Still Tuesday, 31 July 07, 3.35pm in Yotsuya room
Diary, guess what?
I got an apartment already!! I mean we're gonna rent an apartment for 2 years. Anyway, Yippiee.. Last nite, me and hubby brainstormed so much, the advantages and the disadvantages of 2 apartments because we were still unable to make up our mind between those 2 apartments. Until this morning, we were still unsure.. although I had tried to convince him to get one apartment (yang aku suka of course, yet expensive) by 10 facts :
1. It has bigger space
2. The toilet is near the bedroom
3. It has electric stove
4. It has space to keep our 4 giant luggages
5. Just 1 station to his office
6. The wind is stronger
7. He can sleep 20 mins more (idem #5)
8. There's no need to walk so far to go to toilet (idem #2)
9. It has big storages to keep our stuff (idem #4)
10. It has personal unexplainable connection with me (Nahh loee..)
Just now my hubby called me from office telling that there will be company's contribution to his pension welfare account, which is equal to 10% of his monthly salary. I guess this is confirmation from God that we have to take that expensive apartment that I like. Hihihihi.. Is it from you, Lord? Or actually You want us to save money more by giving more money? Anyway, we've decided to get one of the apartments. Case closed, no negotiation.
From the beginning, since we visited that apartment for the first time, I had a feeling that we would choose this unit. You know why? Because the block and unit number is 271, it's Solo's area code. A town where we both grew up, a town where we met for the first time, and a town where our dear families live now. Kota penuh kenangan.
Tuh kan, bener feelingku.. hihihihi... Trust woman when you're confused on deciding something. We have very strong feeling if something will be ours, especially when we go shopping! Do not argue!
See you diary.. :)
Ima Watashi wa Homoshiku
Thursday, 31 July 07, 12.54pm in Yotsuya room
Hualloww my little cutie chubby diary..
I just took shower and washed my hair.Now I feel so fresh.. (maklum lah, pengangguran gini ya mandinya jam segini). I'm ready to do anything, ready to write my novel. Just now I drafted the story plan from chapter 1 to 6 then *blank chapters* and jump to the ending part. I guess it's a good start, rite?
I just called my home in Solo and my sis in Magelang. Suddenly I'm 'homoshiku' (in Japanese it means homesick, nothing to do with any type of homo including homosapiens). Oh yea, I just called my best friend in Perth (Iren) too! After talking to so many people, I feel that I'm not alone here although everyone I care is all over the place in this world. We're still close to each other as ever <-- berkat Voip, call or sms anywhere in the world with free/lower cost! *kok malah iklan?*
Ok, better I start writing now. Or should I dekakemasu for a while to dry my hair and... get some inspirations outside for my novel? Maybe go to Ginza to buy something cheap-cheap like ermm.. Gucci? (I mean real guci buat nyimpen nasi!)
See you, diary..
Hualloww my little cutie chubby diary..
I just took shower and washed my hair.Now I feel so fresh.. (maklum lah, pengangguran gini ya mandinya jam segini). I'm ready to do anything, ready to write my novel. Just now I drafted the story plan from chapter 1 to 6 then *blank chapters* and jump to the ending part. I guess it's a good start, rite?
I just called my home in Solo and my sis in Magelang. Suddenly I'm 'homoshiku' (in Japanese it means homesick, nothing to do with any type of homo including homosapiens). Oh yea, I just called my best friend in Perth (Iren) too! After talking to so many people, I feel that I'm not alone here although everyone I care is all over the place in this world. We're still close to each other as ever <-- berkat Voip, call or sms anywhere in the world with free/lower cost! *kok malah iklan?*
Ok, better I start writing now. Or should I dekakemasu for a while to dry my hair and... get some inspirations outside for my novel? Maybe go to Ginza to buy something cheap-cheap like ermm.. Gucci? (I mean real guci buat nyimpen nasi!)
See you, diary..
16 Japanese Words Easy to Remember
Monday, 30 July 07, 5.03pm still in Yotsuya room
Hi diary,
My back aches now.. writing a novel isn't easy. I guess I give up writing in English because the good novel that I like and I use it as a reference is in Indonesian. Dunno why it sounds not too interesting if I write it in English. One more thing, it's not easy to create story that never happened! Phew! Let's see how it goes tomorrow..
I'm going to view one apartment again tonite at 7pm, with Ron too. After writing this, better I study Japanese. Oh yea, talking about Japanese. Here are the 'batu loncatan' that I use to remember some easy words if you want to learn too (these are the tips that I told Ron but seems like he thinks my tips are non-sense):
1. Denki = lamp - remember Best Denki
2. Genki = healthy - healthy body is shining like a lamp, it sounds similar like denki, isn't it?
3. Kagi = key - "car key" sounds similar like kagi, rite?
4. Kuruma = car - car looks like 'kurungan'
5. Kami = paper - origami is from paper
6. Koujou = Factory - Tiap hari pergi ke pabrik, lak kujurrr...
7. Shizuka = quiet - Shizuka in Doraemon is a cute and quiet person
8. Isogashi = busy - Kalo sibuk kan ora "iso gasik" balek omah
9. Kakimasu = writing - writing can use "kaki"= foot too (if you want)
10. 3 magical words:
- 'K'ikimasu = listening - you use 'K'uping to listen
- 'M'imasu = watching - you use 'M'ata to watch
- 'I'imasu = talking - you use 'I'i (read: Gigi) to talk (sori agak maksa)
11. Sanposhimasu = walking (relax) - after you're shampooing your hair, you feel like walking outside and let the wind blows your wet hair?
12. Mochimasu = bring - Japanese likes to bring kue mochi when visiting houses (just my guess)
13. Dekakemasu = go out from house - pesan nenek sebelum kluar rumah "pegi yang dekak-dekak aja, jangan yang jauh2 nanti diculik penjahak"
14. Oboimasu = remembering - in the exam time, ini kepala sampe mo obong2an aja nginget2 jawabannya.
15. Hidari = left - Mama bilang "Kalo mau ngasi/terima barang harus pake tangan kanan, hindari tangan kiri"
16. Tabako o suimasu = smoking - kalo lagi menghirup tobako betah sampe sui = lama
Ok, that's all for today. Hope these tips help you. ^_^
Hi diary,
My back aches now.. writing a novel isn't easy. I guess I give up writing in English because the good novel that I like and I use it as a reference is in Indonesian. Dunno why it sounds not too interesting if I write it in English. One more thing, it's not easy to create story that never happened! Phew! Let's see how it goes tomorrow..
I'm going to view one apartment again tonite at 7pm, with Ron too. After writing this, better I study Japanese. Oh yea, talking about Japanese. Here are the 'batu loncatan' that I use to remember some easy words if you want to learn too (these are the tips that I told Ron but seems like he thinks my tips are non-sense):
1. Denki = lamp - remember Best Denki
2. Genki = healthy - healthy body is shining like a lamp, it sounds similar like denki, isn't it?
3. Kagi = key - "car key" sounds similar like kagi, rite?
4. Kuruma = car - car looks like 'kurungan'
5. Kami = paper - origami is from paper
6. Koujou = Factory - Tiap hari pergi ke pabrik, lak kujurrr...
7. Shizuka = quiet - Shizuka in Doraemon is a cute and quiet person
8. Isogashi = busy - Kalo sibuk kan ora "iso gasik" balek omah
9. Kakimasu = writing - writing can use "kaki"= foot too (if you want)
10. 3 magical words:
- 'K'ikimasu = listening - you use 'K'uping to listen
- 'M'imasu = watching - you use 'M'ata to watch
- 'I'imasu = talking - you use 'I'i (read: Gigi) to talk (sori agak maksa)
11. Sanposhimasu = walking (relax) - after you're shampooing your hair, you feel like walking outside and let the wind blows your wet hair?
12. Mochimasu = bring - Japanese likes to bring kue mochi when visiting houses (just my guess)
13. Dekakemasu = go out from house - pesan nenek sebelum kluar rumah "pegi yang dekak-dekak aja, jangan yang jauh2 nanti diculik penjahak"
14. Oboimasu = remembering - in the exam time, ini kepala sampe mo obong2an aja nginget2 jawabannya.
15. Hidari = left - Mama bilang "Kalo mau ngasi/terima barang harus pake tangan kanan, hindari tangan kiri"
16. Tabako o suimasu = smoking - kalo lagi menghirup tobako betah sampe sui = lama
Ok, that's all for today. Hope these tips help you. ^_^
First Day Writing a Novel?
Monday, 30 July 07, 10.47am in Yotsuya room (alone)
Hi diary,
I'm now alone. In Yotsuya room. Without anyone. Without Ron. I feel like back to my single-time. There's one important thing that I like for being alone at home: I CAN EAT AS MUCH AS I WANT! Yipeee.. (I just ate 2 dorayaki after my breakfast, sshhhhh....) Of course I should consider other good things like sleeping like pig, watching movie like mad, and ironing clothes?? No. No. I hate ironing clothes the most. Cleaning bedroom is ok, washing clothes is also fine, even cleaning toilet is also ok. But not ironing clothes. I told Ron that I can live without maid except for one thing: ironing clothes! The rest of the houseworks I can do myself.
Talking about ironing clothes, yesterday nite at 11pm, suddenly we remembered that the long sleeve shirt and blazzer that Ron was going to wear today need to be ironed (akibat ditaruh di koper waktu perjalanan ke Jepun). After I tried to heat up the hotel's iron, it wasn't working! Fortunately, Ron has Mc Gyver's brain - use whatever we have to solve the problem.
- Mission: Make the shirt smooth
- Available Things: washing machine, dryer, spoilt iron, hair dryer, charger hp, peniti, sunduk penthul, gunting kuku, hanger, alarm clock.
- Available Persons: 2 persons (me and Ron)
- Action Plan: Use hair dryer (speed: turbo) to heat up the shirt, use the spoilt iron to press it, and use the hanger to hang the shirt for 8 hours. We regret that other available stuff couldn't help us at all.
It worked although not too smooth! You should try it.. erm..only in emergency cases please..
Today I went to Ron's office, well.. just to give him morale support (actually because he's scared that he couldn't find the office). I regret that I didn't dress up this morning when I went to his office because everyone looked so cool there! They wore black blazzers and and black business bag and ties (for man) and shinning shoes and thick make-up (for woman) and pleasant breath (although it was very early in the morning!). And me? I wore my kue-lapis-brown shirt with my bola-bola-brown tight legging (pants) and sandal jerami warna krem yang ada topi kecil di samping kanan kirinya and my thick black frame glasses and holding a blue Tokyo City map and a BIG beige color bag. *Omo.. Omo.. Omo.. ckckckckck...* Hush!
Anyway, today officially I'll write my first page of my novel. Yuhuu.. In English I think.. I'll translate it to Indo after I finish the story. According to my favorite writer, she spent 1 week just to draft the story and the plot. Hmm.. so I shouldn't write my first page today? And she always starts writing in the morning because she knows that there's still so much time ahead of her. Now is already 11.37am, so I can't start now?? Let me sort my feelings out first..
Hi diary,
I'm now alone. In Yotsuya room. Without anyone. Without Ron. I feel like back to my single-time. There's one important thing that I like for being alone at home: I CAN EAT AS MUCH AS I WANT! Yipeee.. (I just ate 2 dorayaki after my breakfast, sshhhhh....) Of course I should consider other good things like sleeping like pig, watching movie like mad, and ironing clothes?? No. No. I hate ironing clothes the most. Cleaning bedroom is ok, washing clothes is also fine, even cleaning toilet is also ok. But not ironing clothes. I told Ron that I can live without maid except for one thing: ironing clothes! The rest of the houseworks I can do myself.
Talking about ironing clothes, yesterday nite at 11pm, suddenly we remembered that the long sleeve shirt and blazzer that Ron was going to wear today need to be ironed (akibat ditaruh di koper waktu perjalanan ke Jepun). After I tried to heat up the hotel's iron, it wasn't working! Fortunately, Ron has Mc Gyver's brain - use whatever we have to solve the problem.
- Mission: Make the shirt smooth
- Available Things: washing machine, dryer, spoilt iron, hair dryer, charger hp, peniti, sunduk penthul, gunting kuku, hanger, alarm clock.
- Available Persons: 2 persons (me and Ron)
- Action Plan: Use hair dryer (speed: turbo) to heat up the shirt, use the spoilt iron to press it, and use the hanger to hang the shirt for 8 hours. We regret that other available stuff couldn't help us at all.
It worked although not too smooth! You should try it.. erm..only in emergency cases please..
Today I went to Ron's office, well.. just to give him morale support (actually because he's scared that he couldn't find the office). I regret that I didn't dress up this morning when I went to his office because everyone looked so cool there! They wore black blazzers and and black business bag and ties (for man) and shinning shoes and thick make-up (for woman) and pleasant breath (although it was very early in the morning!). And me? I wore my kue-lapis-brown shirt with my bola-bola-brown tight legging (pants) and sandal jerami warna krem yang ada topi kecil di samping kanan kirinya and my thick black frame glasses and holding a blue Tokyo City map and a BIG beige color bag. *Omo.. Omo.. Omo.. ckckckckck...* Hush!
Anyway, today officially I'll write my first page of my novel. Yuhuu.. In English I think.. I'll translate it to Indo after I finish the story. According to my favorite writer, she spent 1 week just to draft the story and the plot. Hmm.. so I shouldn't write my first page today? And she always starts writing in the morning because she knows that there's still so much time ahead of her. Now is already 11.37am, so I can't start now?? Let me sort my feelings out first..
My Greatest Wedding Present from God
Saturday, 29 July 07, 12.06pm in Yotsuya room
Hello again,
I wrote a blog just now in the morning (11.45 AM) and now is in the afternoon (12.06 PM), so it's ok to write, rite? *Cuman malu aja kok kayak org nganggur beneran tulis2 blog melulu*
Now Ron's studying the Japan Law, me? ermm, I'm writing this blog! I mean, I'm writing this blog while waiting for the time we go to church today..
Recently I read one of my best friends' blog that writes only about how amazing God has helped and blessed her. Honestly, it really inspires me to write what God has done miracles and amazing works too to me, Ron, and my family on this blog! It's very great idea to write a blog while spreading out the truth of God. Thumbs up for my best friend, Iren! Since there are too many amazing stories to tell, I'll write one by one, ok?
This time, I really want to tell you about the amazing story that God has done to Ron. Perhaps I have told you some, but not really in detail. As you know, Ron was trying very hard to find a job that he really likes and also one that will give us a great prospect in the future. I've also written the process on this blog on how we waited and waited for good news.
Before we got married, we need to have 4-6 weeks marriage counselling. The first counselling started on 10 March 2007, which was on Saturday. You know what? Companies started to contact Ron for interviews on 12 March (Monday). There was hardly any position that Ron really likes before that! We realised that we didn't pray hard enough before that, we just use our own strengths to fight. On the counselling that there were only two of us and the pastor, we can feel that God is not far from us, why didn't we move closer to Him?
Continue the story, counselling berjalan sampai 5 minggu karna ada 1 kali pastor kami tidak bisa datang karna sakit. During that 5 weeks, there were really a lot a lot a lot interviews going on (almost every day! Sometimes there were 2 interviews on the same day!). What happened after the counselling ended? On the last day of our counselling, we wanted to give some money as 'ucapan syukur' to the pastor but we felt that it's not polite to give money since he never asked for anything. But, we still gave to him then he asked "Is this for the church or for me?" then we replied "for church" karna ga enak aja ngasih2 duit. Then he said "If it's for church then you can just give the money when u come to church tomorrow". Then we said "Ok then".
On the next day, kita udah ngerasa ada job yang bener2 kita kepinginn banget, which is the job that Ron has now! We prayed a lot for this job but the result of the interview was somehow delayed and delayed. I didn't really realise the connection between this interview's result and the money that we wanted to give to our pastor till Ron told me. Then, we decided to give that money to that pastor but now the counselling has finished, gimana alasannya bilang mau ketemu pastornya lagi? You know what? Kalo memang itu perintah Tuhan, Dia pasti buka jalan! Surat keterangan konseling yang harusnya difax ke Indonesia, fax2an nya gak jelas sama sekali padahal udah difax beberapa kali sama pastor kami. Suddenly I had an idea to get the original letter from our pastor! Yeah, itu bisa jadi alasan ketemuan!
After I contacted the pastor, we made appointment to meet on Monday at 6pm after my work finished. Amazingly, Ron's company promised Ron to give the answer on Monday. Wow, it must be God's plan, isn't it? However, on Monday, our pastor couldn't come because he was sick. Then we made appointment again on Tuesday 2pm (during my lunch time), he said ok. At the same time, the company told Ron that they must discuss with other team, they only can give answer by Tuesday afternoon! OMG!
Again, I couldn't meet my pastor because he was in the meeting till 3pm and my lunch time was only up to 2pm. We tried to meet at 6pm on that day but our pastor couldn't make it. Then, we arranged time to meet on Wednesday 6pm. At the same time again, the company said that there would be another meeting with other team tomorrow. On that nite, suddenly there was something on my heart saying that we must give our first month's salary to God after we got this job. Tomorrow morning, Ron told me the same thing! Oh My God! It was really God's saying to both of us! Perhaps He doesn't want us to quarrel about this issue.. See, God's work is always rapi dan penuh perhitungan!
Wednesday has come, I really met pastor on that day but not at 6pm because I need around 15-20mins travelling time from my office to ur church. Something happened again on Ron's side. That company called Ron at 5.59pm on that day. But, Ron missed that call since he was away from his desk. Ron tried to contact them again at 6.10pm but the person in charge was in the meeting!! He would be back around 7pm. Oh Oh! Finally I met my pastor at 6.35pm (I know it because I looked at the time every seconds and Ron & me kept calling each other like secret agents yang mau berburu penjahat to check what's the current status on other's side). I also managed to give the money to the pastor. Guess what again? My pastor told me that it was his son's birthday and he was about to buy bday gift for his son, it should be God's plan to buy the gift with the money that I've given. He thanked me for the money and again he sms me at 9pm just to say that he, his wife, and his family were really thankful for that present from God.
And the decision came finally! On that nite, Ron got that job! The salary package is almost 3x higher than what he expected plus all the bonus and the benefits that he never dared to expect before! It was really the greatest wedding present for us, specially prepared by God! Thank you Jesus!
-Blessed Abbie-
Note: If you want to know the status of other job offers, those other jobs were also delayed and delayed with reasons yg aneh2. After Ron accepted this job, other jobs came. I believe it was God's plan that we had to take this job. RencanaNya selalu indah!
Hello again,
I wrote a blog just now in the morning (11.45 AM) and now is in the afternoon (12.06 PM), so it's ok to write, rite? *Cuman malu aja kok kayak org nganggur beneran tulis2 blog melulu*
Now Ron's studying the Japan Law, me? ermm, I'm writing this blog! I mean, I'm writing this blog while waiting for the time we go to church today..
Recently I read one of my best friends' blog that writes only about how amazing God has helped and blessed her. Honestly, it really inspires me to write what God has done miracles and amazing works too to me, Ron, and my family on this blog! It's very great idea to write a blog while spreading out the truth of God. Thumbs up for my best friend, Iren! Since there are too many amazing stories to tell, I'll write one by one, ok?
This time, I really want to tell you about the amazing story that God has done to Ron. Perhaps I have told you some, but not really in detail. As you know, Ron was trying very hard to find a job that he really likes and also one that will give us a great prospect in the future. I've also written the process on this blog on how we waited and waited for good news.
Before we got married, we need to have 4-6 weeks marriage counselling. The first counselling started on 10 March 2007, which was on Saturday. You know what? Companies started to contact Ron for interviews on 12 March (Monday). There was hardly any position that Ron really likes before that! We realised that we didn't pray hard enough before that, we just use our own strengths to fight. On the counselling that there were only two of us and the pastor, we can feel that God is not far from us, why didn't we move closer to Him?
Continue the story, counselling berjalan sampai 5 minggu karna ada 1 kali pastor kami tidak bisa datang karna sakit. During that 5 weeks, there were really a lot a lot a lot interviews going on (almost every day! Sometimes there were 2 interviews on the same day!). What happened after the counselling ended? On the last day of our counselling, we wanted to give some money as 'ucapan syukur' to the pastor but we felt that it's not polite to give money since he never asked for anything. But, we still gave to him then he asked "Is this for the church or for me?" then we replied "for church" karna ga enak aja ngasih2 duit. Then he said "If it's for church then you can just give the money when u come to church tomorrow". Then we said "Ok then".
On the next day, kita udah ngerasa ada job yang bener2 kita kepinginn banget, which is the job that Ron has now! We prayed a lot for this job but the result of the interview was somehow delayed and delayed. I didn't really realise the connection between this interview's result and the money that we wanted to give to our pastor till Ron told me. Then, we decided to give that money to that pastor but now the counselling has finished, gimana alasannya bilang mau ketemu pastornya lagi? You know what? Kalo memang itu perintah Tuhan, Dia pasti buka jalan! Surat keterangan konseling yang harusnya difax ke Indonesia, fax2an nya gak jelas sama sekali padahal udah difax beberapa kali sama pastor kami. Suddenly I had an idea to get the original letter from our pastor! Yeah, itu bisa jadi alasan ketemuan!
After I contacted the pastor, we made appointment to meet on Monday at 6pm after my work finished. Amazingly, Ron's company promised Ron to give the answer on Monday. Wow, it must be God's plan, isn't it? However, on Monday, our pastor couldn't come because he was sick. Then we made appointment again on Tuesday 2pm (during my lunch time), he said ok. At the same time, the company told Ron that they must discuss with other team, they only can give answer by Tuesday afternoon! OMG!
Again, I couldn't meet my pastor because he was in the meeting till 3pm and my lunch time was only up to 2pm. We tried to meet at 6pm on that day but our pastor couldn't make it. Then, we arranged time to meet on Wednesday 6pm. At the same time again, the company said that there would be another meeting with other team tomorrow. On that nite, suddenly there was something on my heart saying that we must give our first month's salary to God after we got this job. Tomorrow morning, Ron told me the same thing! Oh My God! It was really God's saying to both of us! Perhaps He doesn't want us to quarrel about this issue.. See, God's work is always rapi dan penuh perhitungan!
Wednesday has come, I really met pastor on that day but not at 6pm because I need around 15-20mins travelling time from my office to ur church. Something happened again on Ron's side. That company called Ron at 5.59pm on that day. But, Ron missed that call since he was away from his desk. Ron tried to contact them again at 6.10pm but the person in charge was in the meeting!! He would be back around 7pm. Oh Oh! Finally I met my pastor at 6.35pm (I know it because I looked at the time every seconds and Ron & me kept calling each other like secret agents yang mau berburu penjahat to check what's the current status on other's side). I also managed to give the money to the pastor. Guess what again? My pastor told me that it was his son's birthday and he was about to buy bday gift for his son, it should be God's plan to buy the gift with the money that I've given. He thanked me for the money and again he sms me at 9pm just to say that he, his wife, and his family were really thankful for that present from God.
And the decision came finally! On that nite, Ron got that job! The salary package is almost 3x higher than what he expected plus all the bonus and the benefits that he never dared to expect before! It was really the greatest wedding present for us, specially prepared by God! Thank you Jesus!
-Blessed Abbie-
Note: If you want to know the status of other job offers, those other jobs were also delayed and delayed with reasons yg aneh2. After Ron accepted this job, other jobs came. I believe it was God's plan that we had to take this job. RencanaNya selalu indah!
My New Cell Phones
Sunday, 29 July 07, 11.45am in Yotsuya room..
Hello My Little Diary,
As I told you before, we bought new cell phones! It's God's plan that we couldn't get the phones last week (because the phones were not in ready-stock and because we had not received letter from bank regarding our new opening account), this week has 2 promotions!!
1. For new subscriber before end of July
2. For couple who subscribes 2 at the same time
We are in both categories! Yippeee.. So, we got many freebies:
- 2x 1GB Micro SD Card
- 2x Body Fat Analyser (How did they know about my deepest problem?? They have other freebies like pens, mousepad, etc.. why must be that body fat thing?)
- 2x Kipas-kipas asmara - for couple promotion (pink and blue - matching with our phones' color, isn't it?)
You can see the pictures here, can you see those kipas-kipas asmara? I have no idea why the idea of giving kipas ever came to their mind.. maybe now is summer? or maybe there was a big firework festival yesterday evening?

Oh yea, anyway.. My mobile number is +81 90-6564-9596. You can call or sms me but I still dunno how to reply because I heard that I need to register email address or something to send sms to other providers' handsets. Let me find out first.. One very important thing is: SMS international costs me 100Yen = Rp.7500! Damn damn damn expensive.. @_@
Hello My Little Diary,
As I told you before, we bought new cell phones! It's God's plan that we couldn't get the phones last week (because the phones were not in ready-stock and because we had not received letter from bank regarding our new opening account), this week has 2 promotions!!
1. For new subscriber before end of July
2. For couple who subscribes 2 at the same time
We are in both categories! Yippeee.. So, we got many freebies:
- 2x 1GB Micro SD Card
- 2x Body Fat Analyser (How did they know about my deepest problem?? They have other freebies like pens, mousepad, etc.. why must be that body fat thing?)
- 2x Kipas-kipas asmara - for couple promotion (pink and blue - matching with our phones' color, isn't it?)
You can see the pictures here, can you see those kipas-kipas asmara? I have no idea why the idea of giving kipas ever came to their mind.. maybe now is summer? or maybe there was a big firework festival yesterday evening?
Oh yea, anyway.. My mobile number is +81 90-6564-9596. You can call or sms me but I still dunno how to reply because I heard that I need to register email address or something to send sms to other providers' handsets. Let me find out first.. One very important thing is: SMS international costs me 100Yen = Rp.7500! Damn damn damn expensive.. @_@
Current Status & Mood
Friday, 27 July 07, 10.52pm in Yotsuya room
Current Status:
- Waiting for email from the property agent regarding the proposals and time arrangement for apartments viewing tomorrow
- Reading Shopaholic & Baby by Sophie Kinsella (page 462)
- Wearing white satin sleeping wear (komplit dengan kimono plus talinya)
- Chatting with cip2
- Listening to Ron's memorizing Japanese word (I said 'word', not 'words'.. that word is: Douitashimashite = terima kasih kembali. Thanks God finally he managed to remember that word!)
- Of course, writing this blog!
Current Mood:
- Buy sepatu bot
- Buy cheek blush from Dior (karna punyaku skg tanpa merk jd warnanya ga terlalu alami *why must be dior??*)
- Cant wait till I receive my new hp tomorrow! (kembaran ma ron: mine is pink rose, ron's is light blue)
- Want to find an apartment soon (must be nice, new, pretty, clean, near subway, and cheap)
- Start my Jap course soon (so that I'll get new friends soon)
- Can't wait till Monday = the first day Ron will go to work! It must be a memorable day; with some campagne, balloons, and pictures maybe.. plus me merapikan dasi and dadah2 sampai ke stasiun kereta.
I'm sleepy now.. sorry I can't write much since I've been staying at home for the last 3 days (only went downstairs to have breakfast at the same restaurant, with the same menu, listen to same song, and served by same waitress every day <-- kayak dejavu).
See you tomorrow diary.. I'm going out tomorrow to collect my hp and to see some apartments, asikkk... I'll upload the pics of my 'kembaran' hp tomorrow :P
Current Status:
- Waiting for email from the property agent regarding the proposals and time arrangement for apartments viewing tomorrow
- Reading Shopaholic & Baby by Sophie Kinsella (page 462)
- Wearing white satin sleeping wear (komplit dengan kimono plus talinya)
- Chatting with cip2
- Listening to Ron's memorizing Japanese word (I said 'word', not 'words'.. that word is: Douitashimashite = terima kasih kembali. Thanks God finally he managed to remember that word!)
- Of course, writing this blog!
Current Mood:
- Buy sepatu bot
- Buy cheek blush from Dior (karna punyaku skg tanpa merk jd warnanya ga terlalu alami *why must be dior??*)
- Cant wait till I receive my new hp tomorrow! (kembaran ma ron: mine is pink rose, ron's is light blue)
- Want to find an apartment soon (must be nice, new, pretty, clean, near subway, and cheap)
- Start my Jap course soon (so that I'll get new friends soon)
- Can't wait till Monday = the first day Ron will go to work! It must be a memorable day; with some campagne, balloons, and pictures maybe.. plus me merapikan dasi and dadah2 sampai ke stasiun kereta.
I'm sleepy now.. sorry I can't write much since I've been staying at home for the last 3 days (only went downstairs to have breakfast at the same restaurant, with the same menu, listen to same song, and served by same waitress every day <-- kayak dejavu).
See you tomorrow diary.. I'm going out tomorrow to collect my hp and to see some apartments, asikkk... I'll upload the pics of my 'kembaran' hp tomorrow :P
Updates on 26 July 07
Thursday, 26 July 07, 9.15pm in Yotsuya room
Hello diary,
Status sekarang: masih searching apartment! Skg aku baru chatting ma cip, setelah aku bilang kalo apartment blom dapet, tau gak cip bilang apa? "Itu emang blom jodo artinya, mungkin aja itu apartment angker". Cukup menghibur juga tuh komennya cip hahahaha.. thanks cip! Iya lah, besok cari apartment yang lain.
Oh ya, ada beberapa hal penting I must update you (sebelum kelupaan):
1. Ron supports me to be a novelist now (but now the time has come, I dunno what topic I should write). It's because he read some stories in my blog.
2. Temple University (the school where I'll study Jap course) replied my email regarding placement test to check if I can jump to level 2 (considering that I took Jap course already in Indo). They said "Yes, you can. We'll conduct phone interview tomorrow as a placement test". OMG! I just replied the email saying that I'll register level 1 coz I don't think my Jap is that good to do phone interview in Japanese. It's ok.. it's not too embarassing.
3. I'll start doing my personal accounting to record income and expenses, and to make the left column and the right column balanced. That's what accounting means, rite?
4. I took a picture of Tokyo view at nite from my balcony, which is on 13th floor (my room is beneran di 13th floor loh, bukan bermaksud horor-hororan). Here is the pic, nice? agak gelap? Pokoknya kliatan kan?

Hello diary,
Status sekarang: masih searching apartment! Skg aku baru chatting ma cip, setelah aku bilang kalo apartment blom dapet, tau gak cip bilang apa? "Itu emang blom jodo artinya, mungkin aja itu apartment angker". Cukup menghibur juga tuh komennya cip hahahaha.. thanks cip! Iya lah, besok cari apartment yang lain.
Oh ya, ada beberapa hal penting I must update you (sebelum kelupaan):
1. Ron supports me to be a novelist now (but now the time has come, I dunno what topic I should write). It's because he read some stories in my blog.
2. Temple University (the school where I'll study Jap course) replied my email regarding placement test to check if I can jump to level 2 (considering that I took Jap course already in Indo). They said "Yes, you can. We'll conduct phone interview tomorrow as a placement test". OMG! I just replied the email saying that I'll register level 1 coz I don't think my Jap is that good to do phone interview in Japanese. It's ok.. it's not too embarassing.
3. I'll start doing my personal accounting to record income and expenses, and to make the left column and the right column balanced. That's what accounting means, rite?
4. I took a picture of Tokyo view at nite from my balcony, which is on 13th floor (my room is beneran di 13th floor loh, bukan bermaksud horor-hororan). Here is the pic, nice? agak gelap? Pokoknya kliatan kan?
See you again tomorrow, diary..
Mr. Rabbit's Exercises
Wed, 25 July 07, 10.14pm in Yotsuya room
It's me again, diary..
I told you that I have nothing to do now, rite? If you're also free, you can join me do the following exercises, recommended by Mr. Rabbit, membantu mengencangkan tubuh, rahasia awet muda, dan banyak rezeki. Don't believe me? Just try it! Wahahahaha... Catch you!
Ready?? Go!!

1. Warming up - gerakan tai-chi

2. Body Stretching - seperti itulah..
3. Upper Body Exercise - susah deskripsinya.. terserah aja deh gerakannya..
4. Lower Body Exercise (move to the left and back) - kaki melangkah ke kiri 1 langkah dan kembali dengan kedua lengan ke atas seperti body builder
5. Lower Body Exercise (move to the right and back) - kaki melangkah ke kanan 1 langkah dan kembali dengan kedua lengan ke atas seperti body builder

6a. Whole Body Exercise (Step 1) - lengan digerakkan ke atas-bawah seperti burung mau terbang

6b. Whole Body Exercise (Step 2) - bahu digoyang2kan ke atas-bawah bergantian agak cepat

6c. Whole Body Exercise (Step 3) - badan bungkuk tegak dengan tangan melambai-lambai

7. Jumping Exercise (the pose is the key but remember to jump!) - asal loncat aja

8. Body Relaxation - gelengkan kepala arah memutar ke kanan dan kiri

9. It's over now, well done! Now, read the 'banyak-rezeki-mantra'. Do this exercise while saying "Money money come.... money money come...."
Hope that you're now sehat walafiat, berbadan kenceng, and bahagia selalu.
Nantikan Mr. Rabbit's Exercises Vol. 2!
See yaa..
p.s Maaph, harusnya Mr. Rabbit bisa bergerak.. ga tau kenapa cuman gambar aja.. semoga anda dapat berimaginasi dan mengira-ngira sendiri gerakannya berdasarkan instruksi2 di atas. Karena instruksi tidak jelas, jadi jika gerakan yang Anda lakukan salah, Mr. Rabbit won't mind!
It's me again, diary..
I told you that I have nothing to do now, rite? If you're also free, you can join me do the following exercises, recommended by Mr. Rabbit, membantu mengencangkan tubuh, rahasia awet muda, dan banyak rezeki. Don't believe me? Just try it! Wahahahaha... Catch you!
Ready?? Go!!

1. Warming up - gerakan tai-chi

2. Body Stretching - seperti itulah..

6a. Whole Body Exercise (Step 1) - lengan digerakkan ke atas-bawah seperti burung mau terbang

6b. Whole Body Exercise (Step 2) - bahu digoyang2kan ke atas-bawah bergantian agak cepat

6c. Whole Body Exercise (Step 3) - badan bungkuk tegak dengan tangan melambai-lambai

7. Jumping Exercise (the pose is the key but remember to jump!) - asal loncat aja

8. Body Relaxation - gelengkan kepala arah memutar ke kanan dan kiri

9. It's over now, well done! Now, read the 'banyak-rezeki-mantra'. Do this exercise while saying "Money money come.... money money come...."
Hope that you're now sehat walafiat, berbadan kenceng, and bahagia selalu.
Nantikan Mr. Rabbit's Exercises Vol. 2!
See yaa..
p.s Maaph, harusnya Mr. Rabbit bisa bergerak.. ga tau kenapa cuman gambar aja.. semoga anda dapat berimaginasi dan mengira-ngira sendiri gerakannya berdasarkan instruksi2 di atas. Karena instruksi tidak jelas, jadi jika gerakan yang Anda lakukan salah, Mr. Rabbit won't mind!
Nothing to do
Wed, 25 July 07, 6.55pm in Yotsuya room
See you again, diary..
I have nothing to do today, actually there are many things I need to do like buying sepatu bot and bantal warna-warni for my future sofa but I don't want to do it now. I also still need to buy iron, rice cooker, webcam, etc at Akihabara (Electronic Town). See, there're lots of things I need to do, rite? <--'s more like "there're lots of things I need to buy". Whatever la, the point is.. I can just do shopping later after Ron starts working next Monday. It's not that I don't want him to know how much I'll spend but it's because I wanna spend as much time as possible mumpung he hasn't started his work. I'm a good wife, rite??
I went to Harajuku few days ago. My friends told me "Wah, di Jepun bisa2 loe jadi ngikut Harajuku style donk". At those times, I just smiled (berlagak tau aja apa itu Harajuku style) and said "yeah yeah" (I thought Harajuku style was a keren style of Japanese fashion). After I went to Harajuku, now I know what that style means. Masyaaullohhhhh.... Harajuku style is actually......*how should I describe?*.... it's a style when people wear funny costumes or dress like a cartoon (anime), wear sepatu boneka bergesper (buat cewek), jambulan ala Elvis, pake rante2 di celana jeans (buat cowok), hold funny stuff too like hello kitty's umbrella, topi renda2 ala Popeye's baby, kaos kaki item sepaha, celemek masak (buat cewek), and walk around the town.. kayak pesta kostum aja tuh.. I regret that I said "yeah yeah" to my friends. Eniw, It's a good chance to see Harajuku style.
What else I should write now? ........................... dunno ........... ............."keep thinking!"................... dunno................"Push yourself more!"....................really cannot.
Ok, better I stop writing now.. I'll continue again next time when there's an interesting topic, ok?
See you again, diary..
I have nothing to do today, actually there are many things I need to do like buying sepatu bot and bantal warna-warni for my future sofa but I don't want to do it now. I also still need to buy iron, rice cooker, webcam, etc at Akihabara (Electronic Town). See, there're lots of things I need to do, rite? <--'s more like "there're lots of things I need to buy". Whatever la, the point is.. I can just do shopping later after Ron starts working next Monday. It's not that I don't want him to know how much I'll spend but it's because I wanna spend as much time as possible mumpung he hasn't started his work. I'm a good wife, rite??
I went to Harajuku few days ago. My friends told me "Wah, di Jepun bisa2 loe jadi ngikut Harajuku style donk". At those times, I just smiled (berlagak tau aja apa itu Harajuku style) and said "yeah yeah" (I thought Harajuku style was a keren style of Japanese fashion). After I went to Harajuku, now I know what that style means. Masyaaullohhhhh.... Harajuku style is actually......*how should I describe?*.... it's a style when people wear funny costumes or dress like a cartoon (anime), wear sepatu boneka bergesper (buat cewek), jambulan ala Elvis, pake rante2 di celana jeans (buat cowok), hold funny stuff too like hello kitty's umbrella, topi renda2 ala Popeye's baby, kaos kaki item sepaha, celemek masak (buat cewek), and walk around the town.. kayak pesta kostum aja tuh.. I regret that I said "yeah yeah" to my friends. Eniw, It's a good chance to see Harajuku style.
What else I should write now? ........................... dunno ........... ............."keep thinking!"................... dunno................"Push yourself more!"....................really cannot.
Ok, better I stop writing now.. I'll continue again next time when there's an interesting topic, ok?
Apartment Hunting
Tuesday, 24 July 07, 10.53pm in Yotsuya room
Hi again my little diary,
Today is the hottest day since I arrived Tokyo and unfortunately today I had to go out for apartments viewing. We saw 1 studio yesterday and 2 one-bedroom apartments today. You know what? Actually we planned to rent just a studio with one small kitchen but we changed our mind after we saw 1 studio yesterday evening. A studio is too small for two of us. So, today we are hunting one-bedroom apartments. Both apartments that we saw today are nice and brand new, we're now still in the process of negotiation. See which one we'll be taking later ok? May God bless the owner tonite and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and during the negotiation process so that he has a blur mind to give us lots of discount, AMIEN!!
There's not much thing to update today.. My japanese is still so so, my diet program is still so so, my mood is also so so except now I'm in the mood of designing and shopping house furnitures! I can't wait till my house shifting!
Oh there's one important thing.. Ron's company is now applying for a COE (kind of a visa to stay permanently in Japan as a spouse), it will be ready on 20 August... my tourist visa will be expired on 16 August, just 4 days before my COE issued. "Then, how?" Don't ask me, I only can pray that imigration can give me visa extention for another 1-2 weeks.. otherwise, I have to fly out from Japan.. to nearest country is fine. Now I still dunno where I should fly to.. Korea? HK? or maybe Paris? aHa! *hope the imigration specifies clearly that I MUST go to Paris in order to get visa extended* Little diary, please help me praying.. ehem, I mean praying that.. that.. that.. I can get visa extended without going out from Japan! Yeah!!
Bye diary..
Hi again my little diary,
Today is the hottest day since I arrived Tokyo and unfortunately today I had to go out for apartments viewing. We saw 1 studio yesterday and 2 one-bedroom apartments today. You know what? Actually we planned to rent just a studio with one small kitchen but we changed our mind after we saw 1 studio yesterday evening. A studio is too small for two of us. So, today we are hunting one-bedroom apartments. Both apartments that we saw today are nice and brand new, we're now still in the process of negotiation. See which one we'll be taking later ok? May God bless the owner tonite and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and during the negotiation process so that he has a blur mind to give us lots of discount, AMIEN!!
There's not much thing to update today.. My japanese is still so so, my diet program is still so so, my mood is also so so except now I'm in the mood of designing and shopping house furnitures! I can't wait till my house shifting!
Oh there's one important thing.. Ron's company is now applying for a COE (kind of a visa to stay permanently in Japan as a spouse), it will be ready on 20 August... my tourist visa will be expired on 16 August, just 4 days before my COE issued. "Then, how?" Don't ask me, I only can pray that imigration can give me visa extention for another 1-2 weeks.. otherwise, I have to fly out from Japan.. to nearest country is fine. Now I still dunno where I should fly to.. Korea? HK? or maybe Paris? aHa! *hope the imigration specifies clearly that I MUST go to Paris in order to get visa extended* Little diary, please help me praying.. ehem, I mean praying that.. that.. that.. I can get visa extended without going out from Japan! Yeah!!
Bye diary..
My Japanese has improved??
Monday, 23 July 07, 11.33pm in Yotsuya room
Hello my diary,
Hey, I just realised that I have one new 'pembaca setia' who reads and comments on my story beside cip2 and cnonik.. Thanks to Ko Antony for being my blog's reader! :D
Actually today I don't plan to write a blog since there's nothing much happened today but Ron asked me to write blog! Amazing rite? Actually he doesn't agree the idea of writing my secret story here coz everyone can read it! Well, I know what I should write and what I should not, so don't worry, honey.. :) He asked me to write a blog this time for 2 reasons:
1. To accompany him while he's studying the Japan Law (I guess he's jealous seeing me sleeping nice and sound when he's still 'bete' memorizing that 1,200 pages book)
2. To tell my blog's readers about a funny story that happened this morning (a story that I shouldn't tell anyone actually, I was so 'maluuuu')
Ok then, I think I should tell you that funny story which I guess it's not funny.. it's more like an embarassing story! This morning Ron asked me to call Do Co Mo (a mobile phone provider) and to ask them about something. You know, I'm always scared talking to Japanese, especially on the phone! I can just use my sexy body language if I have to talk to them face to face.
Since my dear hubby asked me, aku memberanikan diri untuk mengangkat gagang telpon, memencet tombolnya, menghafalkan kira2 apa yang harus diomongin in Japanese, and somebody over there picked up the phone:
Do Co Mo: Moshi moshi @#$!@#$^&*()!@#$ (cuman ketangkep kata moshi2nya aja)
Me: Moshi moshi, Oosawa-san imasuka? (Hello, is Mr. Oosawa there?)
Do Co Mo: Hai! (Yes!)
Me: Oosawa-san imasuka? (Is Mr. Oosawa there?)
Do Co Mo: Hai! (Yes!)
Me: [bingung] Can you speak English?
Do Co Mo: Hai! (Yes)
Me: Can I speak to Oosawa-san?
Do Co Mo: Hai! Anata wa dare desuka? (Yes! Who is this?)
Me: Feni-san (harusnya nyebut nama sendiri ga usah pake 'san', dia juga ga ngerti sapa tu Feni-san, gunung Feni??)
Do Co Mo: Hai! !#$%^&* (ga ketangkep ngomong apa)
Me: [tambah bingung, udah mau mewek] Oosawa-san........?
Do Co Mo: Hai! (Yes)
Me: Daijoubu, Arigatou Gozaimasu (No problem, thank you)
I felt PD when I started asking in Japanese but then.. but then.. ohhh... the worse part is: Ron heard everything! It's ok, we must learn from mistake.. Ada pepatah: Malu bertanya, sesat di jalan.. this time: Karena bertanya, saya tambah mubeng!
Now is exactly 12.00 midnite, better I go to sleep now because every morning I have to wake up at 9am to have breakfast at the hotel.
Good nite, diary
p.s Yesterday nite I met lots of Indonesian friends, yuhuuu.. hopefully we can get along well! :D
Hello my diary,
Hey, I just realised that I have one new 'pembaca setia' who reads and comments on my story beside cip2 and cnonik.. Thanks to Ko Antony for being my blog's reader! :D
Actually today I don't plan to write a blog since there's nothing much happened today but Ron asked me to write blog! Amazing rite? Actually he doesn't agree the idea of writing my secret story here coz everyone can read it! Well, I know what I should write and what I should not, so don't worry, honey.. :) He asked me to write a blog this time for 2 reasons:
1. To accompany him while he's studying the Japan Law (I guess he's jealous seeing me sleeping nice and sound when he's still 'bete' memorizing that 1,200 pages book)
2. To tell my blog's readers about a funny story that happened this morning (a story that I shouldn't tell anyone actually, I was so 'maluuuu')
Ok then, I think I should tell you that funny story which I guess it's not funny.. it's more like an embarassing story! This morning Ron asked me to call Do Co Mo (a mobile phone provider) and to ask them about something. You know, I'm always scared talking to Japanese, especially on the phone! I can just use my sexy body language if I have to talk to them face to face.
Since my dear hubby asked me, aku memberanikan diri untuk mengangkat gagang telpon, memencet tombolnya, menghafalkan kira2 apa yang harus diomongin in Japanese, and somebody over there picked up the phone:
Do Co Mo: Moshi moshi @#$!@#$^&*()!@#$ (cuman ketangkep kata moshi2nya aja)
Me: Moshi moshi, Oosawa-san imasuka? (Hello, is Mr. Oosawa there?)
Do Co Mo: Hai! (Yes!)
Me: Oosawa-san imasuka? (Is Mr. Oosawa there?)
Do Co Mo: Hai! (Yes!)
Me: [bingung] Can you speak English?
Do Co Mo: Hai! (Yes)
Me: Can I speak to Oosawa-san?
Do Co Mo: Hai! Anata wa dare desuka? (Yes! Who is this?)
Me: Feni-san (harusnya nyebut nama sendiri ga usah pake 'san', dia juga ga ngerti sapa tu Feni-san, gunung Feni??)
Do Co Mo: Hai! !#$%^&* (ga ketangkep ngomong apa)
Me: [tambah bingung, udah mau mewek] Oosawa-san........?
Do Co Mo: Hai! (Yes)
Me: Daijoubu, Arigatou Gozaimasu (No problem, thank you)
I felt PD when I started asking in Japanese but then.. but then.. ohhh... the worse part is: Ron heard everything! It's ok, we must learn from mistake.. Ada pepatah: Malu bertanya, sesat di jalan.. this time: Karena bertanya, saya tambah mubeng!
Now is exactly 12.00 midnite, better I go to sleep now because every morning I have to wake up at 9am to have breakfast at the hotel.
Good nite, diary
p.s Yesterday nite I met lots of Indonesian friends, yuhuuu.. hopefully we can get along well! :D
Efforts to Get Friends
Saturday, 21 July 07, 8.41pm in Yotsuya room
Hello My Little Diary,
Yesterday nite I had enough sleep, ermm more than enough actually.. I slept for 10 hours, to be exact I slept for 10 hours 15 mins. Maybe because I was too tired for the last 2 days. I woke up in the morning, I felt so refreshed.. Today, I just stay at home the whole day.. just went downstairs to have my breakfast and dinner at restaurants near the hotel.
I used my time today in front of computers.. searching for language schools in Japan that provide Japanese courses, browsing properties, and of course chatting with cip, cnonik, oy, and my other friends.. Whenever I chat with cip and cnonik, I feel that I'm not so lonely.. thanks to my both cips who always be there whenever I feel lonely, sad, and down.
Today I managed to get one university that offers good Japanese course: Temple University! The cost is considered affordable, the place isn't too far, the programme is very relevant to what I need.. But, there's one thing that I don't like.. This school only offers evening class for class starts in September. They only have morning class in April next year. Huh! I can't wait that long. Ron asks me to take Jap course for 2 reasons. I guess he knows my problem. :)
1. I'll get friends
2. I'll be able to speak Japanese
Anyway, I've decided to take that evening class considering that I'll have time to do things in the morning - afternoon, like:
1. Write my novel - remember my new cita2 to be a novelist?
2. Browse around any business opportunities in Japan - hopefully there is one!
3. Do part-time job - hopefully I can find one too!
4. Do my house works like cleaning house, ironing clothes, etc
5. Learn and practice my cooking (when Ron's not around so that he won't know if I fail)
6. Study Japanese - practice my speaking and listening skills by shopping around, the more you shop the more you can practice it!
7. Chat with cip and cnonik! Aha! :D
Tomorrow I'll go to Indonesian church here, hopefully I can find friends there.
See you tomorrow, diary..
Hello My Little Diary,
Yesterday nite I had enough sleep, ermm more than enough actually.. I slept for 10 hours, to be exact I slept for 10 hours 15 mins. Maybe because I was too tired for the last 2 days. I woke up in the morning, I felt so refreshed.. Today, I just stay at home the whole day.. just went downstairs to have my breakfast and dinner at restaurants near the hotel.
I used my time today in front of computers.. searching for language schools in Japan that provide Japanese courses, browsing properties, and of course chatting with cip, cnonik, oy, and my other friends.. Whenever I chat with cip and cnonik, I feel that I'm not so lonely.. thanks to my both cips who always be there whenever I feel lonely, sad, and down.
Today I managed to get one university that offers good Japanese course: Temple University! The cost is considered affordable, the place isn't too far, the programme is very relevant to what I need.. But, there's one thing that I don't like.. This school only offers evening class for class starts in September. They only have morning class in April next year. Huh! I can't wait that long. Ron asks me to take Jap course for 2 reasons. I guess he knows my problem. :)
1. I'll get friends
2. I'll be able to speak Japanese
Anyway, I've decided to take that evening class considering that I'll have time to do things in the morning - afternoon, like:
1. Write my novel - remember my new cita2 to be a novelist?
2. Browse around any business opportunities in Japan - hopefully there is one!
3. Do part-time job - hopefully I can find one too!
4. Do my house works like cleaning house, ironing clothes, etc
5. Learn and practice my cooking (when Ron's not around so that he won't know if I fail)
6. Study Japanese - practice my speaking and listening skills by shopping around, the more you shop the more you can practice it!
7. Chat with cip and cnonik! Aha! :D
Tomorrow I'll go to Indonesian church here, hopefully I can find friends there.
See you tomorrow, diary..
My Big Appetite & Big Tummy
Friday, 20 July 07, 7.24pm in Yotsuya room
Hi diary,
Today I got my first quarrel with my hubby :( The problem is about my forever-and-ever problem, which is about my diet! Well, marriage life is a life without secret between husband and wife. There's nothing you can hide from your spouse, including your big appetite and your big tummy! I've been trying to tahan not to eat a lot in front of him because I know that he doesn't like to see me eating so much. It's not because of the problem of kesopanan dalam makan nor the money that we spend for the food, it's because I'm fat already!! I always look fat on his eyes.. and my sis, nCang, always looks skinny on his eyes although she gained weight lately.. why?
Just now, he found out that one of dorayaki that we bought only left 1 piece. I admit that I ate that one piece! He also couldn't find the donut that we bought today (although it's in his bag), then he accused me that I must be the one who ate the donut. I was so angry.. Why did he make conclusion that way? Does he think that dorayaki's fans must be donut's fans?? Dorayaki is from Japan, donut is from?? America?? They are from 2 different worlds, so it doesn't mean that dorayaki's eater must be donut's eater, agree??
Anyway, the point isn't that one. I was angry because I started to feel that I have no freedom now. Even I need his permission on what to eat, when to eat, and how much I can eat! I started feeling scared.. I have no income now, I feel like I have no power.. I feel so paiseh (malu) if I have to ask his permission everytime I want to buy something, do something, go somewhere. And, I'm a full time housewife now.. I have feeling that I'm a useless person who only can spend money, eat a lot, and 'leha-leha' all the time. I'm scared that he'll expect more from me, like yesterday, he asked me to give him massage after my long and tiring journey that I told you. I told him "Enak aja, aku ya capek bangett". He was okay with my answer but then suddenly I felt that I shouldn't let him down in the future when he's tired after work and I just stay at home doing nothing. He told me that I'm now scared of something that won't happen, but still..
Little diary, how much I explained to him, he won't understand my feeling.
My diary, now is 7.50pm. Honestly, I'm hungry now. My hubby is still busy studying the Japan Law. I don't dare to disturb him and tell him that I want to eat. He will say: "AGAIN??" That topic is still so sensitive now. What should I do? Sleep? Ironing clothes? Playing Sudoku? Arghh..
Hi diary,
Today I got my first quarrel with my hubby :( The problem is about my forever-and-ever problem, which is about my diet! Well, marriage life is a life without secret between husband and wife. There's nothing you can hide from your spouse, including your big appetite and your big tummy! I've been trying to tahan not to eat a lot in front of him because I know that he doesn't like to see me eating so much. It's not because of the problem of kesopanan dalam makan nor the money that we spend for the food, it's because I'm fat already!! I always look fat on his eyes.. and my sis, nCang, always looks skinny on his eyes although she gained weight lately.. why?
Just now, he found out that one of dorayaki that we bought only left 1 piece. I admit that I ate that one piece! He also couldn't find the donut that we bought today (although it's in his bag), then he accused me that I must be the one who ate the donut. I was so angry.. Why did he make conclusion that way? Does he think that dorayaki's fans must be donut's fans?? Dorayaki is from Japan, donut is from?? America?? They are from 2 different worlds, so it doesn't mean that dorayaki's eater must be donut's eater, agree??
Anyway, the point isn't that one. I was angry because I started to feel that I have no freedom now. Even I need his permission on what to eat, when to eat, and how much I can eat! I started feeling scared.. I have no income now, I feel like I have no power.. I feel so paiseh (malu) if I have to ask his permission everytime I want to buy something, do something, go somewhere. And, I'm a full time housewife now.. I have feeling that I'm a useless person who only can spend money, eat a lot, and 'leha-leha' all the time. I'm scared that he'll expect more from me, like yesterday, he asked me to give him massage after my long and tiring journey that I told you. I told him "Enak aja, aku ya capek bangett". He was okay with my answer but then suddenly I felt that I shouldn't let him down in the future when he's tired after work and I just stay at home doing nothing. He told me that I'm now scared of something that won't happen, but still..
Little diary, how much I explained to him, he won't understand my feeling.
My diary, now is 7.50pm. Honestly, I'm hungry now. My hubby is still busy studying the Japan Law. I don't dare to disturb him and tell him that I want to eat. He will say: "AGAIN??" That topic is still so sensitive now. What should I do? Sleep? Ironing clothes? Playing Sudoku? Arghh..
2nd Day in Tokyo
Thurs, 19 Jul 07, 11.24pm in Yotsuya room
Hello My Little Diary,
Today is another tiring day. Let me tell you the story one by one kay?
1. 8.45 - 9.30
Breakfast at hotel. This time we know already how to order, what to order, how to make ocha (green tea) with 'saringan', and how to settle the bill. Yuhuu!
2. 9.30 - 12.00
Meeting with Sirva Relocation persons. They came to our hotel to give us briefing about Japan's lifestyle and answer questions that we may have about living in Japan. It's a good service from Ron's company! I asked everything - from how to open bank account and subscribe hp, phone, internet until where to buy cheap detergent. It's a very looooong meeting, especially for me yang nahan pipis setengah mati akibat minum ocha kebanyakan. You'll know what I mean when you drink green tea and try not to pee for the next 2.5 hours.
3. 12.00 - 13.00
We went to Shinjuku Ward Office to get Ron's Alien Registration Certificate to open bank account and subscribe hp. Jap calls "foreigner" as "alien"! Hmm.. they are so creative as usual..
4. 13.00 - 15.00
Going to ILS to take care of my residential status. Actually the place isnt too far but we really couldnt find the building! Japanese is really nice, they helped us finding the place even we never asked them to! But still,we couldnt find the place.. Now I know why they call us an alien. We feel like two aliens coming to earth from planet "@#$%^&*"we can't talk, can't hear, can't understand, can't find, can't see.. even we talk, they also don't understand. However, I try to see everything from positive angle..maybe it's God's plan to make the love between these two aliens stronger. You know, love grows when storms come when there are just two of them, rite??
5. 15.00 - 16.00
Going to Ueda Clinic, Ron needs to get medical check-up as a requirement from the company. It's also not an easy place to find. We must ask around, show map to anyone who wants to see our map, and went in and out from one door to another door like a salesman. Finally we found the place! Buttt.. with my limited Japanese knowledge, I understood that appointment was required! Oh man, we need to go back there again tomorrow.. :(
6. 16.00 - 20.00
We then went to Shinjuku again to subscribe hp. It's not as easy as said. We must ask around the plan package, price, etc and compare it with other service provider with our super-limited Japanese vocabulary! *No wonder it took 4 hours to do it* <-- Hey, not really 4 hours! We also had dinner there, had some little shopping there, and took some pics too! Anyway, at the end we haven't bought the hp. We brought back the brochures so that we have enough time to think and compare.
Very long journey rite? Yeah, thanks to Jap subway system yang kayak maen ular tangga. There are 14 different lines! Can you imagine?? Singapore only has 3 lines, Jap has 14!! These 14 lines come from different colors. If you wanna go from green line to red line, you have to jump here jump there till you get the right line color. If you got wrong direction, you have to go back again and start to climb again! It's really like playing snake and ladder.
Another interesting thing about Japan is: there's underground world! It's really like Doraemon's underground world! Wow.. I guess Tokyo's land isn't enough so they built another layer that really connects one suburb to another suburb.
Little diary, I'm so tired now. Tomorrow will be another tiring day. See you soon... ZzzzzZZzzzz...
p.s I just got small 'benjolan' of 'kapal' on my both feet because I walked too much these 2 days.
Hello My Little Diary,
Today is another tiring day. Let me tell you the story one by one kay?
1. 8.45 - 9.30
Breakfast at hotel. This time we know already how to order, what to order, how to make ocha (green tea) with 'saringan', and how to settle the bill. Yuhuu!
2. 9.30 - 12.00
Meeting with Sirva Relocation persons. They came to our hotel to give us briefing about Japan's lifestyle and answer questions that we may have about living in Japan. It's a good service from Ron's company! I asked everything - from how to open bank account and subscribe hp, phone, internet until where to buy cheap detergent. It's a very looooong meeting, especially for me yang nahan pipis setengah mati akibat minum ocha kebanyakan. You'll know what I mean when you drink green tea and try not to pee for the next 2.5 hours.
3. 12.00 - 13.00
We went to Shinjuku Ward Office to get Ron's Alien Registration Certificate to open bank account and subscribe hp. Jap calls "foreigner" as "alien"! Hmm.. they are so creative as usual..
4. 13.00 - 15.00
Going to ILS to take care of my residential status. Actually the place isnt too far but we really couldnt find the building! Japanese is really nice, they helped us finding the place even we never asked them to! But still,we couldnt find the place.. Now I know why they call us an alien. We feel like two aliens coming to earth from planet "@#$%^&*"we can't talk, can't hear, can't understand, can't find, can't see.. even we talk, they also don't understand. However, I try to see everything from positive angle..maybe it's God's plan to make the love between these two aliens stronger. You know, love grows when storms come when there are just two of them, rite??
5. 15.00 - 16.00
Going to Ueda Clinic, Ron needs to get medical check-up as a requirement from the company. It's also not an easy place to find. We must ask around, show map to anyone who wants to see our map, and went in and out from one door to another door like a salesman. Finally we found the place! Buttt.. with my limited Japanese knowledge, I understood that appointment was required! Oh man, we need to go back there again tomorrow.. :(
6. 16.00 - 20.00
We then went to Shinjuku again to subscribe hp. It's not as easy as said. We must ask around the plan package, price, etc and compare it with other service provider with our super-limited Japanese vocabulary! *No wonder it took 4 hours to do it* <-- Hey, not really 4 hours! We also had dinner there, had some little shopping there, and took some pics too! Anyway, at the end we haven't bought the hp. We brought back the brochures so that we have enough time to think and compare.
Very long journey rite? Yeah, thanks to Jap subway system yang kayak maen ular tangga. There are 14 different lines! Can you imagine?? Singapore only has 3 lines, Jap has 14!! These 14 lines come from different colors. If you wanna go from green line to red line, you have to jump here jump there till you get the right line color. If you got wrong direction, you have to go back again and start to climb again! It's really like playing snake and ladder.
Another interesting thing about Japan is: there's underground world! It's really like Doraemon's underground world! Wow.. I guess Tokyo's land isn't enough so they built another layer that really connects one suburb to another suburb.
Little diary, I'm so tired now. Tomorrow will be another tiring day. See you soon... ZzzzzZZzzzz...
p.s I just got small 'benjolan' of 'kapal' on my both feet because I walked too much these 2 days.
Wedding Event Pics on 08/07/07

Hello again my lil diary,
Ron's now busy studying Japan corporation law, he's going to take an exam soon. It's a requirement from the company hiks hiks.. So, I have nothing to do now. Here I upload the pics of my wedding (on Sunday, 8 July 2007). I really like this pic (on the right) when I happened to kiss the roses that he gave. It's so romantic, isn't it? Actually, we just followed instruction from the photographer. How about the red roses?? I was also the one who chose the flowers, order the flowers, and even asked the florist to send the roses to Ron's place! Anyway, I'm happy as long as I can capture this best moment. People don't care what happen behind the scenes, rite? They still like to watch Superman, Jurassic Park, and Titanic eventough they know that all is just bluff, rite?
I also uploaded some of the events on that day:
On the Stairs + Walking along the Aisle
Pic with Our Dear Parents + Cutting Our Wedding Cake
1st Day in Tokyo
Hello diary,
Finally we have reached Tokyo! It was a long and tiring journey.. Phew! How was my first day in Japan? The left picture is our first picture in Japan, taken when we were on the bus from Narita Airport to Shinjuku-ku.
We're now staying at Tokyu Stay Yotsuya.. it's a small, cute, but very comfy studio-like. I like this place so much! You wanna see the pics? Here they are:
Yesterday nite around 8pm we reached hotel. Then, we went out for dinner around the hotel. It was a raining and cold nite. We were in short sleeves and got no umbrella! Kayak pilem2 India yang sedang ujan2an sambil guling2 di rumput atau memeluk tiang?? Well, I was looking for a pillar but unfortunately Ron bought an umbrella before I could find one.
Back from dinner, I unpacked the things from our luggages while Ron was busy in front of computer. I was so tired and I fell asleep without even showering (padahal abis ujan2an gitu), around 1.30am I woke up to brush my teeth and take off my make-up coz I'm very scared of 'gigi berlubang' and 'jerawat', then I slept again. For the first time, Ron was okay I turned in
without taking a bath! Ha Ha Ha.......
without taking a bath! Ha Ha Ha.......
Today I experienced many new things, like buying train tickets, taking shin-kan-sen (underground subway), reading tokyo map (getting lost in tokyo), accidentally pressing table-bell while having breakfast (unfortunately Japanese is very nice), seeing Jap girls wearing stocking (cuma 1 kaki), 'kondenan ala Jap morat-marit', rok mini ala Jap, Jap payungan pake payung transparan!
To adjust to this new environment, my first step was: buying payung transparan (last nite)! Second step was: pake mascara n rose pipi! I was so surprised that I look more lively and fresh when I put on mascara and blush on my cheek. You should try it! At least now I feel more like Jap when I put on mascara and blush and walking along Shinjuku with my new transparant umbrella!
How about my plan tonite? Hmm, I guess I'll need to buy some groceries to cook at home tonite.. this will be my first cook after my marriage aHa! What to cook?? I'll browse around the market and decide later..
Bye, diary..
-Abbie in Japan-
My New Life Has Just Begun!
Thursday, 12 July 07, 4.35pm at Ron's home..
I've just returned from my long holiday in Indonesia, just got new status: NYONYAH! (without the 'H' I guess). Ron is packing his stuff now.. to be more accurate, he's sorting his stuff on what to be brought to Japan and what to be thrown away.. Huh! It's not easy.. Aja Aja Hubby!
Long time no writing blog since my last one on May. I was so busy preparing my wedding and my relocation. Everything's doing fine.. I cant write too much here, I have to help him packing now.. I'll tell you my story once I have time later in Japan, ok? :)
Anyway, I'll arrive in Tokyo on 17 July.
See you, little diary..
I've just returned from my long holiday in Indonesia, just got new status: NYONYAH! (without the 'H' I guess). Ron is packing his stuff now.. to be more accurate, he's sorting his stuff on what to be brought to Japan and what to be thrown away.. Huh! It's not easy.. Aja Aja Hubby!
Long time no writing blog since my last one on May. I was so busy preparing my wedding and my relocation. Everything's doing fine.. I cant write too much here, I have to help him packing now.. I'll tell you my story once I have time later in Japan, ok? :)
Anyway, I'll arrive in Tokyo on 17 July.
See you, little diary..
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