
Living in Indo Vs Living Abroad

Tuesday, 21 Aug 07, 9.15pm in Solo

Hi diary,
I'm very tired and sleepy now. Not sure why I always feel tired and sleepy in Solo. I always drive a car here or (even better) somebody drives for me. Everyone around me is always ready to help me. The point is, I live like a "princess" in Indonesia:
- My hands never carry heavy items
- My feet never walk too long
- My skin never get sun-burnt
- My nails never get cracks
- My sweat is never....I mean, is still smelly
But, why do I always feel tired in Solo?

I've been staying abroad for more than 8 years. Now I get used to do anything by myself. Well, everyone always needs others' help. What I mean is, do we really need to live like a king in this life? Sometimes I can understand what my maids are feeling. It's not that I'm also a maid but because we have same jobscope *what's the difference?*

This afternoon my mum scolded one of my maids because my maid ironed clothes not up to my mum's expectation. After I realised what the problem is, I understand fully how difficult it is to iron man's trousers with the line at its original place (horizontal line at the front part of trousers). I'm not sure if you understand what I mean. Anyway, when I ironed my hubby's trousers, I didn't even realise that there was a line there and had no idea how man really concerned about that line. Usually, I just iron it up to my mood. A bit to the left.. a bit to the right.. ironing the bottom part.. ironing the top part.. ironing the parts which have wrinkles only.. not ironing at all..sometimes. Wonderfully, my hubby never complain, or he never realised? My mum is buying a vitamin, Cerebrovit, for my maid so that she can remember what my mum taught her how to iron trousers. Should I buy one pack too?

[Eh..eh..topiknya udah nyeleweng jauh tuh!] In conclusion, although living abroad is not as convenient as living in Indonesia.. I still love it (except for ironing clothes)!
- I have freedom and privacy (maid is like omnipresent at my home in Solo, so scary!)
- I have personal satisfaction that I can do this and that
- It keeps my body slim and my skin tanned
- It gives me excuse to go for manicure & pedicure
Today I took unused boxes from Hero supermarket to pack my stuff that I'm gonna bring to Japan. U know what? I feel happy that I can get the boxes myself, I don't need anyone to help me sourcing boxes. *Stupido..pido..where are you? [dinyanyikan dengan nada Scooby Doo's song]*

Ok ok ok, no more talking around the bush. I admit that I'm still under stress now. Sorry to keep you reading so long before coming to the main point. My COE still has not issued yet. My hubby's test result is also not out yet. So, is tomorrow the big day? I hope so.. I need 2 good news tomorrow. One is good, Two is perfect! Please God, please God..

-Praying Abbie-


Jess said...

I fully agree about privacy! Here, mau maem aja ga enak kalo si embak lewat. *wah..lauknya si nonik enak bgt, laukku aja cuma tempe*. Apalagi yg tinggalnya masi sama parents. Ya emg gitulah..ga bisa seenaknya.. Namanya jg tinggal bersosialisasi, jd harus jaga2 perasaan org trus. Inilah sebabnya kalo mood lg jelek, I prefer lock myself in my room... Ga perlu pake topeng!


AbigaiL said...

Iya bener! kemarin pas makan di Orient kan ada mbaknya si waitress yg berdiri deket meja, waktu kita ngobrol ketawa-ketiwi, si mbak ikut2an aja senyum2.. sialan. Gak enak banget dikuping!

Don't worry cip, you don't like having babysitter, I'm more paranoid than you. I even don't like having maid at home! Sekarang di rumah JP cuman ada me and Ron, it's so FREE!! I love it so much although I don't live like a 'Princess'. Because I'm the 'Queen' of my house. Hohohoho.. (it's even better, isn't it?)

Antony Pranata said...

Horee.... ketiga!!!

Eh, di sini, tempe tuh makanan mahal. Gak setiap hari bisa makan. Mesti pesen ke tante Grace kalo mo beli tempe. Udah gitu, si tante belon tentu ada tempe. Kemaren mesin bikin tempe-nya rusak, kata tanta Grace. Mati aku... udah 1 bulan gak makan tempe. Huaaa.....

Loh ngomong opo to iki??? Gak nyambung blas.

AbigaiL said...

Hoahahaha...Nonik2 di Canada yg ngiri "Ah mama, si mbak aja makan tempe, aku kok malah dikasi ayam seh?"

::aLb3rta:: said...


That's why.. when I lived in Jkt,I stayed in apartment without any maid..
once in a life time.. so free willy..

kk.. ada tempe bacem nii.. mau??

hmm.. tp kalo dipikir2 dr sudut pandang laen.. kalo smua pada ga mao pake pembokat.. ntar tingkat pengangguran tambah tinggi dunk..