Hellow diary,
These are the pictures of my current apartment. I'll be staying here for the next one month before I move to my real apartment.

Currently, I'm busy with the settling down issues, like searching for new apartment, finding nearest supermarket and places to eat, trying to figure out the bus route, buying this and that. Last Saturday I went to see around 8 apartments with our property agent. Some look good, but we still have to see more to decide.
Living in HK is not bad. It's not as scary as I thought. Well, at least I can communicate with them now with my oral language, not by my body language, so it's easier for me now. The living cost here is also much much cheaper if compared to Tokyo's living cost. The people here work very fast, that's what I like most about Chinese people. I'll seriously consider to live here for longer term. I don't like moving around, really..
Fennn, you guys have finally arrived safely in HK!! :)
Btw, the apartment looks really nice Fen :)
Cant wait to read your stories again!!
Eh apartment2 di HK ama di Tokyo rata2 lebih gede-an mana?
Wow... so you're planning to stay longer in HK.
Hihihi, glad that you like reading my stories, Fang..
Ko, apartment sini kamarnya kecil2, cuma just nice untuk tempat kasur aja, gila gak? Kayak bobok di dalem lemari gitu. Tapi living roomnya gedean sini, org HK suka berceloteh di luar mungkin. Toiletnya gedean di JP krn org JP suka mandi. Well, tiap negara punya ciri khas rumah masing2 ya..
Yea, I guess I will live longer in HK, I will sleep longer in my lemari-like bedroom :P
Hahaha... bobok dalam lemari.
Pas taun lalu kita orang cari rumah di Canada... kita kan berkunjung ke satu apartment baru tuh. Pas masuk kamar-e kuaget-e setengah mati. Lah kok kamar itu cuman pas buat kasur tok. Mo buat sik laen2 udah gak bisa.
Di sini juga mulai payah. Rumah2 sik baru mulai mengecil ukuran-e. Maka-e kita orang kemaren beli 13 years old house aja... biarpun tua tapi masih rodo gede.
So, u finally found it not as bad as ur thought yaa.. that's good on you.. Hope you settled in quickly n have a good luck there..
thanks Ci!! I also hope that my luck will be better here :P *diitung pake hongsui dan sipoa??*
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