Thursday, 26 Apr 07, 8.35pm at home
Hello my Little Diary,
I was just back from my trip to Jakarta. This trip was so tiring.. but it was quite fun! Got lots of things to share with you about this Jakarta trip hihihi..
I went to Jakarta this time to have my pre-wedding photo taken. Here is my pic after the make-up. We chose the location for our outdoor shots at Bidadari Island, it's a small island near Jakarta. This island is very romantic and unique, different with what I've ever visited. I'll update some of my pictures here soon, kay? ^_^ Because I insisted to get the photos taken on this island, we had to do the indoor shots the next day.. there wasn't enough time to do everything in one day. It's damn tiring.. I spent the whole 2 days with thick make-up and 'sasakan' hair. I really pity my hair, my hair is already so little yet they still need to suffer from hot roll, spray, hair colour, and 'sasakan' is the worst one! Oh dear, I think I lost lots of hairs just because of this 2 days photo shots. :( I can't imagine how many hair strings left after the whole events (I still need to go through at least 2 more events, maybe more!).
Maybe you don't understand why I'm so worried about my hair. I'm almost bold! If you force me to reveal my secret, I used wigs during the photo shots! I know some people using wigs to get longer, thicker, or permed hair after their hair being "konde'd" (dunno what's the english term for 'konde'?), but my case is different, the salon put few stripes of hairs for my front hair (poni), can you imagine how bad I was feeling knowing that even I didn't have enough hairs to cover my 'bathuk'?? They also didn't want the flash to be reflected back through my empty shinny scalp, that's why the photographer always took my picture from my right angle coz my hair path was on the left! I don't bluff you, I'm really sad to say that it's a true story, the photographer told me so. Of course he told me politely that I look better from my right angle coz my right head is black and more hairy.. do you think it's polite enough? Well, he was just stating the fact, I don't blame him. When one of the 'mbak' helped me taking off all the hair accessories including the wigs after everything finished, I told her "Jangan kaget lho mbak, saya tuh sebenernya gak punya rambut, ini semua tuh wig!" She was so shocked "Ahhhh masak seh???" then she pulled all my hair!! Auwww... She really thought I was 'botak'! Damn damn damn!!
The photographer also always took my picture with my back facing camera (my head was turned a bit to the camera of course!). He told me (initially) that it's an art to do it that way. But finally he told me that it's a good way to solve 'dada yg bidang and lengan yg berdaging' issues. Does he expect me to thank him to take my picture from my best angles? Or should I scold him for insulting my deepest feeling? I've decided to thank him hahahahaha... I saw the photos and he's right! If he took picture from my front view, I think I would go inside my blanket and hide forever.. and ever.. until somebody who can do digital imaging comes to cut my meaty arms on my pictures!
Aiyah, why I talked about my bad experiences here? I should tell you happy happy experiences like.. "My wedding dress is just nice on my body now!" Last time it was so tight till it couldn't be zipped up! Now it closes perfectly (still have space somemore for err.. 0.01mm I guess). This means that I have slimmed down. Aha! :D
I have more bad experiences than the good ones? hmmm.... #!^&*!@^&!*(@#!#!!!
Let me think and find more good things...
Hello my Little Diary,
I was just back from my trip to Jakarta. This trip was so tiring.. but it was quite fun! Got lots of things to share with you about this Jakarta trip hihihi..
I went to Jakarta this time to have my pre-wedding photo taken. Here is my pic after the make-up. We chose the location for our outdoor shots at Bidadari Island, it's a small island near Jakarta. This island is very romantic and unique, different with what I've ever visited. I'll update some of my pictures here soon, kay? ^_^ Because I insisted to get the photos taken on this island, we had to do the indoor shots the next day.. there wasn't enough time to do everything in one day. It's damn tiring.. I spent the whole 2 days with thick make-up and 'sasakan' hair. I really pity my hair, my hair is already so little yet they still need to suffer from hot roll, spray, hair colour, and 'sasakan' is the worst one! Oh dear, I think I lost lots of hairs just because of this 2 days photo shots. :( I can't imagine how many hair strings left after the whole events (I still need to go through at least 2 more events, maybe more!).
Maybe you don't understand why I'm so worried about my hair. I'm almost bold! If you force me to reveal my secret, I used wigs during the photo shots! I know some people using wigs to get longer, thicker, or permed hair after their hair being "konde'd" (dunno what's the english term for 'konde'?), but my case is different, the salon put few stripes of hairs for my front hair (poni), can you imagine how bad I was feeling knowing that even I didn't have enough hairs to cover my 'bathuk'?? They also didn't want the flash to be reflected back through my empty shinny scalp, that's why the photographer always took my picture from my right angle coz my hair path was on the left! I don't bluff you, I'm really sad to say that it's a true story, the photographer told me so. Of course he told me politely that I look better from my right angle coz my right head is black and more hairy.. do you think it's polite enough? Well, he was just stating the fact, I don't blame him. When one of the 'mbak' helped me taking off all the hair accessories including the wigs after everything finished, I told her "Jangan kaget lho mbak, saya tuh sebenernya gak punya rambut, ini semua tuh wig!" She was so shocked "Ahhhh masak seh???" then she pulled all my hair!! Auwww... She really thought I was 'botak'! Damn damn damn!!
The photographer also always took my picture with my back facing camera (my head was turned a bit to the camera of course!). He told me (initially) that it's an art to do it that way. But finally he told me that it's a good way to solve 'dada yg bidang and lengan yg berdaging' issues. Does he expect me to thank him to take my picture from my best angles? Or should I scold him for insulting my deepest feeling? I've decided to thank him hahahahaha... I saw the photos and he's right! If he took picture from my front view, I think I would go inside my blanket and hide forever.. and ever.. until somebody who can do digital imaging comes to cut my meaty arms on my pictures!
Aiyah, why I talked about my bad experiences here? I should tell you happy happy experiences like.. "My wedding dress is just nice on my body now!" Last time it was so tight till it couldn't be zipped up! Now it closes perfectly (still have space somemore for err.. 0.01mm I guess). This means that I have slimmed down. Aha! :D
I have more bad experiences than the good ones? hmmm.... #!^&*!@^&!*(@#!#!!!
Let me think and find more good things...
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