
First Day in Hongkong

Friday, 3 OCt 08, 12.15pm at MacDonnell Room

Hi Diary,
Finally I've arrived Hongkong last night. This is the first picture that we took in HK on the express train from airport to Hongkong city area. I'm now in my serviced apartment, browsing the Internet, trying to find out the bus route or MTR (train) route or whatever transportation for me to get out of this hotel. It's not an easy job, you know! I don't know the area here, I don't have a map, I don't know their nyap-yit-ngo-language. My hubby got his working visa issued few days ago, I also got my dependent visa issued too. So, today we'll need to go to Macau to get our visa activated. You know, we have to get out of this country and get in again. Haiz.. Let me continue my browsing again, diary.. I need to find out how to get to the Ferry Terminal to go to Macau today. Hopefully we won't get lost at nowhere later. By the way, I don't even know where Macau is. Is it part of China? Or Mongolia? Or Jengis Khan? Hiks.. I'm scared. I go where the wind blows. Anyway, you can actually see our scared-confused-faces from the above picture, rite?



Anonymous said...

Ola Fenny,

I wanted to help you out a little with regard to your visa activation. Can you go somewhere else other than Macau because Shen Zhen is the closest to Hong Kong. We could actually ride an express train from Hong Kong to Shen Zhen in about 1 hour. The best thing is you could shop until you drop over there in Shen Zhen.

Anonymous said...

akhirnya terdengar juga kabar mu. yokatta ne~

actually i saw your 'nervous-but-excited' faces :d

salam buat ron. sekalian buat jackie chan juga.

::aLb3rta:: said...

HongKong is part of China, isn't it? So, going to ShenZhen still in the same country, rite? Well, I'm not really so sure about that though.. Anyway, Macau isn't that bad too.. I think it's quite beautiful,especially at nite :p I'm not talking about the casino loh.. but the old buildings there..

Antony Pranata said...

Well.. the thing is Macau is now part of China too. Portuguese has just returned Macau to China a couple of years ago (year 2000+).

But, Hong Kong is actually still a special administrative region of China. So, even when we go from Hong Kong to Shen Zhen, they still do passport checking and stamp our passport.

AbigaiL said...

Oh udah banyak komen hihihi..

@Emi: thanks for your suggestion, kalo ke Shenzhen butuh visa china jadi males ngurusnya, mendingan Macau aja tanpa visa :)

@Soyuz: hahaha.. i wish aku ketemu aaron kwok, my idol when i was so ABG hihihi..

@Ci S: ahhh akhirnyaaa ketemu ci S jugaaa.. sok senin ol yah, aku senin nganggur jualan anggur soale.

@Koko: wah, aku baru tau kalo ada sejarahe gitu. Aku cuma wondering aja kok byk gereja2 Eropa di Macau.

neetha said...

Gak ketemu yah waktu di Singapore. Well, I know the anxiety of being in a foreign land. Just enjoy the process yah. At least you have your husband as company. It is not that bad. Have fun there.

Anonymous said...

kalo rai mu emg ketok scared-confused, tapi nek ron lebih cenderung "lha wes pie meneh"-look.

Eniw, ga usah takutlah...toh sebagian besar wktmu jg di dunia maya...jd mau di jp ato hk apa bedanya...???

AbigaiL said...

Hi Neetha,
Yea, after few days, it's not that bad actually. Please come and visit us.. :)

Ci J,
Kita ketemu dep2an di solo malah canggung rikuh2an, enakan di dunia maya ya hahahaha.. raiku sebenere wes-pie-meneh look, itu takusahakan sedaya upaya biar kliatan lebih excited tapi malah jadi gitu bentuke, senyum kecut. hihihihi...

Anonymous said...

Yap kok ketok kurusan siii.. emg kita lebih akrab di dunia maya yaa.. aku sm Tj aja kalo ketemu dep2an masih selalu ada canggung2e..kalo di dunia maya kan lebih blak2an..jeblak2an.. jebluk2an.. ceploss2an..ceples2an.. hehehhe..

AbigaiL said...

eh kurusan?? Nggak lahh!! itu karna epek poto miringg.. hahaha.. mesti pandai2 menutupi pipi bulatku dong..