
Journal of This Week

Wednesday, 15 Oct 08, 8.23am in MacDonnell Room

Hello my diary,
I went to immigration on last Friday to apply for my identity card. I also have my mobile number now, yeeehaaa!! You know what, the mobile subscription here is very cheap! It is only around US$5 for a month and you can get 850 minutes call for free! 850 minutes!! Well, perhaps for some people 850 mins is not enough for one month, but for me who has no friend to call to in HK, 850 mins is really too much. I hope I can find cheaper plan with lower minutes but that is already the cheapest plan in this town. The amazing thing is, they have a special SMS package to Indonesia only! Wow, I have priviledge to be an Indonesian, finally..

Last Saturday, we continued our apartment hunting again. Honestly, apartment viewing activity is interesting. I really enjoyed it at first, but if we view too many apartments, then all the apartments look the same.

On Sunday, we went to church and got to know some friends. And yesterday we finally found an apartment that we both like, yoohoo!! We already signed the contract last night and we'll start moving in early November.

I have another news for you; my parents are coming end of this month!! Isn't it great? Then we are going to go to China mainland for a short trip. This will be my first trip to China, I never visited China in my life. China, here I'm coming...

My status now? I'm now starting to apply for jobs. Again, job hunting! I feel like dejavu. I have been repeating this process again and again, and still I can't find my 'jati diri' (identity). Or perhaps my 'jati diri' is to be a housewife?? That's why this time I won't expect too much to avoid a deep disappointment if I can't get a job here. If I have to be a housewife, so what? It's an honorable occupation, isn't it? But if possible, please give me a job, God. Pleaseeeeeee... *maksa-mode on*



Antony Pranata said...

Well Hong Kong is part of China now.... Macau is also part of China now... so de facto, you live in China....

I think Canada is the cheapest in the world loh. I pay $20 and get 300 minutes every month. Then, if you use Internet, you pay 10c / KB. For example, you download one MP3 song from the Internet, you only need to pay $300. Yes, it's only $300 to download one song! Isn't it the cheapest plan in the world?

Pindah Canada ae.... everything is soooo cheap....

AbigaiL said...

Lohhh.. aku sampe bacanya berkali-kali, itu bukannya mahallll pisangggg... eh mahal pisannn??? ckckckck... I love China suddenly.

HK and Macau are parts of China now tapi kan masih SAR (Special Admin Region), aku pingin liat yg bener2 Cina mainland tulen asli 100% cente binti binti!!

Antony Pranata said...

Oh mahal yah... :)

Jadi pingin liat China sik masih totok gitu.

Anonymous said...

i too heard that Canada is quite expensive for its living cost, no?

pindah ke shanghai kayaknya asik juga ya. hmmm...tapi...aku mesti blajar bahasa lagi? emoh -_-;

ohiya, ojo lali poto2 ya. kali ini akan kita maklumi kenarsisan mu :d

semua dipoto. dari apartment baru sampai short trip, apalagi kalo sampai ktemu Zhang Yuqi :p

muga2 dapet kerjaan nya, biar ada duit buat shopping :d

Antony Pranata said...

Canada is not as expensive as Manhattan... The thing salary in Canada is not that high, but the income tax is pretty high. So... our buying power is quite low.

AbigaiL said...

@Koko: Kalo Canada emang mahal dan salarynya not high dan income tax is pretty high, why are u still living in canada?? Pindah aja ke Cina, you will feel richer suddenly. Really ko, living in hk is really not bad.

@Soyuz: ohhh aku pasti poto2 donggg.. sayangnya tripodku ikut ke-packed ma dus2 yg laen dan skg masih sitting di the mover company's gudang tunggu aku pindahan apartment baru bisa diambil. Hiks.. u have any plan moving to China???

Antony Pranata said...

Well... life is not about money. Hahaha... jadi kayak pendeta aja ngomongnya nih.

Begini... emang living cost is high, tax is high, salary is NOT that high, but the quality of life is high. Vancouver katanya kan one of the best to live (selalu masuk the best 3 in the last couple of years).

Actually, I lagi nungguin bisa dapet passport Canada. Abis itu, nanti kan lebih bebas mau ke mana aja. Kalo punya passport Indo, mau apa2 masih repot.

Itulah kenapa sampe sekarang struggling di Canada.

Anonymous said...

@antony: i see. someone commented on my blog not so long time ago, that Canada is a favorite country to live in. he said that "tunjangan2nya yang ok banget membuat orang idupnya bisa enak disana. apalagi untuk yang berkeluarga".

@abby: sempat terpikir karna China kan punya cadangan devisa terbanyak. jadi sepertinya lumayan makmur hihihi...tapi Canada asik juga kayaknya :p

sempat kirim CV ke satu advertising di kanada, dan mereka tertarik trus mau interpiu tapi aku harus ada disana atau punya ijin kerja di Canada. lha piye cara ne -_-;

Antony Pranata said...

@soyuz: Tunjangan di Canada yang bagus ya health-care-nya. Ke dokter atau rumah sakit gratis. Tapi di US juga lagi mau dibikin gini kalo si Obama jadi president (at least he has promised... that every American can have the same health care benefit as what Obama and Bush have... loh jadi campaign malah).

Tunjangan retirement, government juga kasih. Tapi kabar2, duit-nya gak cukup buat hidup layak. Untuk yang akan retired hari2 ini, katanya dapet tunjangan cuman $15,000 per taun.

Apalagi... oh tunjangan anak. Banyak anak banyak rejeki di sini karena anak dapet tunjangan dari pemerintah sampe umur berapa gitu. Makanya, kalo mau dapet duit tambahan secara gampang, punya anak. Toh biaya dokter dan rumah sakit juga gratis. Huahahaha....

Ada lagi tunjangan buat cuti hamil. Kalo gak salah dikasih 3 taun cuti untuk hamil dan merawat baby-nya. Dapet duit dalam jangka waktu 3 taun itu ($1,600 per bulan kalo gak salah). Bisa diambil suami atau istri. Misalkan istri ambil 2 taun and suami ambil 1 taun... atau diambil istri semua 3 taun.

Udah... kalo mau ke sini, apply PR dulu aja.

Iki piye to... malah discussion tentang Canada.

Anonymous said...

menarik ya :d. makasi info nya.

PR -> Permanent Resident? lho bisa ya apply PR dulu sebelum kesana?

nuwun sewu mbak abby, blog na dipake buat diskusi Canada hihihi...

Antony Pranata said...

Loh ya bisa aja apply PR (Permanent Residence) dulu. Ada form-nya di www.cic.gc.ca. Proses-nya emang takes some time. Dulu apply PR gitu bisa sampe 2-3 taun; tapi kabar2 terakhir mereka mau mempercepat proses-nya. Gak tau deh sekarang berapa lama buat apply PR.

AbigaiL said...

Oh ngga papa kok, silakan bapak2 yg mau berembug ttg PR canada ataupun PR indonesia. Anggap rumah sendiri yah..