
I Love Sleeping!

Friday, 23 Apr 08, 3.02pm at home

Hello lil diary,
I should feel refreshed today because I have eaten enough and slept enough. You know what? Last nite I slept for almost 10 hours! From 9.45pm to 7.30am!! *Are you kind of babi??* It's all because the nite before last nite, my hubby woke up at 3.30am to watch soccer so he only slept for 4.5 hours on that nite. That's why, as a revenge, we slept more than our usual sleeping hours last nite. *That's about your hubby. How about you?* Me? What? About watching the soccer? Of course not lah! I don't like soccer! I prefer sleeping soundly below my warm blanket rather than waking up in the middle of the nite, just to watch soccer? That's crazy! Even if they are playing the soccer in the afternoon, I still won't watch! I prefer writing diary rather than watching soccer, don't you think so, diary? *Enough. So it's confirmed that you are kind of babi!* Eh? What? How come?

Once I opened my eyes this morning, seeing my hubby still in the process of struggling opening his sticky eyes.
Me: Did you have a good sleep, Say?
Hubby: He'e.. [Voice in my heart: Yes, me too! :D]
Me: Did you have enough sleep?
Hubby: He'e.. [Voice in my heart: Eh? Why did I not get enough?]
Me: Feeling fresh now?
Hubby: He'e.. [Voice in my heart: Eh?? Why am I not feeling it?]
Me: Ready to work again?
Hubby: He'e.. [Voice in my heart: Eh??? Perhaps man and woman are different.]
Hubby: {Got up from bed, and took shower}
Me: {Got another bonus-two-minutes-sleep before getting up and preparing breakfast}

As I told you, I should feel freshed today after having more-than-enough sleep last nite. But, it's very strange that I'm still sleepy today. *Don't feel strange. I have also told you that you are kind of b...* STOP! I understand it well, people say that pretty girls need to sleep more to maintain their beauties. I'm kind of b...eauty? Is that what you're trying to say, diary?



Antony Pranata said...

Hahaha.... dari pengalamanku sih, itu tergantung kebiasaan. Bukan karena babi atau apa. Kalo dibiasain tidur 10 jam, ya jadi kalo tidur mesti 10 jam-an. Kalo gak segitu, rasanya ngantuk. Coba deh dibiasain tidur 8 jam, nanti kan tidur segitu juga udah cukup. :)

PangTama said...

Hhehehe, ternyata gk cuman gw doank yah yg kayak babi hahah :P
Gw juga hobby bgt tidur, i can sleep more than 12 hours fen! hahaha

::aLb3rta:: said...

no worries sis...
sleeping is one of my interest.. :p
inget2 aja ma Sleeping beauty.. makin banyak sleeping makin beautipulll... hahahaha...

Anonymous said...

Bisa bobok itu udah termasuk karunia. Tidak seperti nasibku skg... Tiap hari selalu di atas jam 2 malem baru isa bb. Kadang2 malah smp setengah 4 pagi baru merem.. Bingung lho malem2 begadang sendirian gt.. Nga ada temennya!

AbigaiL said...

@ Koko
Biasa aku tidur 7jam sehari Ko, pinginnya tidur banyakan tapi skg ada suami, mesti nyesuaikan jam tidurnya juga, kan gak enak kalo aku tidur lebih banyak daripada dia, sedangkan aktivitasku lebih dikit daripada dia. Haiz.. butuh concealer utk nutupin mata pandaku tiap hari.

@ Fang2
Wahh, ternyata I'm not the only "b..." in this world! Hihihi.. Gila tu kalo sleep more than 12 hours!! AKu belum pernah sih, pentok2 11 jam aja. Kayaknya kamu jenis species yang levelnya lebih tinggi daripada aku, Pang. Hihihi..

@ Ci S
Thank Ci, jadi ga gitu guilty bobok neh kalo banyak temennya. Mari kita berantas panda2 di dunia ini walaupun species panda udah makin sedikit. More sleep gives you better skin texture, better aura on your face, faster brain's response, quicker act, bigger smile, and slimmer body (can you eat when you sleep??)!!

@ Ci J
Cici, kalo gak bisa tidur di malem hari tapi gak enak bangunin orang, coba aja cara2:
1. liat film atau baca buku yang sangat membosankan
2. cuci muka pake face foam dan usahakan sabun agak masuk ke mata jadi mata agak pedes dan pinginnya merem.
3. Main sudoku pake timer (atau maen tetris kecepatan tinggi) jadi otak mesti tegang trus, sampe capek, tar kan tidur sendiri.
Anyway, 3 more days to go, Ci! Ganbate!!