
Missing Home

Tuesday, 10 Apr 07, 8.47pm at home @ Northvale

Hi again my diary..
I'm home now! I miss home.. I mean my real home in Solo.. I miss my siblings.. I miss my parents.. initially it's because I heard that one of my colleagues was having meal with his mum and because I smelt home-cooked meal when I passed my neighbour's door..

When I reached my home @ Northvale, as usual, the light was off.. nobody was around! Honestly, my home @ Northvale isn't like home.. it's just like hotel rooms for all the guests to spend the nights and go out on day times. Everyone here is just too busy with her own busy schedules everyday, including me! Luckily, when I reached home there were 2 letters for me.. at least still got someones sent me letters.. still got people who know that I still exist, yoohoo..! One of the letter was actually from OSIM.. well, just a monthly newsletter about their new products. And the other letter was from my bank.. it's a monthly bank statement. Better than nothing la.. at least I got 'little surprises' to open and to read when I came into my room.. Yeah, you are right!! :(

I really miss the moments in Solo when all the family members are sitting in the living room, chit-chatting happily, when there's a sound of someone's cooking from the kitchen, sound of television (walaupun acaranya dunia dalam berita) from the living room, smell of food is every where in the house (walaupun kadang nyebelin juga kalau bau pete masuk ke kamar), when there are messy newspapers on the table (newspapers sometimes tell us that there're people exist in the house. No newspaper means tokek's in the house??), and when the lights are on! My dad always likes to switch all the lights on when he's home, now I know how important the light is. The feeling is different when I see the light is on or not. Home looks very hommy and comfy when there're people and lights (and also food)!

Today my mum just sms me, she told me some news at home about her, about cip2, about Celine.. everything was just perfectly fine and sound! It makes me missing home more now..

-Abbie's Missing Home-

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