Merry Christmas, my little Diary!!

Finally Christmas has come and passed. Yesterday I had Xmas dinner with my hubby's uncle's big family at Harbour City. It's very nice place to spend Xmas with the harbour view and the santa and all the food there. Unfortunately I ate too much last night, I ate lots of baby octopus, I don't know how many head of octopus I had eaten, till I had a hangover of seafood! I felt like I was going to black out, my whole body was so cold, my eyes couldn't see clearly, my voice was 'bindeng'. What made me strong was a whisper from my hubby, not a romantic whisper, not a love whisper, not an encouragement whisper, but a whisper of "Don't fall down, don't embarrass me, I promise I will never ask you out for a buffet dinner again if you fall down this time". So, I was still standing till the party was over. Ha Ha Ha!
Anyway, for the last few days, my hubby loves to drink ronde. He bought the ronde from supermarket and he made his own ramuan of the soup with water, ginger, and the sugar. I can't believe that he has this hidden talent as an 'abang ronde'. He made the ronde for me on Xmas eve, on Xmas day, and on boxing day. Three days in a row we ate ronde! Here is my Xmas White Ronde in 2008! ^_^

Diary, I'm going to Shenzhen now to have a massage. I'll tell you my story in Shenzhen once I'm back. Please pray for me that I will get the pigeon hole (the room for sleeping) and warm blanket tonight.
See you diary..
p.s I don't get Xmas tree in the exchange gift last time, but I got cups set, socks, and a flower! 3-in-1 package, isn't it sweet? :)
huummm looks yummy..
btw mang di HK ada jual ronde?
hihihi ada tuh.. ronde versi china!
btw, anonymous itu yg org indo tinggal di spore itu? May I know your name? female or male?
bukan, aku jeany (narimasu) :D
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