
Own Business, Finally!!

Friday, 29 Aug 08, 10.42am at home

Hi diary..
Now is Friday again. It's so cloudy today. It's been cloudy and raining for the last few days. I hardly chose a bright day with strong sunshine to wash and dry my clothes! Finally yesterday I managed to dry my clothes.

Recently I've been busy with something. I'm so excited now! I'm working on my own now! It's been my dream to have own business and do something that I enjoy. You knew it, rite? But, I'm in overseas now, I kept thinking of what I could do from distance. And we found it! The important point here is: "do something that I enjoy like doing my hobby and make money". I wrote this down in Bulbo few weeks ago, remember? And now, my dream has finally come true! I have been working together with my two dearest sisters since 1.5 months ago, doing all the preparations, and now it's almost launched! I'm scared as well as excited to see the result. Will people like our products? Those are really our products, home-made products, hand-made products, products that we make from really scratch, products that we make from nothing! Honestly, I really proud of our teamwork, we have our own strengths and weaknesses and we complement each other. I proud of my sisters, and I proud of myself too! I can't believe it, from 'berandai-andai' becomes reality, from interest becomes job.

I wanna pray that we can do this business continuously.
I wanna pray that God will bless our product launch, in September.
I wanna pray that God will bless this business abundantly.
Diary, I'm so excited till I couldn't sleep last nite. :P



Antony Pranata said...

Waduh.... kayaknya aku ketinggalan gosip nih. Abigail ada di mana emang sekarang? Bikin home-made product apaan teh?

AbigaiL said...

Koko, aku masih di Jepunnnn.. home-made product itu maksudnya bikinnya di rumah gitu loh, di rumah Jepun ini hihi..

Anonymous said...

wah, apaan nich ya?? :)

AbigaiL said...

Oh vitznauu.. hihihi jadi malu..

PangTama said...

Wahh...akhirnya ada business juga?? business apa ya kira2?? hehhehhe :)
All the best ya..