
Two Down, No More!

Friday, 24 Aug 07, 3.44pm in Solo

Phew! Finally my COE is out, my dear diary! I'm so so so happy to hear that. Ron called me when I was in Solo Grand Mall, shopping with my parents-in-law. I'm so fortunate to have a great mum-in-law. You know what? She's going to accompany me to go to Jakarta to settle my visa application in the Japan Embassy. My father-in-law arranges my plane ticket, transportation, and accomodation. Thanks, Mom & Dad..

This morning I was still so nervous when there was still no news about the COE. It's been more than 1 month, I thought they would fail my application. When I was worried to the max, my hubby told me 'there must be something good behind this'. Yes, I also believe something good is happening. I'm sure God has wonderful plan for us. I summarised few possible good points this morning as a result of this delay:
1. God wants me to have a safe and sound journey so He wants me to book another air ticket. My return air ticket has a fixed date, delay on the visa application means my China Airlines air ticket will be gone.
2. God wants me to spend my time more in Solo with my family so I won't waste time staying in Jakarta too long. This is the reason He keeps the date of the COE issuence just ON TIME.
3. God wants my hubby to pass his 2nd test (Japan Law) on 5 Sept. By delaying my flight till after 5 Sept will make him pass the exam (I won't have chance to disturb him)
4. God has another plan for us. Maybe Japan is not for us, He prepares better opportunity out there.
5. God wants us to live separately for few months/years to strengthen our love and our 'bahtera perkawinan'??

After I heard the news today. Now I know that He always works ON TIME. His plan is point no 2. I'll fly to Jakarta this Sunday morning with my mum-in-law. I'll receive the doc (COE) on this Monday. The Japan Embassy will take about 4-5 days to process. It should be ready by the latest next Friday afternoon and my flight to Japan is on next Sunday morning (fixed date). Just nice, isnt it?

I believe, everything happens for a wonderful reason. When we see something bad happen, we tend to think negative. Do not! Be patient, wait a while more and you'll see something wonderful in front of you. *Yea yea, you're happy now, that's why you can say that. Few days ago you were drown by your own tears* Hush!

My dear hubby, I'm coming soon... Do wait for me!

-2/2Happy Abbie- :D


Jess said...

Since u've known the exact time when u'll back to Japan, now I hope u really really enjoy ur stay in Solo with ur family, I mean our parents and brothers-sister. Next time u coming to Indo again, it won't be d same. U'll come with ur hubby (not alone, and it is very different. And big possibility u won't stay at our parents' house..u'll stay at ur parents in law's. So...u have to really really appreciate this precious time! I know how it feels, life after marriage I mean.. That's why I remind u this...

::aLb3rta:: said...

Heii.. congratulation yap...

Uda lega kan sekarang.. COE uda keluar.. U will fly to ur hubby's side soon.. and i believe wonderful things r waiting for you out there..

Antony Pranata said...


Everything always happens for a reason (or many reasons). No matter happens, we have to enjoy our life.

Anonymous said...

sayyy congratss yaa! Our God is an awesome God, isnt he??! tapi lu si geli abish bahasanya bahtera2 perkawinan hahahah muacks