
I don't want this dream comes true!

Monday, 20 Aug 07, 3.13pm in Solo

Hello my lil diary,
This is my first time writing diary in Solo. Yes, I'm in Solo now, at home, writing diary using my brother's laptop. Today is an important day for me, this is the reason why I'm writing diary now. Today, 20 Aug 2007 at 3.15pm Indonesia time, 5.15pm Tokyo time. My hubby is doing the Japan Law test now. It's a very important test that will affect our lives, our future. May God bless him right now and for the next 2 hours! Aja Aja Basha, dear!!! I know you can do it because you have charms and muscles! No. I mean you have brain and knowledge.

For me, today is such an important day too! Because my COE (dependent pass) will be issued today. I really hope that it will really be issued today. I just checked my mail and there was no email from the immigration just now :( Once it's out, they will send the COE to Jakarta. I've booked an air ticket to Jakarta too on 23 Aug (because I'm not sure when it's going to be issued).

Last nite I had a dream about my hubby. In my dream, we stay on the 11th floor of our apartment. Actually we stay on 12th floor. When we stayed in Yotsuya hotel, we stayed on 13th floor. Now, why is it 11th? 13-1=12, 12-1=11?? Forget it, it's not important. Anyway, continue the story, it was a heavy raining day and we did not bring umbrellas. I went home from somewhere *must be from windows shopping, just windows shopping* and he went home from work. We were all wet! Don't think that we were going to *ai..yoooo* and DaNcE like in Indian movies!! We met at the lobby and went up together. On the 5th floor, the lift was stopped and we had to transit on that floor till further notice. Then, we were brought to a transit lounge, had some coffees and biscuits, for 2 hours. Once the lift had been repaired, we continued our journey to 11th floor but the lift was stopped again on 10th floor. We found out that the lift only could bring us to the 10th floor. There was no choice, we had to get out on the 10th floor. Apparently 10th floor was a big food mall! I was sooo happy. I took an empty basket in front of the shop and rushed in. Then, I woke up. What was that dream meant? Why couldn't we reach our apartment floor? Does it mean that we have so many barriers before we can be at the top? Why must I wake up on a crucial moment?? *It's because cip woke me up!! She also woke me up the day before when I was about to buy LV-Hermes-Gucci bag! One bag with 3 sides, each side with each brand. Yeah, it's kind of kepiting berkepala udang berkaki ayam.*

I hope that my dream has nothing to do with what will happen today. Please God, today is such an important day for us! The message I received from that dream is: He looked handsome and I miss him now! *think positive....think positive....think positive....*



Anonymous said...

Wahhh... LV-Hèrmes-Gucci????? Three combination in one? Kayak apa tuh? Salah satunya aja udah bikin keder..


Antony Pranata said...


Walah... kok mengkuatirkan mimpi loh. It's only a dream, darling... nothing to worry about. If I were you, I just forget my dream once I wake up in the morning. :)

AbigaiL said...

Aku slalu inget ngimpiku loh.. dan setelah dipikir2 selalu aja ngimpiku ada hubungan sama kehidupan asliku (kalo dipaksa dihubung2in sih)

::aLb3rta:: said...

dreams.. dreams.. dreams...

almost everynite i had a dream.. dont wanna have it.. but it comes everynite.. and it always about running away from something..
run run and run.. so tired leh..

*apa ini artinya aku seharusnya jadi atlet maraton???*

AbigaiL said...

Hoahahaha.. atlet maraton?? kreatip juga yg mengartikan mimpi..

Coba jangan run ci, what will happen? *jadi penasaran* Bisa disetel ga mimpinya?