
My Greatest Wedding Present from God

Saturday, 29 July 07, 12.06pm in Yotsuya room

Hello again,
I wrote a blog just now in the morning (11.45 AM) and now is in the afternoon (12.06 PM), so it's ok to write, rite? *Cuman malu aja kok kayak org nganggur beneran tulis2 blog melulu*

Now Ron's studying the Japan Law, me? ermm, I'm writing this blog! I mean, I'm writing this blog while waiting for the time we go to church today..

Recently I read one of my best friends' blog that writes only about how amazing God has helped and blessed her. Honestly, it really inspires me to write what God has done miracles and amazing works too to me, Ron, and my family on this blog! It's very great idea to write a blog while spreading out the truth of God. Thumbs up for my best friend, Iren! Since there are too many amazing stories to tell, I'll write one by one, ok?

This time, I really want to tell you about the amazing story that God has done to Ron. Perhaps I have told you some, but not really in detail. As you know, Ron was trying very hard to find a job that he really likes and also one that will give us a great prospect in the future. I've also written the process on this blog on how we waited and waited for good news.

Before we got married, we need to have 4-6 weeks marriage counselling. The first counselling started on 10 March 2007, which was on Saturday. You know what? Companies started to contact Ron for interviews on 12 March (Monday). There was hardly any position that Ron really likes before that! We realised that we didn't pray hard enough before that, we just use our own strengths to fight. On the counselling that there were only two of us and the pastor, we can feel that God is not far from us, why didn't we move closer to Him?

Continue the story, counselling berjalan sampai 5 minggu karna ada 1 kali pastor kami tidak bisa datang karna sakit. During that 5 weeks, there were really a lot a lot a lot interviews going on (almost every day! Sometimes there were 2 interviews on the same day!). What happened after the counselling ended? On the last day of our counselling, we wanted to give some money as 'ucapan syukur' to the pastor but we felt that it's not polite to give money since he never asked for anything. But, we still gave to him then he asked "Is this for the church or for me?" then we replied "for church" karna ga enak aja ngasih2 duit. Then he said "If it's for church then you can just give the money when u come to church tomorrow". Then we said "Ok then".

On the next day, kita udah ngerasa ada job yang bener2 kita kepinginn banget, which is the job that Ron has now! We prayed a lot for this job but the result of the interview was somehow delayed and delayed. I didn't really realise the connection between this interview's result and the money that we wanted to give to our pastor till Ron told me. Then, we decided to give that money to that pastor but now the counselling has finished, gimana alasannya bilang mau ketemu pastornya lagi? You know what? Kalo memang itu perintah Tuhan, Dia pasti buka jalan! Surat keterangan konseling yang harusnya difax ke Indonesia, fax2an nya gak jelas sama sekali padahal udah difax beberapa kali sama pastor kami. Suddenly I had an idea to get the original letter from our pastor! Yeah, itu bisa jadi alasan ketemuan!

After I contacted the pastor, we made appointment to meet on Monday at 6pm after my work finished. Amazingly, Ron's company promised Ron to give the answer on Monday. Wow, it must be God's plan, isn't it? However, on Monday, our pastor couldn't come because he was sick. Then we made appointment again on Tuesday 2pm (during my lunch time), he said ok. At the same time, the company told Ron that they must discuss with other team, they only can give answer by Tuesday afternoon! OMG!

Again, I couldn't meet my pastor because he was in the meeting till 3pm and my lunch time was only up to 2pm. We tried to meet at 6pm on that day but our pastor couldn't make it. Then, we arranged time to meet on Wednesday 6pm. At the same time again, the company said that there would be another meeting with other team tomorrow. On that nite, suddenly there was something on my heart saying that we must give our first month's salary to God after we got this job. Tomorrow morning, Ron told me the same thing! Oh My God! It was really God's saying to both of us! Perhaps He doesn't want us to quarrel about this issue.. See, God's work is always rapi dan penuh perhitungan!

Wednesday has come, I really met pastor on that day but not at 6pm because I need around 15-20mins travelling time from my office to ur church. Something happened again on Ron's side. That company called Ron at 5.59pm on that day. But, Ron missed that call since he was away from his desk. Ron tried to contact them again at 6.10pm but the person in charge was in the meeting!! He would be back around 7pm. Oh Oh! Finally I met my pastor at 6.35pm (I know it because I looked at the time every seconds and Ron & me kept calling each other like secret agents yang mau berburu penjahat to check what's the current status on other's side). I also managed to give the money to the pastor. Guess what again? My pastor told me that it was his son's birthday and he was about to buy bday gift for his son, it should be God's plan to buy the gift with the money that I've given. He thanked me for the money and again he sms me at 9pm just to say that he, his wife, and his family were really thankful for that present from God.

And the decision came finally! On that nite, Ron got that job! The salary package is almost 3x higher than what he expected plus all the bonus and the benefits that he never dared to expect before! It was really the greatest wedding present for us, specially prepared by God! Thank you Jesus!

-Blessed Abbie-

Note: If you want to know the status of other job offers, those other jobs were also delayed and delayed with reasons yg aneh2. After Ron accepted this job, other jobs came. I believe it was God's plan that we had to take this job. RencanaNya selalu indah!


Antony Pranata said...

Interesting story... I'm a bit confused though. You said you gave your first salary to the pastor; but Ron's first day of job is tomorrow (it means his first salary will be next month).

AbigaiL said...

Koko, we havent given the first salary yet.. it will be next mth.. :) thanks for reading..

Antony Pranata said...

Oh got it. Salah baca. It will be given to God, not to the pastor. I was confused because you have given the money to the pastor but Ron has not even started his job yet. :)

Anyway, sometimes emang suka gak enak di Indo yah. Mesti kasih duit atau gak. Terus mesti kasih berapa. Suka membingungkan. Kalo dari pengalamanku di Canada sini, udah di-fix biaya-nya. Tapi jadi aneh juga, kalo orang gak punya duit gimana yah. Masak gak ikutan konseling.

AbigaiL said...

Wah gitu ya di Canada? emang orang Indo suka ga jelas ga jelas gitu.. kita jadi ikutan ga jelas juga ngasihnya.. orang mau minta sogokan aja bilangnya "kita bisa bantu", kita kan jadi bingung itu sukarela bantu atau minta ongkos??