
Updates on 26 July 07

Thursday, 26 July 07, 9.15pm in Yotsuya room

Hello diary,

Status sekarang: masih searching apartment! Skg aku baru chatting ma cip, setelah aku bilang kalo apartment blom dapet, tau gak cip bilang apa? "Itu emang blom jodo artinya, mungkin aja itu apartment angker". Cukup menghibur juga tuh komennya cip hahahaha.. thanks cip! Iya lah, besok cari apartment yang lain.

Oh ya, ada beberapa hal penting I must update you (sebelum kelupaan):

1. Ron supports me to be a novelist now (but now the time has come, I dunno what topic I should write). It's because he read some stories in my blog.

2. Temple University (the school where I'll study Jap course) replied my email regarding placement test to check if I can jump to level 2 (considering that I took Jap course already in Indo). They said "Yes, you can. We'll conduct phone interview tomorrow as a placement test". OMG! I just replied the email saying that I'll register level 1 coz I don't think my Jap is that good to do phone interview in Japanese. It's ok.. it's not too embarassing.

3. I'll start doing my personal accounting to record income and expenses, and to make the left column and the right column balanced. That's what accounting means, rite?

4. I took a picture of Tokyo view at nite from my balcony, which is on 13th floor (my room is beneran di 13th floor loh, bukan bermaksud horor-hororan). Here is the pic, nice? agak gelap? Pokoknya kliatan kan?

See you again tomorrow, diary..


1 comment:

Antony Pranata said...

I think only some countries that don't have 13th floor, including Indonesia. Here, we can always find 13th floor in high-rise building.

So Ron has found your blog already. Haha... it's no secret any more. :)

Good luck with your phone interview.