
House Moving

Monday, 13 Aug 07, 10.02pm in Yotsuya room

Hello my lil diary,
Recently I've been busy with the house moving so I got no time to write diary. I'm not sure if today would be my last day writing diary in this Yotsuya room because I'll be staying in my new house at Shinkawa (meaning: new river) starting this Wednesday. There's still no Internet connection there. I'll be flying back to Indo too this Thursday, with one night transit at Taipeh. I will be landed on Taipeh at nite and my connecting flight will be in the morning. There's one thing missing here, please read carefully this conversation:

Travel Agent: "You can't go out from Taiwan's airport because you don't have visa"
Me: "Yes, I understand"
Travel Agent: "But.. you can't sleep in the airport!"
Me: "Ok, I won't sleep. I Promise!".
Travel Agent: "I mean, you can't stay the whole night in the airport"
Me: "Then, where should I go?"
Travel Agent: "You must book a transit hotel in the airport"
Me: "Oh, ok then. Can you book for me?"
Travel Agent: "Yes, I can book for you. But can you pay the hotel at Taipeh?"
Me: "Sure, no problem"
Travel Agent: But, the counter is outside the immigration"
Me: "So, can I pass thru the immigration just to pay the hotel?"
Travel Agent: "No, you can't. Remember, you have no visa"
Me: "So?? Can I just pay the hotel here and pass me the voucher?"
Travel Agent: "Yes, you can. But the payment process takes 10 working days"
Me: "What?? I'm flying this Thursday!"
Travel Agent: "I'm sorry, that's the procedure, Miss. So, can you pay the hotel at Taipeh?"
Me: "????" [Should I answer "Yes" or "No"?]

Diary, what should I do? Can I just.... stand in the corner at the airport there? I won't make noise, I won't sleep, I will be in diet this few days so I won't take up lots of space. I can't go invisible, If I can't be here and I can't be there, it's not my problem, rite? It's their problem where they're going to put me. So, just relax.. and think about my new house..

I went to Ikea to buy furnitures on Saturday. That was my first time shopping furnitures at Ikea. You know what's their motto? "We cut the price down, you cut your fat down!" No la. *kidding* I mean, they offer lower price but we have to do self-service. We take our own stuff at the warehouse. They don't care how you're gonna carry 25kg-stuff down and put onto your trolley. They think we're shopping vegetables in supermarket? Just take take take... and put put put on the trolley... and go to cashier to pay. It was another good exercise session for me. Cut the story short, I managed to buy everything I need, arranged for delivery, and went back to hotel.. it took not so long, only 7 hours.

Sunday was the house moving day. We took 2 cabs to bring our 5 giant luggages. Today I unpacked the things and did some cleaning. I also went to Yodobashi-Akiba in Akihabara to buy electronic stuff like TV, refrigerator, washing machine, dryer, microwave etc. It's a big 8-storey building which I believe a heaven of electronics in Tokyo. You can find any type of electronics there, from the cheapest to the most expensive one, from the smallest to the biggest one. One thing is interesting about this shop. I bet you can't guess what song they play everyday, every minutes, in the shop (it's their own arrangement song). When I first entered the shop, I tried to remember what song it was. It's very familiar on my ears. After 10 minutes, finally I managed to recall. Here is the song in Javanese version (perhaps some of you from Jawa know this song).

Pak Dengkek nduwe andeng-andeng gede.. [high tone]
(Mr Dengkek has a big mole..)
Pak Dengkek nduwe andeng-andeng gede.. [low tone]
(Mr Dengkek has a big mole..)
Pak Dengkek nduwe andeng-andeng gede.. [high tone]
(Mr. Dengkek has a big mole..)
Nyang dhuwur irungeeee! [very high and long tone]
(On his nose!)

Of course this shop does not play this "Mr Dengkek" version of song. I believe the song in Japanese version is something to do about the shop because I heard "Akihabara" word on that song. It's interesting that Mr Dengkek is popular here, I mean his song, not him. Is it originally in Japanese? Or in Javanese? Well, these two languages have many similarities.
- Only 1 character "p" and "v" that makes the difference in Japanese/Javanese (walaupun kadang orang yang giginya maju mengeja "p" dan "v" gak beda)
- This Mr Dengkek's song!
- Japanese like to use words "eto" and "ano" in the middle of sentence when they are thinking of something. It's like Javanese saying "itu" and "anu", rite??

Ok, have to sleep now. My hubby has already called me 7 times. Well, our favorite number is 7. That's why we got married on 07/07/2007. *Maksa banget ah nyambunginnya* Bialinnn!!

See you diary.. *when?*



::aLb3rta:: said...

I cant stop laughing....

ooh.. pak dengkek asale dari jepang yah..

Antony Pranata said...

Well... kok mesti transit ndek Taipeh to. Kenapa gak cari direct flight ae. Haiyaaa...

Last time, one of my friend managed to enter Japan without any visa. We didn't know how he did it; but he went through the immigration after long debate with the officer. Crazy guy... :)

Oh... si Fenie belum pernah shopping di IKEA yah. Haha, emang seperti itu. Dulu aku juga angkat2 semua sampe bongkok. Sebentar lagi mesti pasang2 furniture sendiri semua loh. Tangan bisa kapalan semua tuh muter2 sekrup. Dulu, aku tangan-e sampe abang2 kabeh berapa hari masangin furniture.

AbigaiL said...

Penuh semua tiketnya Ko, ke singapore aja juga gak ada tiket. Mungkin karna aku bookingnya telat sih ya and tgl 16 aku harus udah cabut dari Jepang karna visaku expired.

Wah payah bener IKEA tuh. Sekrup2 n obeng2 semua udah disediain IKEA atau perlu beli sendiri? Hari masang2nya besok neh, mebel dateng baru besok padahal besok malem udah harus bobok sana. Ron pulang kerja baru sore lagi.. hiks2!

::aLb3rta:: said...

Iyaaa.. emang gituu.. di IKEA mesti angkat2 n pasang2 dw.. Tapi asiiik juga kok.. aku suka seh ma bongkar pasang.. walo kadang kalo uda dibongkar ga bisa pasang lagi.. *hmm.. is there any other personality inside me??*.. dulu kalo nganggur sering ke jalan2 ke IKEA.. liat furniture.. and.. start dreaming.. dreaming of my own house.. somewhere.. outthere..

Jess said...

Sejak pake paketnya indosat, aku tiap hari krjnya cek sana, cek sini.. From blog to blog. Nyari2 blog siapa yg udah di update.. Baca komen2.. Ato nulis blog sendiri. Tapi skg, tiap kali mau buka blog selalu inget sm pak dengkek.
Yap,aku ada request..serius nehh! Bsk pas plg solo rekaman di hpku ya? Nyanyi pak dengkek. Mau tak jadiin ringtone ku...

Antony Pranata said...

Biasa kalo barang IKEA tinggal pasang pake obeng standard kok. Gak ada yang aneh2.
Kalo yang obeng bentuk L itu biasa udah disediaiin.
Mesak-ke si Ron suruh pasang2 furniture sendiri entar... :)

::aLb3rta:: said...

Btw, ogut juga mau dunk.. rekaman lagu pak dengkek..

*jujur.. baru pertama kali denger tadi pagi abis aerobic.. dinyanyiin sis jess..*

Jess said...

Oalaaaahhhhh... Tadi pagi baru pertama kali denger lagune pak dengkek? Tau gt td taknyanyike semerdu mungkin..kl perlu pake gaya... Emang dulu TK-nya di mana, neng?

Antony Pranata said...

He.... ndek Magelang gak diajarin pake Dengkek yo. Di sini kita diajarin "Balonku ada 5". Hayo, ada yang masih inget warna-nya apa aja?