

Thursday, 8 Apr 08, 7.30pm at home

Hello diary,
Last nite when I was sleeping, there was an earthquake! That was the strongest earthquake I've ever experienced in Japan. I really wanted to get out from my apartment but my sleepiness and my nervousness made me staying still, lying on my bed, no moving, with widely opened eyes (although my sight was blur without my contacts/glasses), widely opened ears listening to "dug dug dug" some items dropping, and widely letter-O opened mouth "Ohhh..!!". It was scary! My husband and I were just hugging each other and hoping that the earthquake would be over soon, or else, let us die like Sam Pek & Eng Tai. I put my glasses on the table far way from my bed, so I couldn't run away anyway. Few minutes passed by, it stopped! My heart was still beating so fast. I thought I couldn't fall asleep again, I would prefer to sit down and stand by with my glasses on, really. I never expected that few seconds after I had that thought, I fell asleep again, soundly. Well, I think I'm the type of person who can forgive and forget easily.

Now Tokyo was still shaking but slowly, softly, and gently. Then, the next morning I changed my bed sheet. Don't worry, nothing superstitious. There's no relation between earthquake and changing bed sheet. I just want to tell you that I changed my bed sheet this morning. *Is changing bed sheet something big for you?*



::aLb3rta:: said...

waaa... earthquake in Tokyo... still shaking till now?? yg ngalamin ngrasa deg2an.. yg baca ceritanya ngerasa rom2 amaaaaaat.. hugging each other ky sam pek & eng tay.. hehehe..

Sanni said...

Katanya .. kalo ada earthquake..akan lebih aman kalau kita berada di ruang yang sempit...misal : bath room.
Kemungkinan untuk tertimpa reruntuhan menjadi lebih kecil.
Hugging each other in bath tub...asyikkk
Tante nggak pernah sih ngalamin gempa...banjarmasin nggak ada gunung "hidup"....Puji Tuhan

AbigaiL said...

hahaha.. kok yg pada dibahas bagian huggingnya.. bukan itu topiknyaaaa.. anyway, kalo gempa tar langsung jongkok di samping toilet bowl and pelukan deh (pelukan ma toilet bowl maksudnya) atau masuk dlm bath tub trus tutupan kasur, kayak filmnya Desperate Housewives yang pas kena Tornado hihihi..