
'Booking an Air Ticket' Story

Friday, 10 Aug 07, 10.19pm in Yotsuya room

My diary,
Finally I managed to book my air ticket to Jakarta today. It sounds like a simple task but not for me. It's a long story.. I left hotel at 11.00am and reached hotel again at 6pm. What a long day just to book a plane ticket! Just remembering what happened today makes me tired and sleepy already.. *Yawn* Should I continue the story tomorrow? -_- zZzzZzz... It's.... ZzzZ.. really... Zzz.. long... ZzzZ... story.... Zzz... you.. ZzzZ.. know.. ZzzZz.. like.. ZzzZ.. in.. Korean.. movies.. ZzzZ..


Huahh! Hi Diary, just had few minutes break.. now I feel fresher :D
Ok, continue the story.. I had a hard time finding the travel agent's office. In the morning before I left, I was very dissappointed with my internet connection. In a time when I needed it so much to get a map, the internet was down! But, at times when I just use internet to do unnecessary things (e.g chatting and browsing... writing diary? No No! It's as important as getting a map, don't worry my diary), there is no problem on the connection at all! Well, today is just another unlucky day for me...

Because I couldn't get a detailed map, I just brought my blue Tokyo map and my strong courage and went to Shinjuku station. Honestly, I really don't like going to Shinjuku station because it has so many exits and it really confuses me.. I think it has around 60 exits. Once you get out from the wrong exit, then you just stand there and cry... that means you're lost! Then somebody will ask you "Are you okay? Are you lost?" then you'll say "Yes, please help me" and that somebody will give you the wrong direction and you'll just follow the wrong direction stupidly.. and after 30mins walk and still can't find the place, you'll start crying again and #$%^&#$ that person for bluffing you.. and you'll ask another person but when the person gives you the correct direction, you won't believe that person again and still walk to the direction that you feel right (people say "Don't fall to the same trap for twice"). You've walked under a hot sun to all directions, from north to south, from east to west, for 4 hours, but still can't find the place. What are you gonna do? Keep looking? Go home? Eat at the restaurant around there? Pretend to black out on the street and hope somebody will bring you home (free transportation)? Shopping? Take pictures and put on the blog??

Yeah.. that's exactly what happened to me today.. I felt so hopeless, I blamed everyone (including the travel agent) who gave me wrong direction, blamed the internet connection, blamed the taxi driver why he charges so high (otherwise I can take taxi), blamed the sun that shines so HOT and sexy today, and blamed my body why it's so heavy now after staying at home for few days..

When I'm stressed usually I just find nearest restaurant and eat. That's what I was about to do when the travel agent called me. This is the conversation:
Me: "I can't find your office. I'm now standing in front of Odakyu. Which way I should go now?"
Him: "Ok, just walk to the north"
Me: "Where is the north? Can you tell me I should go to the left or right from here?
Him: "No, you must go to the north"
Me: "I don't know where is the north! Left or right?"
Him: "North"
Me: "Where is north???"

Finally I saw something on my blue map *Tuingg!*, suddenly I could see where the block was located. Well, when I realised it, the distance was about 1km from where I stood. Damn! I thought that was North! It's ok, I turned my heavy and burnt-skin body to the opposite direction and started to walk again.. and finally I found the place at around 3pm.. well, 4 hours body exercise is too healthy.

I'm too tired and sleepy to write more, diary..
See you diary..



Antony Pranata said...

They didn't give you the "wrong direction". They just gave you a "bad direction". Loh opo beda-e....

Gak opo2, itung2 olah raga lah... :)

Jess said...

iya.. Kasian bgt sih. Kalo di sini sih tinggal tlp, nti tukang jual tiketnya yg tergopoh2 bersama sun-burnt-bodynya dateng ke rmh nganterin tiket plus udah dicek-in sekalian. Byrnya aja kdg2 hbs plg.
Begitulah kalo di negri org.

::aLb3rta:: said...

poor abbie..

Ga apa dah.. itu2 buat pengalaman.. kata orang.. kalo belom nyasar belom ngenal kota itu.. who knows.. taon depan malah jadi 'Ratu Jalanan' Shinjuku-Harajuku.. Lebih Jepang dari orang Jepang.. sampe lubang tikus pun tau ada dimana...


AbigaiL said...

Hoahahahahaha.. kok kalian lucu2 banget seh ngasi komen *asli ngakak!* thanks2

Hari ini bakal long day lagi karena mau ke..... nanti aja deh aku crita di blog huehueheu.. *sok rahasia amir*

Jess said...

"Ratu jalanan"??? Hahahahahaha..!! Iso2ne lho ah. Tp emg gt kok yap. Jd inget pengalamanku di jkt dulu, di masa daku terkenal sbg tukang nyasar.. Di Karawaci aja nyasar. Smp diketawain org! Tp hbs nyasar mlh jd tau jalan.
Tiap kali nyasar just pray! And HE'll find u d way.

kezia*anastasia said...

ealah, fen... mesak-no bgt lho kamu.. kepanasan yahhhh?

gpp, itung2 exercise. aku aja gak pernah sampe 4 jam apalagi di bawah terik matahari gitu tambah keringetan pasti. KEREN :)

hopefully things get better and easier for u and ur hubby yah fen...