Hi diary,
I was just back from my cooking lesson. Today I made Chocolate Cheesecake!!
This is my photo with my sensei and my best friends and our cheesecakes! It looks yummy, I feel it's really yummy, and yes, it really tastes yummy! Honestly I tried 'sejimpit' in the kitchen studio just now. Really, it's too sinful to be eaten! Well, some people don't care, I also don't wanna care, I tell myself not to care, but I was the one who made so I can't help myself not to care! Hiks. Should I eat? Should I not eat? Can I have another 'sejimpit'? Can I have one bite? Can I have one whole loaf? Can I have ALL??
Hahahaha.... eh emang kalo abis belajar bikin cake, siapa yang makan????
Aku en ron makan dikit2 thithil2 tapi ga diabisin, ga tau neh mo dikasihin siapa ya? Seandainya koko di sini pasti takkasih koko.
Fen!! asik bgt kelas nya huhu, seandainya aku ada waktu disini hehe...abis itu kue2nya boleh dibawa pulang donk?
Iyaahhh seru loh memasak bareng2 sama temen2, walopun hasil kadang ga terlalu bagus, tapi fun ajah. Itu kue2 bole dibawa pulang kok, dikasi box, tuh di poto kliatan box putihnya ^^
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