
Things to Do

Tuesday, 14 Aug 07, 10.15am in Yotsuya room

Morning diary,
Today will be another busy day for me. Well, I don't act busy.. just pretend to be busier than usually. I'm sure you know the difference, rite? *This a normal syndrome that happens to a housewife who has nothing to do at home and feels like a useless person*. I'm a not useless!! I'll take a Jap course soon, master my Jap language, learn CFA (Certified Financial Analyst), find a decent job, start earning decent money, quit the job, and make baby! *and be a housewife and feel stressed again and want to find job again??* Sshh! You see, I still have loongg way to go and many things to do in my life. *You want to be an analyst now?? How about your novel?* Well, I'm now just stuck with my novel because I still have not made up my mind on the names of the role players whether they will be Westerners or Chinese or Indonesian?? I can't just put 'Person A', 'Person B' etc and go on with the story, rite?

[Abbie's still grumbling.... @#%^&*()(*&^%$@@# Let her be.. Let us just continue our main topic]

Today's activities:
1. Collect my plane ticket at Shinjuku, again!
2. Buy iron, light bulbs, rice cooker, etc at Akihabara, again! (I have 12,000Yen to spend today as bonus points of buying bulk things yesterday. Thanks to Pointo Kado = Point Card!)
3. Book an express train ticket to go to airport on Thursday
4. Apply my Japanese course and make payment
5. Go to my new house to drop the things

It's good that diary can help me remember what I should do today. Ok, better I write down the things I should buy in Indo here as well, just in case my paper is lost or my brain can't recall anything.

Things to bring from Indo:
1. Curtains for bedroom (3 pieces) and living room (3 pieces), please see the note in my wallet for the sizes (if I don't lose it)
2. 3G handphone - to do e-banking from my S'pore bank account
3. Korean movies
4. Novels
5. Leather cleaner from Kate Spade - note: minta cip!
6. Indonesian spices - e.g kecap manis, saus tomat pedas, bumbu nasgor, bumbu2 lain
7. Nutrisari dan sebangsa teh2an yg manis (di sini semua minuman tanpa gula)
8. Bantal sofa kecil warna-warni?**
9. Sabun, sampo, odol**
10. Contact lens (di sini mahal bangett!)
11. My wedding photo*
12. Winter coats*
13. OH! My Japan visa! - It's the most crucial thing.
14. Some clothes and shoes of mine***
* if there's enough space
**after * included and there's enough space
***to be ignored....if I can

What else? Ermm.. So far, that's all.

Anyway, tomorrow is the busiest day. All the furnitures will be coming tomorrow including the electronics things I bought in Akihabara yesterday. You know.. need to install here install there, shift here shift there, test here test there, walk here walk there, sit here sit there, cry here cry there... everything here and there.. After everything finished, I'll take pictures of my house and put on this blog, okay? It will be my first home in my marriage life..... :)

Aja Aja Fighting, Abbie!
Ok, see you again diary... *When??* Don't tell you.. cilubb..baaaa!! Nyehnyehnyeh..


p.s I won't bring my suitcase home, I will just bring boxes to put my things from Indo. So, what's the limit of 'enough space'?


Jess said...

Upss...beberapa bajumu takbawa ke Mgl..

Antony Pranata said...

Eh 3G phone dari Indonesia bisa dipake di Jepun? Setahuku kok Jepun pake different standard than the rest of the world.

Antony Pranata said...

Eh iki blog kok jadi tempat kumpul para sepupu yah.... Haiyaaa....