Hi Diary!!
Just dropping by to upload some pictures when we went out with friends on Golden week. I thank God that I met these nice friends. But, some of them are leaving Japan soon hiks :( As I said, friends come and go.. they come to make our days colorful, then they leave us to another part of the world and may never get to see them again for the rest of our lives. It's so sad, isn't it? Eh No! My pastor said, we'll get to see each other again in God's House, later, after we die. Ohh! this last sentence really can make my eyes teary. Really, life is like a dream.
Suddenly I remember a lyric of this song:
And friends are friends forever (Persahabatan kan kekal)
If the Lord's the Lord of them (Bila Yesus beserta)
And a friend will not say never (Persahabatan tak kenal)
'Cause the welcome will not end (Perasaan kecewa)
Though it's hard to let you go (Sampai waktunya tiba)
In the Father's hands we know (Pulang ke rumah Bapa)
That a lifetime's not too long (Waktu hidup tak panjang)
To live as friends! (Bersahabatlah!)
The Indonesian translation is more touching than the English one. Whenever I sing this song, I feel like crying. Hey, What I'm mumbling about now? I just wanted to post our happy pictures, why should I be sad now? I'm so sensitive. I think it's because yesterday was Mother's Day and the kids in my church were giving flowers to their mothers and I miss my mum too and I wanted to give her flower too but she's not here, then I just sent sms to her but she didn't reply me yesterday because of some network problems and I was sad and I was writing this still with my sad mood and my writing turned out like this! *But, it's different topic! Friendship and mothership??* Well, I guess it's because I miss my mum and she's not here and what I have here is just friends and they are leaving me soon too, one by one.. Hoaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! *Are you ready to post your happy pictures now?* Ohh, yes, sorry. Here are the pics!
@ Tokyo Disney Sea

@ Wisteria Flowers Park
Fen!!! Nice layout!!! :P
Hihihi.. thank you Fang. Lagi iseng aja ganti2 layout biar ga bosen :P
Nice pictures.....^^
Dun be sad sis...
Friends come n go..
Setiap ada pertemuan pasti ada perpisahan.. Setiap pesta pasti ada akhirnya.. And it's happened for a reason..
No matter what, even they far for distance, sure they'll always close to ur heart..
fen, very nice layout u got there. very fresh!!! :)
@ ci S,
Thanks Sis. Jadi inget pepatah "jauh di mata, dekat di hati". And "yg jauh di hati, kenapa selalu di depan mata??" Bukan gitu sih sbenernya, it's because we take it as granted when they are close to us, but we'll only appreciate it when they are far away.
@ Tazh
Thank youuu!! Pingin yg fresh2 dan segar2 karna musim semi neh. hihihi.. *jadi malu* ^^
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