Friday, 24 Aug 07, 3.44pm in Solo
Phew! Finally my COE is out, my dear diary! I'm so so so happy to hear that. Ron called me when I was in Solo Grand Mall, shopping with my parents-in-law. I'm so fortunate to have a great mum-in-law. You know what? She's going to accompany me to go to Jakarta to settle my visa application in the Japan Embassy. My father-in-law arranges my plane ticket, transportation, and accomodation. Thanks, Mom & Dad..
This morning I was still so nervous when there was still no news about the COE. It's been more than 1 month, I thought they would fail my application. When I was worried to the max, my hubby told me 'there must be something good behind this'. Yes, I also believe something good is happening. I'm sure God has wonderful plan for us. I summarised few possible good points this morning as a result of this delay:
1. God wants me to have a safe and sound journey so He wants me to book another air ticket. My return air ticket has a fixed date, delay on the visa application means my China Airlines air ticket will be gone.
2. God wants me to spend my time more in Solo with my family so I won't waste time staying in Jakarta too long. This is the reason He keeps the date of the COE issuence just ON TIME.
3. God wants my hubby to pass his 2nd test (Japan Law) on 5 Sept. By delaying my flight till after 5 Sept will make him pass the exam (I won't have chance to disturb him)
4. God has another plan for us. Maybe Japan is not for us, He prepares better opportunity out there.
5. God wants us to live separately for few months/years to strengthen our love and our 'bahtera perkawinan'??
After I heard the news today. Now I know that He always works ON TIME. His plan is point no 2. I'll fly to Jakarta this Sunday morning with my mum-in-law. I'll receive the doc (COE) on this Monday. The Japan Embassy will take about 4-5 days to process. It should be ready by the latest next Friday afternoon and my flight to Japan is on next Sunday morning (fixed date). Just nice, isnt it?
I believe, everything happens for a wonderful reason. When we see something bad happen, we tend to think negative. Do not! Be patient, wait a while more and you'll see something wonderful in front of you. *Yea yea, you're happy now, that's why you can say that. Few days ago you were drown by your own tears* Hush!
My dear hubby, I'm coming soon... Do wait for me!
-2/2Happy Abbie- :D
About Me and My Dream
Thursday, 23 Aug 07, 11.08am in Solo
Hello my little diary,
I just had breakfast special morning menu 'Sou-Tow with Poo-Yo & Ba-Rou' at Kie-Rha-Na with my parents and my bro. *Korean food? Chinese Food?* Ok ok, I admit. I ate Nasi Soto with Telur Puyuh and Paru Goreng at Warung Soto Kirana, happy? I love Indonesian food so much although the names are not as keren as Chinese or Korean food. *Who cares about the name?* I do! I'm scared of eating meals called "Mbah Gobyos", "Mbah Jingkrak" and "Sambel Nenek Lampir"! *What are the meanings in English?* In English, ermm.. "Sweating Grandma", "Dancing Grandma", and "Attached Grandma Sambal" (Lampir = Attached?) These kind of meals' name are real.
Updates for today, I still have no news about my COE. Oh man, I'm getting nervous now. I'm sure that God always works on time!
I dunno why I feel like a different person when I'm In Solo. I feel that "this is reality". It's a different feeling when I'm away from home, it's like "this is a dream". I remember what my cousin told me that 'Life is like a dream'. It's so true! Treat a life as your dream and you'll feel burdenless. When I sleep, I dream a lot. Too many dreams make me confused. Sometimes I have a serial dream too, like watching serial movies. It's very funny that I feel I'm going to continue the 3rd episode of my dream when I'm about to sleep. And, I also know that it's just a dream when I'm dreaming! Amazing rite? Sometimes even I don't remember which one a reality is, which one a dream is. When something happens in a real life, I feel that it already happened in the past or in my dream. What I'm sure is I knew it would happen that way, I knew it. Is that called a dejavu? What is dejavu?
When my sis was around 3-month-old pregnant, I had a dream about her baby. It was so true that my sis gave birth to a baby girl, it was also so true that her baby was exactly the same as the baby girl I saw in my dream! In other cases, I dreamt about my colleague was pregnant, my friend broke up, my friend found a job, my friend got married. These happened a while after I dreamt!
Last nite I had a dream again. It was about my elder sis and her husband. You know, sometimes a dream doesn't make sense so just get the point, okay? In my dream, my sis and her hubby got married to each other again for the 2nd time. We had a big party again. When I asked my sis 'Why should you get married to each other again?', she replied 'This is just our culture everytime we want to have a baby'. Does it mean that she's going to have the 2nd baby soon?? Let's see..
Little diary, can you feel the different me from my writing style when I'm in Solo? Only my little diary knows. I have few posts that I wrote when I'm in Solo and just keep them as drafts, never been published.. Does environment change the way we live, the way we think, the way we feel, and the way we do? Which is the real me?
p.s there are 2 topics in this post (3 topics including the Mbah Gobyos and friends), not sure what title is good for this post. 'A Dream'? or 'A Me'? 'What is Dream?' or 'Who am I?' hmmm...
Hello my little diary,
I just had breakfast special morning menu 'Sou-Tow with Poo-Yo & Ba-Rou' at Kie-Rha-Na with my parents and my bro. *Korean food? Chinese Food?* Ok ok, I admit. I ate Nasi Soto with Telur Puyuh and Paru Goreng at Warung Soto Kirana, happy? I love Indonesian food so much although the names are not as keren as Chinese or Korean food. *Who cares about the name?* I do! I'm scared of eating meals called "Mbah Gobyos", "Mbah Jingkrak" and "Sambel Nenek Lampir"! *What are the meanings in English?* In English, ermm.. "Sweating Grandma", "Dancing Grandma", and "Attached Grandma Sambal" (Lampir = Attached?) These kind of meals' name are real.
Updates for today, I still have no news about my COE. Oh man, I'm getting nervous now. I'm sure that God always works on time!
I dunno why I feel like a different person when I'm In Solo. I feel that "this is reality". It's a different feeling when I'm away from home, it's like "this is a dream". I remember what my cousin told me that 'Life is like a dream'. It's so true! Treat a life as your dream and you'll feel burdenless. When I sleep, I dream a lot. Too many dreams make me confused. Sometimes I have a serial dream too, like watching serial movies. It's very funny that I feel I'm going to continue the 3rd episode of my dream when I'm about to sleep. And, I also know that it's just a dream when I'm dreaming! Amazing rite? Sometimes even I don't remember which one a reality is, which one a dream is. When something happens in a real life, I feel that it already happened in the past or in my dream. What I'm sure is I knew it would happen that way, I knew it. Is that called a dejavu? What is dejavu?
When my sis was around 3-month-old pregnant, I had a dream about her baby. It was so true that my sis gave birth to a baby girl, it was also so true that her baby was exactly the same as the baby girl I saw in my dream! In other cases, I dreamt about my colleague was pregnant, my friend broke up, my friend found a job, my friend got married. These happened a while after I dreamt!
Last nite I had a dream again. It was about my elder sis and her husband. You know, sometimes a dream doesn't make sense so just get the point, okay? In my dream, my sis and her hubby got married to each other again for the 2nd time. We had a big party again. When I asked my sis 'Why should you get married to each other again?', she replied 'This is just our culture everytime we want to have a baby'. Does it mean that she's going to have the 2nd baby soon?? Let's see..
Little diary, can you feel the different me from my writing style when I'm in Solo? Only my little diary knows. I have few posts that I wrote when I'm in Solo and just keep them as drafts, never been published.. Does environment change the way we live, the way we think, the way we feel, and the way we do? Which is the real me?
p.s there are 2 topics in this post (3 topics including the Mbah Gobyos and friends), not sure what title is good for this post. 'A Dream'? or 'A Me'? 'What is Dream?' or 'Who am I?' hmmm...
Taiwan Jet Explodes in Japan
Wednesday, 22 Aug 07, 11.43am in Solo
My little diary,
I just read a newspaper about an accident of a Taiwan-based China Airlines from Taiwan to Japan. Here is the news: "Passengers flee China Airlines 737-800 as it burns after an explosion in Naha on Japan's southern island of Okinawa August 20, 2007. The left engine of the Boeing 737-800 jet belonging to Taiwan-based China Airlines exploded shortly after arrival in Naha city from Taipei, ripping the plane apart, officials and witnesses said, but all 165 passengers and crew escaped safely. China Airlines has a troubled safety record with four deadly accidents in the past 13 years, including a crash in the Japanese city of Nagoya in 1994 in which 264 people were killed".

Omo omo omo.. I was so shocked when I read this news because my flight to Japan (transit at Taipei) is by China Airlines! Why it must be from Taipei to Japan and not to other countries? I only can believe that everything happens is on God's hand. If my going back to Japan will be delayed because of my COE, it also must be His wonderful plan, rite? Please help me praying for my safe journey to Japan..
My little diary,
I just read a newspaper about an accident of a Taiwan-based China Airlines from Taiwan to Japan. Here is the news: "Passengers flee China Airlines 737-800 as it burns after an explosion in Naha on Japan's southern island of Okinawa August 20, 2007. The left engine of the Boeing 737-800 jet belonging to Taiwan-based China Airlines exploded shortly after arrival in Naha city from Taipei, ripping the plane apart, officials and witnesses said, but all 165 passengers and crew escaped safely. China Airlines has a troubled safety record with four deadly accidents in the past 13 years, including a crash in the Japanese city of Nagoya in 1994 in which 264 people were killed".

Omo omo omo.. I was so shocked when I read this news because my flight to Japan (transit at Taipei) is by China Airlines! Why it must be from Taipei to Japan and not to other countries? I only can believe that everything happens is on God's hand. If my going back to Japan will be delayed because of my COE, it also must be His wonderful plan, rite? Please help me praying for my safe journey to Japan..
One down, one more?
Wednesday, 22 Aug 07, 9.47am in Solo
Yippiee Diary!!
One good news is out! Ron has passed the test! :D Good, another one is coming?? or not coming? coming? not coming? coming? He's a lucky guy, his life is smooth-sailing. How about me? I'm a clumsy girl, things that happen to me are also clumsy.
This is the 100th post in this diary, does it mean today is a good day? I really hope so.. please keep praying for me..
I'm going to have breakfast now.. see you diary!
-1/2Happy Abbie-
Yippiee Diary!!
One good news is out! Ron has passed the test! :D Good, another one is coming?? or not coming? coming? not coming? coming? He's a lucky guy, his life is smooth-sailing. How about me? I'm a clumsy girl, things that happen to me are also clumsy.
This is the 100th post in this diary, does it mean today is a good day? I really hope so.. please keep praying for me..
I'm going to have breakfast now.. see you diary!
-1/2Happy Abbie-
Living in Indo Vs Living Abroad
Tuesday, 21 Aug 07, 9.15pm in Solo
Hi diary,
I'm very tired and sleepy now. Not sure why I always feel tired and sleepy in Solo. I always drive a car here or (even better) somebody drives for me. Everyone around me is always ready to help me. The point is, I live like a "princess" in Indonesia:
- My hands never carry heavy items
- My feet never walk too long
- My skin never get sun-burnt
- My nails never get cracks
- My sweat is never....I mean, is still smelly
But, why do I always feel tired in Solo?
I've been staying abroad for more than 8 years. Now I get used to do anything by myself. Well, everyone always needs others' help. What I mean is, do we really need to live like a king in this life? Sometimes I can understand what my maids are feeling. It's not that I'm also a maid but because we have same jobscope *what's the difference?*
This afternoon my mum scolded one of my maids because my maid ironed clothes not up to my mum's expectation. After I realised what the problem is, I understand fully how difficult it is to iron man's trousers with the line at its original place (horizontal line at the front part of trousers). I'm not sure if you understand what I mean. Anyway, when I ironed my hubby's trousers, I didn't even realise that there was a line there and had no idea how man really concerned about that line. Usually, I just iron it up to my mood. A bit to the left.. a bit to the right.. ironing the bottom part.. ironing the top part.. ironing the parts which have wrinkles only.. not ironing at all..sometimes. Wonderfully, my hubby never complain, or he never realised? My mum is buying a vitamin, Cerebrovit, for my maid so that she can remember what my mum taught her how to iron trousers. Should I buy one pack too?
[ udah nyeleweng jauh tuh!] In conclusion, although living abroad is not as convenient as living in Indonesia.. I still love it (except for ironing clothes)!
- I have freedom and privacy (maid is like omnipresent at my home in Solo, so scary!)
- I have personal satisfaction that I can do this and that
- It keeps my body slim and my skin tanned
- It gives me excuse to go for manicure & pedicure
Today I took unused boxes from Hero supermarket to pack my stuff that I'm gonna bring to Japan. U know what? I feel happy that I can get the boxes myself, I don't need anyone to help me sourcing boxes. *Stupido..pido..where are you? [dinyanyikan dengan nada Scooby Doo's song]*
Ok ok ok, no more talking around the bush. I admit that I'm still under stress now. Sorry to keep you reading so long before coming to the main point. My COE still has not issued yet. My hubby's test result is also not out yet. So, is tomorrow the big day? I hope so.. I need 2 good news tomorrow. One is good, Two is perfect! Please God, please God..
-Praying Abbie-
Hi diary,
I'm very tired and sleepy now. Not sure why I always feel tired and sleepy in Solo. I always drive a car here or (even better) somebody drives for me. Everyone around me is always ready to help me. The point is, I live like a "princess" in Indonesia:
- My hands never carry heavy items
- My feet never walk too long
- My skin never get sun-burnt
- My nails never get cracks
- My sweat is never....I mean, is still smelly
But, why do I always feel tired in Solo?
I've been staying abroad for more than 8 years. Now I get used to do anything by myself. Well, everyone always needs others' help. What I mean is, do we really need to live like a king in this life? Sometimes I can understand what my maids are feeling. It's not that I'm also a maid but because we have same jobscope *what's the difference?*
This afternoon my mum scolded one of my maids because my maid ironed clothes not up to my mum's expectation. After I realised what the problem is, I understand fully how difficult it is to iron man's trousers with the line at its original place (horizontal line at the front part of trousers). I'm not sure if you understand what I mean. Anyway, when I ironed my hubby's trousers, I didn't even realise that there was a line there and had no idea how man really concerned about that line. Usually, I just iron it up to my mood. A bit to the left.. a bit to the right.. ironing the bottom part.. ironing the top part.. ironing the parts which have wrinkles only.. not ironing at all..sometimes. Wonderfully, my hubby never complain, or he never realised? My mum is buying a vitamin, Cerebrovit, for my maid so that she can remember what my mum taught her how to iron trousers. Should I buy one pack too?
[ udah nyeleweng jauh tuh!] In conclusion, although living abroad is not as convenient as living in Indonesia.. I still love it (except for ironing clothes)!
- I have freedom and privacy (maid is like omnipresent at my home in Solo, so scary!)
- I have personal satisfaction that I can do this and that
- It keeps my body slim and my skin tanned
- It gives me excuse to go for manicure & pedicure
Today I took unused boxes from Hero supermarket to pack my stuff that I'm gonna bring to Japan. U know what? I feel happy that I can get the boxes myself, I don't need anyone to help me sourcing boxes. *Stupido..pido..where are you? [dinyanyikan dengan nada Scooby Doo's song]*
Ok ok ok, no more talking around the bush. I admit that I'm still under stress now. Sorry to keep you reading so long before coming to the main point. My COE still has not issued yet. My hubby's test result is also not out yet. So, is tomorrow the big day? I hope so.. I need 2 good news tomorrow. One is good, Two is perfect! Please God, please God..
-Praying Abbie-
I don't want this dream comes true!
Monday, 20 Aug 07, 3.13pm in Solo
Hello my lil diary,
This is my first time writing diary in Solo. Yes, I'm in Solo now, at home, writing diary using my brother's laptop. Today is an important day for me, this is the reason why I'm writing diary now. Today, 20 Aug 2007 at 3.15pm Indonesia time, 5.15pm Tokyo time. My hubby is doing the Japan Law test now. It's a very important test that will affect our lives, our future. May God bless him right now and for the next 2 hours! Aja Aja Basha, dear!!! I know you can do it because you have charms and muscles! No. I mean you have brain and knowledge.
For me, today is such an important day too! Because my COE (dependent pass) will be issued today. I really hope that it will really be issued today. I just checked my mail and there was no email from the immigration just now :( Once it's out, they will send the COE to Jakarta. I've booked an air ticket to Jakarta too on 23 Aug (because I'm not sure when it's going to be issued).
Last nite I had a dream about my hubby. In my dream, we stay on the 11th floor of our apartment. Actually we stay on 12th floor. When we stayed in Yotsuya hotel, we stayed on 13th floor. Now, why is it 11th? 13-1=12, 12-1=11?? Forget it, it's not important. Anyway, continue the story, it was a heavy raining day and we did not bring umbrellas. I went home from somewhere *must be from windows shopping, just windows shopping* and he went home from work. We were all wet! Don't think that we were going to *ai..yoooo* and DaNcE like in Indian movies!! We met at the lobby and went up together. On the 5th floor, the lift was stopped and we had to transit on that floor till further notice. Then, we were brought to a transit lounge, had some coffees and biscuits, for 2 hours. Once the lift had been repaired, we continued our journey to 11th floor but the lift was stopped again on 10th floor. We found out that the lift only could bring us to the 10th floor. There was no choice, we had to get out on the 10th floor. Apparently 10th floor was a big food mall! I was sooo happy. I took an empty basket in front of the shop and rushed in. Then, I woke up. What was that dream meant? Why couldn't we reach our apartment floor? Does it mean that we have so many barriers before we can be at the top? Why must I wake up on a crucial moment?? *It's because cip woke me up!! She also woke me up the day before when I was about to buy LV-Hermes-Gucci bag! One bag with 3 sides, each side with each brand. Yeah, it's kind of kepiting berkepala udang berkaki ayam.*
I hope that my dream has nothing to do with what will happen today. Please God, today is such an important day for us! The message I received from that dream is: He looked handsome and I miss him now! *think positive....think positive....think positive....*
Hello my lil diary,
This is my first time writing diary in Solo. Yes, I'm in Solo now, at home, writing diary using my brother's laptop. Today is an important day for me, this is the reason why I'm writing diary now. Today, 20 Aug 2007 at 3.15pm Indonesia time, 5.15pm Tokyo time. My hubby is doing the Japan Law test now. It's a very important test that will affect our lives, our future. May God bless him right now and for the next 2 hours! Aja Aja Basha, dear!!! I know you can do it because you have charms and muscles! No. I mean you have brain and knowledge.
For me, today is such an important day too! Because my COE (dependent pass) will be issued today. I really hope that it will really be issued today. I just checked my mail and there was no email from the immigration just now :( Once it's out, they will send the COE to Jakarta. I've booked an air ticket to Jakarta too on 23 Aug (because I'm not sure when it's going to be issued).
Last nite I had a dream about my hubby. In my dream, we stay on the 11th floor of our apartment. Actually we stay on 12th floor. When we stayed in Yotsuya hotel, we stayed on 13th floor. Now, why is it 11th? 13-1=12, 12-1=11?? Forget it, it's not important. Anyway, continue the story, it was a heavy raining day and we did not bring umbrellas. I went home from somewhere *must be from windows shopping, just windows shopping* and he went home from work. We were all wet! Don't think that we were going to *ai..yoooo* and DaNcE like in Indian movies!! We met at the lobby and went up together. On the 5th floor, the lift was stopped and we had to transit on that floor till further notice. Then, we were brought to a transit lounge, had some coffees and biscuits, for 2 hours. Once the lift had been repaired, we continued our journey to 11th floor but the lift was stopped again on 10th floor. We found out that the lift only could bring us to the 10th floor. There was no choice, we had to get out on the 10th floor. Apparently 10th floor was a big food mall! I was sooo happy. I took an empty basket in front of the shop and rushed in. Then, I woke up. What was that dream meant? Why couldn't we reach our apartment floor? Does it mean that we have so many barriers before we can be at the top? Why must I wake up on a crucial moment?? *It's because cip woke me up!! She also woke me up the day before when I was about to buy LV-Hermes-Gucci bag! One bag with 3 sides, each side with each brand. Yeah, it's kind of kepiting berkepala udang berkaki ayam.*
I hope that my dream has nothing to do with what will happen today. Please God, today is such an important day for us! The message I received from that dream is: He looked handsome and I miss him now! *think positive....think positive....think positive....*
Last Day in Yotsuya
Tuesday, 14 Aug 07, 10.52pm, last day in Yotsuya room
Hidup Pramuka, diary!!
Tepuk pramuka!.................................Ayo tepuk! Gak mau atau gak bisa? Kita generasi muda sebagai tunas2 bangsa... menjunjung tinggi nama bangsa, bekerja giat demi masa depan, menggunakan simbol bersusah-susah dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian dst dst.... Anyway, hari ini beneran hari pramuka kan? Pokoknya tgl 14, gak inget bulannya apa (yang jelas bukan bulan Feb karna bulan Feb kan bulan........ulang taonku).
Diary, hari ini malam terakhirku di Yotsuya. Sedih juga mau meninggalkan hotel yang aku udah tempatin selama 1 bulan. Hotel penuh kenangan... sejak pertama sampai di Jepang waktu kita belum bisa bahasa Jepang sampai sekarang kita masih tidak bisa berbahasa Jepang... sejak pertama kita masih hepi2nya sampai Jepang sampai sekarang kita masih tetep berhepi-hepi... *ahh, ngomong panjang2 tapi gak penting banget sih, intinya dong, intinya!!* Ah diary, sekarang udah makin cerewet aja kasi komen mulu. *Lama2 jadi tambah gila ngomong sendiri, dijawab sendiri ya* Ahh gimana seh, kan saya baru ngomongan sama situu.. Ok ok, intinya, aku udah lama tinggal di Yotsuya udah mapan hidupku di sini.. udah tau dimana beli sayur, beli sabun yang murah, dimana kalo mau naik kereta dll. Kemarin aku udah mulai menata barang2ku di rumah baru. Setelah ditata, jadi lumayan kerasan juga... moga2 deh.. kan memang rumah kalo masih kosong masih belum ngerasa nyamannya dimana, kalo udah dipake dan udah mulai bau2, nahh.. ituu.. artinya... seprei perlu dicuci!
Udah ah, daripada ngomong gak penting mendingan ditutup aja! Ngantuk banget sekarang..
Bye diary.. I won't have Internet access from tomorrow so my little diary is in holiday for few days or maybe few weeks *leganyaa...* but I'll try to access Internet whenever I can *ahh, gak usah dipaksain gpp kok, srius..*
Nite2 diary, and have a nice holiday... *Yes, I will*
p.s eh, di sini aku udah nemu Twist & Shape!! :D Nemunya di Akihabara.. Ohh, I love Pak Dengkek soooo muchh!!
Hidup Pramuka, diary!!
Tepuk pramuka!.................................Ayo tepuk! Gak mau atau gak bisa? Kita generasi muda sebagai tunas2 bangsa... menjunjung tinggi nama bangsa, bekerja giat demi masa depan, menggunakan simbol bersusah-susah dahulu bersenang-senang kemudian dst dst.... Anyway, hari ini beneran hari pramuka kan? Pokoknya tgl 14, gak inget bulannya apa (yang jelas bukan bulan Feb karna bulan Feb kan bulan........ulang taonku).
Diary, hari ini malam terakhirku di Yotsuya. Sedih juga mau meninggalkan hotel yang aku udah tempatin selama 1 bulan. Hotel penuh kenangan... sejak pertama sampai di Jepang waktu kita belum bisa bahasa Jepang sampai sekarang kita masih tidak bisa berbahasa Jepang... sejak pertama kita masih hepi2nya sampai Jepang sampai sekarang kita masih tetep berhepi-hepi... *ahh, ngomong panjang2 tapi gak penting banget sih, intinya dong, intinya!!* Ah diary, sekarang udah makin cerewet aja kasi komen mulu. *Lama2 jadi tambah gila ngomong sendiri, dijawab sendiri ya* Ahh gimana seh, kan saya baru ngomongan sama situu.. Ok ok, intinya, aku udah lama tinggal di Yotsuya udah mapan hidupku di sini.. udah tau dimana beli sayur, beli sabun yang murah, dimana kalo mau naik kereta dll. Kemarin aku udah mulai menata barang2ku di rumah baru. Setelah ditata, jadi lumayan kerasan juga... moga2 deh.. kan memang rumah kalo masih kosong masih belum ngerasa nyamannya dimana, kalo udah dipake dan udah mulai bau2, nahh.. ituu.. artinya... seprei perlu dicuci!
Udah ah, daripada ngomong gak penting mendingan ditutup aja! Ngantuk banget sekarang..
Bye diary.. I won't have Internet access from tomorrow so my little diary is in holiday for few days or maybe few weeks *leganyaa...* but I'll try to access Internet whenever I can *ahh, gak usah dipaksain gpp kok, srius..*
Nite2 diary, and have a nice holiday... *Yes, I will*
p.s eh, di sini aku udah nemu Twist & Shape!! :D Nemunya di Akihabara.. Ohh, I love Pak Dengkek soooo muchh!!
Things to Do
Tuesday, 14 Aug 07, 10.15am in Yotsuya room
Morning diary,
Today will be another busy day for me. Well, I don't act busy.. just pretend to be busier than usually. I'm sure you know the difference, rite? *This a normal syndrome that happens to a housewife who has nothing to do at home and feels like a useless person*. I'm a not useless!! I'll take a Jap course soon, master my Jap language, learn CFA (Certified Financial Analyst), find a decent job, start earning decent money, quit the job, and make baby! *and be a housewife and feel stressed again and want to find job again??* Sshh! You see, I still have loongg way to go and many things to do in my life. *You want to be an analyst now?? How about your novel?* Well, I'm now just stuck with my novel because I still have not made up my mind on the names of the role players whether they will be Westerners or Chinese or Indonesian?? I can't just put 'Person A', 'Person B' etc and go on with the story, rite?
[Abbie's still grumbling.... @#%^&*()(*&^%$@@# Let her be.. Let us just continue our main topic]
Today's activities:
1. Collect my plane ticket at Shinjuku, again!
2. Buy iron, light bulbs, rice cooker, etc at Akihabara, again! (I have 12,000Yen to spend today as bonus points of buying bulk things yesterday. Thanks to Pointo Kado = Point Card!)
3. Book an express train ticket to go to airport on Thursday
4. Apply my Japanese course and make payment
5. Go to my new house to drop the things
It's good that diary can help me remember what I should do today. Ok, better I write down the things I should buy in Indo here as well, just in case my paper is lost or my brain can't recall anything.
Things to bring from Indo:
1. Curtains for bedroom (3 pieces) and living room (3 pieces), please see the note in my wallet for the sizes (if I don't lose it)
2. 3G handphone - to do e-banking from my S'pore bank account
3. Korean movies
4. Novels
5. Leather cleaner from Kate Spade - note: minta cip!
6. Indonesian spices - e.g kecap manis, saus tomat pedas, bumbu nasgor, bumbu2 lain
7. Nutrisari dan sebangsa teh2an yg manis (di sini semua minuman tanpa gula)
8. Bantal sofa kecil warna-warni?**
9. Sabun, sampo, odol**
10. Contact lens (di sini mahal bangett!)
11. My wedding photo*
12. Winter coats*
13. OH! My Japan visa! - It's the most crucial thing.
14. Some clothes and shoes of mine***
* if there's enough space
**after * included and there's enough space
***to be ignored....if I can
What else? Ermm.. So far, that's all.
Anyway, tomorrow is the busiest day. All the furnitures will be coming tomorrow including the electronics things I bought in Akihabara yesterday. You know.. need to install here install there, shift here shift there, test here test there, walk here walk there, sit here sit there, cry here cry there... everything here and there.. After everything finished, I'll take pictures of my house and put on this blog, okay? It will be my first home in my marriage life..... :)
Aja Aja Fighting, Abbie!
Ok, see you again diary... *When??* Don't tell you.. cilubb..baaaa!! Nyehnyehnyeh..
p.s I won't bring my suitcase home, I will just bring boxes to put my things from Indo. So, what's the limit of 'enough space'?
Morning diary,
Today will be another busy day for me. Well, I don't act busy.. just pretend to be busier than usually. I'm sure you know the difference, rite? *This a normal syndrome that happens to a housewife who has nothing to do at home and feels like a useless person*. I'm a not useless!! I'll take a Jap course soon, master my Jap language, learn CFA (Certified Financial Analyst), find a decent job, start earning decent money, quit the job, and make baby! *and be a housewife and feel stressed again and want to find job again??* Sshh! You see, I still have loongg way to go and many things to do in my life. *You want to be an analyst now?? How about your novel?* Well, I'm now just stuck with my novel because I still have not made up my mind on the names of the role players whether they will be Westerners or Chinese or Indonesian?? I can't just put 'Person A', 'Person B' etc and go on with the story, rite?
[Abbie's still grumbling.... @#%^&*()(*&^%$@@# Let her be.. Let us just continue our main topic]
Today's activities:
1. Collect my plane ticket at Shinjuku, again!
2. Buy iron, light bulbs, rice cooker, etc at Akihabara, again! (I have 12,000Yen to spend today as bonus points of buying bulk things yesterday. Thanks to Pointo Kado = Point Card!)
3. Book an express train ticket to go to airport on Thursday
4. Apply my Japanese course and make payment
5. Go to my new house to drop the things
It's good that diary can help me remember what I should do today. Ok, better I write down the things I should buy in Indo here as well, just in case my paper is lost or my brain can't recall anything.
Things to bring from Indo:
1. Curtains for bedroom (3 pieces) and living room (3 pieces), please see the note in my wallet for the sizes (if I don't lose it)
2. 3G handphone - to do e-banking from my S'pore bank account
3. Korean movies
4. Novels
5. Leather cleaner from Kate Spade - note: minta cip!
6. Indonesian spices - e.g kecap manis, saus tomat pedas, bumbu nasgor, bumbu2 lain
7. Nutrisari dan sebangsa teh2an yg manis (di sini semua minuman tanpa gula)
8. Bantal sofa kecil warna-warni?**
9. Sabun, sampo, odol**
10. Contact lens (di sini mahal bangett!)
11. My wedding photo*
12. Winter coats*
13. OH! My Japan visa! - It's the most crucial thing.
14. Some clothes and shoes of mine***
* if there's enough space
**after * included and there's enough space
***to be ignored....if I can
What else? Ermm.. So far, that's all.
Anyway, tomorrow is the busiest day. All the furnitures will be coming tomorrow including the electronics things I bought in Akihabara yesterday. You know.. need to install here install there, shift here shift there, test here test there, walk here walk there, sit here sit there, cry here cry there... everything here and there.. After everything finished, I'll take pictures of my house and put on this blog, okay? It will be my first home in my marriage life..... :)
Aja Aja Fighting, Abbie!
Ok, see you again diary... *When??* Don't tell you.. cilubb..baaaa!! Nyehnyehnyeh..
p.s I won't bring my suitcase home, I will just bring boxes to put my things from Indo. So, what's the limit of 'enough space'?
House Moving
Monday, 13 Aug 07, 10.02pm in Yotsuya room
Hello my lil diary,
Recently I've been busy with the house moving so I got no time to write diary. I'm not sure if today would be my last day writing diary in this Yotsuya room because I'll be staying in my new house at Shinkawa (meaning: new river) starting this Wednesday. There's still no Internet connection there. I'll be flying back to Indo too this Thursday, with one night transit at Taipeh. I will be landed on Taipeh at nite and my connecting flight will be in the morning. There's one thing missing here, please read carefully this conversation:
Travel Agent: "You can't go out from Taiwan's airport because you don't have visa"
Me: "Yes, I understand"
Travel Agent: "But.. you can't sleep in the airport!"
Me: "Ok, I won't sleep. I Promise!".
Travel Agent: "I mean, you can't stay the whole night in the airport"
Me: "Then, where should I go?"
Travel Agent: "You must book a transit hotel in the airport"
Me: "Oh, ok then. Can you book for me?"
Travel Agent: "Yes, I can book for you. But can you pay the hotel at Taipeh?"
Me: "Sure, no problem"
Travel Agent: But, the counter is outside the immigration"
Me: "So, can I pass thru the immigration just to pay the hotel?"
Travel Agent: "No, you can't. Remember, you have no visa"
Me: "So?? Can I just pay the hotel here and pass me the voucher?"
Travel Agent: "Yes, you can. But the payment process takes 10 working days"
Me: "What?? I'm flying this Thursday!"
Travel Agent: "I'm sorry, that's the procedure, Miss. So, can you pay the hotel at Taipeh?"
Me: "????" [Should I answer "Yes" or "No"?]
Diary, what should I do? Can I just.... stand in the corner at the airport there? I won't make noise, I won't sleep, I will be in diet this few days so I won't take up lots of space. I can't go invisible, If I can't be here and I can't be there, it's not my problem, rite? It's their problem where they're going to put me. So, just relax.. and think about my new house..
I went to Ikea to buy furnitures on Saturday. That was my first time shopping furnitures at Ikea. You know what's their motto? "We cut the price down, you cut your fat down!" No la. *kidding* I mean, they offer lower price but we have to do self-service. We take our own stuff at the warehouse. They don't care how you're gonna carry 25kg-stuff down and put onto your trolley. They think we're shopping vegetables in supermarket? Just take take take... and put put put on the trolley... and go to cashier to pay. It was another good exercise session for me. Cut the story short, I managed to buy everything I need, arranged for delivery, and went back to hotel.. it took not so long, only 7 hours.
Sunday was the house moving day. We took 2 cabs to bring our 5 giant luggages. Today I unpacked the things and did some cleaning. I also went to Yodobashi-Akiba in Akihabara to buy electronic stuff like TV, refrigerator, washing machine, dryer, microwave etc. It's a big 8-storey building which I believe a heaven of electronics in Tokyo. You can find any type of electronics there, from the cheapest to the most expensive one, from the smallest to the biggest one. One thing is interesting about this shop. I bet you can't guess what song they play everyday, every minutes, in the shop (it's their own arrangement song). When I first entered the shop, I tried to remember what song it was. It's very familiar on my ears. After 10 minutes, finally I managed to recall. Here is the song in Javanese version (perhaps some of you from Jawa know this song).
Pak Dengkek nduwe andeng-andeng gede.. [high tone]
(Mr Dengkek has a big mole..)
Pak Dengkek nduwe andeng-andeng gede.. [low tone]
(Mr Dengkek has a big mole..)
Pak Dengkek nduwe andeng-andeng gede.. [high tone]
(Mr. Dengkek has a big mole..)
Nyang dhuwur irungeeee! [very high and long tone]
(On his nose!)
Of course this shop does not play this "Mr Dengkek" version of song. I believe the song in Japanese version is something to do about the shop because I heard "Akihabara" word on that song. It's interesting that Mr Dengkek is popular here, I mean his song, not him. Is it originally in Japanese? Or in Javanese? Well, these two languages have many similarities.
- Only 1 character "p" and "v" that makes the difference in Japanese/Javanese (walaupun kadang orang yang giginya maju mengeja "p" dan "v" gak beda)
- This Mr Dengkek's song!
- Japanese like to use words "eto" and "ano" in the middle of sentence when they are thinking of something. It's like Javanese saying "itu" and "anu", rite??
Ok, have to sleep now. My hubby has already called me 7 times. Well, our favorite number is 7. That's why we got married on 07/07/2007. *Maksa banget ah nyambunginnya* Bialinnn!!
See you diary.. *when?*
Hello my lil diary,
Recently I've been busy with the house moving so I got no time to write diary. I'm not sure if today would be my last day writing diary in this Yotsuya room because I'll be staying in my new house at Shinkawa (meaning: new river) starting this Wednesday. There's still no Internet connection there. I'll be flying back to Indo too this Thursday, with one night transit at Taipeh. I will be landed on Taipeh at nite and my connecting flight will be in the morning. There's one thing missing here, please read carefully this conversation:
Travel Agent: "You can't go out from Taiwan's airport because you don't have visa"
Me: "Yes, I understand"
Travel Agent: "But.. you can't sleep in the airport!"
Me: "Ok, I won't sleep. I Promise!".
Travel Agent: "I mean, you can't stay the whole night in the airport"
Me: "Then, where should I go?"
Travel Agent: "You must book a transit hotel in the airport"
Me: "Oh, ok then. Can you book for me?"
Travel Agent: "Yes, I can book for you. But can you pay the hotel at Taipeh?"
Me: "Sure, no problem"
Travel Agent: But, the counter is outside the immigration"
Me: "So, can I pass thru the immigration just to pay the hotel?"
Travel Agent: "No, you can't. Remember, you have no visa"
Me: "So?? Can I just pay the hotel here and pass me the voucher?"
Travel Agent: "Yes, you can. But the payment process takes 10 working days"
Me: "What?? I'm flying this Thursday!"
Travel Agent: "I'm sorry, that's the procedure, Miss. So, can you pay the hotel at Taipeh?"
Me: "????" [Should I answer "Yes" or "No"?]
Diary, what should I do? Can I just.... stand in the corner at the airport there? I won't make noise, I won't sleep, I will be in diet this few days so I won't take up lots of space. I can't go invisible, If I can't be here and I can't be there, it's not my problem, rite? It's their problem where they're going to put me. So, just relax.. and think about my new house..
I went to Ikea to buy furnitures on Saturday. That was my first time shopping furnitures at Ikea. You know what's their motto? "We cut the price down, you cut your fat down!" No la. *kidding* I mean, they offer lower price but we have to do self-service. We take our own stuff at the warehouse. They don't care how you're gonna carry 25kg-stuff down and put onto your trolley. They think we're shopping vegetables in supermarket? Just take take take... and put put put on the trolley... and go to cashier to pay. It was another good exercise session for me. Cut the story short, I managed to buy everything I need, arranged for delivery, and went back to hotel.. it took not so long, only 7 hours.
Sunday was the house moving day. We took 2 cabs to bring our 5 giant luggages. Today I unpacked the things and did some cleaning. I also went to Yodobashi-Akiba in Akihabara to buy electronic stuff like TV, refrigerator, washing machine, dryer, microwave etc. It's a big 8-storey building which I believe a heaven of electronics in Tokyo. You can find any type of electronics there, from the cheapest to the most expensive one, from the smallest to the biggest one. One thing is interesting about this shop. I bet you can't guess what song they play everyday, every minutes, in the shop (it's their own arrangement song). When I first entered the shop, I tried to remember what song it was. It's very familiar on my ears. After 10 minutes, finally I managed to recall. Here is the song in Javanese version (perhaps some of you from Jawa know this song).
Pak Dengkek nduwe andeng-andeng gede.. [high tone]
(Mr Dengkek has a big mole..)
Pak Dengkek nduwe andeng-andeng gede.. [low tone]
(Mr Dengkek has a big mole..)
Pak Dengkek nduwe andeng-andeng gede.. [high tone]
(Mr. Dengkek has a big mole..)
Nyang dhuwur irungeeee! [very high and long tone]
(On his nose!)
Of course this shop does not play this "Mr Dengkek" version of song. I believe the song in Japanese version is something to do about the shop because I heard "Akihabara" word on that song. It's interesting that Mr Dengkek is popular here, I mean his song, not him. Is it originally in Japanese? Or in Javanese? Well, these two languages have many similarities.
- Only 1 character "p" and "v" that makes the difference in Japanese/Javanese (walaupun kadang orang yang giginya maju mengeja "p" dan "v" gak beda)
- This Mr Dengkek's song!
- Japanese like to use words "eto" and "ano" in the middle of sentence when they are thinking of something. It's like Javanese saying "itu" and "anu", rite??
Ok, have to sleep now. My hubby has already called me 7 times. Well, our favorite number is 7. That's why we got married on 07/07/2007. *Maksa banget ah nyambunginnya* Bialinnn!!
See you diary.. *when?*
'Booking an Air Ticket' Story
Friday, 10 Aug 07, 10.19pm in Yotsuya room
My diary,
Finally I managed to book my air ticket to Jakarta today. It sounds like a simple task but not for me. It's a long story.. I left hotel at 11.00am and reached hotel again at 6pm. What a long day just to book a plane ticket! Just remembering what happened today makes me tired and sleepy already.. *Yawn* Should I continue the story tomorrow? -_- zZzzZzz... It's.... ZzzZ.. really... Zzz.. long... ZzzZ... story.... Zzz... you.. ZzzZ.. know.. ZzzZz.. like.. ZzzZ.. in.. Korean.. movies.. ZzzZ..
Huahh! Hi Diary, just had few minutes break.. now I feel fresher :D
Ok, continue the story.. I had a hard time finding the travel agent's office. In the morning before I left, I was very dissappointed with my internet connection. In a time when I needed it so much to get a map, the internet was down! But, at times when I just use internet to do unnecessary things (e.g chatting and browsing... writing diary? No No! It's as important as getting a map, don't worry my diary), there is no problem on the connection at all! Well, today is just another unlucky day for me...
Because I couldn't get a detailed map, I just brought my blue Tokyo map and my strong courage and went to Shinjuku station. Honestly, I really don't like going to Shinjuku station because it has so many exits and it really confuses me.. I think it has around 60 exits. Once you get out from the wrong exit, then you just stand there and cry... that means you're lost! Then somebody will ask you "Are you okay? Are you lost?" then you'll say "Yes, please help me" and that somebody will give you the wrong direction and you'll just follow the wrong direction stupidly.. and after 30mins walk and still can't find the place, you'll start crying again and #$%^$ that person for bluffing you.. and you'll ask another person but when the person gives you the correct direction, you won't believe that person again and still walk to the direction that you feel right (people say "Don't fall to the same trap for twice"). You've walked under a hot sun to all directions, from north to south, from east to west, for 4 hours, but still can't find the place. What are you gonna do? Keep looking? Go home? Eat at the restaurant around there? Pretend to black out on the street and hope somebody will bring you home (free transportation)? Shopping? Take pictures and put on the blog??
Yeah.. that's exactly what happened to me today.. I felt so hopeless, I blamed everyone (including the travel agent) who gave me wrong direction, blamed the internet connection, blamed the taxi driver why he charges so high (otherwise I can take taxi), blamed the sun that shines so HOT and sexy today, and blamed my body why it's so heavy now after staying at home for few days..
When I'm stressed usually I just find nearest restaurant and eat. That's what I was about to do when the travel agent called me. This is the conversation:
Me: "I can't find your office. I'm now standing in front of Odakyu. Which way I should go now?"
Him: "Ok, just walk to the north"
Me: "Where is the north? Can you tell me I should go to the left or right from here?
Him: "No, you must go to the north"
Me: "I don't know where is the north! Left or right?"
Him: "North"
Me: "Where is north???"
Finally I saw something on my blue map *Tuingg!*, suddenly I could see where the block was located. Well, when I realised it, the distance was about 1km from where I stood. Damn! I thought that was North! It's ok, I turned my heavy and burnt-skin body to the opposite direction and started to walk again.. and finally I found the place at around 3pm.. well, 4 hours body exercise is too healthy.
I'm too tired and sleepy to write more, diary..
See you diary..
My diary,
Finally I managed to book my air ticket to Jakarta today. It sounds like a simple task but not for me. It's a long story.. I left hotel at 11.00am and reached hotel again at 6pm. What a long day just to book a plane ticket! Just remembering what happened today makes me tired and sleepy already.. *Yawn* Should I continue the story tomorrow? -_- zZzzZzz... It's.... ZzzZ.. really... Zzz.. long... ZzzZ... story.... Zzz... you.. ZzzZ.. know.. ZzzZz.. like.. ZzzZ.. in.. Korean.. movies.. ZzzZ..
Huahh! Hi Diary, just had few minutes break.. now I feel fresher :D
Ok, continue the story.. I had a hard time finding the travel agent's office. In the morning before I left, I was very dissappointed with my internet connection. In a time when I needed it so much to get a map, the internet was down! But, at times when I just use internet to do unnecessary things (e.g chatting and browsing... writing diary? No No! It's as important as getting a map, don't worry my diary), there is no problem on the connection at all! Well, today is just another unlucky day for me...
Because I couldn't get a detailed map, I just brought my blue Tokyo map and my strong courage and went to Shinjuku station. Honestly, I really don't like going to Shinjuku station because it has so many exits and it really confuses me.. I think it has around 60 exits. Once you get out from the wrong exit, then you just stand there and cry... that means you're lost! Then somebody will ask you "Are you okay? Are you lost?" then you'll say "Yes, please help me" and that somebody will give you the wrong direction and you'll just follow the wrong direction stupidly.. and after 30mins walk and still can't find the place, you'll start crying again and #$%^$ that person for bluffing you.. and you'll ask another person but when the person gives you the correct direction, you won't believe that person again and still walk to the direction that you feel right (people say "Don't fall to the same trap for twice"). You've walked under a hot sun to all directions, from north to south, from east to west, for 4 hours, but still can't find the place. What are you gonna do? Keep looking? Go home? Eat at the restaurant around there? Pretend to black out on the street and hope somebody will bring you home (free transportation)? Shopping? Take pictures and put on the blog??
Yeah.. that's exactly what happened to me today.. I felt so hopeless, I blamed everyone (including the travel agent) who gave me wrong direction, blamed the internet connection, blamed the taxi driver why he charges so high (otherwise I can take taxi), blamed the sun that shines so HOT and sexy today, and blamed my body why it's so heavy now after staying at home for few days..
When I'm stressed usually I just find nearest restaurant and eat. That's what I was about to do when the travel agent called me. This is the conversation:
Me: "I can't find your office. I'm now standing in front of Odakyu. Which way I should go now?"
Him: "Ok, just walk to the north"
Me: "Where is the north? Can you tell me I should go to the left or right from here?
Him: "No, you must go to the north"
Me: "I don't know where is the north! Left or right?"
Him: "North"
Me: "Where is north???"
Finally I saw something on my blue map *Tuingg!*, suddenly I could see where the block was located. Well, when I realised it, the distance was about 1km from where I stood. Damn! I thought that was North! It's ok, I turned my heavy and burnt-skin body to the opposite direction and started to walk again.. and finally I found the place at around 3pm.. well, 4 hours body exercise is too healthy.
I'm too tired and sleepy to write more, diary..
See you diary..
I'm so sad..
Thursday, 9 Aug 07, 5.35pm in Yotsuya room
Hi Diary,
Actually today I have no mood writing a diary because I'm so sad today. *Ihikss.. ihikss.. prottt* But I'm still writing diary now because I want to remember this day, 09/08/07! It's a nice combination, isnt't it? This morning I thought today will be a good day when I saw calendar.. But today is actually my sad day... Do you remember that today is the day I'm applying for my visa extension? Yesh, I went to the imigration this morning and they rejected my application!! I told them that I'm now waiting for my spouse visa to be issued on 20 Aug while my tourist visa will be expired on 16 Aug. It's only 4 days different. The reason they did not want to extend was because it's their policy that I have to go out from Japan and go to other country to convert my status from visitor to a dependent. Any country is fine as long as it has Japan Embassy in there. I was busy finding an air ticket today. I still need to discuss with Ron tonite about where I should go.. LA, London, or Jakarta? *I write the last option in small capital with a hope that he'll miss the last one*
Arghhhh.. I really don't wanna go now because of 10 reasons:
1. I need to spend money
2. I need to pack my luggage
3. It will be a long and tiring trip Tokyo-Singapore-Jakarta-Solo, I think 1 day isn't enough.
4. Next week is my moving house week, I need to buy and settle lots of things
5. I'm not ready for another farewell with my family at the airport now. Last month's farewell with tears and "lips shaking" (akibat nahan nangis) is enough for me.
6. I'll miss my hubby
7. He'll miss me
8. I'll miss him again
9. He'll miss me again
10. We'll miss each other!!
Ok, cool down Abbie... think about 10 good things going back to Indo? Ok, I got it!
1. I'll see my mum
2. I'll see my dad
3. I'll see my sis
4. I'll see my bros
5. I'll see my prettiest niece, Celine!
6. I can bring my stuff from my home
7. I can go shopping again!
8. I can bring my 60x90cm wedding picture this time. Yesh!
9. I can eat Indonesian food, yummyyy..
10. I can bring Korean VCD and some novels :D
Well, 10-10! I feel better now. Good! Think positive.. Anyway, I'll be away for around 10-12 days. It's quite long, rite? Ehh.. I found 1 other thing I don't wanna go. Ron will be doing the Japan Law test on 20 Aug and I'll be away on that day. I mean I can't give him morale support and so on so forth, you know.. *Mungkin aja dia malah hepi ga ada yg gangguin belajar di masa2 kritis* Yea, Yea, you're rite.. It's ok... don't think about it and just goooo... :(
-Sad Abbie-
Hi Diary,
Actually today I have no mood writing a diary because I'm so sad today. *Ihikss.. ihikss.. prottt* But I'm still writing diary now because I want to remember this day, 09/08/07! It's a nice combination, isnt't it? This morning I thought today will be a good day when I saw calendar.. But today is actually my sad day... Do you remember that today is the day I'm applying for my visa extension? Yesh, I went to the imigration this morning and they rejected my application!! I told them that I'm now waiting for my spouse visa to be issued on 20 Aug while my tourist visa will be expired on 16 Aug. It's only 4 days different. The reason they did not want to extend was because it's their policy that I have to go out from Japan and go to other country to convert my status from visitor to a dependent. Any country is fine as long as it has Japan Embassy in there. I was busy finding an air ticket today. I still need to discuss with Ron tonite about where I should go.. LA, London, or Jakarta? *I write the last option in small capital with a hope that he'll miss the last one*
Arghhhh.. I really don't wanna go now because of 10 reasons:
1. I need to spend money
2. I need to pack my luggage
3. It will be a long and tiring trip Tokyo-Singapore-Jakarta-Solo, I think 1 day isn't enough.
4. Next week is my moving house week, I need to buy and settle lots of things
5. I'm not ready for another farewell with my family at the airport now. Last month's farewell with tears and "lips shaking" (akibat nahan nangis) is enough for me.
6. I'll miss my hubby
7. He'll miss me
8. I'll miss him again
9. He'll miss me again
10. We'll miss each other!!
Ok, cool down Abbie... think about 10 good things going back to Indo? Ok, I got it!
1. I'll see my mum
2. I'll see my dad
3. I'll see my sis
4. I'll see my bros
5. I'll see my prettiest niece, Celine!
6. I can bring my stuff from my home
7. I can go shopping again!
8. I can bring my 60x90cm wedding picture this time. Yesh!
9. I can eat Indonesian food, yummyyy..
10. I can bring Korean VCD and some novels :D
Well, 10-10! I feel better now. Good! Think positive.. Anyway, I'll be away for around 10-12 days. It's quite long, rite? Ehh.. I found 1 other thing I don't wanna go. Ron will be doing the Japan Law test on 20 Aug and I'll be away on that day. I mean I can't give him morale support and so on so forth, you know.. *Mungkin aja dia malah hepi ga ada yg gangguin belajar di masa2 kritis* Yea, Yea, you're rite.. It's ok... don't think about it and just goooo... :(
-Sad Abbie-
The Storm B4 The Calmness
Wednesday, 8 Aug 07, 8.32am in Yotsuya room
Good morning, diary..
Yes, this is the restaurant's picture. It's on the 42nd floor! So we can see the whole city of Tokyo from there.. ermm.. not the whole thing actually since there are many tall buildings around there.. but the view was quite very nice! *So, it's quite nice or very nice?* Ok la, it's quite very nice.. *Puff*
When you see the picture, it looks like 'lesehan' type of restaurant, rite? But I was wrong, there's a big space under the table so we can put our legs there.. well, I shouldn't worry too much about the dress if I knew this..
Talking about the dress *Shhh, I hope Ron won't read this part because I never told him the "process", what he knows is just "I'm there and ready to eat!"*, I wore my casual dress that gives an impression of 'Sweet-Young-Understanding-NotTooStupid-Housewife'! Tazh, you're rite! This is the image that I wanted to create. I said "wanted", but I'm not sure if I achieved that goal yesterday. I wore a dark orange/black top, mini skirt, black tight pants, high-heel white shoes, and my white Dior bag. How many colours? 1..2..3..just nice! My little sister told me that she read an article about "Max-3-colours-Rule". The colors include your hair color, belt and other accessories.
There was a big problem yesterday. After I finished taking shower, my eyes were so painful (maybe some shampoo got into my eyes).. so when I tried to put on my contact lenses, OHH NO!! I really couldn't put the lenses on. So, "Helloww, this me, an AuntieType-SuperUnderstanding-LoveToCook-Housewife". Ha Ha Ha! Then I continued to put some foundations and powder. When it came to eyebrows reshaping and mascara, I couldn't do it! I couldn't see anything without my glasses, but how could I squeeze my hand in between my eye and my glasses to shave my eyebrows? I just sat down and prayed! Only God can help me in this kind of emergency situation. Well, it was not really an emergency actually.. I could just go to the dinner with my thick-grandma-glasses and without my mascara.. but.. ahhh... only girls understand well this kind of 'emergency situation'. After I finished praying, I felt more confident that everything was gonna be alright! But, suddenly I remember what I posted "A Good Illustration": God handles the big problems and we only handle the small ones because He never gives us problems that we can't handle. So, is this problem considered big or small, God? I tried to put eyesdrop into my eyes and ArGggGhhh... it was still so painful till I couldn't open my eyes! Ok, I knew it, it's just a small problem. Ok then, I continued shaving my eyebrows without my glasses and without mirror, in this kind of situation we must use feeling. It's my own eyebrows, I've been looking at my face for more than 26 years so I know exactly where it is. "KriKk..krikk.." Ok, done! Not well done, but it's done!
I was tempted to try wearing my contacts again. Before I put them one, I 'komat-kamit' in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, AMENN!! And.. yes!!! My eyes were perfectly fine! God knows what's a big problem and what's a small problem.. for each of us. Big problem for me may not be a big problem for you but He knows it well what each of us really needs! I really thanked God for what happened yesterday. It was really really amazing!
When I looked at my shadow thru the mirror, Oh My Goodness! I must re-do my make-up and reached the restaurant slightly late. It's ok.. everything went well after that. The boss was very friendly like what western people usually are.. the food was excellent.. the view was very nice.. it's just perfect! :D

Yes, this is the restaurant's picture. It's on the 42nd floor! So we can see the whole city of Tokyo from there.. ermm.. not the whole thing actually since there are many tall buildings around there.. but the view was quite very nice! *So, it's quite nice or very nice?* Ok la, it's quite very nice.. *Puff*
When you see the picture, it looks like 'lesehan' type of restaurant, rite? But I was wrong, there's a big space under the table so we can put our legs there.. well, I shouldn't worry too much about the dress if I knew this..
Talking about the dress *Shhh, I hope Ron won't read this part because I never told him the "process", what he knows is just "I'm there and ready to eat!"*, I wore my casual dress that gives an impression of 'Sweet-Young-Understanding-NotTooStupid-Housewife'! Tazh, you're rite! This is the image that I wanted to create. I said "wanted", but I'm not sure if I achieved that goal yesterday. I wore a dark orange/black top, mini skirt, black tight pants, high-heel white shoes, and my white Dior bag. How many colours? 1..2..3..just nice! My little sister told me that she read an article about "Max-3-colours-Rule". The colors include your hair color, belt and other accessories.
There was a big problem yesterday. After I finished taking shower, my eyes were so painful (maybe some shampoo got into my eyes).. so when I tried to put on my contact lenses, OHH NO!! I really couldn't put the lenses on. So, "Helloww, this me, an AuntieType-SuperUnderstanding-LoveToCook-Housewife". Ha Ha Ha! Then I continued to put some foundations and powder. When it came to eyebrows reshaping and mascara, I couldn't do it! I couldn't see anything without my glasses, but how could I squeeze my hand in between my eye and my glasses to shave my eyebrows? I just sat down and prayed! Only God can help me in this kind of emergency situation. Well, it was not really an emergency actually.. I could just go to the dinner with my thick-grandma-glasses and without my mascara.. but.. ahhh... only girls understand well this kind of 'emergency situation'. After I finished praying, I felt more confident that everything was gonna be alright! But, suddenly I remember what I posted "A Good Illustration": God handles the big problems and we only handle the small ones because He never gives us problems that we can't handle. So, is this problem considered big or small, God? I tried to put eyesdrop into my eyes and ArGggGhhh... it was still so painful till I couldn't open my eyes! Ok, I knew it, it's just a small problem. Ok then, I continued shaving my eyebrows without my glasses and without mirror, in this kind of situation we must use feeling. It's my own eyebrows, I've been looking at my face for more than 26 years so I know exactly where it is. "KriKk..krikk.." Ok, done! Not well done, but it's done!
I was tempted to try wearing my contacts again. Before I put them one, I 'komat-kamit' in the name of Jesus, in the name of Jesus, AMENN!! And.. yes!!! My eyes were perfectly fine! God knows what's a big problem and what's a small problem.. for each of us. Big problem for me may not be a big problem for you but He knows it well what each of us really needs! I really thanked God for what happened yesterday. It was really really amazing!
When I looked at my shadow thru the mirror, Oh My Goodness! I must re-do my make-up and reached the restaurant slightly late. It's ok.. everything went well after that. The boss was very friendly like what western people usually are.. the food was excellent.. the view was very nice.. it's just perfect! :D
What should I wear tonite?
Tuesday, 7 Aug 07, 4.36pm in Yotsuya room
Hello again my diary,
I'll have dinner with Ron's boss tonite! My ulcers have recovered around 87% so I can give my sweet smile later :D What should I wear?
1. Black Pants and White Shirt
Advantages: look smart, professional and there's chance that he would hire me in the company as......whatever posititon is ok for me :)
Disadvantages: not fun at all!
2. Evening Dress
Advantages: look feminine, elegant, and sexy!
Disadvantages: how to sit?? (the restaurant's concept is the Japanese sitting-on-the-floor style)
3. Funky Dress
Advantages: look fun, young, energetic
Disadvantages: won't be employed by him, will I look like a supportive -understanding-responsible wife standing beside my husband?
4. Blue Jeans and Tight Shirt
Advantages: easy to sit
Disadvantages: Kuno ahh..
5. Japanese Yukata
Advantages: Matching with the restaurant's concept, unique
Disadvantages: too unique, I don't have Yukata
Now, what image should I create? A smart young lady? A supportive housewife? A wanna-fun-girl? A newlywed wife? *how to create this image?* Ahhh.. he also won't care how I look like. I'll just take shower, pick anything I like, and put some make-up. What type of make-up? Soft? Glamour? Smart? Judes? Sexy? I'm just mentioning the available options, I don't know how to do make-up anyway Hahaha! Usually I just put foundations, powder, lipstick, mascara, some eye shadows, eyeliners, and blush.. that's all. What are the components of make-up, by the way?
Hello again my diary,
I'll have dinner with Ron's boss tonite! My ulcers have recovered around 87% so I can give my sweet smile later :D What should I wear?
1. Black Pants and White Shirt
Advantages: look smart, professional and there's chance that he would hire me in the company as......whatever posititon is ok for me :)
Disadvantages: not fun at all!
2. Evening Dress
Advantages: look feminine, elegant, and sexy!
Disadvantages: how to sit?? (the restaurant's concept is the Japanese sitting-on-the-floor style)
3. Funky Dress
Advantages: look fun, young, energetic
Disadvantages: won't be employed by him, will I look like a supportive -understanding-responsible wife standing beside my husband?
4. Blue Jeans and Tight Shirt
Advantages: easy to sit
Disadvantages: Kuno ahh..
5. Japanese Yukata
Advantages: Matching with the restaurant's concept, unique
Disadvantages: too unique, I don't have Yukata
Now, what image should I create? A smart young lady? A supportive housewife? A wanna-fun-girl? A newlywed wife? *how to create this image?* Ahhh.. he also won't care how I look like. I'll just take shower, pick anything I like, and put some make-up. What type of make-up? Soft? Glamour? Smart? Judes? Sexy? I'm just mentioning the available options, I don't know how to do make-up anyway Hahaha! Usually I just put foundations, powder, lipstick, mascara, some eye shadows, eyeliners, and blush.. that's all. What are the components of make-up, by the way?
Elica & AbigaiL

Tuesday, 7 Aug 07, 12.05pm in Yotsuya room
Hi my sweet diary,
Can you see the pic on the left? The girl on the right is me and the other girl is my best friend in Perth! That pic is a design made by her, it's nice, isnt it? You know what? That pic was actually taken from our wedding photos when we're holding hands with our own grooms but she made it as such that we're holding hand. Since this morning she's been doing this design and finally it's ready now!! Thanks to Elica Irene! I like this photo so much (it's normal for girls to hold hands, rite??), it's like a novel's cover page. Should I ask her to design my first novel's cover page? Hmm, let me see her portfolio first....
She's been such a good friend and sistah to me. Although we only lived in Perth for FEW years and never see each other for MANY years, we're still in contacts and still miss each other every day! Usually I can't really maintain my friendship if we're separated for too many years because our lives, habits, interests, topics, etc are all different already! Especially if they have been married, they would be busy taking care of family matters. But this girl is different, we're now even closer after we're married because we're in the same boat and same status now.
She was writing something crazy yesterday nite on her blog about me! Exposing my stupidity and 'ndoloness' is a crime! Here is the link When I read her post, I felt that I miss the moment that we call friendship! Missing you, girl... from me in this Honshuu Island..
When I was kid, I always dream of having a best friend who is very similar to me. I mean, she should have similar age, height, weight, face, hair style, skin color, personality, interests, stay at the same city, and most importantly she should be going thru same phase of life with what I'm going through (get married at the same time, have baby at the same time, etc). I was imagining how wonderful it must be if I have a 'twin'??
I have this kind of 'twin' now except for the location (and the age and the weight and the hair and the occupation *Loh, kok banyak? Are you sure she's your twin?* Hush!) She's now at the Southern part of the world while I'm at the Northern part. When will Ms. North meet Ms. South?
The theme of the above pic: 2 innocent (single and FREE) girls with BIG flowers on their heads, walking along a passage way in a small town called KAMPOENG KITE! *Aduh eneng-eneng, abis mencuci di kali ya?*
Just Talk "Gak-Penting"
Monday, 6 Aug 07, 6.44pm in Yotsuya room
Huellow diary,
Today I managed to ask ticket's price to Sapporo in a travel agent! Can you imagine? I must use all my body languages and gestures to describe what I wanted to know. You don't need to know the process, the result is more important. This is what my hubby always tells me when I give excuses why I still can't slim down; "I've skipped my dinner, eat half porsion, avoid drink milk, anti-pork, but still my body is as 'sexy' as usual" then he says "I'm more interested on the result, not the process". Ehemm.. in this case, my most powerful weapon must be used "My maag pains if I don't eat enough" Nyehnyehnyehnyeh...
I collected Ron's Alien Registration Card today, bought some materials to make sushi! I mean, the imitation of sushi, and bought some groceries in the supermarket near my place. Today is very hot! Luckily I brought umbrella today (I bought the black one since the transparant one is only for use in raining day or snowing). I feel ok when I open up umbrella in a sunny day in Japan because everyone does that too! Especially the women, they really concern about their look and their skin. It's very uncommon to walk under an umbrella when the sun shines in S'pore and Australia. They like to have light brown skin. Me? I don't really care if my skin color slightly changes, what I care most is my freckles on my face! Uh Uh Uh. Shiseido, please show me your power to remove the dots on my face.. I know they are cute but I don't like dots.
On this Thursday, I'll go to Japan immigration to get my tourist visa extended. Please help me praying that they'll approve my application, kay? Otherwise, I'll need to go out from Japan and go to Paris. No la, kidding.. hehe.. I mean I'll need to go back Indo and wait for my spouse visa to be issued on 20 Aug..
Today nothing much happening.. so, bye diary, now is 7.07pm already.. need to wash up now.
Huellow diary,
Today I managed to ask ticket's price to Sapporo in a travel agent! Can you imagine? I must use all my body languages and gestures to describe what I wanted to know. You don't need to know the process, the result is more important. This is what my hubby always tells me when I give excuses why I still can't slim down; "I've skipped my dinner, eat half porsion, avoid drink milk, anti-pork, but still my body is as 'sexy' as usual" then he says "I'm more interested on the result, not the process". Ehemm.. in this case, my most powerful weapon must be used "My maag pains if I don't eat enough" Nyehnyehnyehnyeh...
I collected Ron's Alien Registration Card today, bought some materials to make sushi! I mean, the imitation of sushi, and bought some groceries in the supermarket near my place. Today is very hot! Luckily I brought umbrella today (I bought the black one since the transparant one is only for use in raining day or snowing). I feel ok when I open up umbrella in a sunny day in Japan because everyone does that too! Especially the women, they really concern about their look and their skin. It's very uncommon to walk under an umbrella when the sun shines in S'pore and Australia. They like to have light brown skin. Me? I don't really care if my skin color slightly changes, what I care most is my freckles on my face! Uh Uh Uh. Shiseido, please show me your power to remove the dots on my face.. I know they are cute but I don't like dots.
On this Thursday, I'll go to Japan immigration to get my tourist visa extended. Please help me praying that they'll approve my application, kay? Otherwise, I'll need to go out from Japan and go to Paris. No la, kidding.. hehe.. I mean I'll need to go back Indo and wait for my spouse visa to be issued on 20 Aug..
Today nothing much happening.. so, bye diary, now is 7.07pm already.. need to wash up now.
Thanks to My Readers
Sunday, 5 Aug 07, 10.02pm in Yotsuya room
Good evening my little diary,
I'm so happy lately because...hihihi...*malu ah*....because...some friends of mine (and of course my sis, my bro, and my cousins) keep reading my diary and comment on it quite frequently. When I first started this diary, I never thought that I would make it available for public viewing. I wanted to write my diary and kept it forever under my pillow like.. u know.. in the Korean movies, after many years, somebody (I hope it would be my prince) would discover about my diary (discover by himself, gak perlu dikasi hint2), read everything, laugh and cry at the same time, know all my secrets and my deepest feelings including whom I fall in love with, and he would run to me saying that he loves me too since he first saw me, etc etc.......... Now I got married already, so there's no point of keeping this diary forever...he found out already (aku yg maksa2 dia baca setelah 3 bulan dia masih gak ngeh aku punya diary). Anyway, thanks to my readers.. :D
p.s Do you think the words "Started on Oct 2006" at the bottom of diary book's picture on the header sounds like Jamu Nyonya Meneer's motto "berdiri sejak..."?? Hmm..
Good evening my little diary,
I'm so happy lately because...hihihi...*malu ah*....because...some friends of mine (and of course my sis, my bro, and my cousins) keep reading my diary and comment on it quite frequently. When I first started this diary, I never thought that I would make it available for public viewing. I wanted to write my diary and kept it forever under my pillow like.. u know.. in the Korean movies, after many years, somebody (I hope it would be my prince) would discover about my diary (discover by himself, gak perlu dikasi hint2), read everything, laugh and cry at the same time, know all my secrets and my deepest feelings including whom I fall in love with, and he would run to me saying that he loves me too since he first saw me, etc etc.......... Now I got married already, so there's no point of keeping this diary forever...he found out already (aku yg maksa2 dia baca setelah 3 bulan dia masih gak ngeh aku punya diary). Anyway, thanks to my readers.. :D
p.s Do you think the words "Started on Oct 2006" at the bottom of diary book's picture on the header sounds like Jamu Nyonya Meneer's motto "berdiri sejak..."?? Hmm..
My Master Piece of Cake!
Saturday, 4 Aug 07, 10.21pm in Yotsuya room..
Hello my diary,
Today I was busy making the miniature hihihihi.. Finally, I managed to make one piece of cake! It's not as easy as I thought so few times I just put a super strong glue to stick them (not sewing). I know it's cheating coz "this is ketrampilan about menjahit, bukan mengelem.." this is what my hubby told me.. but who cares? It's not a competition anyway..
Since this is my first master piece so I show you the pictures. Yeah yeah I know what you're thinking.. Don't worry, I won't put the pics every time I finish making one. I'll just finish making some collections and photo sessionssss!
Is it like a real one? I really hate the pink flower! Norak banget di situ kayak minyak wangi mobil.. :(
Hello my diary,
Today I was busy making the miniature hihihihi.. Finally, I managed to make one piece of cake! It's not as easy as I thought so few times I just put a super strong glue to stick them (not sewing). I know it's cheating coz "this is ketrampilan about menjahit, bukan mengelem.." this is what my hubby told me.. but who cares? It's not a competition anyway..
Since this is my first master piece so I show you the pictures. Yeah yeah I know what you're thinking.. Don't worry, I won't put the pics every time I finish making one. I'll just finish making some collections and photo sessionssss!
Is it like a real one? I really hate the pink flower! Norak banget di situ kayak minyak wangi mobil.. :(
Yes, that is my hand :P Just wanna show you that "cilubb..baaa"!! I can open the cake! And I can put another small cake or candies or tissues inside that cake! Actually the real design can't be opened but I designed it that way so that I can convince my hubby that it's not just for decoration, but a mini storage too! It's so powerful.. so little but duo-functions, isn't it? By this way, he'll allow me to put my master piece on my living room's table. If I'm lucky maybe I can put this on my bedroom, to put alarm clock.. maybe? Let's see..
A Good Illustration

Hi Diary, I just received an email from my best friend in Indo. It's a very good message for all of us. Especially for someones out there, the ones I care most..
Picture 1:
This guy (in green shirt and with 4-strings of hair) is an illustration of us who prays a lot every day "Lord, please protect me.."
Picture 2:
When one day, we have problem, we feel frustrated and start questioning "Why God isn't helping me?"
Picture 3:
Problems come again.. we'll be amazed if we know what God is doing for us when we think He is ignoring us!
Picture 4:
He takes care the big ones for you. And the small ones? Remember what He says? He never gives problems that you can't handle! So, don't worry.. take your 'small' problems easy, keep praying, and be happy :)
p.s why sometimes he has 4-strings hair, sometimes only 3 strings, sometimes 5 strings?? Question: How many hairs does he actually have?
My Ulcers
Friday, 3 Aug 07, 3.56pm in Yotsuya room
Today is Friday! Yoohoo!!
I just came home from Ward Office to collect Alien Registration Card for Ron. I brought the authorisation letter and collection notice, confidently walked to the office, and... deng dong.. -_-# I couldn't collect it because they need a proof that I stay under the same roof with my husband. Ohh, where should I get the proof? By inviting them to a summer tea sessionk at my home? Luckily they agreed if I can show them my marriage certificate. Great, I have to go back there again on Monday.
Then, I went to Daiso, a 100 Yen shop! Well, actually living in Tokyo isn't that expensive if we know where to get same product with cheaper price. The problem is, Daiso onlyo sells kitchen ware, plastic flowers, socks, etc; where to get cheap meat and vegetables?
My lower lip has an ulcer now, which consists of 5 baby-ulcers. These 5 babies are very close to each other, hug each other in the ups and downs. Why there are 5 appearing at the same time? The moment you accidentally bite your lips for the first time, you tend to sink your teeth again and again on that ulcer (karna bentuk bibirnya udah tambah 'mbedodong' jadi buat sasaran empuk kegigit trus). It's not easy to talk with sores on my lip especially talking in Jap or English. To speak in English, we need to curl the tongue, touch lips here and there, use our teeth to push lips in and out (no wonder western people have thin lips!), and auwwww.. it hurts when something (entah itu lidah atau gigi) touches the ulcer. My current status: I can't close my lips perfectly. This has many bad effects, such as:
1. My speaking becomes 'pelo' like 'simbah2 omponk'
2. My smile becomes a bit 'sengek' because I can't open the part in which the ulcer is there (kesangkut gigi - kalo mo ketawa mesti digeser bibirnya slowly dari gigi)
3. No mood to eat (I guess this is a good part)
4. Lips become dry because tounge seldom touches this part. Kalo mo mbasahin bibir, lidah mesti njulur2 lurusss baru belok ke kanan/kiri. Jelek banget deh dilihatnya kayak kadal mo nangkep nyamuk :(
5. Tidur jadi ngorok as an affect that I can't close my lips. This has stressed my hubby too coz he can't sleep soundly at nite. I'm so sorry......
6. Boros lipstik - karna bibir jadi lebih mekar daripada ukuran biasa
My mum recently asked me to find out about the price of plane/train ticket going to Sapporo in Hokaido island. My family is coming to visit me in Tokyo in Dec and we'll go to Sapporo together! I've been trying to check the price in the Internet but the info is limited. Then I asked one of the travel agent near train station. They said that I need to check with the train ticketing office to find out the price by train. With my giant lips, I had to ask around and repeated my questions every time coz they couldn't catch my words (or they couldn't understand my Jap/Eng). Finally, after I asked around, I found one man who can speak little English.
Me: Sumimasen, if I want to go to Sapporo, how should I buy the ticket?
Staff: Sapporo??
Me: Hai!
Staff: Hokaido??????
Me: Hai!
Staff: It's very looooong (I guess he meant 'long' = far)
Me: Yes, I know
Staff: You cannot..err... go now
Me: Why?
Staff: Because you need...sleeping and your bag.... (I guess he meant "you need to stay overnite there coz it's far")
Me: Ohhh yesss, sleeping... thank you.
Staff: [Smile]
Then I just took some brochures which are all in Kanji/hiragana/katakana. Better to take rather than...........not to take.
Next Tuesday, I'll be invited by Ron's boss to a fine dinner. Wow! he's such a nice and attentive boss. Hopefully my lips will be back to normal again by that time. I don't want him to think I'm like an idiot?? (ndomble2, pelo2, miring2 ketawanya, arghhh..)
Today is Friday! Yoohoo!!
I just came home from Ward Office to collect Alien Registration Card for Ron. I brought the authorisation letter and collection notice, confidently walked to the office, and... deng dong.. -_-# I couldn't collect it because they need a proof that I stay under the same roof with my husband. Ohh, where should I get the proof? By inviting them to a summer tea sessionk at my home? Luckily they agreed if I can show them my marriage certificate. Great, I have to go back there again on Monday.
Then, I went to Daiso, a 100 Yen shop! Well, actually living in Tokyo isn't that expensive if we know where to get same product with cheaper price. The problem is, Daiso onlyo sells kitchen ware, plastic flowers, socks, etc; where to get cheap meat and vegetables?
My lower lip has an ulcer now, which consists of 5 baby-ulcers. These 5 babies are very close to each other, hug each other in the ups and downs. Why there are 5 appearing at the same time? The moment you accidentally bite your lips for the first time, you tend to sink your teeth again and again on that ulcer (karna bentuk bibirnya udah tambah 'mbedodong' jadi buat sasaran empuk kegigit trus). It's not easy to talk with sores on my lip especially talking in Jap or English. To speak in English, we need to curl the tongue, touch lips here and there, use our teeth to push lips in and out (no wonder western people have thin lips!), and auwwww.. it hurts when something (entah itu lidah atau gigi) touches the ulcer. My current status: I can't close my lips perfectly. This has many bad effects, such as:
1. My speaking becomes 'pelo' like 'simbah2 omponk'
2. My smile becomes a bit 'sengek' because I can't open the part in which the ulcer is there (kesangkut gigi - kalo mo ketawa mesti digeser bibirnya slowly dari gigi)
3. No mood to eat (I guess this is a good part)
4. Lips become dry because tounge seldom touches this part. Kalo mo mbasahin bibir, lidah mesti njulur2 lurusss baru belok ke kanan/kiri. Jelek banget deh dilihatnya kayak kadal mo nangkep nyamuk :(
5. Tidur jadi ngorok as an affect that I can't close my lips. This has stressed my hubby too coz he can't sleep soundly at nite. I'm so sorry......
6. Boros lipstik - karna bibir jadi lebih mekar daripada ukuran biasa
My mum recently asked me to find out about the price of plane/train ticket going to Sapporo in Hokaido island. My family is coming to visit me in Tokyo in Dec and we'll go to Sapporo together! I've been trying to check the price in the Internet but the info is limited. Then I asked one of the travel agent near train station. They said that I need to check with the train ticketing office to find out the price by train. With my giant lips, I had to ask around and repeated my questions every time coz they couldn't catch my words (or they couldn't understand my Jap/Eng). Finally, after I asked around, I found one man who can speak little English.
Me: Sumimasen, if I want to go to Sapporo, how should I buy the ticket?
Staff: Sapporo??
Me: Hai!
Staff: Hokaido??????
Me: Hai!
Staff: It's very looooong (I guess he meant 'long' = far)
Me: Yes, I know
Staff: You cannot..err... go now
Me: Why?
Staff: Because you need...sleeping and your bag.... (I guess he meant "you need to stay overnite there coz it's far")
Me: Ohhh yesss, sleeping... thank you.
Staff: [Smile]
Then I just took some brochures which are all in Kanji/hiragana/katakana. Better to take rather than...........not to take.
Next Tuesday, I'll be invited by Ron's boss to a fine dinner. Wow! he's such a nice and attentive boss. Hopefully my lips will be back to normal again by that time. I don't want him to think I'm like an idiot?? (ndomble2, pelo2, miring2 ketawanya, arghhh..)
My New Hobby
Thursday, 2 Aug 07, 11.58am in Yotsuya room
Hello diary,
I went out yesterday to Shinjuku. Initially I wanted to buy shoes and cooking recipe book in Kinokuniya. One big thing happened yesterday. The shoes trend in Japan now is high heel shoes with semi-open-toes (atau tertutup) and 'bergesper'! Look like dolls' shoes or shoes which I wore in my sweet 17th birthday party almost 10 years ago (sepatu kuno yang tertutup semua and tungkaknya segede-gede bangkot). Amazingly, I fall in love with that kind of shoes now! OMG! I can't believe I'm now crazy of those shoes.. Somebody please stop me.. Should I buy? Should I just wear my normal high heel sandals that I bought in S'pore? or should I ask my mum to deliver my sweet 17th bday shoes to Tokyo?
I also went to Kinokuniya book shop to buy cooking recipe book (initially). After flipping thru the books there (I mean seeing the pictures because I can't read Kanji), I felt that cooking is simple, it's just about mixing all the ingredients that you like, making sure that it's all well cooked, and serving it on a nice plate. Only women can do this because we have feeling towards what we touch and what we see.. so, I decided not to buy that book!
And I saw something else, which I believed would be my new hobby! I bought the instruction book (ketrampilan) from Kinokuniya and asked the cashier lady on where to buy the materials "Material o kaitai dochira desuka?" (Meaning: Material I wanna buy where?). Luckily she understood my broken Japanese hahaha.. Then I went to the place that she showed me (by drawing a map) and I managed to buy! I uploaded the picture about all the things I bought yesterday below:

p.s I'll go to buy benang warna-warni now and start doing it. See.... going out for 1/2 day, I found new thing already! I'll upload the pictures when I've finished making one :)
Hello diary,
I went out yesterday to Shinjuku. Initially I wanted to buy shoes and cooking recipe book in Kinokuniya. One big thing happened yesterday. The shoes trend in Japan now is high heel shoes with semi-open-toes (atau tertutup) and 'bergesper'! Look like dolls' shoes or shoes which I wore in my sweet 17th birthday party almost 10 years ago (sepatu kuno yang tertutup semua and tungkaknya segede-gede bangkot). Amazingly, I fall in love with that kind of shoes now! OMG! I can't believe I'm now crazy of those shoes.. Somebody please stop me.. Should I buy? Should I just wear my normal high heel sandals that I bought in S'pore? or should I ask my mum to deliver my sweet 17th bday shoes to Tokyo?
I also went to Kinokuniya book shop to buy cooking recipe book (initially). After flipping thru the books there (I mean seeing the pictures because I can't read Kanji), I felt that cooking is simple, it's just about mixing all the ingredients that you like, making sure that it's all well cooked, and serving it on a nice plate. Only women can do this because we have feeling towards what we touch and what we see.. so, I decided not to buy that book!
And I saw something else, which I believed would be my new hobby! I bought the instruction book (ketrampilan) from Kinokuniya and asked the cashier lady on where to buy the materials "Material o kaitai dochira desuka?" (Meaning: Material I wanna buy where?). Luckily she understood my broken Japanese hahaha.. Then I went to the place that she showed me (by drawing a map) and I managed to buy! I uploaded the picture about all the things I bought yesterday below:

Kertas warna warni, 1 set jarum+gunting+benang, dakron, instruction book
You're now curious about what this is about? Let's see some pictures in this book. I can make sushii, donut, croissant, cookies, chocolates, and even a tart! At least the topic of the book that I bought isn't too far from my initial plan of buying cooking recipe, isnt it? I can make these cute little things using certain materials, colorful clothes and needle of course! I'll put these on my dinner table, kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, living room and wherever relevant (read: wherever my hubby will allow me to put).

p.s I'll go to buy benang warna-warni now and start doing it. See.... going out for 1/2 day, I found new thing already! I'll upload the pictures when I've finished making one :)
Stay at Home Vs Go Out
Wednesday, 1 Aug 07, 8.15am in Yotsuya Room
Yes, it's me again diary..
Recently I wake up early every morning when Ron wakes up, and I can't sleep again after he's left. So, here I am.. writing blog. Today I'm planning to go out for a while. I heard people say that we should go out to see how things are out there although we have no purpose of going. This is to make sure that we won't look 'kampungan' while the fashion trends have changed. Some researchers also discover that the shape of the eye balls and face expressions for those who stay at home and those who like to go out are different! Don't believe me? I experienced it! (Because usually if I stay at home, I don't wear my contact lenses. Eyes with high-degree are not free to lirik2 ke kanan, kiri, atas, bawah when wearing glasses karna blur.. clear.. blur.. clear.. pusink banget!). Here are the findings:
People who Stay at Home:
1. The eye balls are a bit centred alias 'Juling' because the views are limited up to the walls in the living room/bedroom.
2. The skin color is too fair - does not look too healthy!
3. The face expression tends to 'ndlongop2' when they go out, can't hide the expression (kaget aja ngliat dunia luar yg banyak barang2 terkini)
4. The fashion is out dated (or trend-setter?? 1960s style?)
5. The way they speak and behave are not too professional (udah biasa makan sambil duduk jegang and mulut penuh makanan trus ketawa gede2 mulut mangap gak ada yg liat di rumah)
6. Kayak tokek ga tau berita apa2
People who Go out:
1. The eye balls are moving actively (lincah) so they look more energetic, lively, and usually like shopping.
2. The skin color is shinny healthy yellowish-brown
3. The face expression is normal although actually they're amazed when they see something new but they're good in pretending.
4. The fashion is trend-follower
5. The way they speak and behave are more well-trained
6. Hear actual news from newspapers, ads on the street, festivals, campaign, parade, etc
From the above findings, we need to go out frequently especially in Japan when earthquakes are happening anytime. For me? Even they shout out loud exactly on my ears that there's earthquake now, the first thing I'm gonna do is open my bag, then take out my electronic dictionary, try to remember what words they just said, type the word, press 'enter' button, the dictionary can't find the word, close my dictionary, and go home.
On Sunday, there was a political campaign on the street that I thought a strike was happening when the political head was giving speech using microphone, standing on a van vehicle, followed by some supporters and reporters! Be careful when you live in a country that you don't understand the language!
Yes, it's me again diary..
Recently I wake up early every morning when Ron wakes up, and I can't sleep again after he's left. So, here I am.. writing blog. Today I'm planning to go out for a while. I heard people say that we should go out to see how things are out there although we have no purpose of going. This is to make sure that we won't look 'kampungan' while the fashion trends have changed. Some researchers also discover that the shape of the eye balls and face expressions for those who stay at home and those who like to go out are different! Don't believe me? I experienced it! (Because usually if I stay at home, I don't wear my contact lenses. Eyes with high-degree are not free to lirik2 ke kanan, kiri, atas, bawah when wearing glasses karna blur.. clear.. blur.. clear.. pusink banget!). Here are the findings:
People who Stay at Home:
1. The eye balls are a bit centred alias 'Juling' because the views are limited up to the walls in the living room/bedroom.
2. The skin color is too fair - does not look too healthy!
3. The face expression tends to 'ndlongop2' when they go out, can't hide the expression (kaget aja ngliat dunia luar yg banyak barang2 terkini)
4. The fashion is out dated (or trend-setter?? 1960s style?)
5. The way they speak and behave are not too professional (udah biasa makan sambil duduk jegang and mulut penuh makanan trus ketawa gede2 mulut mangap gak ada yg liat di rumah)
6. Kayak tokek ga tau berita apa2
People who Go out:
1. The eye balls are moving actively (lincah) so they look more energetic, lively, and usually like shopping.
2. The skin color is shinny healthy yellowish-brown
3. The face expression is normal although actually they're amazed when they see something new but they're good in pretending.
4. The fashion is trend-follower
5. The way they speak and behave are more well-trained
6. Hear actual news from newspapers, ads on the street, festivals, campaign, parade, etc
From the above findings, we need to go out frequently especially in Japan when earthquakes are happening anytime. For me? Even they shout out loud exactly on my ears that there's earthquake now, the first thing I'm gonna do is open my bag, then take out my electronic dictionary, try to remember what words they just said, type the word, press 'enter' button, the dictionary can't find the word, close my dictionary, and go home.
On Sunday, there was a political campaign on the street that I thought a strike was happening when the political head was giving speech using microphone, standing on a van vehicle, followed by some supporters and reporters! Be careful when you live in a country that you don't understand the language!
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