I bought this tripod yesterday. Hihihi... Finally I got my own tripod. I have been wanting to buy this since last year, since my first trip with my hubby in Japan. I did always feel embarrassed when I had to ask around to onegaishimasu-ly (read: pleaseeee) help me taking pictures for me and my hubby, then we both were confidently posing and giving smiles-that-we-thought-the-best-but-the-person- might-not-think-so, then we had to bow few times while saying "arigatou gozaimasu" for at least 3 times till the person's gone. Phew! The feeling was not really great, you know. So, I decided to buy tripod! Now we can pose and smile all we want without bothering other people.
This Saturday we're planning to go to Nikko by car for picnic! It should be around 3 hours drive from Tokyo. Yoohoo!! I'm really looking forward for Saturday to come because.... I can bring my brand-new tripod!! ^_^
When I'll be picnicking this weekend, my sister will be doing delivery for her second baby. I guess this weekend will be a great moment for both of us although there are lil-bit some differences:
1. For Sis: Bersusah-susah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian (bersusah-susah struggling mengeluarkan sang baby, bersenang-senang bercanda ria kemudian dengan si makhluk mungil)
For Me: Bersenang-senang dahulu, bersusah-susah kemudian (bersenang-senanglah piknik dahulu, abis itu bakalan bersusah-susah menahan lelah dan kantuk kemudian pas perjalanan pulang)
2. For Sis: Setelah weekend berakhir, pulang membawa si bayi.
For Me: Setelah weekend berakhir, pulang membawa baju kotor.
3. For Sis: Setelah weekend berakhir, menghitung hari menanti sang bayi lekas bertumbuh besar dan sehat.
For Me: Setelah weekend berakhir, menghitung hari menanti 'kapan ya piknik lagi?'.
Anyway, I'm so excited to see my nephew. Welcome to our world!
Eh ati2 loh pasang tripod ntar dibawa kabur orang....eh di Jepang gk mungkin yaa?? wekekek...di indo udah pasti amblasss...:P
Enjoy the weekend!
Hahahahahahaha! Aku ngakak beneran nih, karna aku bayangin lagi senyum semanis-manisnya sambil "Peace!" gitu, tiba2 ada pria bertopi berkacamata nyelonong aja bawa kabur kamera kayak di pilemnya Warkop.
Anyway, aku pernah poto bareng2 ma temen pake tripod temen, org2 jepang yg lewat ikut ngintip2 gitu, trus pas kita jalan2 manggul tripod, mreka kayaknya kagum gitu, dikiranya kita artis tapi kok wajah ga memungkinkan, makanya mreka cuma bisa terheran-heran angkat satu alis aja huehueheue..
Hhahaha kocak2 aja :P
Aduh serunya tinggal disono yah, banyak orang indo nda disono?
Mayan banyak org Indo di sini, walopun ga sebanyak di perth. Temen2ku Indo juga nemunya dari greja Indo di sini, emang pigi ke greja tuh bisa multifungsi ya hahaha..
Yap2... Bsk tuker2an ft yahh..
Wah... jalan2 sambil bawa tripod apa gak ribet tuh? Oh ada bang Rony yang isa disuruh angkat2 ding. Hahahaha...
This weekend for me: Bersenang-senang dahulu, lebih bersenang-senang lagi kemudian.
After weekend for me: menghitung hari kapan bersenang-senang lagi.
@ Ci Jess
Oh iyaaaa.. lupa nyebutin kesamaan kita weekend ini: Bisa tuker2an poto!
@ Koko
Waaa koko optimis. Bener sih, jadi orang mesti optimis yahh.. skg bersenang-senang, kemudian pasti bisa juga bersenang-senang!!
Tripodnya bisa dilipet2 jadi kecil kok, Ko. Sebenernya makin gede tripodnya, makin seru yaaa, makin dirasa profesional, kayak artis dangdut (berlendang tapi gendut) yg lg pemotretan gitchu, asal bukan aku yang hrs memanggul tripod aja.
@ Everyone
Have a good weekend!! ^_^
waaa... Asiknya weekend bertripod ria.. Hahaha...
Aku punya tripod jg,tp mungil bgt, n mgkn terlalu mungil jd tiap kali mau ft tetep ae nyari2 tempat(cagak) buat naruh si tripod.. Hehehe..
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