the song? Or is it because I too concentrated on choosing laptop so I couldn't hear anything around me?
Anyway, after careful consideration of the product specs, and the designs, and the price, I chose this laptop! The N type of Sony Vaio! I like this model because it looks like Mac, but somebody said it doesn't look like Mac at all! It's ok, maybe my eyes have already been blinded by love. Fyi, I used to see my car in Australia as BMW, I told everyone that my car resembled so much like BMW, I bragged around saying that my car's eyes are exactly like BMW's eyes. You know what my car was? Well, ehemm.. *cekikik cekikik* it's Mitsubishi Lancer. :P
This is my first laptop that I bought with my own money, you know! The reason why I bought this laptop is to support my own business. The other reason is to use internet and watch movie all I want without any disturbance as I don't need to use my hubby's laptop anymore. I want to remember the first moment when I opened my laptop so I took pictures of the opening process. Please be considerate if I'm too overreacting. I'm too happy now ^_^

I purposely bought this Sony laptop here in Japan because people say that it's cheap to buy Japan local products in Japan. And, it's really cheap! The price is only 50% or less if compared to those available in countries outside Japan. But, now, I have a little problem here. Not a little, it's BIG problem for me! The operating system is in Japanese, the manual is in Japanese, the keyboard is the Japanese keyboard, everything is in Japanese! Now I'm trying my best to understand my laptop. We need to understand each other well to be falling in love, rite? For the Japanese keyboard, I guess what I need is just time to get used to it. For the manual book, I think I can roughly guess what it is since many computer terms are adopted from English, like kibodo (keyboard), maidokyumento (my document), konteropaneru (control panel), herupu supoto (help support), baku apu (back-up), deta rikafuri (data recovery), etc etc. For the OS, I'm now trying to get help from my friend to install the English OS, let's see if it's going to be successful. Otherwise, I'll diligently take my Japanese course again. Is there any Japanese course that will only teach me how to use konpyuta (computer)?
Waaaa...keren loh, mirip Mac emang!! :)
Kok gk beli Mac?
Ahhh...jd pengen beli laptop..percaya nda dr dulu kuliah sampe skr gk pernah punya komputer, cuman modal pinjem lab sekolah hehehe...maybe it's time yah :)
Have a great day!
Hehehe.. aku pingin beli Mac tapi gak bisa pakenya, takut gak compatible ma hardware2 yg laen. Aku juga dari dulu minjem2 terus, ayukk beli, beda loh rasanya hahaha..
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