Morning lil diary,
Last night in my loneliness, I missed my niece and my nephew. I just suddenly miss them now. So, early in this morning, I opened their pictures and I wanted to upload them here.
These below pictures are me with my nephew, Owen Lee. This moment was the first time I met him, the first time I carried him. These pictures were taken on the first day I arrived in Solo, at my home in Solo. Isn't he so 'ipel-ipel'? His skin is so fair, he really resembles his dad.

Below pictures are my niece, Celine Lee. These photos were also taken on the first day I came at my home. You see, she was wearing pink Yukata! Yes, I bought her a yukata from Japan. Actually I also bought a yukata for Owen too, I regret that I had no chance to see Owen in Yukata. Celine was so happy and so genit in her Yukata. She's so pretty and genit, just exactly like her mom!

I miss them so much, oh my kei pho na khan (read: keponakan)!
aku baca blog mu dari RSS reader, pas liat judule tak pikir itu kosa kata baru yg kamu pelajari. ndak tau nya.. -_-
Celine kawaii ne~.
kayaknya sapa aja yg pake yukata jadi kawaii *teori soyuz*
eh btw RSS reader tu apa? maklum ya ngomong sama bu RT yg gaptek hrs pake bhs sederhana..
Hmm i can say your taste is on japanese girl, because.. because.. because.. u like a girl in yukata. How about a girl in kebaya?
oh blum tau ya? sumimasen :p
RSS itu versi simpel dari isi website. jadi cuma content tanpa banner, header, footer, blink-blink, dll. format e XML.
RSS reader itu aplikasi buat mbaca format RSS itu. Tiap kamu updet blog, otomatis ngirim content ke RSS reader yg aku pake. jadi aku ndak perlu mampir ke blog mu buat baca cerita, kecuali kalo mau ninggalin comment.
kira2 demikian bu.
a girl in kebaya? uhm...aku perlu brainwash dulu. saat ini kebaya = ibu2 dharma wanita :P
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