Hi again diary,
Ron started his first day of working in HK today. This is the first time we stay apart from each other since we arrived in HK. We didn't have mobile number few days ago so we're really afraid to stay apart and to be lost in this new island like Tao Ming Tse and San Chai and accidentally lost our memory and bye bye forever. So, we even took turn to go to public toilet while the other of us waited outside the toilet. It happened once when we both went to public toilet together; when I went out to look for Ron, he wasn't around! I walked here and there to look for him, searched each of the shops near the toilet, still I couldn't find him. I was so scared, but I waited for him in front of the toilet for few minutes with angry face. And he came by bringing a restaurant's brochure from upstairs. And me wasn't angry anymore since he took me to eat.
Yesterday I managed to go to Macau to activate our visa, the Asia Las Vegas! We took ferry from HK to Macau. It was a quite heavy raining and typhoon yesterday so our boat was not sailing smoothly. We definetely chose a wrong day to sail. Ron spent almost the whole 1 hour trip by puking in the toilet. He should ask for half price ferry ticket refund since he was not using his seat. Me? I spent almost the whole 1 hour trip by sleeping soundly and tightly on my comfortable seat.
Arriving in Macau, we missed our city tour bus. Then, we took a public bus. That was our first time going to Macau, we really didn't know anything! Before we got onto the bus, I already confirmed the destination with the bus driver then we confidently took that bus. 30 minutes passed by, we were still not sure which stop we had to get down till finally the bus reached its final terminal then we knew that we had to get down from the bus. Celingak here, celinguk there, then we took another bus to go to our destination, Senado square. This time, we were sitting on the front row. I also asked the bus driver to let us know when it's time to get down. We managed to go to Senado Square! I'm really proud of myself although it took me 2 bus rounds to reach there.
It was a raining day.. we managed to eat their famous Portugesse egg tart and took some pictures there. Then, we took free shuttle bus to one of the hotel casino, called The Venetian Macao Resort Hotel. I was in Macau so I had to see one of their casinos, rite?
In front of the the St Paul's Ruins, In the Venetian Macao Resort Hotel.

This hotel is very luxurious, with its European Majestic look, and its Venice-city-replica. When I was in Macau, I felt like I was in Batman movie with all the big gorgeous shinning buildings around me. Many times I told Ron "Bener-bener kayak di film Batman ya". Perhaps you don't understand what I'm talking about, how can Macau be a Batman movie, rite? I understand that, because Ron also didn't understand what I was talking about although he was there!
When I was back to HK again in the evening, I felt like I was returning home from my journey to a new place. Suddenly I became familiar with HK although HK itself is also still very new to me. Whatever it is, it's a good feeling to feel that HK is like my home now, or it's because I've no other choice now? Anyway, we have our visa now so I can subscribe a mobile phone's plan now.
Diary, I need to go out to buy rice cooker and iron now. I prefer to cook and eat at home now. It's not that I've become like 'ibu2' who likes to cook so much! It's because it's very troublesome to find food near my apartment, it's also not healthy to eat outside all the time, rite? Ok ok, I admit that I've becomed an old auntie who likes to shop at supermarket who wears apron all the time, who likes to cook and prepare dinner for husband at home, satisfied now??
See you diary..
Wah... ternyata Macau apik juga yah. Nyesel juga aku dulu gak pigi ke Macau. Padahal yah, aku dulu udah nyampe HK terus udah rasan2 mo ke Macau. Tapi kok dalam bayangan kita tuh Macau biasa aja.... jadinya batal deh. Haiyaaa...
Huehuehue.. yang takpoto yg apik2 Ko, yg jelek ya gak takpoto. Tapi emang Macau tu unik kok, banyak peninggalan Portugis dulu dan night life casinonya ituuuu hebat2an bangetttt.. aku serasa jadi lebih menghargai profesi seorang gambler..
See.. Macau apiiik toh.. Aku suka old buildings di sana.. terutama di malam hari.. banyak yang lampu2 kelap-kelip bikin aku berkedip2.. hehehe.. *btw, shopping disana lmyn murah2 juga loh*
Iyaa ternyata apikk yaa.. sayangnya aku ga sempet liat byk tempat karna ujann dan cuma sehari tu gak sempet liat banyak. Aku juga cuman sempet shopping jajanan tenongan mereka, ga sempet beli baju dan laen2 hiks.. tapi aku udah ngga mau balek sana lagi, takut mabok lautnya.
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