
What should I wear tonite?

Tuesday, 7 Aug 07, 4.36pm in Yotsuya room

Hello again my diary,
I'll have dinner with Ron's boss tonite! My ulcers have recovered around 87% so I can give my sweet smile later :D What should I wear?

1. Black Pants and White Shirt
Advantages: look smart, professional and there's chance that he would hire me in the company as......whatever posititon is ok for me :)
Disadvantages: not fun at all!

2. Evening Dress
Advantages: look feminine, elegant, and sexy!
Disadvantages: how to sit?? (the restaurant's concept is the Japanese sitting-on-the-floor style)

3. Funky Dress
Advantages: look fun, young, energetic
Disadvantages: won't be employed by him, will I look like a supportive -understanding-responsible wife standing beside my husband?

4. Blue Jeans and Tight Shirt
Advantages: easy to sit
Disadvantages: Kuno ahh..

5. Japanese Yukata
Advantages: Matching with the restaurant's concept, unique
Disadvantages: too unique, I don't have Yukata

Now, what image should I create? A smart young lady? A supportive housewife? A wanna-fun-girl? A newlywed wife? *how to create this image?* Ahhh.. he also won't care how I look like. I'll just take shower, pick anything I like, and put some make-up. What type of make-up? Soft? Glamour? Smart? Judes? Sexy? I'm just mentioning the available options, I don't know how to do make-up anyway Hahaha! Usually I just put foundations, powder, lipstick, mascara, some eye shadows, eyeliners, and blush.. that's all. What are the components of make-up, by the way?



Anonymous said...

ehhehe pen pake sarung kebaya aja loe! menghormati indonesia hihihi...

::aLb3rta:: said...

piye yap.. akhire pake baju apa?? dandan ky apa??
upload some pics dunk.. =D

kezia*anastasia said...

bingung yah penn?? pake piyama aja :P hehehehe..

kasih tau yah entar jadinya pake apa :) gw bayangin sih u'll look really sweet gituh.. housewife bgt (tapi gak desperate!)

AbigaiL said...

hihihi.. tuh di post berikutya.. :P