Good morning, my little diary..
This morning is such a bright morning! HK was always cloudy since I came, and today finally I can see HK more clearly under a strong sunshine. As you know, my current apartment has no windows, I mean it has windows, but I can't open them, so I can't dry my clothes outside. I have no choice, I just hang my clothes on the window since I really need to dry them. I think now I can understand why orang HK suka menjemur baju di jendela2 sehingga membuat pemandangan kota jadi terlihat seperti ehem.. seperti.. seperti itu. It's because they have no other choice! Rumah mereka bener2 kecil banget sampai balcony pun mereka gak punya!
Sabtu kemarin aku pergi liat2 apartment yang nggak ada balconynya, trus aku nanya sama si property agentnya "Gimana kita jemur bajunya?". Dia jawab "Well, there are 3 alternatives. Pertama, di situ ada jemuran baju (dia tunjukin jemuran baju tua di luar jendela, kalo mau njemurin harus melongokkan kepala ke luar dan ada resiko baju jatuh sampai ke lantai dasar untuk orang2 clumsy like me). Alternative kedua, beli mesin cuci yang udah ada dryernya. Alternative ketiga, beli jemuran baju yang berdiri, korbankan 1 ruangan untuk taruh itu jemuran, dan jemurlah pakaian di situ." Hiks. You know what, I tell you honestly now, concern pertama aku takut hidup di HK itu karena aku takut jemuran baju mereka!! You may laugh now. You may think I'm so unreasonable. Tapi bener2 jemuran baju mereka tuh mengerikannnn... rumah jadi terkesan berantakan, tua, kotor, dan horror! Kalo jalan-jalan di luar pun mesti sempet2in melongok ke atas, untuk jaga2 kalo ada
Yesterday I went to post office to post some letters to Singapore. I took the hotel free shuttle bus. Hihihi.. I like free stuff. Near the post office, there is a supermarket too! I'm really happy to find a supermarket near my apartment which I can take free shuttle bus to. Isn't it so perfect? Well, actually the transport fee here isn't so expensive but free is still better than paying, rite?
After 1 week living in HK, I observe one difference between JP, HK, and Indo culture on how the people take the escalator.
In JP: they all stand on the left side, the right side is for those who want to walk up the escalator for quicker way.
In HK: they all stand on the right side, the left side is for those who want to walk up the escalator for quicker way.
In Indo: they all stand side by side, both left and right side. For those who want to walk up? Take a normal stair lah..
Talking about escalator, I remember one stupid thing happened to me when I was in Jakarta airport last week. It happened on the way from domestic airport to international airport, we had to take an escalator down. We saw one escalator and we just jumped onto it. But, the escalator was not moving! So my hubby who walked in front took the initiative to just walk down the escalator. I followed him. He had successfully finished his steps and was waiting for me who was still busy stepping down the escalator with my 9cm-high-heel-shoes. I had to make sure that my heels would not stuck in the small holes on each step of the the escalator because it happened many times before. So, I took my time walking down slowly by carrying my laptop bag on my hand and one plastic bag on my other hand.
But, unexpectedly, the escalator was suddenly on! I could feel it was moving! I still had 4 more steps to go. At first, I was happy that I didn't need to finish my steps, then suddenly I realized that it was moving up!! I was walking down and the escalator was moving up! Since it was just 4 steps to go, I put all my efforts to walk down faster but the escalator was running faster so I had to run faster too. I was so panic! I could hear voices from bapak2 porter airport yang duduk di samping escalator. They were cheerleading me "Ayo mbak, jalan lebih cepat lagi, lebih cepat lagi!" And another voice "Ati-ati mbak, nanti jatuh, sepatunya tinggi banget". And the other voice "Cepet dikit mbak, udah ampir sampai tuh." And some other voices like "Hiyaaa! Hiyaaa!" and "Ayo! Ayo!" and some bapak even stood up in front of me and tepuk tangan untuk menyemangatiku while I was still running down.

jadi yg di pilem-pilem itu bener ya, baju dan pakaian lainnya berkibar dengan megahnya di tiap-tiap jendela. horor banget. gak indah dipandang mata :d
paragraf dua nya kok jadi bahasa endonesa :p
the escalator story was great hohoho... :p
oh, ngomong2 how do you communicate with people in HK? I remember that you can't speak the nyap-yit-ngo-language.
iya bener bangett.. persis sama kayak di pilem2 hk, pas lagi kejar2an penjahat dan polisi, selalu aja jemuran baju jatuh dan menghalangi kejar2annya. Hahaha..
Paragrap 2 sengaja pake indo karena takut digepruk org sini hihihi..
Ngomongnya ma org hk pake bhs inggris so far. Baru kemarin mulai blajar ngomong "em ko sai" which means thank you. Step by step dong.. ^_^
Kalo di film-nya Jackie Chan... si Jackie-nya nggubet2 dirinya pake jemuran sprei. :)
Now I know kenapa waktu dulu di Jerman, orang gak ada yang berani naek escalator mati. Ternyata takut kejadian seperti ini nih.
Hahahaha koko!
Aku jadi ngrasa, kayaknya film Jackie Chan yg pake nggubet2ke jemuran sprei itu cuman bisa diliat di dalam kotak hitam yang bernama TV. Ternyata skg aku benar2 di dalamnya! Jadi kayak ngimpi. Lucu aja sih kalo jalan2 di gang2 kecil yg penuh jemuran dan org2 jualan trus mbayangin kalo ada org yg lari2 trus memporakporandakan gerobak2nya trus nyaut jemuran trus jadi spiderman di gedung2.
Jemuran berkibar di antara gedung2 kota emang ciri khas HK yah.. Tapi aku di jkt tinggal di apt jg ga perna jemur2 baju.. slalu always depend on dryer.. *di mgl aja jg pake dryer* soale di Jkt, walo di apt tinggi tetep ae jemuran baju putih pas diambil jadi abu2.. well, aku kan termasuk clumsy jg.. kalo jemur2 baju sering lupa angkat mpe 2hr..haha..
Btw, si Jackie Chan ngubet2 diri pake jemuran sprei tuh kayane bukan di HK deh...
Si Jackie bukan di HK ya pas itu? Di Canada kah?? Anyway, aku dengan bangga menyatakan bahwa bendera2 itulah ciri khas dan kebanggaan negara ini. Gak bole ditiru. Udah di hak patent!
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