
Having Short Hair

Friday, 12 June 09, 8.35am on the bus

Good morning my diary,
It has been several days since my last post. It's because I wanted you to really read the meaning behind that chicken love story illustration and understand it well. *Halahh it's just because you're lazy to write!* Well, honestly I have been busy struggling with my new hair! It's so hard to maintain hair above shoulder, especially when I wake up in the morning. I am not sure if my sleeping pose is not so ergonomics or it's the problem with my hair or both? Every string of my hair goes to all different directions they can think of in the morning. During the day, I have to sit with my head straight otherwise my hair will happily lean on my neck and it will be in that shape till I wet it with water. On the bus, I can't put my head on the head rest too as its shape will be as flat as the bus' head rest. Yesterday when I had birthday lunch with my friends, I thought that I had done all my best to keep my hair in good shape, but I was shocked when I saw my own photo which my friend took candidly. My hair looked like duck's lips from side, not even chicken's lips! *Hey, it should be duck's tail, not lips* Whatever. I am so frustrated! I really regret that I cut my hair this short, I thought maintaining short hair was easier. I was wrong. My hair is thin, its shape easily changes. With one blow of wind, my hair will go to the same direction where the wind blows to. With one drop of water from the rain or from neighbor's laundry, my round hair will suddenly be flat and will never come back to its original shape till I hairdry it again. My face looks rounder too with this short hair. Everything just doesn't feel right. I have been writing diary in the past 20mins now, I bet the duck's lips tail is back.

I write it here so I can remember "Do not ever cut my hair above my shoulder again!" Short hair just doesn't look good to me although I like short hairstyle. Never mind, I will wait till it grows longer! *Of course you will wait, where can you go without your hair??*



Chicken Love Story

Friday, 5 June 09, 11.52pm at home

Hello diary,
Just dropping by to upload these pictures. *Who took these pics?* Me. Why? Is there something wrong? These chickens are so interesting. Look at their love life!

[A guy is chasing a girl] === [The guy and the girl are finally in love]

[They are having kids] === [The girl is now afraid to lose the guy!]

This is an illustration of a relationship between a guy and a girl, before and after marriage.

Anyway, those chickens are actually for salt & pepper. I bought them in Bangkok last week in the airport. I took pictures of them to show you how cute they are, never had intention to create that stupid chicken-love-story.

Good night, diary!


Having Haircut in HK

Friday, 5 June 09, 8.28am on the bus

My diary..
I just got a haircut last night. What was I thinking till I went to saloon out of the blue? Yesterday I finished work quite early, around 7.15pm I had arrived my neighborhood. I felt like I should use the time doing something. So, I went to a shop near my home to buy a shower curtain. My current shower curtain is no longer decent to use. At the end, I got a nice shower curtain with cute flower prints on it. I finished this mini shopping at 7.30pm and I still had time doing something else. Fyi, usually I arrive home around 8.15pm. That means I still had 45 mins free time, right? Then I saw a hair saloon just in front of the shop that I went in. That's when the idea of cutting my hair came along.

My last haircut was on weekend few months ago. You know, I don't wear contact lenses on weekend. The hairdresser kept asking me to take off my glasses as the glasses' hangers on my ears disturbed his work. Then I took my thick glasses off and put it on again whenever I had chances. Hey, how can we act blur when somebody is doing something with our hair? And I didn't act blur, my sight was really really blur without my glasses! This is the reason why I prefer having having a haircut on weekdays when I have my contact lenses on.

I actually planned to just trim my hair a bit and enjoy the hairwash and the head message. When I told the hairdresser on how I would like to get my hair cut, we had some disconnection problems and missing-in-translation problem during our conversation. So, here I am now with short hair, above my shoulder! The last time I had this short hair was when I was in Uni in Australia, which is about 6 years ago. I don't like having short hair because of my chubby cheeks. It's ok, at least there is a change in this year, I am also kind of needing some hair make over. Plant is growing, so is my hair.

But, I don't like the way how the hairdresser cut my fringe hair! He was asking me something when he was about to cut it, and I just said "ok ok". I trusted him! After one cut, I screamed "Not that short!!", he looked scared and said "Oh ok" and he gave up cutting the rest! My fringe hair still needed some modeling, come on! And I didn't want to ask him to continue working on my fringe hair as I was afraid that we would have another disconnection problem while we were talking. So, now I am having a very short fringe hair at the center of my head and long-uncut-fringe-hair at the side. I struggled so much on this weird fringe hair this morning before going to work. I changed my hair path, it looks better now but not so much better. I gave up, I brought hair clip to clip my fringe hair up and the clip is gonna be there till it's getting a bit longer.



Kunci Pembawa Heboh

Thursday, 4 June 09, 12.37pm in office

Hello lagi, diary..
Kali ini aku harus menulis diary dalam bahasa Indo karna post kali ini sangat berbahaya, dapat mengancam pamor namaku di kantor untuk seumur hidupku!

Begini ceritanya. Dua hari lalu, sekitar stengah 7 malam saat aku mau pulang ke rumah dari kantor, aku ke toilet terlebih dahulu. Di kantorku yang sekarang, toiletnya berada di luar. Jadi aku harus mengambil kunci toilet dari dalam kantor untuk pergi ke toilet. Pada saat di toilet, Ron menelponku. Kami asik berbincang-bincang di telpon sampai2 aku lupa mengembalikan kunci ke tempatnya, melengganglah daku pulang ke rumah dengan kunci toilet masih di genggaman tangan. Aku berjanji dalam hati, aku bakal membawanya besok ke kantor dan mengembalikan ke tempatnya semula pagi2 sebelum teman2ku pada datang. Tidak ada yg salah kan? Dan semuanya akan baik-baik saja.

Pagi harinya, aku lupa menaruh kunci toilet kembali ke tempatnya! Teman2 sudah datang ke kantor. Aku baru sadar di siang hari pada saat teman2ku mulai membicarakan hilangnya kunci toilet wanita! Aku kebingungan, panik, tapi tetap memasang tampang tenang dan berlagak pilon pada saat salah satu temanku dengan hebohnya menceritakan kejadian hilangnya kunci. Rencanaku, aku akan diam2 mengembalikan kuncinya saat malam hari tiba, saat semua temanku sudah pulang. Kemarin malam, aku lupa mengembalikan kuncinya lagi!

Pagi tadi, aku membawa kunci toilet di dalam tasku. Aku berangkat pagi2 supaya ada waktu untuk diam2 menaruhnya kembali ke tempatnya. Sayangnya, aku tidak mendapatkan kesempatan! Pagi hari yang biasa kantor masih sepi, pagi ini sudah penuh ramai. Lebih hebohnya lagi, beberapa petugas keamanan gedung datang. Kulihat manajerku sedang berbincang-bincang dengan muka serius dengan si petugas keamanan gedung. Aku bertanya kepada teman yg duduk di sebelahku. Ternyata manajerku sedang melaporkan akan hilangnya kunci toilet wanita! Mereka akan mengusut tuntas kasus pencurian kunci toilet wanita tersebut karena hal ini dianggap membahayakan keamanan para wanita yang berada di gedung ini! Beberapa temanku sibuk berbisik-bisik dan saling menuduh, siapakah pria di kantorku yang diam2 mencuri kunci toilet wanita untuk dapat mengintip masuk ke toilet wanita. Terdengar beberapa teman wanitaku mengusulkan untuk melaporkan hal ini ke kantor polisi saja.

Aku benar2 tak menyangka, kasus kehilangan kunci toilet bisa berdampak seheboh ini di HK. Apa yang harus kulakukan sekarang? Sudah terlambat bagiku untuk diam2 mengembalikan kunci ke tempatnya sekarang. Petugas keamanan sudah mengerahkan kru-nya untuk mencari kunci di seluruh gedung, jadi tidak mungkin diam2 aku menjatuhkan kuncinya di toilet atau di lorong atau di lift, kan?

Hanya satu yang bisa kulakukan sekarang. Perlahan-lahan, kupindahkan tasku yang berisi kunci toilet dengan gantungan besar dan khas ke dalam laci meja kerjaku, dan kukunci rapat2. Aku akan membawa pulang kunci ini, dan menyembunyikannya selamanya.

Jika Anda membaca post ini, dimohon bungkam seumur hidup Anda. Tolong jangan laporkan aku ke pihak yang berwajib, ya? ya? ya? Aku tidak ada tujuan mencuri, tidak ada tujuan untuk mengintip toilet wanita (kalo itu kunci toilet pria, Anda bisa punya alibi lebih kuat), dan tidak ada tujuan untuk menyakiti para wanita di dalam toilet. Aku cuma.. kelupaan mengembalikan kunci. Mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya kepada pihak keamaan yg sudah direpotkan, dan kepada teman2 wanitaku yang sekarang selalu berdua (mengajak teman) kalau ke toilet. Maappppppp...



My Phuket Trip

Wednesday, 3 June 09, 10.56pm at home

Hellow my diary,
I'm in HK now. It's not that I had a long holiday! I was back from Thailand last Sunday, it was only 5 days trip. But I enjoyed it so much!

I experienced another type of life. I mean, I'm a land-creature; a living creature who usually lives on the land. When I was in Phuket, I experienced living like a fish. We were brought to another island by boat. When the boat stopped somewhere in the middle of the sea, I went into the sea with my mask, snorkel, a life jacket, and a pair of fins on.

That was my first time swimming on the sea. I did go into the sea years ago when I was playing banana boat, I did go into the sea years ago when my the boat that pulled my parachute was suddenly off in the middle of the sea so I had to voluntarily fly down into the sea with my big parachute while seeing the boat's driver trying hard to switch on the machine again. And for your information, I can't swim!

Luckily somebody invented 'life jacket'. Luckily I could borrow and wear life jacket! It's really a jacket that saved my life. The first time I jumped into the sea, the fins were really bothering me. My left fin was so big and heavy, I felt that it was going to fall off soon and be drown into the deep blue sea. I found out later that actually I was given a wrong size for my left fin, one size bigger than my right one. I had to struggle with my loose fin while I was already under the water. My feet had to keep moving so that I could keep floating on the water. But I also couldn't move my feet so much since at the same time I had to slowly take off my fins. I tried my best with all my swimming styles; frog's style, dog's style, whatever style to keep me floating. I managed to take off my left fin. The right fin was suddenly so tight as the water came in. And.... suddenly.... I'm sleepy now. Bye diary, let me continue this posting tomorrow, ok?

Good morning diary, I am on the bus to office now. Ok, where were we? Oh yea, the fin! Finally I managed to get rid of my right fin and put them back on the boat. I was so scared of swimming far away from the boat, I kept holding the boat while my mask and snorkel were already on my face. I felt like an orange nemo on the land. My hubby dragged me to the water. My legs kept moving, I was panic, I couldn't feel the land, yea that's 3m deep of sea! I was tired, salt-water came into my snorkled-mouth, I thought I would die there like a salted fish. But, I was floating! I wasnt drown! Yea, I was wearing life jacket! Stupid me was wearing life jacket and saved.

The next part is the most beautiful part. I was swimming floating here and there with my face down so I could see all the fish and all the beauty of the sea! The water was so clear. I was enjoying that different type of life. A life under the water. A life under the sea. The part that I like the most is; my hubby was holding my hand when we were snorkeling together, we were enjoying the beauty of the sea together. You may think that this sounds so silly and childish but I really love that moment. Because that was my first experience to be under the water with him. You will feel something different when you are under the water with your loved one. A couple should stay still in a good and bad time, in health and in sickness, in richness and poorness, in hot and in cold weather, and this time; on the land and under the water. It's a new experience. I wrote it here so that I can remember forever this very first moment. I enjoyed this trip so much! ^^
