How are you doing, diary?
You know what? My whole body is aching now. I can't walk properly, I have to use double energy to get up from bed or sofa, I can't flush the toilet using my right hand. It is all because I played badminton yesterday. It's been a long time since the last time I played badminton. Ron also complained when he woke this morning that his body all aches but he still has to go to office to work. And me, I can just stay at home, and be lazy for as long as I want. I thank God that I'm a housewife in the case like this. How wonderful life is when we don't need to go thru a blue-mondai-Monday, agree? This is the picture when we were about to go out for badminton. We were wearing same shirts, cute isn't it? We were still happily posing with no idea how painful our bodies would be after that.. We will be playing badminton every Sunday morning from now on. Remember diary, that's our activity on Sunday morning, ok?
We can dress up like athletes, we can walk like athletes, we can hold the rackets like athletes. The only slight difference is; athletes won't take picture in front of the mirror and rice cooker. *Can you guys play badminton like athletes too?* SShhhh!! Don't raise that subject!
Hahaha... kurang olah raga tuh. Mesti sering2 olah raga biar gak kayak gitu. Kan kita udah gak muda lagi, hampir kepala 3 kan... :)
rice cooker nya bagus. beli di mana? *malah mbahas rice cooker*
Iya ko, mesti olahraga rutin neh krn tulang2 tua udah pada kaku.
Soyuz, mau beli ricecookerku?? Tukar tambah sama ricecooker jepunmu mau? Aku lbh suka stylenya rice cooker jepun, di sini ga ada yg model jepun tinggi langsing gt, model sini lebar gendut nyempluk.
Hahaha.... biarpun aku hidup di Canada, tapi rice-cooker-ku buatan Japan asli. Merk Zojirushi itu loh. Eh, di Japan ada Zojirushi gak yah? Jangan2 malah cuman populer di North America.
Oh Zojirushi!! Dulu sandwich makerku di jp merknya zojirushi. Hiks, ricecooker dan sanwich makerku dulu udah takjual smua.. skg ricecooker buatan cina ku ngintip (meaning: kluar intipnya) trus nehh..:(
@abby: lebar gendut nyempluk? lutu ya ^^. sini tuker tambah sama punya ku wae.
@antonius: oh aku baru tau kalo zojirushi itu populer di luar jepang. aku malah baru denger merek ini pas lagi hunting rice cooker. tapi akhire beli national. dompetku njerit2 soale ^^;
uups..sori salah nulis nama. harus e antony hihihi...maap :d
Wah.. emang pas kalo yg diomongin malah rice cooker-e.. abis pertama liat poto (blom baca blog-nya) ta kirain mau cerita about your new-made-in-China-rice cooker.. Jebullleee....
Eh soyuz iki sapa yah? Kok belakangan gak pernah absen kasih comment?
Lah aku tuh juga tau Zojirushi malah setelah nyampe Canada. Pas di Indonesia malah gak tau ada merk itu. Dulu di Indo pake-e Panasonic kayak-e.
Wah jadi inget Madato-e si Susan... piye bu Susan, wis dapet hadiah apa lagi dari Madato?
iya neh di indo malah ga perna liat merk Zojirushi.. Yg ada madato, aowa, denpo, shinyoku...
Madato-ku so far so good ko.. Tiap pg dipake bikin jus
Madato-kun? Madato-chan? makluk apa pula itu?
Soyuz itu makluk yg tinggalnya di Jepun, Ko. Dulu temen grejaku di Tokyo, temen deket tapi ga deket, temen ga deket tapi deket, susah dideskripsikan dengan kata2.
"..temen deket tapi ga deket, temen ga deket tapi deket, susah dideskripsikan dengan kata2??"
hmmm.. Let's say.. temen jauh di mata dekat di rempelo.. gitcuu??
the precious thoughts u provided do help our team's research for our company, appreaciate that.
- Lucas
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