
Time to Move On

Saturday, 13 Sep 08, 3.06pm at home

Dear diary,
Recently I've been busy with many things, yes, I'm still busy learning my new laptop and I'm still busy doing my own business, and many more things like; I'm busy taking pictures of my furniture and my home appliances, and photoshopping the pictures, and uploading them on the Internet, then waiting for the emails to come, and replying the emails one by one, and making appointments for them to come to my home to see and pick my furniture up. Yes, I'm selling my furniture and all the electronic appliances!

We'll be going. We'll be leaving Japan on 22 Sep. We'll be moving to Hong Kong for good! My husband got a job there. I really hope, I really pray that this will be the best decision for us. It had been uncertain for many months, finally it's been confirmed. It's not that we like to move around, ok? Honestly, I really want to go back home, diary! I really miss home. I really miss my family. I really miss my home country. I really want to settle down, build a family, and have a happy simple life! But, I guess, now is not the time for me yet. I'm not sure what God's planning in my life. What I'm very sure is, our moving to Hong Kong is in HIS plan. This is the very first time I really heard God spoke to me, not audibly, but in my heart! Even until now, my heart is still heavy to go to Hong Kong, but I wanna try trusting in HIM!

Diary, please help me praying that everything will be alright. I'm really scared now. Again, new country, new environment, new language, new friends, and new home! I'll have a new life all over again. I guess, this time won't be as bad as last year when I came to Japan; last year I even had a new husband! This time, at least there's one thing that is not new so I don't need to adapt to so many new things at the same time. Phew, that relieves me.


p.s Will I still be able to see the color autumn leaves in Japan before I leave?


Antony Pranata said...

Wah.... congratulations pindah ke HK. Finally.... but why HK, not Spore?

Eh, I have a friend in HK. He's taking MBA there. Entar lewat japri aja kalo perlu kontak-e dee.

Anny Suhalim said...

Wow!! Living in Hongkong....How nice...Keep writing ya Fen..I love ur blog!! ^^ Hope everything go well during the preparation ^^

AbigaiL said...

@ Koko,
Dapetnya opportunity di HK Ko, pinginnya juga balek Spore, atau malah ke Indo. Takkira japri tu sejenis kapri, atau nama temenmu yg ambil MBA di HK itu Japri. Trus Ron bilang, ternyata itu artinya jalur pribadi hihihi.. maklum ndeso.

@ Anny,
Waaaa udah lama banget ga kontek2 yah.. gimana kabarmu? I love your blog too! After you changed your layout, tambah rajin aja nulisnya yah hehehe.. pretty layout! Eniw, ttg living in HK, it's exciting sih, cuma many new things and uncertainties, hopefully this is the right decision for us.. thanks anyway :)

Antony Pranata said...

Hahaha.... ide bagus juga tuh dikasih nama "japri". Eh, lah kamu hari ini berapa kali tak panggil ndek MSN kok mesti tau2 off. Wah... wah...

AbigaiL said...

Oh koko, maaph2, kemarin buru2 mau pergi jadi gak sempet ngomong. Mari kita japri2an aja hehehe...

PangTama said...

Fen, pindah lagi???
Wah ke HK ya? bisa shopping2 donk yah hehehe...
Just like what Anny said, keep writing ur blog once ur in HK ya, we all love ur blog :)

Hope everything goes smoothly.

AbigaiL said...

Hihihi iya Pang.. shoppingnya sih asik, cuma hidup di sana yg kayaknya berat yah. Thanks for your encouragement :)

::aLb3rta:: said...

iya neh.. tadinya takirain 'Japri' tuh nama orang.. ternyata...
iyah.. moga2 aja di HK lbh asik yah.. Aja..aja.. !!!