Hello My Little Diary,
As I told you before, we bought new cell phones! It's God's plan that we couldn't get the phones last week (because the phones were not in ready-stock and because we had not received letter from bank regarding our new opening account), this week has 2 promotions!!
1. For new subscriber before end of July
2. For couple who subscribes 2 at the same time
We are in both categories! Yippeee.. So, we got many freebies:
- 2x 1GB Micro SD Card
- 2x Body Fat Analyser (How did they know about my deepest problem?? They have other freebies like pens, mousepad, etc.. why must be that body fat thing?)
- 2x Kipas-kipas asmara - for couple promotion (pink and blue - matching with our phones' color, isn't it?)
You can see the pictures here, can you see those kipas-kipas asmara? I have no idea why the idea of giving kipas ever came to their mind.. maybe now is summer? or maybe there was a big firework festival yesterday evening?
Oh yea, anyway.. My mobile number is +81 90-6564-9596. You can call or sms me but I still dunno how to reply because I heard that I need to register email address or something to send sms to other providers' handsets. Let me find out first.. One very important thing is: SMS international costs me 100Yen = Rp.7500! Damn damn damn expensive.. @_@
Wow... cool... what can you do with the phone? I heard that Japanese do a lot of things with their phones, payment, house key, television, etc, etc.
Oh.... comment-nya udah dijawab di posting yang sebelumnya. :))
Hehehe.. iya Ko, hebat yah..
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