
16 Japanese Words Easy to Remember

Monday, 30 July 07, 5.03pm still in Yotsuya room

Hi diary,
My back aches now.. writing a novel isn't easy. I guess I give up writing in English because the good novel that I like and I use it as a reference is in Indonesian. Dunno why it sounds not too interesting if I write it in English. One more thing, it's not easy to create story that never happened! Phew! Let's see how it goes tomorrow..

I'm going to view one apartment again tonite at 7pm, with Ron too. After writing this, better I study Japanese. Oh yea, talking about Japanese. Here are the 'batu loncatan' that I use to remember some easy words if you want to learn too (these are the tips that I told Ron but seems like he thinks my tips are non-sense):

1. Denki = lamp - remember Best Denki
2. Genki = healthy - healthy body is shining like a lamp, it sounds similar like denki, isn't it?
3. Kagi = key - "car key" sounds similar like kagi, rite?
4. Kuruma = car - car looks like 'kurungan'
5. Kami = paper - origami is from paper
6. Koujou = Factory - Tiap hari pergi ke pabrik, lak kujurrr...
7. Shizuka = quiet - Shizuka in Doraemon is a cute and quiet person
8. Isogashi = busy - Kalo sibuk kan ora "iso gasik" balek omah
9. Kakimasu = writing - writing can use "kaki"= foot too (if you want)
10. 3 magical words:
- 'K'ikimasu = listening - you use 'K'uping to listen
- 'M'imasu = watching - you use 'M'ata to watch
- 'I'imasu = talking - you use 'I'i (read: Gigi) to talk (sori agak maksa)
11. Sanposhimasu = walking (relax) - after you're shampooing your hair, you feel like walking outside and let the wind blows your wet hair?
12. Mochimasu = bring - Japanese likes to bring kue mochi when visiting houses (just my guess)
13. Dekakemasu = go out from house - pesan nenek sebelum kluar rumah "pegi yang dekak-dekak aja, jangan yang jauh2 nanti diculik penjahak"
14. Oboimasu = remembering - in the exam time, ini kepala sampe mo obong2an aja nginget2 jawabannya.
15. Hidari = left - Mama bilang "Kalo mau ngasi/terima barang harus pake tangan kanan, hindari tangan kiri"
16. Tabako o suimasu = smoking - kalo lagi menghirup tobako betah sampe sui = lama

Ok, that's all for today. Hope these tips help you. ^_^



Antony Pranata said...

My teacher once told me that kind of thing is called "donkey's bridge" (jembatan keledai).

So... let's try "Watashi dekakemasu sanposhimasu".

AbigaiL said...

Wekekeke... Nice try Ko! Tapi guruku pernah bilang: 2 kata kerja gak boleh digabung jadi 1 kalimat. Jadi yang belakangnya masu itu ga boleh disebut 2x.

Jadi yg bener gimana? I also dunno.. wekekeke.. Jap language has so many barriers, ini gak boleh, itu gak boleh.. hrs diubah ini, diubah itu.. dalam hal ini, emang Indo is the best! Ngacak aja ngomongnya tetep aja nyambung!

PangTama said...

Hihihi...bikin orang ketawa siang2 bolong :P

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