Monday, 30 Apr 07, 7.37pm in office
Hi my diary,
Today is the second day without Ron. Dunno why now I get used to be with him everyday eventhough we don't meet up everyday but at least I know he's there in the same city as me, I feel secured; so now he's not around I feel lost! This morning he sms me, he reached New York already. Thanks God he's safe! Nowadays I feel scared about flying with plane.. maybe it's because of too many plane accidents happening recently. Because of the time difference, it's not easy for us to communicate now.. it's exactly 12 hours time difference! Now I feel like getting crazy, sleeping by hugging a picture like in sinetron-sinetron.. *whose picture??*------ *mau tau aje deh loe!!* ^_^ *malu ahh..*
I just ate a slice of Pizza, given by my client, Pizza Hut. I should thank my designer, James, to maintain good relation with this client so that we can enjoy Pizza more hahaha.. oopss.. I should control my weight.. ok ok I still remember that I'm on diet! But.. but.. but.. please give me some time to enjoy first.. having diet everyday, never ending, is very tiring, you know!
I should go home now.. tomorrow is public holiday coz it's labour day! Well, usually I'm happy if I don't need to work but now I don't know what should I do tomorrow.. my mum asked me to go on leave whenever I don't want to go to work but I think this time I better be busy with my work so time will fly faster..
It's now 7.50pm here, it should be 7.50am in New York.. he almost wake up now! hehehe... I don't want to be like cheepie-cheepo couple who always missy lovey dovey all the time, what happen with you, Abbie??!! Wake up!! No, I better sleep more so I won't have chance to do stupid cheepie-cheepo things...
Bye, diary..
Our Wedding Invitation Card
Pictures in Jakarta
Sunday, 29 Apr 07, 11.55am in my room
Hi Little Diary,
Hi Little Diary,
Here I uploaded some photos when I went to Jakarta last week. Because I was the one who took all the pics, I don't have pictures of me when fitting my gown nor doing the make-up huhuhuhuhu..... nobody took pics for me! Never mind.. at least I still got chance to take these photos.. ^_^
Crossing to Bidadari Island (Harbour @ Ancol) + In the ship

Lunch with the crew @ island + Me with Ron ready for the shots!

Lunch with the crew @ island + Me with Ron ready for the shots!
Ron's gone to US.... :(

Morning my little diary,
One good news, Ron and I bought the rings from T&Co last friday!! Finally.. phew! Then, we went to Equinox for drinks to celebrate our last dating (We'll meet up again in July on the wedding day itself). We enjoyed Singapore scenery at night from that 70-storey building. It was a nice experience for me, a 26-yr old girl came to a night bar for the first time (and maybe for the last time)! *uhuk* But, I'm still glad that I did it before I get married.. :P
One bad news, Ron has gone to US last nite at 10.35pm huhuhu.. Eh, I haven't uploaded my bf's pic in this blog ya? Ok, here he is. hehehe..... I took his picture when he was checking-in in the airport last nite. I cried in airport when he said bye-bye..... why did I feel so sad? It's just 2 months, Abbie.. Well, we only can realize how someone means a lot to us when he's about to go.. Maybe it's God's plan to separate us for few months before our wedding so we can appreciate each other more! Yes, it must be.... *menghibur diri*
Just now Ron MSN me that he reached Korea already. Now he's in Seoul with his friends till the next flight to New York at 8pm tonite! I'm alone and lonely here..........*ngeeng.. nguing..* (suara nyamuk beterbangan menyambar-nyambar sampai terdengar jelas).
Jia You, Abbie! 3 more weeks to go and I'll go back home.. I won't feel as lonely as now when I'm surrounded by my family..
My 'T & Co' Wedding Ring

Hi again my diary..
I got good news for you! Ron will buy me wedding bands from Tiffany & Co! :D The ring is damn damn damn damn damn beautiful! People say that beautiful ring should be owned by beautiful woman, or beautiful woman should own a beautiful ring? I guess Both are correct! I'm not sure if I'm beautiful, what I'm sure is that ring is super beautiful!!! (Does it mean that I'm also s*per bea*tiful?). The ring I've been dreaming of in my night dream and day dream (more on day dream)! After hunting rings like mad in Singapore and Indonesia, the ring from T & Co is the prettiest ever ring I've ever seen and of course it's super expensive.. huhuhuhu.. people say "ono rego ono rupo". You know what I mean rite? Sounds like Japanese? hahaha.. sorry it's not Japanese, it's Javanese.. *no wonder it sounds similar*
We're going to take our rings tomorrow evening.. If it's fated to be ours, they will have ready stock in their outlet.. otherwise we need to wait for around 2 months for ordering, I worry if we don't have time for ordering since our wedding is just around 2 months from now! Little Diary, help me praying tonite, okay??
My Pre-Wedding Photo Shots

Thursday, 26 Apr 07, 8.35pm at home
Hello my Little Diary,
I was just back from my trip to Jakarta. This trip was so tiring.. but it was quite fun! Got lots of things to share with you about this Jakarta trip hihihi..
I went to Jakarta this time to have my pre-wedding photo taken. Here is my pic after the make-up. We chose the location for our outdoor shots at Bidadari Island, it's a small island near Jakarta. This island is very romantic and unique, different with what I've ever visited. I'll update some of my pictures here soon, kay? ^_^ Because I insisted to get the photos taken on this island, we had to do the indoor shots the next day.. there wasn't enough time to do everything in one day. It's damn tiring.. I spent the whole 2 days with thick make-up and 'sasakan' hair. I really pity my hair, my hair is already so little yet they still need to suffer from hot roll, spray, hair colour, and 'sasakan' is the worst one! Oh dear, I think I lost lots of hairs just because of this 2 days photo shots. :( I can't imagine how many hair strings left after the whole events (I still need to go through at least 2 more events, maybe more!).
Maybe you don't understand why I'm so worried about my hair. I'm almost bold! If you force me to reveal my secret, I used wigs during the photo shots! I know some people using wigs to get longer, thicker, or permed hair after their hair being "konde'd" (dunno what's the english term for 'konde'?), but my case is different, the salon put few stripes of hairs for my front hair (poni), can you imagine how bad I was feeling knowing that even I didn't have enough hairs to cover my 'bathuk'?? They also didn't want the flash to be reflected back through my empty shinny scalp, that's why the photographer always took my picture from my right angle coz my hair path was on the left! I don't bluff you, I'm really sad to say that it's a true story, the photographer told me so. Of course he told me politely that I look better from my right angle coz my right head is black and more hairy.. do you think it's polite enough? Well, he was just stating the fact, I don't blame him. When one of the 'mbak' helped me taking off all the hair accessories including the wigs after everything finished, I told her "Jangan kaget lho mbak, saya tuh sebenernya gak punya rambut, ini semua tuh wig!" She was so shocked "Ahhhh masak seh???" then she pulled all my hair!! Auwww... She really thought I was 'botak'! Damn damn damn!!
The photographer also always took my picture with my back facing camera (my head was turned a bit to the camera of course!). He told me (initially) that it's an art to do it that way. But finally he told me that it's a good way to solve 'dada yg bidang and lengan yg berdaging' issues. Does he expect me to thank him to take my picture from my best angles? Or should I scold him for insulting my deepest feeling? I've decided to thank him hahahahaha... I saw the photos and he's right! If he took picture from my front view, I think I would go inside my blanket and hide forever.. and ever.. until somebody who can do digital imaging comes to cut my meaty arms on my pictures!
Aiyah, why I talked about my bad experiences here? I should tell you happy happy experiences like.. "My wedding dress is just nice on my body now!" Last time it was so tight till it couldn't be zipped up! Now it closes perfectly (still have space somemore for err.. 0.01mm I guess). This means that I have slimmed down. Aha! :D
I have more bad experiences than the good ones? hmmm.... #!^&*!@^&!*(@#!#!!!
Let me think and find more good things...
Hello my Little Diary,
I was just back from my trip to Jakarta. This trip was so tiring.. but it was quite fun! Got lots of things to share with you about this Jakarta trip hihihi..
I went to Jakarta this time to have my pre-wedding photo taken. Here is my pic after the make-up. We chose the location for our outdoor shots at Bidadari Island, it's a small island near Jakarta. This island is very romantic and unique, different with what I've ever visited. I'll update some of my pictures here soon, kay? ^_^ Because I insisted to get the photos taken on this island, we had to do the indoor shots the next day.. there wasn't enough time to do everything in one day. It's damn tiring.. I spent the whole 2 days with thick make-up and 'sasakan' hair. I really pity my hair, my hair is already so little yet they still need to suffer from hot roll, spray, hair colour, and 'sasakan' is the worst one! Oh dear, I think I lost lots of hairs just because of this 2 days photo shots. :( I can't imagine how many hair strings left after the whole events (I still need to go through at least 2 more events, maybe more!).
Maybe you don't understand why I'm so worried about my hair. I'm almost bold! If you force me to reveal my secret, I used wigs during the photo shots! I know some people using wigs to get longer, thicker, or permed hair after their hair being "konde'd" (dunno what's the english term for 'konde'?), but my case is different, the salon put few stripes of hairs for my front hair (poni), can you imagine how bad I was feeling knowing that even I didn't have enough hairs to cover my 'bathuk'?? They also didn't want the flash to be reflected back through my empty shinny scalp, that's why the photographer always took my picture from my right angle coz my hair path was on the left! I don't bluff you, I'm really sad to say that it's a true story, the photographer told me so. Of course he told me politely that I look better from my right angle coz my right head is black and more hairy.. do you think it's polite enough? Well, he was just stating the fact, I don't blame him. When one of the 'mbak' helped me taking off all the hair accessories including the wigs after everything finished, I told her "Jangan kaget lho mbak, saya tuh sebenernya gak punya rambut, ini semua tuh wig!" She was so shocked "Ahhhh masak seh???" then she pulled all my hair!! Auwww... She really thought I was 'botak'! Damn damn damn!!
The photographer also always took my picture with my back facing camera (my head was turned a bit to the camera of course!). He told me (initially) that it's an art to do it that way. But finally he told me that it's a good way to solve 'dada yg bidang and lengan yg berdaging' issues. Does he expect me to thank him to take my picture from my best angles? Or should I scold him for insulting my deepest feeling? I've decided to thank him hahahahaha... I saw the photos and he's right! If he took picture from my front view, I think I would go inside my blanket and hide forever.. and ever.. until somebody who can do digital imaging comes to cut my meaty arms on my pictures!
Aiyah, why I talked about my bad experiences here? I should tell you happy happy experiences like.. "My wedding dress is just nice on my body now!" Last time it was so tight till it couldn't be zipped up! Now it closes perfectly (still have space somemore for err.. 0.01mm I guess). This means that I have slimmed down. Aha! :D
I have more bad experiences than the good ones? hmmm.... #!^&*!@^&!*(@#!#!!!
Let me think and find more good things...
What a Miracle!
Saturday, 21 Apr 07, 10.06am in my room..
Morning Little Diary,
Last time I really wanted to write something but suddenly the connection had problem and I should shut down my computer. And, this week I've been so busy since I was not in duty for 2.5 days on the previous week because I was sick.
I've so many things to update you
1. Yesterday
Yesterday I just handed in my resignation letter. What a surprise? I resigned because.. because.. later I tell you ^_^
2. Today
Today I'm going to watch movie. Yipee.. I got free pair of movie tickets from our client, Samsung. My bf and I are also planning to continue our wedding ring hunting again today before we go back to Jakarta to compare which one is better.
3. Tomorrow
Tomorrow I'll fly to Jakarta to have my pre-wedding pictures taken and to do some wedding preparations like fitting gown, fitting suits, and check out the wedding rings again there! My future parents in-law will also be there to help us settling those issues. I'll be in Jakarta till Thursday 26 Apr.
4. Next Month
I'll go back to Indonesia next month since I resigned already. Ron will also be in US starting next week so I better go back to Indo to have more quality time with my dear family. There are lots of things to pack up because I'll no longer stay in Singapore. My brother ngoik will come to Singapore to help me packing. What a great brother!! :D
5. 3 Months Later
Little Diary, remember that I'll get married in July? It's less than 3 months from now. There's another big thing that will happen in my life. After marriage, my future hubby and me will move to Japan. Ron got job offer that requires him to be stationed in Japan. It's not from ordinary company, he has been employed as an important person by one of the biggest finance company in the world! Remember the "Extremely Happy Day Ep 1 and 2"?? This is what I meant! I was praying so hard for him to get a nice and decent job. He's a smart person, he's always been the best student since he was kid so people tend to see him as a standard. I pity him that it gives him so much pressure. Really.. it does give him pressure at least for the last 1 year since he finished his PhD thesis!
He's now still a beginner in finance industry (his background is from civil engineering but he decided to change line to finance considering bright prospect in this industry). I know that many people look down on him because of his current achievement. We know that after his training finishes, a bright future is ahead of him! But we must wait.. we must endure what people talk about behind him. Yes, they talk behind him but I regret that I heard it! Oh manz, the world is really not fair. If ordinary people fail, why people don't really bother?? If a person who used to be successful fails, why people make a big fuss of it??
Now the time has come! God is good! He gives the best job for him in terms of the career prospect, company's name, and especially money (well, that's what people always look at and compare and gossip!). The job that nobody in his team gets! But God gives it to him.. Thanks God! It does bring his confidence level back as both a top performer and as a guy who'll marry a girl from a wealthy family! I really pray that he can keep his spirit and performance up although I know it must be tough for him. There's no turning back, once he's up there, he must be up there till the end! I suddenly remember what my brother, Andy, told my mum when she asked him to be no 1 in his class. He said "I don't want, Mum. Because I'll need to be no 1 forever and it's very tiring and stressful". I absolutely agree with Andy!
Anyway, we're planning to shift to Japan mid of July after our wedding and have a 2-week honeymoon there before he starts work on August. See, once again God is amazing! I thought there's no honeymoon for us considering our tight financial situation but He takes care of everything! There's no more extremely happy day, it's a miraculous day!!
Aja Aja Abbie!
p.s now you know why I resigned and go back to Indo next month, rite? ^_^
Morning Little Diary,
Last time I really wanted to write something but suddenly the connection had problem and I should shut down my computer. And, this week I've been so busy since I was not in duty for 2.5 days on the previous week because I was sick.
I've so many things to update you
1. Yesterday
Yesterday I just handed in my resignation letter. What a surprise? I resigned because.. because.. later I tell you ^_^
2. Today
Today I'm going to watch movie. Yipee.. I got free pair of movie tickets from our client, Samsung. My bf and I are also planning to continue our wedding ring hunting again today before we go back to Jakarta to compare which one is better.
3. Tomorrow
Tomorrow I'll fly to Jakarta to have my pre-wedding pictures taken and to do some wedding preparations like fitting gown, fitting suits, and check out the wedding rings again there! My future parents in-law will also be there to help us settling those issues. I'll be in Jakarta till Thursday 26 Apr.
4. Next Month
I'll go back to Indonesia next month since I resigned already. Ron will also be in US starting next week so I better go back to Indo to have more quality time with my dear family. There are lots of things to pack up because I'll no longer stay in Singapore. My brother ngoik will come to Singapore to help me packing. What a great brother!! :D
5. 3 Months Later
Little Diary, remember that I'll get married in July? It's less than 3 months from now. There's another big thing that will happen in my life. After marriage, my future hubby and me will move to Japan. Ron got job offer that requires him to be stationed in Japan. It's not from ordinary company, he has been employed as an important person by one of the biggest finance company in the world! Remember the "Extremely Happy Day Ep 1 and 2"?? This is what I meant! I was praying so hard for him to get a nice and decent job. He's a smart person, he's always been the best student since he was kid so people tend to see him as a standard. I pity him that it gives him so much pressure. Really.. it does give him pressure at least for the last 1 year since he finished his PhD thesis!
He's now still a beginner in finance industry (his background is from civil engineering but he decided to change line to finance considering bright prospect in this industry). I know that many people look down on him because of his current achievement. We know that after his training finishes, a bright future is ahead of him! But we must wait.. we must endure what people talk about behind him. Yes, they talk behind him but I regret that I heard it! Oh manz, the world is really not fair. If ordinary people fail, why people don't really bother?? If a person who used to be successful fails, why people make a big fuss of it??
Now the time has come! God is good! He gives the best job for him in terms of the career prospect, company's name, and especially money (well, that's what people always look at and compare and gossip!). The job that nobody in his team gets! But God gives it to him.. Thanks God! It does bring his confidence level back as both a top performer and as a guy who'll marry a girl from a wealthy family! I really pray that he can keep his spirit and performance up although I know it must be tough for him. There's no turning back, once he's up there, he must be up there till the end! I suddenly remember what my brother, Andy, told my mum when she asked him to be no 1 in his class. He said "I don't want, Mum. Because I'll need to be no 1 forever and it's very tiring and stressful". I absolutely agree with Andy!
Anyway, we're planning to shift to Japan mid of July after our wedding and have a 2-week honeymoon there before he starts work on August. See, once again God is amazing! I thought there's no honeymoon for us considering our tight financial situation but He takes care of everything! There's no more extremely happy day, it's a miraculous day!!
Aja Aja Abbie!
p.s now you know why I resigned and go back to Indo next month, rite? ^_^
Sunday, 15 Apr 07, 11.02am at home
Hello, morning my diary..
This morning I woke up exactly 10.10am again, yoohooo..!! Do you know what time I turned in last nite? I slept at 10.50pm last nite, that means that I was sleeping for almost 11 hours in a night!! Hahahaha.. *babi bener!* But, this morning I woke up a bit dizzy.. maybe it's because I slept too long or because I'm still not fully recovered yet? I just took my anti-biotics just now..
Abis bangun pagi tadi, aku langsung mulai mengerjakan rutinitas2 weekendku:
1. Facial Massage
2. Maskeran
3. Gunting Kuku
4. Pake Cream Kuku
5. Bersihin Kuping
6. Twist & Shape
7. Olesin Spa ke badan trus balut dengan plastic wrap trus diamkan selama 20 menit
8. Scrub badan
9. Mandi Komplit (beol, keramas, mandi, kosok2 bolot, olesin cream anti cellulite, komplit dehh)
10. Ready for a hot date!! :D
Sekarang aku baru tahap ke-2, yaitu maskeran! Biasanya aku mengerjakan rutinitas weekendku ini tiap hari sabtu. Cuman minggu ini aja terpaksa ditunda sampe hari Minggu. Cip2 memberi nama hari sabtuku "Hargenas", artinya Hari Genit Nasional! Hohoho.. nurutku udah seharusnya cewek meluangkan satu hari khusus untuk perawatan tubuh. Setelah aktifitas yg panjang selama seminggu, kita perlu rejuvenation! Setuju, cewek??
Ya dah deh, sebenernya topikku hari ini bukan Hargenas neh, cuman mo kasi intro aja udah sepanjang ini, hahaha.. ya dah, ganti halaman aja deh, ini ditutup dulu ya.. ayo tutup.. tutup..
See you soon!
Hello, morning my diary..
This morning I woke up exactly 10.10am again, yoohooo..!! Do you know what time I turned in last nite? I slept at 10.50pm last nite, that means that I was sleeping for almost 11 hours in a night!! Hahahaha.. *babi bener!* But, this morning I woke up a bit dizzy.. maybe it's because I slept too long or because I'm still not fully recovered yet? I just took my anti-biotics just now..
Abis bangun pagi tadi, aku langsung mulai mengerjakan rutinitas2 weekendku:
1. Facial Massage
2. Maskeran
3. Gunting Kuku
4. Pake Cream Kuku
5. Bersihin Kuping
6. Twist & Shape
7. Olesin Spa ke badan trus balut dengan plastic wrap trus diamkan selama 20 menit
8. Scrub badan
9. Mandi Komplit (beol, keramas, mandi, kosok2 bolot, olesin cream anti cellulite, komplit dehh)
10. Ready for a hot date!! :D
Sekarang aku baru tahap ke-2, yaitu maskeran! Biasanya aku mengerjakan rutinitas weekendku ini tiap hari sabtu. Cuman minggu ini aja terpaksa ditunda sampe hari Minggu. Cip2 memberi nama hari sabtuku "Hargenas", artinya Hari Genit Nasional! Hohoho.. nurutku udah seharusnya cewek meluangkan satu hari khusus untuk perawatan tubuh. Setelah aktifitas yg panjang selama seminggu, kita perlu rejuvenation! Setuju, cewek??
Ya dah deh, sebenernya topikku hari ini bukan Hargenas neh, cuman mo kasi intro aja udah sepanjang ini, hahaha.. ya dah, ganti halaman aja deh, ini ditutup dulu ya.. ayo tutup.. tutup..
See you soon!
The Story on Friday, the 13th of Apr!
Saturday, 14 Apr 07, 11.12am in my room
Hi My Little Diary,
Aku lagi chatting ma cip2 sekarang, tapi karna cip2 on off terus jadi enakan disambi nulis blog aja yah.. Anyway, kemarin pagi aku berangkat kerja neh, dengan penuh semangat sambil mencangklong handbag di pundak kanan dan menjinjing tas plastik penuh barang2 yang mau dititipin ke cnonik pulang indo di tangan sebelah kiri (biar seimbang gitu jalannya karna badan masih agak lemes2 karena sakit kemarinnya lagi) karna rencana setelah pulang kerja mau ketemuan ma mereka. Seperti biasa MRT lewat pas persis aku di posisi yang itu itu lagi.. aku cuman bisa tersenyum pilu hahaha (maksud hati pingin lari mengejarnya tapi takut semapot dengan keadaan badan saat itu). MRT akhirnya lewat dengan muka mengejek di depan hidungku.. biarlah, kurelakan kau pergi.. Pergi satu datang sribu!! Ya khan??
Perjalanan lancar2 saja dari Chua Chu Kang MRT sampai ke Jurong East Interchange MRT. Pas lagi menunggu kereta datang di Jurong East itu, aku berdiri selama kurang lebih 3menit, di bawah panasnya sinar matahari pagi sekitar jam 9.45am. Aku menutupi pipiku sebelah kanan dengan tangan kananku yang sedang menggenggam iPod putihku. Pas itu baru disesalkan kenapa iPod begitu kecil, untuk nutupi pipiku aja ga cukup! Atau disesalkan bahwa pipiku terlalu lebar (read: jembarrr) untuk ditutupi sebuah iPod?? Anyway, saat itu napasku udah mulai kembang kempis, akhirnya MRT datang juga.. Aku langsung menyerbu kerumunan orang yang sudah ngantri di depan pintu MRT sampai ke barisan paling depan. Biasanya aku sopan-sopan saja loh. Cuman hari itu saja terdesak bersikap tidak sopan karena aku udah berkeringat dingin, pandanganku agak2 putih kebiru-biruan, mataku udah kepingin merem aja.
Untung saja di dalam MRT ada beberapa kursi kosong. Aku langsung duduk, kayaknya pas aku duduk itu mengeluarkan suara yang cukup keras (bukan kentut!!) ke bangkunya karna badanku udah terasa berat banget *gedebukk* begitu bunyi pantatku waktu terlempar ke bangku ijo MRT. Pandanganku udah semua putih! Mataku kemudian tidak bisa terbuka lagi, aku bisa merasakan otot2 mata sekitar kening dan pelipis ketarik sekuat2nya, bukan cuma ga bisa terbuka lagi, tapi ketarik sampai aku meringis-ringis. Kutundukkan kepalaku, tanganku menggenggam kursi MRT kuat2 (karna takut jatuh), keringat dingin membasahi wajah dan tanganku, napasku berat dan lemah, dan aku tertidur... sebenarnya bukan tertidur seh, aku JATUH PINGSAN!!
Setelah 1 stop, aku bangun. Aku pingin pulang. Tapi tiba2 terlintas banyaknya kerjaan di kantor, wajah2 bosku and client2ku yang aku yakin pasti akan menjadi merah ungu kayak pohong begitu tau aku on leave lagi. Jadi, setelah 1 stop aku keluar dari MRT dan duduk di stasiun Clementi, mengambil napas pagi yg segar di situ.. Badanku masih gemeteran waktu aku kluar dari MRT, mulutku kering bangett.. Aku jadi kangen teh manis hangat yang Mama selalu sediakan waktu aku sakit atau ampir semapot. Pingsan udah menjadi bagian dari rutinitasku dan menjadi trademarkku karna aku punya tekanan darah rendah dan kadar gula yang sangat rendah juga. Aku duduk di sana sekitar 10 menit sambil memikirkan apa yg mesti kulakukan sekarang. Pulang? atau lanjut perjalanan ke kantor? Kalo mau ke kantor apa aku masih kuat? Kalo mau pulang, aku mesti naek MRT atau naek taxi? Kalo naek MRT apakah aku kuat jalan dari MRT ke rumahku yg berjarak kira2 7menitan kalo jalan? Kalo naek taxi, gimana caranya aku jalan turun tangga dan mencegat taxi?? Aku tau gak gampang cari taxi pada saat jam kerja gitu. Gimana kalo lagi antri taxi atau lagi lari2 ngejar taxi aku pingsan lagi? Apa aku perlu call Ron? Gak enak juga gangguin orang.. Setelah dia jauh2 balik dari kantor untuk menjemputku, dia juga bisa ngapain? Akhir2nya aku sendiri yang tetep harus jalan pake kakiku sendiri kan? Sama aja dong..
Setelah mikir2 lama, aku makan permen yang ada di tasku, Mamaku selalu berpesan kalo lemes itu artinya kurang gula, mesti minum2 manis atau jangan lupa ngantongin permen ke mana2. Setelah makan permen, tenagaku lumayan pulih, aku bisa jalan lanjut perjalanan ke kantor! Hahaha.. nekad juga aku yah? Karna aku dapet tempat duduk di MRT, perjalanan lancar2 aja menuju kantor. Aku telat ampir 30 menit sesampai kantor. Aku tetep menyempatkan beli pancake and soya bean anget untuk breakfast. Pas lagi jalan menuju lift, aku mulai keringetan dingin lagi, pandanganku putih2 lagi.. Terpaksa aku jongkok di depan 7-eleven sambil pura2 utak-utik iPod. Kayaknya unclenya 7-eleven curiga juga jangan2 aku mau nguntit roti atau apaan. Biarlah, kubiarkan dia berpikir begitu karna aku udah ga ada tenaga untuk melakukan apapun..
Saat itu aku berkeputusan untuk pulang! Tidak ada gunanya masuk kerja dengan badan kayak gini. Sekarang gimana caranya pulang? Jalan tiap 5 langkah aja udah ga kuat! Aku kuat2in jalan ke taxi stand, tiap 5 langkah aku jongkok, jalan 5 langkah lagi jongkok.. orang kalo bener2 merhatiin aku kayak maen ber-ber-cok kali (tapi ga ada yg ngejar)! Akhirnya aku sampai ke taxi stand dan cepet2 masuk ke taxi. Setelah aku bilang alamatku, si supir taxi cerewet nanya macem2, gini neh conversationnya:
Supir: "You wanna go by PIE then KJE or bukit timah road?"
Aku: "Up to you"
Supir: "If you go by this way hor, sure got traffic jam at this hour! If you go by that way hor, it's better because no traffic jam but longer way you know, so which one do you want?"
Aku: "Up to you!" (pake tanda seru sekarang)
Supir: "Ok, then we go by this way hor?"
Aku: "Ok"
Supir: "Are you studying?"
Aku: "Working"
Supir: "Why today you're not working?"
Aku: "Day off"
Supir: "Oh today you're not feeling well ah?"
Aku: "Yeah"
Supir: "So you came to office already and went off earlier ah?"
Aku: *Minum soya bean angetku and makan pancake*
Akhirnya aku turun ke clinic deket rumahku dulu untuk ndapetin MC and check up jantungku. Dokter bilang itu cuma karna tekanan darah drop atau kecapekan jadi pingsan gitu. Semuanya baik2 aja.. terus aku beli roti di kios sebelah trus jalan pulang pelan2...pelannn bangett..orang bilang "Pelan-pelan asal selamat", ya kan? Akhirnya aku tau betapa penting arti pepatah itu..
Kemarin malem aku tetep nemuin cnonik, mampapnya, and Yongky (my cousin) di Marina Square. Aku gak bilang ke mereka tentang apa yang terjadi hari itu karna ga pingin mereka worry2 aja.. Buktinya I'm fine2 aja tuh.. kita makan Japanese food buffet Yaki n Yuki (atau Yuki n Yaki??). It was a nice dinner! ^_^ Kita makan BBQ and shabu2 sepuasnyaaa! Sbenernya terlihat dari wajah cnonik and mamanya kalo mereka masih pingin makan ice cream... hihihi.. tapi emang bener ice creamnya Yaki n Yuki unik bener deh.. kita bisa bikin ice cream beneran pake wajannya BBQ itu (tentu saja temperaturenya dingin). Kita cuma perlu masuk2in cairan2 ice creamnya (warna ice creamnya bisa milih pula) trus menggosok sekuat2nya. We should try it next time, cip! Aku gak terlalu kepingin makan ice creamnya seh, aku cuma pingin nggosok2nya aja.. seru gitu kyknya! Kalo ada yg butuh jasa nggosoknya, call me yah! :P Trus, malemnya Ron nyusul ke Marina Square sekitar jam 8-nan. Karna kita udah selesai makan, aku nemenin Ron makan sendiri di Yoshinoya trus kita pulang bareng..
Fiuh.. What a long day! What a long story! Capek bacanya?
Hi My Little Diary,
Aku lagi chatting ma cip2 sekarang, tapi karna cip2 on off terus jadi enakan disambi nulis blog aja yah.. Anyway, kemarin pagi aku berangkat kerja neh, dengan penuh semangat sambil mencangklong handbag di pundak kanan dan menjinjing tas plastik penuh barang2 yang mau dititipin ke cnonik pulang indo di tangan sebelah kiri (biar seimbang gitu jalannya karna badan masih agak lemes2 karena sakit kemarinnya lagi) karna rencana setelah pulang kerja mau ketemuan ma mereka. Seperti biasa MRT lewat pas persis aku di posisi yang itu itu lagi.. aku cuman bisa tersenyum pilu hahaha (maksud hati pingin lari mengejarnya tapi takut semapot dengan keadaan badan saat itu). MRT akhirnya lewat dengan muka mengejek di depan hidungku.. biarlah, kurelakan kau pergi.. Pergi satu datang sribu!! Ya khan??
Perjalanan lancar2 saja dari Chua Chu Kang MRT sampai ke Jurong East Interchange MRT. Pas lagi menunggu kereta datang di Jurong East itu, aku berdiri selama kurang lebih 3menit, di bawah panasnya sinar matahari pagi sekitar jam 9.45am. Aku menutupi pipiku sebelah kanan dengan tangan kananku yang sedang menggenggam iPod putihku. Pas itu baru disesalkan kenapa iPod begitu kecil, untuk nutupi pipiku aja ga cukup! Atau disesalkan bahwa pipiku terlalu lebar (read: jembarrr) untuk ditutupi sebuah iPod?? Anyway, saat itu napasku udah mulai kembang kempis, akhirnya MRT datang juga.. Aku langsung menyerbu kerumunan orang yang sudah ngantri di depan pintu MRT sampai ke barisan paling depan. Biasanya aku sopan-sopan saja loh. Cuman hari itu saja terdesak bersikap tidak sopan karena aku udah berkeringat dingin, pandanganku agak2 putih kebiru-biruan, mataku udah kepingin merem aja.
Untung saja di dalam MRT ada beberapa kursi kosong. Aku langsung duduk, kayaknya pas aku duduk itu mengeluarkan suara yang cukup keras (bukan kentut!!) ke bangkunya karna badanku udah terasa berat banget *gedebukk* begitu bunyi pantatku waktu terlempar ke bangku ijo MRT. Pandanganku udah semua putih! Mataku kemudian tidak bisa terbuka lagi, aku bisa merasakan otot2 mata sekitar kening dan pelipis ketarik sekuat2nya, bukan cuma ga bisa terbuka lagi, tapi ketarik sampai aku meringis-ringis. Kutundukkan kepalaku, tanganku menggenggam kursi MRT kuat2 (karna takut jatuh), keringat dingin membasahi wajah dan tanganku, napasku berat dan lemah, dan aku tertidur... sebenarnya bukan tertidur seh, aku JATUH PINGSAN!!
Setelah 1 stop, aku bangun. Aku pingin pulang. Tapi tiba2 terlintas banyaknya kerjaan di kantor, wajah2 bosku and client2ku yang aku yakin pasti akan menjadi merah ungu kayak pohong begitu tau aku on leave lagi. Jadi, setelah 1 stop aku keluar dari MRT dan duduk di stasiun Clementi, mengambil napas pagi yg segar di situ.. Badanku masih gemeteran waktu aku kluar dari MRT, mulutku kering bangett.. Aku jadi kangen teh manis hangat yang Mama selalu sediakan waktu aku sakit atau ampir semapot. Pingsan udah menjadi bagian dari rutinitasku dan menjadi trademarkku karna aku punya tekanan darah rendah dan kadar gula yang sangat rendah juga. Aku duduk di sana sekitar 10 menit sambil memikirkan apa yg mesti kulakukan sekarang. Pulang? atau lanjut perjalanan ke kantor? Kalo mau ke kantor apa aku masih kuat? Kalo mau pulang, aku mesti naek MRT atau naek taxi? Kalo naek MRT apakah aku kuat jalan dari MRT ke rumahku yg berjarak kira2 7menitan kalo jalan? Kalo naek taxi, gimana caranya aku jalan turun tangga dan mencegat taxi?? Aku tau gak gampang cari taxi pada saat jam kerja gitu. Gimana kalo lagi antri taxi atau lagi lari2 ngejar taxi aku pingsan lagi? Apa aku perlu call Ron? Gak enak juga gangguin orang.. Setelah dia jauh2 balik dari kantor untuk menjemputku, dia juga bisa ngapain? Akhir2nya aku sendiri yang tetep harus jalan pake kakiku sendiri kan? Sama aja dong..
Setelah mikir2 lama, aku makan permen yang ada di tasku, Mamaku selalu berpesan kalo lemes itu artinya kurang gula, mesti minum2 manis atau jangan lupa ngantongin permen ke mana2. Setelah makan permen, tenagaku lumayan pulih, aku bisa jalan lanjut perjalanan ke kantor! Hahaha.. nekad juga aku yah? Karna aku dapet tempat duduk di MRT, perjalanan lancar2 aja menuju kantor. Aku telat ampir 30 menit sesampai kantor. Aku tetep menyempatkan beli pancake and soya bean anget untuk breakfast. Pas lagi jalan menuju lift, aku mulai keringetan dingin lagi, pandanganku putih2 lagi.. Terpaksa aku jongkok di depan 7-eleven sambil pura2 utak-utik iPod. Kayaknya unclenya 7-eleven curiga juga jangan2 aku mau nguntit roti atau apaan. Biarlah, kubiarkan dia berpikir begitu karna aku udah ga ada tenaga untuk melakukan apapun..
Saat itu aku berkeputusan untuk pulang! Tidak ada gunanya masuk kerja dengan badan kayak gini. Sekarang gimana caranya pulang? Jalan tiap 5 langkah aja udah ga kuat! Aku kuat2in jalan ke taxi stand, tiap 5 langkah aku jongkok, jalan 5 langkah lagi jongkok.. orang kalo bener2 merhatiin aku kayak maen ber-ber-cok kali (tapi ga ada yg ngejar)! Akhirnya aku sampai ke taxi stand dan cepet2 masuk ke taxi. Setelah aku bilang alamatku, si supir taxi cerewet nanya macem2, gini neh conversationnya:
Supir: "You wanna go by PIE then KJE or bukit timah road?"
Aku: "Up to you"
Supir: "If you go by this way hor, sure got traffic jam at this hour! If you go by that way hor, it's better because no traffic jam but longer way you know, so which one do you want?"
Aku: "Up to you!" (pake tanda seru sekarang)
Supir: "Ok, then we go by this way hor?"
Aku: "Ok"
Supir: "Are you studying?"
Aku: "Working"
Supir: "Why today you're not working?"
Aku: "Day off"
Supir: "Oh today you're not feeling well ah?"
Aku: "Yeah"
Supir: "So you came to office already and went off earlier ah?"
Aku: *Minum soya bean angetku and makan pancake*
Akhirnya aku turun ke clinic deket rumahku dulu untuk ndapetin MC and check up jantungku. Dokter bilang itu cuma karna tekanan darah drop atau kecapekan jadi pingsan gitu. Semuanya baik2 aja.. terus aku beli roti di kios sebelah trus jalan pulang pelan2...pelannn bangett..orang bilang "Pelan-pelan asal selamat", ya kan? Akhirnya aku tau betapa penting arti pepatah itu..
Kemarin malem aku tetep nemuin cnonik, mampapnya, and Yongky (my cousin) di Marina Square. Aku gak bilang ke mereka tentang apa yang terjadi hari itu karna ga pingin mereka worry2 aja.. Buktinya I'm fine2 aja tuh.. kita makan Japanese food buffet Yaki n Yuki (atau Yuki n Yaki??). It was a nice dinner! ^_^ Kita makan BBQ and shabu2 sepuasnyaaa! Sbenernya terlihat dari wajah cnonik and mamanya kalo mereka masih pingin makan ice cream... hihihi.. tapi emang bener ice creamnya Yaki n Yuki unik bener deh.. kita bisa bikin ice cream beneran pake wajannya BBQ itu (tentu saja temperaturenya dingin). Kita cuma perlu masuk2in cairan2 ice creamnya (warna ice creamnya bisa milih pula) trus menggosok sekuat2nya. We should try it next time, cip! Aku gak terlalu kepingin makan ice creamnya seh, aku cuma pingin nggosok2nya aja.. seru gitu kyknya! Kalo ada yg butuh jasa nggosoknya, call me yah! :P Trus, malemnya Ron nyusul ke Marina Square sekitar jam 8-nan. Karna kita udah selesai makan, aku nemenin Ron makan sendiri di Yoshinoya trus kita pulang bareng..
Fiuh.. What a long day! What a long story! Capek bacanya?
I've Recovered!!
Thursday, 12 Apr 07, 6.07pm in my room
Hello again my Little Diary,
I feel much much much better now! :D The whole day I slept around 5 hours, just woke up few hours to get some drinks and medicines and slept again.. Now I feel like my body & brain have just been reset! No more hangs on my body functions hehehehe.. Woohoo.. ^_^
I took medicines from the doctor that I went to yesterday. After taking some, I was getting better but I can feel my heart's beating so fast.. too fast..! I got shocked easily too! So, now I've stopped taking that medicine. I feel much better now but still have that 'shocking' feeling a bit.. It was the same feeling like last time when I took medicines from my doctor few months ago. I think my heart is a bit weak, I mean weaker than normal people's, weaker than previously.. last time I had no problem taking any medicines. But now, everytime I took medicines from prescriptions, my heart can't take it. This time is my 3rd experience. Worse thing is I still dare to watch 24 series today when I happened to wake up for few hours.. Woohoooo! My heart was really like popping out whenever there're sounds like *jedorr*, *grubiakk*, *pyarr*, * toengg*!!! Perhaps you dunno what I mean. 24 isn't a cartoon movie like doraemon that has *toengg2* sounds.. hahahaha! 24 is an action/thriller/exciting series that has lots of surprises, gun wars, 'hide and seek' between the cops and the terrorists.. ahh, it's so exciting of course for people who don't have heart problem.
Suddenly I remember the moments when I went to Universal Studio and Disney Land in Japan, my heart's beating so fast when I took some thrilling rides like roller coaster etc, not like usually.. When I was younger, I really really really loved that kind of thrilling rides because of that exciting feeling.. But nowadays the exciting feeling is too much for me, it's no more exciting, it's a bit hot and painful inside my heart there.. Now, I'm also scared flying on a plane.. Is it because I'm older now, or is it because my heart's having problem? I think I should go for check-up next time.
Since I feel much better now, I just cleaned up my bed and my bedroom.. my room looks *clink-clink* now hohohohoho... I can sleep better in a cleaner room. Just now cnonik also sms me, she and her parents reached S'pore already! Yipee.. I really want to see them but I guess I should wait for tomorrow.. I should use time to sleep and rest more today.. See you tomorrow cip!
I feel sleepy again now.. it's raining outside, the weather is just nice to sleep.
Hello again my Little Diary,
I feel much much much better now! :D The whole day I slept around 5 hours, just woke up few hours to get some drinks and medicines and slept again.. Now I feel like my body & brain have just been reset! No more hangs on my body functions hehehehe.. Woohoo.. ^_^
I took medicines from the doctor that I went to yesterday. After taking some, I was getting better but I can feel my heart's beating so fast.. too fast..! I got shocked easily too! So, now I've stopped taking that medicine. I feel much better now but still have that 'shocking' feeling a bit.. It was the same feeling like last time when I took medicines from my doctor few months ago. I think my heart is a bit weak, I mean weaker than normal people's, weaker than previously.. last time I had no problem taking any medicines. But now, everytime I took medicines from prescriptions, my heart can't take it. This time is my 3rd experience. Worse thing is I still dare to watch 24 series today when I happened to wake up for few hours.. Woohoooo! My heart was really like popping out whenever there're sounds like *jedorr*, *grubiakk*, *pyarr*, * toengg*!!! Perhaps you dunno what I mean. 24 isn't a cartoon movie like doraemon that has *toengg2* sounds.. hahahaha! 24 is an action/thriller/exciting series that has lots of surprises, gun wars, 'hide and seek' between the cops and the terrorists.. ahh, it's so exciting of course for people who don't have heart problem.
Suddenly I remember the moments when I went to Universal Studio and Disney Land in Japan, my heart's beating so fast when I took some thrilling rides like roller coaster etc, not like usually.. When I was younger, I really really really loved that kind of thrilling rides because of that exciting feeling.. But nowadays the exciting feeling is too much for me, it's no more exciting, it's a bit hot and painful inside my heart there.. Now, I'm also scared flying on a plane.. Is it because I'm older now, or is it because my heart's having problem? I think I should go for check-up next time.
Since I feel much better now, I just cleaned up my bed and my bedroom.. my room looks *clink-clink* now hohohohoho... I can sleep better in a cleaner room. Just now cnonik also sms me, she and her parents reached S'pore already! Yipee.. I really want to see them but I guess I should wait for tomorrow.. I should use time to sleep and rest more today.. See you tomorrow cip!
I feel sleepy again now.. it's raining outside, the weather is just nice to sleep.
Abbie's Sick! Haiyahh..
Thursday, 12 Apr 07, 8.37am in my room..
Morning my diary,
Hari ini aku gak kerja. Padahal aku udah bangun pagi2, trus mandi pula.. tapi tiba2 kepala gliyeng2 lagi! Aku jatuh sakit! Hiks..hiks! Karna aku punya tekanan darah rendah, kalo lagi sakit tekanan darahku malah makin turun lagi.. alhasil badanku lemes banget. Dijamin semapot kalo mau balapan lari ma MRT! Hari biasa gak sakit pun balapan lari ma MRT gak mungkin menang, apalagi pas sakit gini! Ngebayangin MRTnya aja udah kepingin pingsan! Kamu pasti mikir "siapa suruh main kejar2an ma MRT?" ya kan? Maksudku gini lohh, gak tau kenapa MRT itu datengnya tiap pagi selalu passs banget aku juga pas dateng. Masalahnya pas MRT dateng, aku slalu pas masih ada di posisi bawah. Jadi aku mesti lari2 naik tangga buat ngejar MRTnya. "Kenapa gak nunggu yg MRT berikutnya?". Karna tiap pagi aku slalu telat bangun (as usual), jadi kalo udah siang gitu datengnya MRT bisa 7-10menit lagi gituu.. Aku udah telat gitu, mana bisa nunggu selama itu?? Jadinya ya gitu, tiap pagi lari2an! Belum lagi kalo elevatornya mati, wahh bisa manjat tangga tu tinggi banget lohh! Kira2 2 lantai rumah gitu, mana tangganya yg tangga berjalan pula (tapi pas lagi gak berjalan loh), jadi per stepnya jaraknya tinggi2! Sesampai di atas udah nggos2an plus muka putih bersih kayak abis sabunan (maksudnya pucet ampir semapot), passs banget pintu MRT tet tet tet tet nutup! Ahh, bencinyaa!! Aku masih heran aja, kenapa MRT datengnya slalu pas aku berdiri di posisi itu? kenapa gak rada maju dikit? atau mundur dikit? Heran aja! Ajaib ya? Ada pertanyaan lagi?? "Ada!! Kalo udah tau tiap pagi selalu terjadi incident yg sama (serasa dejavu), kenapa gak bangunnya dipagiin aja??". Ahh, you know me! Bangunnya dipagiin pun juga percuma, ntar beolnya yg gantian dilamain.. Ah udahlah, aku lagi pusing neh, banyak nanya mulu ah!
Lanjut cerita.. Kemarin juga aku cuman kerja setengah hari, setelah selesai meeting aku trus pulang. Bener2 gak kuat! Kemarin pas meeting sbenernya jalan udah sempoyongan kayak orang mabuk gitu, pake sepatu jinjit plus rok sepan ketat di pantat panjangnya selutut, kebayang? (yg panjangnya selutut itu rokku, bukan pat2ku!). Tapi mau gimana lagi, I can't miss that important meeting! Seharusnya udah sejak Senin pagi aku sakit banget, tiap kali mau ambil medical leave selalu ada hal penting yang mesti dilakuin di kantor. Well, setelah sampe hari Rabu pun aku nyadar kalo kerjaan di kantor gak ada berenti2nya.. kemarin hari puncaknya aku lemes dan pusing berat, mana client nanya2 ini itu, suruh bikin ini itu, aku dikasi kerjaan supervisorku lebih lagi, arghh rasanya pingin teriak!! Makanya pas lagi puncak2nya, aku pulang aja deh.. daripada my Resignation Letter kelempar ke meja boss, ya gak? ya gak? Nyehnyehnyehnyeh.. Sebelum pulang, aku mampir ke dokter dulu, pas lagi ngantri dokter, tetep aja aku ditlp2 client! Gebleknya, tlpnya tetep aja aku angkat. Sesampai di rumah juga ada tlp lagi gak tau nomer siapa, bodo amat ah, aku gak mau angkat, aku mau tidurrrr!!!
Kemarin sampai di rumah kira2 jam 3 sore sampai bangun pagi jam 8 ini barusan, aku tidurrr teruss... obatnya ada obat tidurnya seh.. bangun pagi sekarang badan udah mendingan seh daripada kemarin tapi masih gak enak banget! Takutnya aja ntar siang aku belum siap menghadapi kerjaan kantor yg menumpuk kemarin, makanya mending hari ini aku tidurrrr lagi aja.. biar besok bener2 fresh and siap bertempur lage! :D
Dah ya, my Little Diary..
Aku mau tidurrrr lagi..
-Sick Abbie #_#-
Morning my diary,
Hari ini aku gak kerja. Padahal aku udah bangun pagi2, trus mandi pula.. tapi tiba2 kepala gliyeng2 lagi! Aku jatuh sakit! Hiks..hiks! Karna aku punya tekanan darah rendah, kalo lagi sakit tekanan darahku malah makin turun lagi.. alhasil badanku lemes banget. Dijamin semapot kalo mau balapan lari ma MRT! Hari biasa gak sakit pun balapan lari ma MRT gak mungkin menang, apalagi pas sakit gini! Ngebayangin MRTnya aja udah kepingin pingsan! Kamu pasti mikir "siapa suruh main kejar2an ma MRT?" ya kan? Maksudku gini lohh, gak tau kenapa MRT itu datengnya tiap pagi selalu passs banget aku juga pas dateng. Masalahnya pas MRT dateng, aku slalu pas masih ada di posisi bawah. Jadi aku mesti lari2 naik tangga buat ngejar MRTnya. "Kenapa gak nunggu yg MRT berikutnya?". Karna tiap pagi aku slalu telat bangun (as usual), jadi kalo udah siang gitu datengnya MRT bisa 7-10menit lagi gituu.. Aku udah telat gitu, mana bisa nunggu selama itu?? Jadinya ya gitu, tiap pagi lari2an! Belum lagi kalo elevatornya mati, wahh bisa manjat tangga tu tinggi banget lohh! Kira2 2 lantai rumah gitu, mana tangganya yg tangga berjalan pula (tapi pas lagi gak berjalan loh), jadi per stepnya jaraknya tinggi2! Sesampai di atas udah nggos2an plus muka putih bersih kayak abis sabunan (maksudnya pucet ampir semapot), passs banget pintu MRT tet tet tet tet nutup! Ahh, bencinyaa!! Aku masih heran aja, kenapa MRT datengnya slalu pas aku berdiri di posisi itu? kenapa gak rada maju dikit? atau mundur dikit? Heran aja! Ajaib ya? Ada pertanyaan lagi?? "Ada!! Kalo udah tau tiap pagi selalu terjadi incident yg sama (serasa dejavu), kenapa gak bangunnya dipagiin aja??". Ahh, you know me! Bangunnya dipagiin pun juga percuma, ntar beolnya yg gantian dilamain.. Ah udahlah, aku lagi pusing neh, banyak nanya mulu ah!
Lanjut cerita.. Kemarin juga aku cuman kerja setengah hari, setelah selesai meeting aku trus pulang. Bener2 gak kuat! Kemarin pas meeting sbenernya jalan udah sempoyongan kayak orang mabuk gitu, pake sepatu jinjit plus rok sepan ketat di pantat panjangnya selutut, kebayang? (yg panjangnya selutut itu rokku, bukan pat2ku!). Tapi mau gimana lagi, I can't miss that important meeting! Seharusnya udah sejak Senin pagi aku sakit banget, tiap kali mau ambil medical leave selalu ada hal penting yang mesti dilakuin di kantor. Well, setelah sampe hari Rabu pun aku nyadar kalo kerjaan di kantor gak ada berenti2nya.. kemarin hari puncaknya aku lemes dan pusing berat, mana client nanya2 ini itu, suruh bikin ini itu, aku dikasi kerjaan supervisorku lebih lagi, arghh rasanya pingin teriak!! Makanya pas lagi puncak2nya, aku pulang aja deh.. daripada my Resignation Letter kelempar ke meja boss, ya gak? ya gak? Nyehnyehnyehnyeh.. Sebelum pulang, aku mampir ke dokter dulu, pas lagi ngantri dokter, tetep aja aku ditlp2 client! Gebleknya, tlpnya tetep aja aku angkat. Sesampai di rumah juga ada tlp lagi gak tau nomer siapa, bodo amat ah, aku gak mau angkat, aku mau tidurrrr!!!
Kemarin sampai di rumah kira2 jam 3 sore sampai bangun pagi jam 8 ini barusan, aku tidurrr teruss... obatnya ada obat tidurnya seh.. bangun pagi sekarang badan udah mendingan seh daripada kemarin tapi masih gak enak banget! Takutnya aja ntar siang aku belum siap menghadapi kerjaan kantor yg menumpuk kemarin, makanya mending hari ini aku tidurrrr lagi aja.. biar besok bener2 fresh and siap bertempur lage! :D
Dah ya, my Little Diary..
Aku mau tidurrrr lagi..
-Sick Abbie #_#-
Missing Home
Tuesday, 10 Apr 07, 8.47pm at home @ Northvale
Hi again my diary..
I'm home now! I miss home.. I mean my real home in Solo.. I miss my siblings.. I miss my parents.. initially it's because I heard that one of my colleagues was having meal with his mum and because I smelt home-cooked meal when I passed my neighbour's door..
When I reached my home @ Northvale, as usual, the light was off.. nobody was around! Honestly, my home @ Northvale isn't like home.. it's just like hotel rooms for all the guests to spend the nights and go out on day times. Everyone here is just too busy with her own busy schedules everyday, including me! Luckily, when I reached home there were 2 letters for me.. at least still got someones sent me letters.. still got people who know that I still exist, yoohoo..! One of the letter was actually from OSIM.. well, just a monthly newsletter about their new products. And the other letter was from my bank.. it's a monthly bank statement. Better than nothing la.. at least I got 'little surprises' to open and to read when I came into my room.. Yeah, you are right!! :(
I really miss the moments in Solo when all the family members are sitting in the living room, chit-chatting happily, when there's a sound of someone's cooking from the kitchen, sound of television (walaupun acaranya dunia dalam berita) from the living room, smell of food is every where in the house (walaupun kadang nyebelin juga kalau bau pete masuk ke kamar), when there are messy newspapers on the table (newspapers sometimes tell us that there're people exist in the house. No newspaper means tokek's in the house??), and when the lights are on! My dad always likes to switch all the lights on when he's home, now I know how important the light is. The feeling is different when I see the light is on or not. Home looks very hommy and comfy when there're people and lights (and also food)!
Today my mum just sms me, she told me some news at home about her, about cip2, about Celine.. everything was just perfectly fine and sound! It makes me missing home more now..
-Abbie's Missing Home-
Hi again my diary..
I'm home now! I miss home.. I mean my real home in Solo.. I miss my siblings.. I miss my parents.. initially it's because I heard that one of my colleagues was having meal with his mum and because I smelt home-cooked meal when I passed my neighbour's door..
When I reached my home @ Northvale, as usual, the light was off.. nobody was around! Honestly, my home @ Northvale isn't like home.. it's just like hotel rooms for all the guests to spend the nights and go out on day times. Everyone here is just too busy with her own busy schedules everyday, including me! Luckily, when I reached home there were 2 letters for me.. at least still got someones sent me letters.. still got people who know that I still exist, yoohoo..! One of the letter was actually from OSIM.. well, just a monthly newsletter about their new products. And the other letter was from my bank.. it's a monthly bank statement. Better than nothing la.. at least I got 'little surprises' to open and to read when I came into my room.. Yeah, you are right!! :(
I really miss the moments in Solo when all the family members are sitting in the living room, chit-chatting happily, when there's a sound of someone's cooking from the kitchen, sound of television (walaupun acaranya dunia dalam berita) from the living room, smell of food is every where in the house (walaupun kadang nyebelin juga kalau bau pete masuk ke kamar), when there are messy newspapers on the table (newspapers sometimes tell us that there're people exist in the house. No newspaper means tokek's in the house??), and when the lights are on! My dad always likes to switch all the lights on when he's home, now I know how important the light is. The feeling is different when I see the light is on or not. Home looks very hommy and comfy when there're people and lights (and also food)!
Today my mum just sms me, she told me some news at home about her, about cip2, about Celine.. everything was just perfectly fine and sound! It makes me missing home more now..
-Abbie's Missing Home-
One Afternoon Day in Office..
Tuesday, 10 Apr 07, 2.17pm in office..
Hello Diary,
Today, again I forced myself to come to work although my nose was raining heavily, coughing like mad till my ‘encok’ is painful now. Dunno why coughing can make my back so painful. My neck and shoulder are very strained. Arghhh..!! I feel like an old grandma whose whole body aches. I need some relaxation and massages please.. anyone..? none..?!! Grrrrr...
I didn't regret that I came to office today because there was important meeting this morning with a person from eNETS - online payment gateway. I've been curious wanting to know how is the process of making shopping cart and making payment online from website. Now is a good time to learn! I've been assigned by my boss to handle the development of an e-commerce site. Yes! Yes! Yes! Finally now I get chance to learn!! :D
Anyway, I had a dream last nite.. it was the same dream like the one that I told you last time. In my dream, I kept finding a locked/closed bathroom, till the end I still couldn’t find one! But this time there was no song. Why do I keep having the same dream recently? This time, both my parents appeared in my dream.. Does it mean that God will use them to open up the way??
Ok diary, I’ll need to rush for meeting with Street Directory person at Coffee Bean now..
See you again!
Hello Diary,
Today, again I forced myself to come to work although my nose was raining heavily, coughing like mad till my ‘encok’ is painful now. Dunno why coughing can make my back so painful. My neck and shoulder are very strained. Arghhh..!! I feel like an old grandma whose whole body aches. I need some relaxation and massages please.. anyone..? none..?!! Grrrrr...
I didn't regret that I came to office today because there was important meeting this morning with a person from eNETS - online payment gateway. I've been curious wanting to know how is the process of making shopping cart and making payment online from website. Now is a good time to learn! I've been assigned by my boss to handle the development of an e-commerce site. Yes! Yes! Yes! Finally now I get chance to learn!! :D
Anyway, I had a dream last nite.. it was the same dream like the one that I told you last time. In my dream, I kept finding a locked/closed bathroom, till the end I still couldn’t find one! But this time there was no song. Why do I keep having the same dream recently? This time, both my parents appeared in my dream.. Does it mean that God will use them to open up the way??
Ok diary, I’ll need to rush for meeting with Street Directory person at Coffee Bean now..
See you again!
Happy Easter

Morning my little diary,
This morning I wasn't feeling so well.. I'm having cold and fever but I forced myself to come to work coz I don't want others think that I always take leaves.. This year I have taken leaves many times..!
Luckily, someone has brighten up my day this morning by sending pink flower at my office desk.. Sophia (my boss) gave flowers to all the girls in my office and greeted 'Happy Easter!'.
Happy Easter, My Little Diary! And also everyone..!! ^_^
God Bless You!
My New Cita-Cita :D
Saturday, 7 Apr 07, 9.37pm in my room..
Hi My Little Diary..
It's very seldom for me to stay at home at this hour especially on Saturday. Actually I was just back from my outing, now Ron went out with his friends for some drinks. I guess now I should learn how to love a guy by not too strictly tying him down. Guys need their freedom sometimes, rite?
Ron and I went to Orchard just now to have our pre-marriage counselling.. today is the last one! Yipee.. finally we finished it! It was started last month, we had to attend the counselling every week.. It's not that we're a troublesome couple that needs counselling, but it's a requirement from our church in Indonesia if we want our marriage to be blessed in that church! I thought that the counselling was like a combination of 'pelajaran Agama dan PPKN' that I took during my high school period, so I was not so excited to attend it. But, now I found out it was useful. The funny part is, Ron and I really discussed every chapter after we came out from the class, and the day after, and the other days.. even when we sometimes make jokes or have some arguments about certain topics, Koh Yubi's name (our pastor's name) suddenly come out in the middle of our conversation! Funny rite? Hihihi.. Seriously, we really feel that the counselling was useful, it really helps us understanding each other's personalities better.. and we really feel that we're getting married! Hahaha.. we sometimes forget about it! I think it's because we don't do so much preparations here.. our dear parents are settling everything.. Oh, love you deep deep Mommy and Daddy! :P
Just today I've made a very big decision! You know what that is? Dag dig dug dig dag dig dug.. (dinyanyikan dengan irama Mamaku pas ngudang Celine). Ok ok, serious mood on now.. I've decided to be a writer!! Isn't that too big decision to take? What do you think, little diary?
I've discussed it with cip2 and Ron today.. Cip2 supports me, she thinks that I'm capable to be one.. I know that she was sincere when she told me that.. but Ron? when I told him about my new career path, he raised his eye brow (just one eye brow), and I could see his burried smile (read: senyum terpendam alias diempet). I also could see there was doubt in his eyes although finally he said that he would support me fully.. I don't blame him to react that way because I myself admit that I'm a bit 'plin-plan'. Just within a day, I can change my mind easily..
Honestly, I've been struggling a lot about what I'm gonna do for my career.. I told you before that I was planning something, rite? It's actually about setting up business. Until now I'm still confused on what kind of business I wanna do.. at that time I really wanted to do business A, the next day I found out business B was better, the next month I realised that business C was more feasible.. now I wanna be a writer! This is the reason why Ron just smiled when I told him about my 'new cita2' to be a novelist! But, you also can't really blame me! I'm still in the process of finding my real identity.. For your information, I was very very serious everytime I proposed my business proposals including this 'new cita2'! I dunno why now I suddenly can fully understand the feeling of a guy who changes gf many times yet he still dares to say that he's serious everytime he's dating each of his gf and hoping that she'll be his wife..
Hopefully, this time I really can make my dream comes true! Now I still dunno what I'm good at, what I'm capable at.. I need people to tell me, guide me, and support me.. I think I'm really a plegmatis type of person. Just today Koh Yubi taught us 4 types of person that Christians believe. Plegmatis is type of person that can't make decision, can't maximise his/her potentials, can't show off what he/she is capable at, easily to be turned down, faithful, soft (baca: lembek kayak tahu Jepang). Of course Koh Yubi didn't say I was like tofu hihihihi.. *tofu bisa lumer kalo ada yang berani bilang gitu*
Anyway, now I got approval from Ron to be a novelist.. He gives me some period of time to prove myself. Actually I hate deadline! I like to take my own time to do something so that I can do it better. . so, in future if I fail, don't blame me.. coz he gives me deadline and I told you already I hate deadline! It's not an excuse but it's an err.. excuse. I know it's an excuse :( I guess I'm the purest plegmatis can a creature be! I have a confidence like tofu (it's boiled tofu! not even a fried tofu!). I hate that but I can't help it!
My little diary, just wait and see what I'll be, ok? Keep praying.. remember the song in my dream "Dia Buka Jalan"? Is this your way, God?
-Abbie's Finding her Identity-
Hi My Little Diary..
It's very seldom for me to stay at home at this hour especially on Saturday. Actually I was just back from my outing, now Ron went out with his friends for some drinks. I guess now I should learn how to love a guy by not too strictly tying him down. Guys need their freedom sometimes, rite?
Ron and I went to Orchard just now to have our pre-marriage counselling.. today is the last one! Yipee.. finally we finished it! It was started last month, we had to attend the counselling every week.. It's not that we're a troublesome couple that needs counselling, but it's a requirement from our church in Indonesia if we want our marriage to be blessed in that church! I thought that the counselling was like a combination of 'pelajaran Agama dan PPKN' that I took during my high school period, so I was not so excited to attend it. But, now I found out it was useful. The funny part is, Ron and I really discussed every chapter after we came out from the class, and the day after, and the other days.. even when we sometimes make jokes or have some arguments about certain topics, Koh Yubi's name (our pastor's name) suddenly come out in the middle of our conversation! Funny rite? Hihihi.. Seriously, we really feel that the counselling was useful, it really helps us understanding each other's personalities better.. and we really feel that we're getting married! Hahaha.. we sometimes forget about it! I think it's because we don't do so much preparations here.. our dear parents are settling everything.. Oh, love you deep deep Mommy and Daddy! :P
Just today I've made a very big decision! You know what that is? Dag dig dug dig dag dig dug.. (dinyanyikan dengan irama Mamaku pas ngudang Celine). Ok ok, serious mood on now.. I've decided to be a writer!! Isn't that too big decision to take? What do you think, little diary?
I've discussed it with cip2 and Ron today.. Cip2 supports me, she thinks that I'm capable to be one.. I know that she was sincere when she told me that.. but Ron? when I told him about my new career path, he raised his eye brow (just one eye brow), and I could see his burried smile (read: senyum terpendam alias diempet). I also could see there was doubt in his eyes although finally he said that he would support me fully.. I don't blame him to react that way because I myself admit that I'm a bit 'plin-plan'. Just within a day, I can change my mind easily..
Honestly, I've been struggling a lot about what I'm gonna do for my career.. I told you before that I was planning something, rite? It's actually about setting up business. Until now I'm still confused on what kind of business I wanna do.. at that time I really wanted to do business A, the next day I found out business B was better, the next month I realised that business C was more feasible.. now I wanna be a writer! This is the reason why Ron just smiled when I told him about my 'new cita2' to be a novelist! But, you also can't really blame me! I'm still in the process of finding my real identity.. For your information, I was very very serious everytime I proposed my business proposals including this 'new cita2'! I dunno why now I suddenly can fully understand the feeling of a guy who changes gf many times yet he still dares to say that he's serious everytime he's dating each of his gf and hoping that she'll be his wife..
Hopefully, this time I really can make my dream comes true! Now I still dunno what I'm good at, what I'm capable at.. I need people to tell me, guide me, and support me.. I think I'm really a plegmatis type of person. Just today Koh Yubi taught us 4 types of person that Christians believe. Plegmatis is type of person that can't make decision, can't maximise his/her potentials, can't show off what he/she is capable at, easily to be turned down, faithful, soft (baca: lembek kayak tahu Jepang). Of course Koh Yubi didn't say I was like tofu hihihihi.. *tofu bisa lumer kalo ada yang berani bilang gitu*
Anyway, now I got approval from Ron to be a novelist.. He gives me some period of time to prove myself. Actually I hate deadline! I like to take my own time to do something so that I can do it better. . so, in future if I fail, don't blame me.. coz he gives me deadline and I told you already I hate deadline! It's not an excuse but it's an err.. excuse. I know it's an excuse :( I guess I'm the purest plegmatis can a creature be! I have a confidence like tofu (it's boiled tofu! not even a fried tofu!). I hate that but I can't help it!
My little diary, just wait and see what I'll be, ok? Keep praying.. remember the song in my dream "Dia Buka Jalan"? Is this your way, God?
-Abbie's Finding her Identity-
I'm Blessed! Oh Yeah!
Friday, 6 Apr 07, 11.39 am, in my room..
Hello again, my Little Diary..
Actually the topic that I wanted to write wasn't about that 10.10 o'clock story.. but sometimes when I write something, I just follow what it flows.. Aiyah! Ok, now I should write the correct one.. There's one good lesson that I want to share with you..
Firstly I wanna share with you my background (I'm sure you know it well already). I'm 26 years old girl, I have a decent and quite presentable look. I came from a happy and peaceful family. I can also say that my parents really take care of their kids so much, especially about health, appearance, education, love, and money! Although I don't say my family is very rich, but I can proudly say that they have more than enough money to bring up their children, give good overseas education, healthy meals, and nice house!Previously, I didn't really treasure this.. I took it as granted.. I thought that everyone else also had this kind of lifestyle. But I was wrong!
Since I was young, my parents sent me to good schools and I always had friends from wealthy family. You know, I studied in Australia and Singapore.. Indonesian who can study abroad mostly are from wealthy family, agree? As a result, I always saw my friends were having as good life as mine.. until now, I'm working in Singapore, dealing with a real society. I happened to know friends who are having many problems in life, both family problems and financial problems.. Those who came from broken home, had divorced, tried to commit suicides many times, had very bad financial problems, etc.. This is very scary! I many times heard from my mum about how tough some people out there are living.. but I didn't take it seriously.. now I know that it is real and happening to friends of mine! As much as I can, I'm trying to help them..
From this experience, I feel that I'm damn lucky and blessed! I know very well that humans are greedy and are never satisfied. They always ask "Why can't I be like that? Why don't I have this? Why am I like this?". I agree that it's good to have something to achieve or to dream. People must have something that drives their lives. But it's very sad that sometimes these complaints come from very rich persons or people who have damn good life.. I just read a newspaper yesterday, there's one person whose income is more than $200,000/month, yet he still complains that his income is far too low when compared to this person, that person, bla bla.. Perhaps we only judge what we can see from outside, they may have some difficulties internally as well.. Well, my point is: Hello, none is perfect on this world! If we look up, we always feel that we never have enough, I admit that! But, sometimes we need to look down for a while to know that we're blessed!
I don't know why now I feel that my life is now contented. I'm very happy on what I already had and achieved. You may argue that I don't have a driven life. That's also what my bf always tells me. I guess that's the reason why I said that my pace of life is slower than his. I think I'm just a simple person who just wants to have a simple life and be happy on it..
Perhaps I'm an extreme case, but I sincerely want to share with you that it's very important to feel that you're blessed! Don't complain so much and you'll be blessed more! Whoever reads this, you are not the most pitiful person, there must be people out there who are more unlucky than you.. Just do your best and be happy with your life, ok! :)
-Blissful Abbie-
Hello again, my Little Diary..
Actually the topic that I wanted to write wasn't about that 10.10 o'clock story.. but sometimes when I write something, I just follow what it flows.. Aiyah! Ok, now I should write the correct one.. There's one good lesson that I want to share with you..
Firstly I wanna share with you my background (I'm sure you know it well already). I'm 26 years old girl, I have a decent and quite presentable look. I came from a happy and peaceful family. I can also say that my parents really take care of their kids so much, especially about health, appearance, education, love, and money! Although I don't say my family is very rich, but I can proudly say that they have more than enough money to bring up their children, give good overseas education, healthy meals, and nice house!Previously, I didn't really treasure this.. I took it as granted.. I thought that everyone else also had this kind of lifestyle. But I was wrong!
Since I was young, my parents sent me to good schools and I always had friends from wealthy family. You know, I studied in Australia and Singapore.. Indonesian who can study abroad mostly are from wealthy family, agree? As a result, I always saw my friends were having as good life as mine.. until now, I'm working in Singapore, dealing with a real society. I happened to know friends who are having many problems in life, both family problems and financial problems.. Those who came from broken home, had divorced, tried to commit suicides many times, had very bad financial problems, etc.. This is very scary! I many times heard from my mum about how tough some people out there are living.. but I didn't take it seriously.. now I know that it is real and happening to friends of mine! As much as I can, I'm trying to help them..
From this experience, I feel that I'm damn lucky and blessed! I know very well that humans are greedy and are never satisfied. They always ask "Why can't I be like that? Why don't I have this? Why am I like this?". I agree that it's good to have something to achieve or to dream. People must have something that drives their lives. But it's very sad that sometimes these complaints come from very rich persons or people who have damn good life.. I just read a newspaper yesterday, there's one person whose income is more than $200,000/month, yet he still complains that his income is far too low when compared to this person, that person, bla bla.. Perhaps we only judge what we can see from outside, they may have some difficulties internally as well.. Well, my point is: Hello, none is perfect on this world! If we look up, we always feel that we never have enough, I admit that! But, sometimes we need to look down for a while to know that we're blessed!
I don't know why now I feel that my life is now contented. I'm very happy on what I already had and achieved. You may argue that I don't have a driven life. That's also what my bf always tells me. I guess that's the reason why I said that my pace of life is slower than his. I think I'm just a simple person who just wants to have a simple life and be happy on it..
Perhaps I'm an extreme case, but I sincerely want to share with you that it's very important to feel that you're blessed! Don't complain so much and you'll be blessed more! Whoever reads this, you are not the most pitiful person, there must be people out there who are more unlucky than you.. Just do your best and be happy with your life, ok! :)
-Blissful Abbie-
10.10 o'clock

Good morning, Little Diary..
Today is Good Friday so I don't go to work today. I got up from my bed exactly at 10.10am, isnt it good time? I noticed that people always set the watch/clock at 10.10 o'clock on any watch advertisements because it looks like the watches are smiling at us (with the short needle pointing at number 10 and long needle pointing at number 2), aren't they? I also feel happy when I happen to see the time exactly at 10.10 o'clock!
Talking about 10.10 o'clock, suddenly I remember something. About 2-3 years ago, I bought couple watches for me and for my bf on his bday.. I know it's his bday but I gave present to myself too! Hihihi.. I set the time on both watches exactly the same, up till the seconds, because I want both of us to have same timing, same thinking, same life direction, same vision, same mission.. am I too much? We can have same timing if we really set our watches exactly the same timing (so either of us won't have excuse to come late for our dates), but same mission? Hmm.. how is it related to the watch? I guess I put too much hope on my watch ^_^ Anyway, the main topic is not that one. The best part is... I gave the watches exactly at 10.10pm because I wanted him and me looking at our watches when they were at their 'smiling pose'. Is it too childish? I also guess so! Well, that was 2-3 years back. I have grown up and matured a lot for the last few years.
Ok, continue my story.. I gave him the watch at 10.10pm but.. but.. but.. he was too shocked and too happy and he didn't open the box on the spot. He just looked at the box, smiled, touched the box here and there and smiled again but still didn't open the box! Few minutes passed by.. he lost the best moment! Arghh.. Now I understand him, when he's too happy receiving something, he wants to enjoy that feeling as long as he can.. he's also a bit childish, rite? Well, at least we are matched to each other hahaha.. Then, i shouted at him to speed up enjoying that 'happy moment' and quickly open the box. Time on our watches showed at 10.15pm! Oh no! The 'smiling pose' was a bit 'sengek', it's ok as long as they were still smiling.. but.. but.. but.. I realised that the time on both watches were not exactly the same anymore at that time! His watch runs faster than mine (or mine runs slower than his?), there was few seconds difference at that time, now there is few minutes difference. What does it mean? I'm not trying to be superstitious again.. but after few years dating him, I understand that his pace of life is indeed faster than mine.. in other words, my pace is too slow for him?
What can we do? We always re-adjusted the time on our watches initially.. now we always forget to do it. The more important lesson isn't about adjusting time on our watches, but adjusting the pace in our lives. We should and we must.. if we want to walk together at the same pace, complement each other.. So, who will walk faster? Who will walk slower? It all depends on the needs, situations, and conditions both from internal and external..
I think I have really grown older.. I'm talking like 'guru budi pekerti' now.. See! I told you that I've matured a lot in the last few years, rite? Now you believe me?? ^_^
"Dia Buka Jalan..."
Wednesday, 4 April 07, 9.45am in office..
Good morning, my little diary..
Tadi malam aku bobok enak banget.. dari jam 12 malam sampai jam 8 pagi, pas 8 jam! Orang bilang badan bisa segar bugar, ga lemes, ga ngantuk, ga pusing, just nice, kalo bobok malem pas 8 jam.. bobok 9 jam bikin badan malah lemes, bobok 7 jam bikin kepala pusing and masih ngantuk2an..
Tadi malam aku ngimpi sesuatu.. ngimpi yang panjanggg.. di ngimpiku, aku ada di rumah Solobaru, aku mau mandi pagi.. aku masuk kamar mandi mamaku di kamar tapi semua jendela terbuka jadi orang luar bisa ngintip ke dalam dong.. terus aku pergi ke kamar mandi di luar, gak ada jendela tapi pintunya gak bisa dikunci jadi sewaktu-waktu orang masuk gak lucu dong.. Aku udah mo terlambat berangkat kerja, aku perlu keramas plus mandi komplit tapi aku gak bisa mandii.. aku lagi bingung2 tiba2 aku inget kalo rumahku itu tingkat dua.. (haha! biasa ngimpi emang aneh2 gitu seh), trus aku cepet2 naik ke atas loteng cari kamar mandi di atas.. eh di atas ada kamar mandi! Pintunya ada kuncinya trus jendelanya juga ada kordennya walaupun kordennya agak2 jatuh2 (karena baru dipasang). Aku mikir "ah, gpp lah, ntar aku benerin kordennya dikit trus aku bisa mandi akhirnya!". Trus aku bawa semua baju2ku, handuk, dll ke kamar mandi atas. Sebelum aku mandi, aku benerin kordennya dulu.. ternyata benerin korden susah juga.. tiba2 ruang mandi itu jadi panjangg bangett.. benerin korden gak selesai2.. aku jadi ngrasa kayak jemurin baju..
Selagi aku benerin korden super panjang itu, aku denger ada orang nyetel lagu di kamar sebelah.. gak tau siapa yg nyetel. Di ngimpiku aku gak tau itu lagu apa, tapi itu lagu terus mengalun.. terus mengalun lamaa banget selama aku benerin korden sampai akhirnya aku ikut nyanyi.. Aku bisa menyanyikan lagu itu tapi di dalam ngimpi aku gak tau sama sekali itu lagu apa. Aku nyanyi.. aku nyanyi.. aku nyanyi.. sampai akhirnya aku bangun dari ngimpiku..
Begitu aku bangun, aku tiba2 inget itu lagu apa. Itu lagu rohani Kristen yang judulnya "Dia Buka Jalan". Apakah itu lagu dikirim oleh Tuhan lewat ngimpiku? Apa lagu itu ada hubungannya dengan topik ngimpiku juga? Aku masuk dari ruang mandi satu ke ruang mandi yg lain sampai 3x tapi kenapa semuanya terbuka? Jendela terbuka, pintu takberkunci, satu lagi semua tertutup tapi korden gak bisa tertutup walaupun aku udah usahain. Memang bener aku sekarang baru bingung, bimbang mengenai jalan hidupku.. Apakah ini artinya Tuhan kasih hint ke aku kalo Dia sekarang baru mempersiapkan dan membukakan jalan untukku?
Pagi2 sesampai kantor, aku langsung cari lirik lagu itu di internet, ini liriknya..
Dia buka jalan saat tiada jalan
Dengan cara yang ajaib Dia buka jalan bagiku
Dia menuntunku dan memeluk diriku
Dengan kasih dan kuasaNya
Dia buka jalan, Dia buka jalan
Di belantara Dia tetap menuntunku
Sungai di gurun kutemui
Langit bumi kan lenyap
Namun firmanNya tetap
Saat ini Dia buka jalan
Thanks God! I've received Your message! :D
Good morning, my little diary..
Tadi malam aku bobok enak banget.. dari jam 12 malam sampai jam 8 pagi, pas 8 jam! Orang bilang badan bisa segar bugar, ga lemes, ga ngantuk, ga pusing, just nice, kalo bobok malem pas 8 jam.. bobok 9 jam bikin badan malah lemes, bobok 7 jam bikin kepala pusing and masih ngantuk2an..
Tadi malam aku ngimpi sesuatu.. ngimpi yang panjanggg.. di ngimpiku, aku ada di rumah Solobaru, aku mau mandi pagi.. aku masuk kamar mandi mamaku di kamar tapi semua jendela terbuka jadi orang luar bisa ngintip ke dalam dong.. terus aku pergi ke kamar mandi di luar, gak ada jendela tapi pintunya gak bisa dikunci jadi sewaktu-waktu orang masuk gak lucu dong.. Aku udah mo terlambat berangkat kerja, aku perlu keramas plus mandi komplit tapi aku gak bisa mandii.. aku lagi bingung2 tiba2 aku inget kalo rumahku itu tingkat dua.. (haha! biasa ngimpi emang aneh2 gitu seh), trus aku cepet2 naik ke atas loteng cari kamar mandi di atas.. eh di atas ada kamar mandi! Pintunya ada kuncinya trus jendelanya juga ada kordennya walaupun kordennya agak2 jatuh2 (karena baru dipasang). Aku mikir "ah, gpp lah, ntar aku benerin kordennya dikit trus aku bisa mandi akhirnya!". Trus aku bawa semua baju2ku, handuk, dll ke kamar mandi atas. Sebelum aku mandi, aku benerin kordennya dulu.. ternyata benerin korden susah juga.. tiba2 ruang mandi itu jadi panjangg bangett.. benerin korden gak selesai2.. aku jadi ngrasa kayak jemurin baju..
Selagi aku benerin korden super panjang itu, aku denger ada orang nyetel lagu di kamar sebelah.. gak tau siapa yg nyetel. Di ngimpiku aku gak tau itu lagu apa, tapi itu lagu terus mengalun.. terus mengalun lamaa banget selama aku benerin korden sampai akhirnya aku ikut nyanyi.. Aku bisa menyanyikan lagu itu tapi di dalam ngimpi aku gak tau sama sekali itu lagu apa. Aku nyanyi.. aku nyanyi.. aku nyanyi.. sampai akhirnya aku bangun dari ngimpiku..
Begitu aku bangun, aku tiba2 inget itu lagu apa. Itu lagu rohani Kristen yang judulnya "Dia Buka Jalan". Apakah itu lagu dikirim oleh Tuhan lewat ngimpiku? Apa lagu itu ada hubungannya dengan topik ngimpiku juga? Aku masuk dari ruang mandi satu ke ruang mandi yg lain sampai 3x tapi kenapa semuanya terbuka? Jendela terbuka, pintu takberkunci, satu lagi semua tertutup tapi korden gak bisa tertutup walaupun aku udah usahain. Memang bener aku sekarang baru bingung, bimbang mengenai jalan hidupku.. Apakah ini artinya Tuhan kasih hint ke aku kalo Dia sekarang baru mempersiapkan dan membukakan jalan untukku?
Pagi2 sesampai kantor, aku langsung cari lirik lagu itu di internet, ini liriknya..
Dia buka jalan saat tiada jalan
Dengan cara yang ajaib Dia buka jalan bagiku
Dia menuntunku dan memeluk diriku
Dengan kasih dan kuasaNya
Dia buka jalan, Dia buka jalan
Di belantara Dia tetap menuntunku
Sungai di gurun kutemui
Langit bumi kan lenyap
Namun firmanNya tetap
Saat ini Dia buka jalan
Thanks God! I've received Your message! :D
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