
My Japanese has improved??

Monday, 23 July 07, 11.33pm in Yotsuya room

Hello my diary,
Hey, I just realised that I have one new 'pembaca setia' who reads and comments on my story beside cip2 and cnonik.. Thanks to Ko Antony for being my blog's reader! :D

Actually today I don't plan to write a blog since there's nothing much happened today but Ron asked me to write blog! Amazing rite? Actually he doesn't agree the idea of writing my secret story here coz everyone can read it! Well, I know what I should write and what I should not, so don't worry, honey.. :) He asked me to write a blog this time for 2 reasons:
1. To accompany him while he's studying the Japan Law (I guess he's jealous seeing me sleeping nice and sound when he's still 'bete' memorizing that 1,200 pages book)
2. To tell my blog's readers about a funny story that happened this morning (a story that I shouldn't tell anyone actually, I was so 'maluuuu')

Ok then, I think I should tell you that funny story which I guess it's not funny.. it's more like an embarassing story! This morning Ron asked me to call Do Co Mo (a mobile phone provider) and to ask them about something. You know, I'm always scared talking to Japanese, especially on the phone! I can just use my sexy body language if I have to talk to them face to face.

Since my dear hubby asked me, aku memberanikan diri untuk mengangkat gagang telpon, memencet tombolnya, menghafalkan kira2 apa yang harus diomongin in Japanese, and somebody over there picked up the phone:

Do Co Mo: Moshi moshi @#$!@#$^&*()!@#$ (cuman ketangkep kata moshi2nya aja)
Me: Moshi moshi, Oosawa-san imasuka? (Hello, is Mr. Oosawa there?)
Do Co Mo: Hai! (Yes!)
Me: Oosawa-san imasuka? (Is Mr. Oosawa there?)
Do Co Mo: Hai! (Yes!)
Me: [bingung] Can you speak English?
Do Co Mo: Hai! (Yes)
Me: Can I speak to Oosawa-san?
Do Co Mo: Hai! Anata wa dare desuka?
(Yes! Who is this?)
Me: Feni-san (harusnya nyebut nama sendiri ga usah pake 'san', dia juga ga ngerti sapa tu Feni-san, gunung Feni??)
Do Co Mo: Hai! !#$%^&* (ga ketangkep ngomong apa)
Me: [tambah bingung, udah mau mewek] Oosawa-san........?
Do Co Mo: Hai! (Yes)
Me: Daijoubu, Arigatou Gozaimasu (No problem, thank you)

I felt PD when I started asking in Japanese but then.. but then.. ohhh... the worse part is: Ron heard everything! It's ok, we must learn from mistake.. Ada pepatah: Malu bertanya, sesat di jalan.. this time: Karena bertanya, saya tambah mubeng!

Now is exactly 12.00 midnite, better I go to sleep now because every morning I have to wake up at 9am to have breakfast at the hotel.

Good nite, diary

p.s Yesterday nite I met lots of Indonesian friends, yuhuuu.. hopefully we can get along well! :D


Antony Pranata said...

Haha.. それは実際に笑い話である

Gile... tiba2 kok jadi jago bahasa Jepang gue... :)

Jess said...

I just can say:

PS: Tengkiu buat Yap2 yg selama ini selalu menghibur kita..

::aLb3rta:: said...


aja aja... fighting!!!