Hello diary,
I went out yesterday to Shinjuku. Initially I wanted to buy shoes and cooking recipe book in Kinokuniya. One big thing happened yesterday. The shoes trend in Japan now is high heel shoes with semi-open-toes (atau tertutup) and 'bergesper'! Look like dolls' shoes or shoes which I wore in my sweet 17th birthday party almost 10 years ago (sepatu kuno yang tertutup semua and tungkaknya segede-gede bangkot). Amazingly, I fall in love with that kind of shoes now! OMG! I can't believe I'm now crazy of those shoes.. Somebody please stop me.. Should I buy? Should I just wear my normal high heel sandals that I bought in S'pore? or should I ask my mum to deliver my sweet 17th bday shoes to Tokyo?
I also went to Kinokuniya book shop to buy cooking recipe book (initially). After flipping thru the books there (I mean seeing the pictures because I can't read Kanji), I felt that cooking is simple, it's just about mixing all the ingredients that you like, making sure that it's all well cooked, and serving it on a nice plate. Only women can do this because we have feeling towards what we touch and what we see.. so, I decided not to buy that book!
And I saw something else, which I believed would be my new hobby! I bought the instruction book (ketrampilan) from Kinokuniya and asked the cashier lady on where to buy the materials "Material o kaitai dochira desuka?" (Meaning: Material I wanna buy where?). Luckily she understood my broken Japanese hahaha.. Then I went to the place that she showed me (by drawing a map) and I managed to buy! I uploaded the picture about all the things I bought yesterday below:

Kertas warna warni, 1 set jarum+gunting+benang, dakron, instruction book
You're now curious about what this is about? Let's see some pictures in this book. I can make sushii, donut, croissant, cookies, chocolates, and even a tart! At least the topic of the book that I bought isn't too far from my initial plan of buying cooking recipe, isnt it? I can make these cute little things using certain materials, colorful clothes and needle of course! I'll put these on my dinner table, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room and wherever relevant (read: wherever my hubby will allow me to put).

p.s I'll go to buy benang warna-warni now and start doing it. See.... going out for 1/2 day, I found new thing already! I'll upload the pictures when I've finished making one :)
Ihhh...cute bgt si, ini kayak buat hiasan kecil2 gitu yah fen? pasang yah fotonya kalo dah jadi hehehe..:P
Iyahh..itu hiasan, cute yah? kirain kecil ukurannya tiwas aku belinya kain kecil2 juga, ternyata japlakannya guede2 20 cm gitu.. payah deh, ga cukup..
Kalo dah jodo aku kasi liat deh hehehe.. siapa tau bs jd bisnis sampingan, ayo ayo trima order loh :P
Eh eh, kok 'jodo' seh, maksudku 'jadi', hehehe.. gara2 aku kepikiran "sapa tau emang jodoku bikin bisnis si imut ini" ^_^
Hhohohoho...jadi jodo dhe hihi...seru bener si disono...pengen kesono nih jadinya hehehe :P
maen gih ke sini.. honeymoon gitu. eh bukan dink, kalo honeymoon mana mungkin nengokin aku ya?? hohoho..
Walah... back to basic sepatu-ne. In North America, lagi nge-trend sepatu Crocs (NASDAQ: CROX). Saking nge-trend-e stock-e jump 300% in the last 12 months. Cuman udah mulai banyak fake-nya yang "Made in China" belakangan. Itu loh sepatu sik bolong2, isa dikasih pernak-pernik.
Anyway, about cooking, I've heard someone did an interesting experiment. So, two persons, A (good cooker) and B (beginner). They are given the same recipe, the same ingredients, same everything... they're asked to cook the same thing. At the end, the taste is different. It seems there is also "the art of cooking".
Oh iya, aku tau Crocs = sepatu bolong2 dari plastik warna-warni itu kan? Di S'pore juga byk yg pake itu, seringnya kembaran tu mami, papi, dan anaknya.. cute bgt. Tapi herannya di sini gak ada yg pake Crocs. Lain culture kali ya.
Masalah cooking, sbenernya emang itu bakat and experience. Kalo short-term goalku seh: yg penting masakanku bisa ditelen dengan selamat itu udah joss! Huehueheu.. parah yah.
fenn.. this looks cute!! show me pictures when u're done yahhh :)
Oh iyaaa.. pasti donk!! :D
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