
My Ulcers

Friday, 3 Aug 07, 3.56pm in Yotsuya room

Today is Friday! Yoohoo!!
I just came home from Ward Office to collect Alien Registration Card for Ron. I brought the authorisation letter and collection notice, confidently walked to the office, and... deng dong.. -_-# I couldn't collect it because they need a proof that I stay under the same roof with my husband. Ohh, where should I get the proof? By inviting them to a summer tea sessionk at my home? Luckily they agreed if I can show them my marriage certificate. Great, I have to go back there again on Monday.

Then, I went to Daiso, a 100 Yen shop! Well, actually living in Tokyo isn't that expensive if we know where to get same product with cheaper price. The problem is, Daiso onlyo sells kitchen ware, plastic flowers, socks, etc; where to get cheap meat and vegetables?

My lower lip has an ulcer now, which consists of 5 baby-ulcers. These 5 babies are very close to each other, hug each other in the ups and downs. Why there are 5 appearing at the same time? The moment you accidentally bite your lips for the first time, you tend to sink your teeth again and again on that ulcer (karna bentuk bibirnya udah tambah 'mbedodong' jadi buat sasaran empuk kegigit trus). It's not easy to talk with sores on my lip especially talking in Jap or English. To speak in English, we need to curl the tongue, touch lips here and there, use our teeth to push lips in and out (no wonder western people have thin lips!), and auwwww.. it hurts when something (entah itu lidah atau gigi) touches the ulcer. My current status: I can't close my lips perfectly. This has many bad effects, such as:
1. My speaking becomes 'pelo' like 'simbah2 omponk'
2. My smile becomes a bit 'sengek' because I can't open the part in which the ulcer is there (kesangkut gigi - kalo mo ketawa mesti digeser bibirnya slowly dari gigi)
3. No mood to eat (I guess this is a good part)
4. Lips become dry because tounge seldom touches this part. Kalo mo mbasahin bibir, lidah mesti njulur2 lurusss baru belok ke kanan/kiri. Jelek banget deh dilihatnya kayak kadal mo nangkep nyamuk :(
5. Tidur jadi ngorok as an affect that I can't close my lips. This has stressed my hubby too coz he can't sleep soundly at nite. I'm so sorry......
6. Boros lipstik - karna bibir jadi lebih mekar daripada ukuran biasa

My mum recently asked me to find out about the price of plane/train ticket going to Sapporo in Hokaido island. My family is coming to visit me in Tokyo in Dec and we'll go to Sapporo together! I've been trying to check the price in the Internet but the info is limited. Then I asked one of the travel agent near train station. They said that I need to check with the train ticketing office to find out the price by train. With my giant lips, I had to ask around and repeated my questions every time coz they couldn't catch my words (or they couldn't understand my Jap/Eng). Finally, after I asked around, I found one man who can speak little English.
Me: Sumimasen, if I want to go to Sapporo, how should I buy the ticket?
Staff: Sapporo??
Me: Hai!
Staff: Hokaido??????
Me: Hai!
Staff: It's very looooong (I guess he meant 'long' = far)
Me: Yes, I know
Staff: You cannot..err... go now
Me: Why?
Staff: Because you need...sleeping and your bag.... (I guess he meant "you need to stay overnite there coz it's far")
Me: Ohhh yesss, sleeping... thank you.
Staff: [Smile]

Then I just took some brochures which are all in Kanji/hiragana/katakana. Better to take rather than...........not to take.

Next Tuesday, I'll be invited by Ron's boss to a fine dinner. Wow! he's such a nice and attentive boss. Hopefully my lips will be back to normal again by that time. I don't want him to think I'm like an idiot?? (ndomble2, pelo2, miring2 ketawanya, arghhh..)



PangTama said...

Sariawan??? baru aku sembuh kemaren Fen, gila kemaren aku kenanya gk tanggung2, aggresive ulcer di pojok belakang deket geraham, mulut mau buka aja gk bisa, makannya nyruput bubur sambil meneteskan air mata hehehe...sedihnyaa...sampe kena fever and minum antibiotik 1000ml gr!! makan jeruk banyak2, perih2 tp sembuh hehehe

AbigaiL said...

Wakkk.. di deket gigi graham?? gusi? gilee..aku blom pernah sariawan di sono (amit2 jgn sampe). Wah sakit bgt ya pasti kl di belakang sana. Aku seh di bibir bawah depan sebelah kanan,jadi kliatan dari luar ada putih2,jijay bgt.. terus rasanya bibir jd bengkak n berat, jd otomatis monyong gitu bibirku, sedihnya.. sakit bgtt.. enaknya skalian buat diet la! *menghibur diri*

kezia*anastasia said...

aduh kenapa pada sariawan sih kalian? kebanyakan.... yah? hwauhauhauhauh (please fill in the blank sendiri)

cepet sembuh yah fenn... biar makin cantik nanti begitu fine dining :)

Antony Pranata said...

Wah... kayak-e kok I'm the only "man" who read your blog yah. Sik laen2 rasa-e kok cewek kabeh.

Anyway, here in Canada we have Daiso too; unfortunately the price is more expensive. Almost everything costs $2, which is more than 200 Yen!!! Canada emang gak ada dua-nya...

AbigaiL said...

Thanks Tazh! eniw, kebanyakan....apa yah? makan gorengan?? chatting?? hihihihi...

Tadi pagi udah minum jus jeruk neh sesuai saran si pang2..perihhh!!

AbigaiL said...

Cowok sendiri gpp ko, asal koko suka aja bacanya karna..karna..karna isi blogku ga penting gini.. kasian yg komen hehe.. eniw, I appreciate that all of u read and comment my "ga-penting-blog" ini frequently :D