Thursday, 23 Aug 07, 11.08am in Solo
Hello my little diary,
I just had breakfast special morning menu 'Sou-Tow with Poo-Yo & Ba-Rou' at Kie-Rha-Na with my parents and my bro. *Korean food? Chinese Food?* Ok ok, I admit. I ate Nasi Soto with Telur Puyuh and Paru Goreng at Warung Soto Kirana, happy? I love Indonesian food so much although the names are not as keren as Chinese or Korean food. *Who cares about the name?* I do! I'm scared of eating meals called "Mbah Gobyos", "Mbah Jingkrak" and "Sambel Nenek Lampir"! *What are the meanings in English?* In English, ermm.. "Sweating Grandma", "Dancing Grandma", and "Attached Grandma Sambal" (Lampir = Attached?) These kind of meals' name are real.
Updates for today, I still have no news about my COE. Oh man, I'm getting nervous now. I'm sure that God always works on time!
I dunno why I feel like a different person when I'm In Solo. I feel that "this is reality". It's a different feeling when I'm away from home, it's like "this is a dream". I remember what my cousin told me that 'Life is like a dream'. It's so true! Treat a life as your dream and you'll feel burdenless. When I sleep, I dream a lot. Too many dreams make me confused. Sometimes I have a serial dream too, like watching serial movies. It's very funny that I feel I'm going to continue the 3rd episode of my dream when I'm about to sleep. And, I also know that it's just a dream when I'm dreaming! Amazing rite? Sometimes even I don't remember which one a reality is, which one a dream is. When something happens in a real life, I feel that it already happened in the past or in my dream. What I'm sure is I knew it would happen that way, I knew it. Is that called a dejavu? What is dejavu?
When my sis was around 3-month-old pregnant, I had a dream about her baby. It was so true that my sis gave birth to a baby girl, it was also so true that her baby was exactly the same as the baby girl I saw in my dream! In other cases, I dreamt about my colleague was pregnant, my friend broke up, my friend found a job, my friend got married. These happened a while after I dreamt!
Last nite I had a dream again. It was about my elder sis and her husband. You know, sometimes a dream doesn't make sense so just get the point, okay? In my dream, my sis and her hubby got married to each other again for the 2nd time. We had a big party again. When I asked my sis 'Why should you get married to each other again?', she replied 'This is just our culture everytime we want to have a baby'. Does it mean that she's going to have the 2nd baby soon?? Let's see..
Little diary, can you feel the different me from my writing style when I'm in Solo? Only my little diary knows. I have few posts that I wrote when I'm in Solo and just keep them as drafts, never been published.. Does environment change the way we live, the way we think, the way we feel, and the way we do? Which is the real me?
p.s there are 2 topics in this post (3 topics including the Mbah Gobyos and friends), not sure what title is good for this post. 'A Dream'? or 'A Me'? 'What is Dream?' or 'Who am I?' hmmm...
Sering mimpi yah fen? aku juga mimpi tiap malem, gk pernah absen bo hahah...gk tau knp, sampe berdoa supaya gk mimpi, tetep aja mimpi. Kadang mimpi action perang2an, berasa bgt cape lari2 hahha :P.
Gara2 mau merit juga, mimpi wedding berantakan udah berkali kali. ada yg wedding dress nya ketinggalan, jd pake baju kembang2 :(. Ada yg bunganya gk ada, ada yg singer nya ilang...hahaha...*i think im stressed out*. Kapan balik Jepang lg Fen? Terus2...novelnya dah sampe mana?? hehehe..ditunggu lohh...hehe:P
Hahahaha.. dulu aku pas mo merit juga ngimpi pestanya mawut2 gitu, termasuk bajunya blom jadi, pengantin pria ilang, pestanya didelay, dll. Sabar..sabar.. bentar lagi slese kok, abis slese smua mimpi tentang stressnya mo merit ilang kok, ngimpinya ganti ttg masalah duit2 trus skg hahahaha..
Novelku macettt.. :(
Yap.. kalo bener ur dreams sometimes come true..
Kapan2 mau donk mimpiin aku.. aku yg finally found my prince charming riding white horse and hands full of roses.. then we'll be together forever.. happily ever after... hohoho..
*so fairytale abis,huh..*
This is the right translation:
Sambel Nenek Lampir = Enclosed Grandma Spice
What I know from Jess, there are only two Abigail's. One is the real one; the one that she meets in real life. The second one is virtual Abigail. She said they have totally different personality.
Buat cici, ok ok nti malem takusahain ngimpi yaa.. *harus komat-kamit mantra dulu sblom bobo*
Buat koko, thanks for the correct translation hahaha.. mine sounds stupid! Enclosed sounds better than attached.. (kalo attached rasanya kok neneknya udah attached, gak bisa dideketin kakek2 (cowok2) lain lagi).
I have split personality?? Wah wah.. perlu pergi ke psikolog?
kl rawon setan gimana?
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