Hi my lil diary,
I was just having a toilet-urgent-calling. It's all because suddenly I was in the high mood of eating sambal this morning. After I browsed around sambal recipes on Internet, I tried to make one. Since I didn't have all the ingredients, I just mixed all the sauces that I had and used the concept of 'cicip2' for at least 17 times. As a result, my tongue was kind of having momentarily-disability due to over-burned. Additionally, my burned tongue, I mean, my 'cicip2' method gave me another side effect, which was stomachache! So, I had to rush to toilet to let go what I should let go and to clear out the debts that I should pay since yesterday. Now, my stomach is so empty and PLONG! It's like washing my stomach, you know. I feel like I can eat one full cething of rice now. You see, everything always has good and bad.
Here is the message: If you have constipation problem, please make a hot sambal using the method of 'cicip2'.
Note: Please make sure the level of spiciness is just nice to make sure "its" tenderness is also just nice.
Ok ok, enough talking about sambal. Now, I wanna tell you about my trip on last Tuesday to... this place!
Where is this? OMG! Gondola!! Venice???!!! I was also surprised when I saw it! I thought I was taking a wrong train to Venice! I thought Venice was so close to Tokyo! I thought Venice was part of Tokyo! I thought... *ENouGh!* Ok, honestly.. in actual fact.. actually.. truly.. in reality.. as a matter of fact.. in truth.. *Come on!!* I went to Tokyo Disney Sea with my husband and our church friends. I was so surprised to know that Disney Sea resembles cities in European countries.
I really enjoyed the scenery and I was playing like there-is-no-tomorrow! In one meaning, it means I was playing so freely as innocent as a child. In another meaning, I was playing some bloody thrilling scary rides that made me think that 'there is no tomorrow'.
The most scariest ride for me is "Tower of Terror". Before I joined the queue, I prayed to God "Please make it quick so I won't have time to suffer".

When it was time to ride, somebody asked us to sit inside a big elevator (with safety belts on, of course). After the elevator's door was closed, the lift went up soooo high till I can see the peak of another high-rise buildings then suddenly went down with super high speed, but only up to half of the building and we had few seconds break to breath and to appreciate how lucky we were that we were still alive. And it suddenly went down so fasttt again till the first floor. When I was about to say "Thanks God it's over", the lift suddenly went up so fast again to the highest floor. Again, we were allowed to see how wonderful the view from the top for few seconds before the lift went down again to the first floor with super high speed. I was about to take a deep breath and ready for the third round *Are you becoming addicted already?*. What I worried was, the machine was error and they let us going up and down and up and down till the machine was repaired! I was so scared, my heart almost jumped out, really. I kept holding my heart with my both hands, I was so scared if my heart jumped out inside the dark lift and I would have difficulty in finding it back, rite? But it was over after the second round. Phew! I still thanked God for answering my prayer, although the speed was much quicker than what I wished. He always gives me more than what I want! I guess I'm already too old to play this kind of game. Back then when I was young, I was as brave as Xena, you know! Anyway, thanks God that I still have tomorrow, Tomorrow Never Dies! Yeehaa!!
Hahaha.... lucu tenan iki.... udah tau takut, malah masih nekad naek loh....
Waah.. menemukan cara baru untuk mengkempiskan perut yaa?? *sudah diujicoba kebenarannya*
Hohohoho.. Tower of Terror... sepertinya mengasikan tuh..perlu dikunjungi n dicoba.. hahaha.. perna coba yang serupa gituh di Genting Msia.. namae Twin Tower.. seruuu euuyy...
wahh.. kayaknya seru bgt tu fenn! emang sebenernya juga aku paling takut lho naek yg bgituan, tapi ya kalo kata orang mah "udah sampe sini kok ya gak maen.. eman2!!" jadi ya wes maen aja deh..
perasaannya itu lho.. ngeri-ngeri sedapppp! :)
Hihihi.. bener! Ngeri2 sedapppp... mak sirr sirr senggg.. seng seng sirrrr... tarik hembus tarik hembusss... bisa bikin otot perut kenceng, kabel jantung ya kenceng.. ^^
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