Tuesday, 7 Aug 07, 12.05pm in Yotsuya room
Hi my sweet diary,
Can you see the pic on the left? The girl on the right is me and the other girl is my best friend in Perth! That pic is a design made by her, it's nice, isnt it? You know what? That pic was actually taken from our wedding photos when we're holding hands with our own grooms but she made it as such that we're holding hand. Since this morning she's been doing this design and finally it's ready now!! Thanks to Elica Irene! I like this photo so much (it's normal for girls to hold hands, rite??), it's like a novel's cover page. Should I ask her to design my first novel's cover page? Hmm, let me see her portfolio first....
She's been such a good friend and sistah to me. Although we only lived in Perth for FEW years and never see each other for MANY years, we're still in contacts and still miss each other every day! Usually I can't really maintain my friendship if we're separated for too many years because our lives, habits, interests, topics, etc are all different already! Especially if they have been married, they would be busy taking care of family matters. But this girl is different, we're now even closer after we're married because we're in the same boat and same status now.
She was writing something crazy yesterday nite on her blog about me! Exposing my stupidity and 'ndoloness' is a crime! Here is the link http://blessed-2-bless.blogspot.com/2007/08/tribute-for-my-best-crazy-gal-d.html. When I read her post, I felt that I miss the moment that we call friendship! Missing you, girl... from me in this Honshuu Island..
When I was kid, I always dream of having a best friend who is very similar to me. I mean, she should have similar age, height, weight, face, hair style, skin color, personality, interests, stay at the same city, and most importantly she should be going thru same phase of life with what I'm going through (get married at the same time, have baby at the same time, etc). I was imagining how wonderful it must be if I have a 'twin'??
I have this kind of 'twin' now except for the location (and the age and the weight and the hair and the occupation *Loh, kok banyak? Are you sure she's your twin?* Hush!) She's now at the Southern part of the world while I'm at the Northern part. When will Ms. North meet Ms. South?
The theme of the above pic: 2 innocent (single and FREE) girls with BIG flowers on their heads, walking along a passage way in a small town called KAMPOENG KITE! *Aduh eneng-eneng, abis mencuci di kali ya?*
ahha how about end of next year? to korea? or i'll visit u in japan? (only if we're not pregnant yet) hahahaha...or we can meet each other while we're pregnant? dng perut yg buncit, rambut dikepang 2? hahahah muachhh
Ayukkk.. end of next year? Lama amirr.. udah keburu tua neh aku, inget neng umurku udah brp skg, mo kunciran 2 segala hoahahaha.. bikin sapi2 ketawa ntar.. Kuncirannya 4 aja!
Mari kita mengabulkan mimpiku, branak brg yukk.. tp satu mesti cowo, satu mesti cewe jd kita bisa besanan! Tapi make sure bikin anaknya yg bagus loh, jgn sampe tampang kyk cuplis ntar aku batalin hehehe jk jk jk!
ahuahuhauha iya ngumpulin duit dulu say! end of next year pasti uda banyak dee bisa shoping gila2 an ahhahah iya harus kita branak breng...gw cw lu cowo de...make sure 22nya ikut gen kita ya...gen laki dikit aja! hahaha
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