
Christmas 2008 is Coming!

Tuesday, 9 Dec 08, 12.58pm in office

Hi my little diary!!
It's been long time since my last diary.. I miss you! *I miss you too!* The last few weeks were busy days for me, both at home and in office. At home, I was so busy preparing meals, cleaning home, taking care of hubby, and doing my own business. Remember? I'm still doing my own business now and it's even getting busier than before. I'll soon reveal it once it's ready, just hang on. In office, I was busy with... blogging?? Ehem, you know better than me. I was in the process of adjusting to my current lifestyle. I had been thinking hard to discover how to automatize my two roles; be a good housewife and be a good working woman too, with my limited 24-hours-in-a-day of time. And now I have reached into a conclusion, I have invented a very important formula, which is, I can't do well in both areas at the same time.. Sorry if I disappoint you, I still can't give the formula that you expected me to come out with.

Now is lunch time. Situasi kantor masih seperti biasanya, mister j masih juga makan dengan style uniknya, cewek2 yg lain masih juga duduk bergerombol ngerumpiin hal2 yg aku nggak ngerti dengan bahasa dewa mereka, beberapa cowok kepo juga masih suka mengintip2 layar monitor orang kalo pas jam makan siang termasuk ngintip layar monitorku sekarang! Hey, aku butuh privacy! Udah lama banget aku nggak nulis blog, baru sekali ini aja nulis di kantor (di bulan ini maksudnya) udah diintip2 gitu, gak seru ah. Tadi juga ada temen cewekku ngajak aku jalan2 ke mall abis makan, aku menjawabnya dengan jawaban ngambang sambil haha-hihi, biarin aja kalo mungkin dia ngira aku sejenis alien blo'on yg kuper. Aku butuh waktu pribadiku sendiri dong! My diary is missing me, aren't you diary? Selama beberapa minggu ini aku udah entertain dia tiap kali lunch time dengan makan bersama, jalan2 bersama, ngobrol bersama, sampe gak terasa skg udah bulan December nih! Gak terasa udah ampir new year, udah ampir taon 2009. Gak terasa umurku udah ampir nambah 1 th lagi, eh salah, gak terasa umurku udah ampir berkurang 1 th lagi! Gak terasa badanku mulai melar lagi akibat musim dingin.. gak terasa rambutku makin menipis lagi akibat... emm.. melarnya badanku mengakibatkan melarnya batok kepalaku juga kah?

Hey diary.. I learnt some new Cantonese words! At least now I can count numbers, I can say "I" and "you", I can say "good morning", "thank u", and "sorry", and the impressive thing is; I can listen to what they say (but I don't understand)! Isn't it so good improvement?

Anyway, Christmas is coming! Christmas decorations are already all over the city! HK is so nice at night, every time I cross the tunnel from Kowloon-HK at night, I can see colorful buildings every where! Every morning, I also can see colorful things every where! Hmm, it's jemuran.. Still, HK is so colorful during the Xmas season!! I will go nowhere in Xmas, I'll just stay in HK quietly, peacefully, faithfully, without complaint, enjoying the colorful pemandangan every night and day.. till new year comes, till they remove all the Xmas colorful decorations.. I'll still be here in HK, enjoying the only colorful decorations in the morning with smiles.. I'll still be here.. [taking a deep breath] yes, I'll still be here.. Full stop. Arghhh... GRrrrrRRRrr...!! *Did I hear you said "without complaint" just now?* I didn't complain, I was just GRrrrrRRrr-ing!

Ok, time to get back to work now..
See you, diary..



Anny Suhalim said...

Jeng Fenita,
sibuk banget yachhhhh sampe lupa nulis blog...hahahahahhaa...eniwei i rilli enjoy our last 'conversation' hahahaha ^0^

Anonymous said...

My favorite holiday is just around the corner - Christmas..

PangTama said...

Hehehe iya ni Fen lama bgt terakhir nge-blog, ditunggu2 ceritanya ttg di lady dragon hahah :)
Time flies indeed, bentar lg dah 2009 and soon will be Christmas again.
Well, im going back to Indo on 21 Dec, so 'Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may God bless you even more this coming year!!!"


AbigaiL said...

Oh Pang2, aku udah kompak ma lady dragon skg, dia udah ngga marah lagi krn aku cuci tangan rapi skg hihihi...

Aduh asiknya mau pulang Indo!! Nitip untir2 dan onde2 dong.. :P

Anonymous said...

hi, you have such a great and good life. but I think it is because you have a great and kind heart too so you are so blessed. Keep blogging, cuz ur life and words can become inspiration and motivation to other ppl.

AbigaiL said...

eh? May I know who is this anonymous? Thanks for dropping by, anyway :)

Anonymous said...

I am just a passerby last month but now become ur regular reader...cuz u sometimes are quite funny and cute hehe...

*also Indonesian*, live in Spore now=)

AbigaiL said...

Thanks for being my regular reader now.. hihi.. nice to meet you here :)