Gutten Morgen, my dear diary..
This is the picture of my new mini version of Twist & Shape, it's called Mini Twister! Well, actually I've bought it long time ago, around 6-7 months ago. But, since my leg was injured, I had stopped twisting. And.. starting 4 days ago, I officially opened it again and now I'm declaring that I'll regularly twist till drop (read: twist my tummy till the fats drop)!
I was so happy when I was able to 'nggenjot' my twister again, reminding me of the time when I was having a great 'genjot' time with my Singaporean Twist & Shape. What I worry is the size of this Japanese twister. It's mini! I'm kind of worried if I'll spoil that cute little machine when a big me is *BUM! BUM! BUM!* excitingly and happily pedaling up there. The reason why I bought this mini twister is; I want to be able to bring it along with me when I have to leave Japan one day. So, I won't have a painful time saying bye2 to my twister again. Now, I really hope that I can really bring this along with me. I'm willing to piggie-back or even 'sunggi' if my baggage is already overweight. Well, I'll have an official discussion with my hubby later when that time comes.
Today's schedule? I'm going to have my second session of my EPL program today and then shopping!! No, no, no wild thinking, not that kind of fun shopping. What I mean is going to supa (Japanese word for supermarket) to do weekly groceries shopping. It's stated clearly in my 'employment agreement letter' under one of my job responsibilities as a housewife.
Talking about housewife's job scope, I should have put "having weekly coffee talk with neighbours sambil maen ayunan di kebun" and "having weekly jogging around the neighbourhood with other housewives, komplit with rambut ekor kuda plus wearing one set of pink training & jumper" under my job responsibilities. I know, I know, I'm imagining of what Susan, Bree, Lynette, and Gabby do in Desperate Housewives. It's my favorite show!! *Wake up, Abbie.* Yes, I'm In Japan. I have no neighbours. I mean, I have neighbours but I can't easily communicate with them. I can talk but they may not understand. They can talk, but there is no guarantee that I can understand too. To start with, perhaps I should bring a basket of strawberry pies like what Bree usually does, knock the neighbour's door, and say "Hi, I'm Abbie, the new-face-neighbour-for-you-but-actually-not-really-new-here who just moved in 10 months ago. I know you but you don't know me, you don't know me but I know you, hahaha!", then.. give the friendliest smile I can create on my face. Hmm, something is not right. I think I should not bring strawberry pies, instead I should bring one 'ember' of chicken teriyaki or katsu don. Yes, it sounds better now.
Ok, got to go now. *Going where? You're gonna buy the 'ember' now??*
See you, diary..
Lah kok gaya... pake "guten morgen" segala sekarang... iki kelamaan di jepang, malah boso jerman-e sik maju.
Yoi! Kan harus mengerti wawasan luar juga dong, biar gak kliatan kayak kura2 ninja dalam tempurung. Hihi..
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