
Back to Japan!

Monday, 3 Sep 07, 10.44am at home

Hello again my dear diary,
Now I'm at home. *Which home?* Now I'm in Japan again, in my new home at Shinkawa. I was just back from my long and tiring journey, Solo-Jakarta-Hongkong-Taiwan-Narita-Tokyo. So many stops.. My mum asked me "Mampir Amerika juga gak?" I replied "Iya Mam, ini baru mau jalan ngliat patung Liberty". *emangnye city tour??* Anyway, yesterday I woke up at 3.30am, departed from Jakarta at 6.35am and reached home (at Tokyo) around 11.30pm. Reached home, I unpacked my things, set up my curtains that I brought from Indo, took shower, had little chat with my hubby, and turned in around 1.30am. Phew! It's like what Jack Bauer in 24 said "It was the longest day in my life!"

Something happened yesterday. At Narita Airport, I put all my 30kg luggages on a big trolley, u know, airport trolley is very big. Aku udah tau gimana caranya naek tangga berjalan sambil dorong trolley gede berisi barang, tapi kalo turun?? Kemarin itu, dari Narita airport ke Tokyo, aku mesti naek kereta. Stasiun keretanya ada di lantai bawah. Jadi aku mesti turun pake elevator sambil berheboh-hebohan bawa koper2ku. I saw my sis pushed her baby stroller dengan arah terbalik when she was going down. I thought it should be that way. Easy! Then, I tried! Well, actually I didn't want to take that risk but my train was coming in 5 minutes, I didn't have time to look for a lift to go down. Aku balik arah trolleynya menghadap ke belakang, jalan mundur, mulai melangkah ke arah tangga yang berjalan turun, ragu2 untuk menginjakkan kakiku ke anak tangga berjalan (yg berjalan sangat cepat) untuk beberapa detik, kemudian *yakk!* aku berhasil menginjakkan kakiku di anak tangga berjalan yang pertama. Saking tegangnya, tanganku melepaskan pegangan trolley! Terpaksa aku lari2 naik melawan arus tangga berjalan yg berjalan turun. Setelah pegangan trolley berhasil kepegang, aku asal tarik aja.. and rupanya roda trolley yg super gede itu gak pas letaknya. Trolley raksasa berisi koper2ku mulai menggelinding turun.. tanganku gak kuat megangin.. Aku yang berdiri di depan trolley, maaf, tepatnya agak di bawah trolley, menatap trolley raksasa persis di depan hidungku dengan panik! Aku akan segera tergilas sukses luluh lantak.. My handphone was low battery, I should say bye2 first to my loved ones.. There was no other choice, I used my back to hold the trolley from going down with my both hands holding the left and the right handrails of the elevator tightly, super tightly. My face expression? Of course, I looked like HULK; green face, open-mouth, gigi atas bawah keliatan berjejer rapi sempurna, alis mengkerut menahan berat, mata melotot, hidung membesar kembang-kempis, except one thing: HULK never says 'Omo Omo Omo'. I managed to hold the trolley safely. Phew! Super power only comes in emergency cases. Thanks God!

After I landed safely, Omo omo omo.. another elevator! This time, my giant trolley couldn't go down to the track. My effort trying to imitate HULK was useless! I brought 2 boxes and 1 bag. I couldn't carry 3 things with my 2 hands. I opened my mini trolley to put the 2 boxes, tapi tu tali trolley bundet ruwet kemana-mana di seluruh penjuru trolley. Train udah mau dateng, aku masih sibuk kutak-kutik tali mini-trolleyku. Kenapa sih aku slalu sial? Atau clumsy? At that point of time, what I was thinking was "How is the ending of this story? Will she be able to catch the train?" Yes, finally she was able to catch the train. I screamed from upstair, asked the train driver to wait for me. Not sure if he heard me, at least I tried. After I went down with the boxes all over the floor, one person helped me.. he was nice, dia lempar2 aja semua tas dan kardus2ku ke dalam train, pas banget pintu kereta nutup. God's time is always on time. If I missed that train, I would have to wait another 30 minutes and I would lose my 3,000Yen train ticket!

When I was queueing at the immigration, there was very long queue. One person who's queueing right in front of me left the queue because he forgot to fill in the form. I wanted to tell him, once he took the form, he could just queue in front of me again. But, my turn came, he took so long to fill in the form on a table. I didnt't have chance to let him in. I was thinking, if I let him in, I would miss the train. Was it all His plan??

This morning I woke up early because Ron had to go to work early in the morning. After he left, I cleaned up my house, washed clothes, had breakfast, and ended up typing in front of computer. Hi Hi Hi! Still got lots of things to buy, settle, and do today. I need to collect my Alien card today. Yea, today I officially become an alien.. because I'm having a card, a card that I have to bring everywhere I go, a card that I need to show to everyone whenever they want to see (I mean, to open bank account, register here and there).

See you again, diary..



Anonymous said...

haha baca cerita lu dah kaya bacain komik....btw whats with omo omo omo...ga di blog gw ga di blog lu smua lu tulisin omo omo omo hahahahhah welcome back 2 japan say! we need to catch2 up2 in a telephone line huh?!! hehehe

AbigaiL said...

'Omo omo omo' itu slanknya orang Korea, terutama auntie2, yang artinya sejenis 'aduh aduh aduh' atau 'O My God, O My God, O My God'. Hihihi.. ayuk kapan kita go on line lagi??

Jess said...

Omo..omo..aigoo..aigoooo.. Baca critamu tegang bgt rasane.. Kyk baca serial Kho Ping Hoo...

::aLb3rta:: said...

Omo..omo.. omo.. *setahuku dl omo tuh sabun colek sek warnae biru*...

kalo ga.. kalo pas lg macet di jalan.. knapa macet?? oooh.. si Omo lg lewat...

Baca blogmu kaya baca comic Hulk omo omo..

Keep omo..omo... yuk...

Antony Pranata said...

Omo... omo.... kok kelima... hiks... :(

Di airport Frankfurt juga ada escalator macem gitu. Kalo ngadepin gitu, turunnya jangan arah mundur gitu, malah bahaya. Trolley untuk escalator gituan udah di-design khusus, bukan trolley biasa itu. Jadi, langsung masuk escalator-nya seperti biasa and stay cool. You should be fine. Kalo mundur, malah kacau total.

Soal-e dulu pernah ada ibu2 di Frankfurt yang malah panik2 kayak Abigail.

Ceritanya gini, dia kan turun lewat escalator gitu bawa trolley gede, terus waktu mo keluar dari escalator, dia tuh entah kenapa panik. Malah gak bisa keluar, terus trolley-nya gak bisa jalan, dia lupa pencet pegangannya itu atau gimana. Sementara aku kan di belakang-nya persis, bawa trolley juga, dan escalator turun ke arah dia. Udah deh, alhasil nubruk dia dan jadi tumpuk2an di bawah. Hahaha....

AbigaiL said...

Omo omo omo koko, serem kisahmu, untung di belakangku ga ada trolley, kalo ada mungkin aku udah jadi roti prata..

Ci, emang Hulk ada komiknya? harusnya judulnya omo omo ya.. kok yg dikomentari omo2nya, cuman koko yg komentar ke topik utama cerita :)

Antony Pranata said...

Omo... omo....
Gak ngeri2 amat kok... waktu itu, aku juga ikutan panik begitu liat ibu2 di depanku gak bisa keluar dari escalator. Tapi hasil akhirnya gak parah2 amat kok.... tak ada yang cedera.

::aLb3rta:: said...

Hahaha... iya neh.. kalo komen dimana2 menyimpang nyambung topic utama yah..

hmm.. inikah ciri khas cewe??? mudah goyah... pertama baca blog mestine mau komen yg sesuai topic, tp gt baca komen yg laen ttg omo omo jadi lupa tujuan utama.. *kalo lg shopping sering gt jg seh* ha ha ha..

::aLb3rta:: said...
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