My little diary,
I just read a newspaper about an accident of a Taiwan-based China Airlines from Taiwan to Japan. Here is the news: "Passengers flee China Airlines 737-800 as it burns after an explosion in Naha on Japan's southern island of Okinawa August 20, 2007. The left engine of the Boeing 737-800 jet belonging to Taiwan-based China Airlines exploded shortly after arrival in Naha city from Taipei, ripping the plane apart, officials and witnesses said, but all 165 passengers and crew escaped safely. China Airlines has a troubled safety record with four deadly accidents in the past 13 years, including a crash in the Japanese city of Nagoya in 1994 in which 264 people were killed".

Omo omo omo.. I was so shocked when I read this news because my flight to Japan (transit at Taipei) is by China Airlines! Why it must be from Taipei to Japan and not to other countries? I only can believe that everything happens is on God's hand. If my going back to Japan will be delayed because of my COE, it also must be His wonderful plan, rite? Please help me praying for my safe journey to Japan..
Waduh... kenapa ini pesawat... sampe kayak gitu.
Hidup emang di tangan Tuhan. Kalo aku sih mikirnya, kalo emang belum waktu-nya dipanggil, juga bakal selamat biarpun ada apa2. Kalo emang udah waktunya, tiduran di rumah pun bisa tahu2 dipanggil.
Iyah.. thanks Ko.. itu yg aku mikir juga. Serem yah..
Aku wae sempet takut naik pswt gr2 kasus garuda jkt-ygy meledak kmr, soale itu pesawatku biasane kalo plg dr jkt. Emg nasib di tangan Tuhan, tp tiap kali mau bepergian naik pswt tetep ae takut... Dasar manusia.
Just pray.. and God will lead us the way..
May God Bless you always..
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