
Thanks to My Readers

Sunday, 5 Aug 07, 10.02pm in Yotsuya room

Good evening my little diary,
I'm so happy lately because...hihihi...*malu ah*....because...some friends of mine (and of course my sis, my bro, and my cousins) keep reading my diary and comment on it quite frequently. When I first started this diary, I never thought that I would make it available for public viewing. I wanted to write my diary and kept it forever under my pillow like.. u know.. in the Korean movies, after many years, somebody (I hope it would be my prince) would discover about my diary (discover by himself, gak perlu dikasi hint2), read everything, laugh and cry at the same time, know all my secrets and my deepest feelings including whom I fall in love with, and he would run to me saying that he loves me too since he first saw me, etc etc.......... Now I got married already, so there's no point of keeping this diary forever...he found out already (aku yg maksa2 dia baca setelah 3 bulan dia masih gak ngeh aku punya diary). Anyway, thanks to my readers.. :D


p.s Do you think the words "Started on Oct 2006" at the bottom of diary book's picture on the header sounds like Jamu Nyonya Meneer's motto "berdiri sejak..."?? Hmm..


Antony Pranata said...

Once upon a time, there was a lovely princess... bla... bla... bla....

At the end of the day, the princess was rescued by an ogre, called Shrek. Nah loh....

AbigaiL said...

"OHH! Are you my Prince?" The princess asked.
"Yes I'm, My Highly Princess" The Ogre replied, with his head down.
"It's ok, Ogre.. whatever you're, you'll be my lovely Prince" The princess said with her sweetest smile.
Suddenly the ogre felt his whole body hot and shaking.. and.. he became.. A GORGEOUS PRINCE with stars shining all over his body (maksudku saking guantenggnya) because of the princess' true love!

(Maaph ceritanya diganti, bukan princess yang jadi ijo tp shrek yg jadi ganteng.. biar hepili ever after gitu lohh..)

Antony Pranata said...

And the story continues....

The fairy godmother came to them, "You ogre... you've taken my son's princess. This is for you..." Then, she pointed her wand to the prince. Suddenly, his body's shaking.... and.... he became an ogre (again).

AbigaiL said...

"It's ok, Ogre.. you also look cute in green" Princess said.

Then fairy Godmother said "If you want to be a gorgeous prince, you must wait for 100 years and see your princess again by climbing up a castle with princess' hair! And you Princess, don't cut your hair for 100 years from now! And don't forget to drink Fish Oil one-tea-spoon a day so that you can live long!" then fairy Godmother dissappeared.

The princess shouted "Fairy Godmother, this is Shrek's story! Not a Rapunzel's!!!!"

::aLb3rta:: said...

...then the fairy godmother replied, "It is all because of you princess, you've changed the ogre became a goegeous prince.. that's not in the story.. so I changed it to be Rapunzel's"

Princess said, "but 1oo years.. I have to wait 100 years more to see my prince charming.. ohh noo.. cape de.."

*nah loo.. makin bingung gaa..*

AbigaiL said...

End of story, the princess lives happily with Cinderella's prince charming because the princess cape nunggunya??

Hoahahaha.. makin sesat aja neh ceritanya..

Jess said...

...and then... And then...
Ahhh, jadi bingung nih nerusin critanya.. Abisnya kalian ngaco semua gitu..