
Just Talk "Gak-Penting"

Monday, 6 Aug 07, 6.44pm in Yotsuya room

Huellow diary,
Today I managed to ask ticket's price to Sapporo in a travel agent! Can you imagine? I must use all my body languages and gestures to describe what I wanted to know. You don't need to know the process, the result is more important. This is what my hubby always tells me when I give excuses why I still can't slim down; "I've skipped my dinner, eat half porsion, avoid drink milk, anti-pork, but still my body is as 'sexy' as usual" then he says "I'm more interested on the result, not the process". Ehemm.. in this case, my most powerful weapon must be used "My maag pains if I don't eat enough" Nyehnyehnyehnyeh...

I collected Ron's Alien Registration Card today, bought some materials to make sushi! I mean, the imitation of sushi, and bought some groceries in the supermarket near my place. Today is very hot! Luckily I brought umbrella today (I bought the black one since the transparant one is only for use in raining day or snowing). I feel ok when I open up umbrella in a sunny day in Japan because everyone does that too! Especially the women, they really concern about their look and their skin. It's very uncommon to walk under an umbrella when the sun shines in S'pore and Australia. They like to have light brown skin. Me? I don't really care if my skin color slightly changes, what I care most is my freckles on my face! Uh Uh Uh. Shiseido, please show me your power to remove the dots on my face.. I know they are cute but I don't like dots.

On this Thursday, I'll go to Japan immigration to get my tourist visa extended. Please help me praying that they'll approve my application, kay? Otherwise, I'll need to go out from Japan and go to Paris. No la, kidding.. hehe.. I mean I'll need to go back Indo and wait for my spouse visa to be issued on 20 Aug..

Today nothing much happening.. so, bye diary, now is 7.07pm already.. need to wash up now.



Jess said...

Iya... Ga penting bgt, jd ga tau meh komen apa? Eh yap, kok sayang e ke jkt ne nda pas cip ke jkt yah? Coba pas brg, bkl seruuuu...kyk dl kita shoping terakhir di SGM.. Bw cash,ga blh pake card,haha! Kyk org gambling wae..pake budget..

AbigaiL said...

Waktu itu boleh aja pake card tapi cip ada credit limit denganku (alias batas max utang) jadi kalo beli2 hrs pake teori matematika, pitagoras, busur derajat !#$%^&*!@#$%^&

::aLb3rta:: said...

menurut pengalamanku..
dulu perna lg di spore.. ga bole pake card.. bw cash terbatas.. pdhal pas lg Spore Sale.. krn pengennya banyak tp dana terbatas, akhire tiap liat barang mikir2, nimbang2, aah.. sapa tau nanti ada yg lbh apik.. sapa tau ada yg lbh ok.. gitu terus..
and the result is...
pulang indo dgn ga bw hasil shopping sm sekali.. uang tetep utuh.. babe gue jadi seneng..

Jess said...

Wah..bisa juga tuh ide.. Pasti jd tambah disayang suami (tp hati tdk bahagia..biarpun disayang kyk apa jg). Eh, tp kasian neh yg udah ngasah gigi hari ini... (ps: ada yg uda ngasah gigi buat gigit tas di jkt bsk).

::aLb3rta:: said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAA... sapa tuh yang uda ngasah gigi.. =D =D =D

PangTama said...

I cant believe how hard it is to speak in Japanesse, kalo gw yg pindah sono kayaknya celingak celinguk kayak kethek :P.
Udah gitu tulisannya jg gk ngerti lagi hahah...two thumbs up for you Fen :)

Antony Pranata said...

Lah.... payung-e lek item lak tambah panas... kan item nyerep panas.

AbigaiL said...

Iya Pang, aku di sini beneran kayak monyet tapi mereka kayak monyet juga ngeladenin omong aku hihihi.. pertama kali takut2 nanya, ngrasa goblok bgt, lama2 cuek2 aja, emang kenapa kl kita ga bisa bhs mereka? mereka juga ga bisa bhs kita, seri 1-1 ^_^

AbigaiL said...

Ini dua cici2ku dikasi forum judul "Just talk gak-penting" ehhh..beneran ngomong yg gak penting - gak penting beneran di sini hoahahahaha..

Fyi, yg ngasah gigi tu anak cewenya ciciku yg baru umur 1 th, dia demen blanja juga, sama kyk induknya.. begitu ngliat tas bagus (hrs yg branded and mahal lhoh!), itu anak lgsg nggigit tas sampe ngecap giginya (ga tau itu induknya yg ngajarin atau initiatif sendiri), mau gak mau sang induk beli tasnya donggg.. enaknya punya anak bisa buat alasan beli tas, yg mahal pula!

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