Hiii again diary!
That was not my last diary in Japan, I'm writing diary again now. I just finished my packing, cleaned my whole apartment, settled some changing address matters, bought tickets for my sofa disposal because nobody wants to take my sofa even for free, and here I'm now, writing diary again, in my empty apartment, with no table, and no chair. I only need internet connection and computer to write diary. Now I'm sitting on the floor, leaning on my spoiled sofa (yang giginya tinggal satu sekarang, aku tunggu giginya yang tinggal satu kok nggak copot2 juga), I put my laptop on a box in front of me.
Honestly, I have not taken shower since yesterday night. I planned to take shower after everything's been packed but I forgot one theory; once everything's been packed, that means my soap and towel have also already been packed. So I decided to take shower later in the hotel. What am I doing now? I'm waiting for the buyers of my washing machine, microwave, rice cooker, and curtains to come at 7pm.

Now I'm enjoying the last moment in this apartment. Apartment which has been a mute witness of my happy and sad days in the last 14 months. Apartment which has been our first home since we got married. Many stories happened in this apartment. Now I'm looking at my empty apartment, I remembered the first moment when I came into this apartment. It was as empty as now, it was as clean as now, it was as quiet as now. Only one big difference, my feeling! One year ago, I was so excited when I first came into this apartment, I was so excited to unpack my things, to arrange my photos here and there, and most importantly, I was so ready to experience my first year of my marriage life. Now, one year has passed, I had to pack all of my things again. There is always sad and happy feeling when we leave one place to go to another place, rite? I'm sad now that I'm leaving this place, this apartment especially. I don't know if I'll be able to go to Japan anymore for the rest of my life. Will I get excited after my arrival in my next apartment?
Anyway, bye bye my Shinkawa Apartment..
Just like in Star Wars movie, "Every saga has a beginning...."
Loh ngomong apa to iki...
Just like any story books.. movies.. drama series.. comics.. sinetrons..
ada beginning.. ada ending...
ada introduction,ada conclussion...
ada yg datang.. ada yg pergi...
ada yg masuk.. ada yg keluar...
ada yg sedih.. ada yg happy..
tapi satu yang pasti....
dimana ada Ron.. disitu ada Yap2..
Good luck..
yeah.. it always has beginning and it will always be ended with something.. anyway, what is saga? Is it kind of gaban or heman? Shopping mall? Eh itu Sogo ding..
Bukan.... saga itu loh makanan pokok orang Indonesia. Eh itu sego ding...
Saga itu opo yo... story about ancient history. Pokok-e sik me-legenda gitu lah.
Aku ama Emi lek pas lewat depan our first apartment di Canada selalu bilang, "And the saga started in this building...."
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