
Efforts to Get Friends

Saturday, 21 July 07, 8.41pm in Yotsuya room

Hello My Little Diary,
Yesterday nite I had enough sleep, ermm more than enough actually.. I slept for 10 hours, to be exact I slept for 10 hours 15 mins. Maybe because I was too tired for the last 2 days. I woke up in the morning, I felt so refreshed.. Today, I just stay at home the whole day.. just went downstairs to have my breakfast and dinner at restaurants near the hotel.

I used my time today in front of computers.. searching for language schools in Japan that provide Japanese courses, browsing properties, and of course chatting with cip, cnonik, oy, and my other friends.. Whenever I chat with cip and cnonik, I feel that I'm not so lonely.. thanks to my both cips who always be there whenever I feel lonely, sad, and down.

Today I managed to get one university that offers good Japanese course: Temple University! The cost is considered affordable, the place isn't too far, the programme is very relevant to what I need.. But, there's one thing that I don't like.. This school only offers evening class for class starts in September. They only have morning class in April next year. Huh! I can't wait that long. Ron asks me to take Jap course for 2 reasons. I guess he knows my problem. :)
1. I'll get friends
2. I'll be able to speak Japanese

Anyway, I've decided to take that evening class considering that I'll have time to do things in the morning - afternoon, like:
1. Write my novel - remember my new cita2 to be a novelist?
2. Browse around any business opportunities in Japan - hopefully there is one!
3. Do part-time job - hopefully I can find one too!
4. Do my house works like cleaning house, ironing clothes, etc
5. Learn and practice my cooking (when Ron's not around so that he won't know if I fail)
6. Study Japanese - practice my speaking and listening skills by shopping around, the more you shop the more you can practice it!
7. Chat with cip and cnonik! Aha! :D

Tomorrow I'll go to Indonesian church here, hopefully I can find friends there.
See you tomorrow, diary..


1 comment:

Antony Pranata said...

Haha... I'll tell Ron when you fail cooking... :))

Hey... I didn't know that you want to become a novelist. I am now writing a book too; but unfortunately not a novel.