Morning my diary..
Today I woke up a lil bit fresher than yesterday because I turned to bed earlier, around 11pm last night. But still, I'm not a morning person at all, I complain a lot every morning. My hubby treats it like 'morning ritual' so he can just ignores me. Yeah, we know each other better and better every day.
As I said, X'mas decorations are everywhere, including my apartment! This is the picture of my apartment's lobby. There is a big X'mas tree!
What I always dream for X'mas is having a X'mas tree at my home so that I can decorate my X'mas tree the way I want it to be. What I always wish to Santa is to give me a X'mas tree. What I always tell my friend when there's X'mas gift exchange is I want a X'mas tree, small one will do. Still, I don't have a X'mas tree at my home until now. I love X'mas tree so much. But I love orange tree with red packets (hongpao) hanging on the tree more than X'mas tree. Be realistic lah, if I have orange tree (with the hongpao of course), I can use the money to buy X'mas tree! As pepatah says: "sekali tapuk dua lalat kegeplak" or "sekali dayung dua pulau terlampaui" or "sekali makan dua piring sekalian".
Anyway, I'm happy that I have a X'mas tree in my apartment, although it's in the lobby. It's ok, better than nothing at all, right? ^_^
p.s please feel free to send me X'mas tree if your heart is moved to give me a X'mas tree. Please feel free.. please don't hesitate.. please listen to your heart's voice carefully.. please.. pleaseee..!
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