Yes, this is the restaurant's picture. It's on the 42nd floor! So we can see the whole city of Tokyo from there.. ermm.. not the whole thing actually since there are many tall buildings around there.. but the view was quite very nice! *So, it's quite nice or very nice?* Ok la, it's quite very nice.. *Puff*
When you see the picture, it looks like 'lesehan' type of restaurant, rite? But I was wrong, there's a big space under the table so we can put our legs there.. well, I shouldn't worry too much about the dress if I knew this..
Talking about the dress *Shhh, I hope Ron won't read this part because I never told him the "process", what he knows is just "I'm there and ready to eat!"*, I wore my casual dress that gives an impression of 'Sweet-Young-Understanding-NotTooStupid-Housewife'! Tazh, you're rite! This is the image that I wanted to create. I said "wanted", but I'm not sure if I achieved that goal yesterday. I wore a dark orange/black top, mini skirt, black tight pants, high-heel white shoes, and my white Dior bag. How many colours? 1..2..3..just nice! My little sister told me that she read an article about "Max-3-colours-Rule". The colors include your hair color, belt and other accessories.
There was a big problem yesterday. After I finished taking shower, my eyes were so painful (maybe some shampoo got into my eyes).. so when I tried to put on my contact lenses, OHH NO!! I really couldn't put the lenses on. So, "Helloww, this me, an AuntieType-SuperUnderstanding-LoveToCook-Housewife". Ha Ha Ha! Then I continued to put some foundations and powder. When it came to eyebrows reshaping and mascara, I couldn't do it! I couldn't see anything without my glasses, but how could I squeeze my hand in between my eye and my glasses to shave my eyebrows? I just sat down and prayed! Only God can help me in this kind of emergency situation. Well, it was not really an emergency actually.. I could just go to the dinner with my thick-grandma-glasses and without my mascara.. but.. ahhh... only girls understand well this kind of 'emergency situation'. After I finished praying, I felt more confident that everything was gonna be alright! But, suddenly I remember what I posted "A Good Illustration": God handles the big problems and we only handle the small ones because He never gives us problems that we can't handle. So, is this problem considered big or small, God? I tried to put eyesdrop into my eyes and ArGggGhhh... it was still so painful till I couldn't open my eyes! Ok, I knew it, it's just a small problem. Ok then, I continued shaving my eyebrows without my glasses and without mirror, in this kind of situation we must use feeling. It's my own eyebrows, I've been looking at my face for more than 26 years so I know exactly where it is. "KriKk..krikk.." Ok, done! Not well done, but it's done!
I was tempted to try wearing my contacts again. Before I put them one, I 'komat-kamit' in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, AMENN!! And.. yes!!! My eyes were perfectly fine! God knows what's a big problem and what's a small problem.. for each of us. Big problem for me may not be a big problem for you but He knows it well what each of us really needs! I really thanked God for what happened yesterday. It was really really amazing!
When I looked at my shadow thru the mirror, Oh My Goodness! I must re-do my make-up and reached the restaurant slightly late. It's ok.. everything went well after that. The boss was very friendly like what western people usually are.. the food was excellent.. the view was very nice.. it's just perfect! :D
Hhehehe, disono abis makan2 ma bos mabok2an gk? *jd inget di komik2, papanya nobita mabok tiap abis pulang* hihihi :P (just wondering...)
Oh iyaa.. kita minum sake ternyata sake tu sejenis tape ketan kalo di jawa tapi gak ada ketannya hihihi.. tapi gak sampe mabuk kok.. org sini memang suka mabuk kalo abis kerja katanya, percis kayak papanya nobita gitu kali ya.. pulang dengan dasi bengkok, topi miring, jalan juga miring2 sambil buka pintu *Grekk* sambil ngomong dengan suara serak "AKU PULANGG!!"
Hhahaha...iya iya...aduh kayaknya enak yah disono belajar hal2 baru, the excitement is priceless :) (Fang Fang)
Walah... Kesaksian yg sungguh menguatkan iman..
Asli..kemayu tenan!
Ciciiii.. merusak pasarankuuuuu...
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